Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1771: A sudden turn of events

Afterwards, Mingqi started to tell her origins without waiting for the gray-clothed old man to say anything else. She was just gambling.

The other party could also know everything about him through soul searching, and would know more details.

At this time, the gray-clothed old man let him go. Regardless of whether it was a trap or not, the fact was that the two of them were no match for him.

Being in such a weak position, he had to do something to see if he could stay here, or further use words to spy on the other party's intentions?

Mingqi decided to say something to observe the other party's reaction. As long as the other party did not take action, he could not give up.

However, as long as he could explain the ins and outs of the matter, that would be enough. In this way, he could test the other party's attitude, and then everything would be done according to circumstances.

Li Yan listened to the other party's narration quietly, but in his heart, he was not as confident as the Ming sisters thought, thinking that he had obtained the inheritance here.

Instead, Li Yan just wanted to know what the ulterior motives of the two sisters were here? Because it was very likely that Yan Qingchen's purpose was the same.

This is very important to Li Yan, as it is related to the intention of the Yin-Yang Chaos Sect. At the same time, Li Yan also has other uses for this pair of sisters.

Therefore, after knowing that there is something strange at the bottom of the river, the other party must be unwilling to leave here, so under his intimidation, he will try his best to stay.

However, Li Yan did not expect that some of the things the other party said next were completely different from what he had thought before, which surprised him at first.

In Li Yan's guess, the Ming sisters and Yan Qingchen came here to find some treasures, or like himself, for some natural treasures?

The possibility of the latter is also the greatest probability. Li Yan even thought that the other party would not also come to find the Longyue Qingxiancao, right?

Because in Huangqi Valley, the things that people can sneak into and want to get are most likely elixirs, but since they have come to the ancient inheritance hall, the more likely possibility is of course raw materials.

However, the probability that the Ming sisters and Yan Qingchen are looking for the same medicinal herbs as himself should still be very small.

Li Yan did not believe that there would be such a coincidence in the world.

To be exact, the Ming sisters should be called Mingqi and Mingyu. They are indeed from the Immortal Nether Phoenix clan, but not the real Immortal Nether Phoenix clan.

The ancestor of their clan was a combination of an Immortal Nether Phoenix and a Blue Phoenix. Races like dragons and phoenixes are the top existences among monsters, and their bloodline level is extremely high.

It is not easy to give birth to offspring, and the origin of the Immortal Nether Phoenix of Mingqi and his ancestors is no longer traceable. It is only known that he has no clan members and later married a Blue Phoenix.

But in this way, the blood of Mingqi and his clan has the blood of the Blue Phoenix. For the continuation of the race, this is also a helpless move.

However, in some aspects, this also strengthens the blood of the Immortal Nether Phoenix, such as the law of space. The Immortal Nether Phoenix originally had this magical power, but it was weaker than the other two Phoenix clans.

This gives them a unique advantage when breaking the formation!

But for this reason, as they continued from generation to generation, since they had not encountered other immortal dark phoenixes, they could only try to intermarry with other phoenix races.

This made their bloodline more and more mixed. Many of the innate magical powers of the immortal dark phoenixes later either decreased in power or were completely cut off in some of their descendants.

On the contrary, the innate magical powers of other phoenix races were reflected in their clansmen, but they were constantly strengthening, such as Feng Chongtian's body speed, which was worse than the previous generation.

This may not be a big deal to outsiders. Since ancient times, the two phoenix races should have been considered one family, and even the dragon and phoenix appeared.

Anyway, they are all high-level bloodlines, and their innate magical powers are constantly upgrading and transforming. The decline of the old innate magical powers is also an inevitable phenomenon. This is actually nothing.

But this is their sorrow in the eyes of Mingqi's lineage!

Their ancestor is the most powerful immortal dark phoenix in the two phoenix races, which is the most powerful race that other phoenix races fear the most.

But later, because of their overpowering bodies, they were restrained by the laws of heaven and earth, and it became increasingly difficult for them to reproduce.

On the contrary, compared with other phoenix races, they were the first to decline.

So, they began to look for other members of their tribes everywhere, wanting to restore the true bloodline inheritance, but they have never been able to find the whereabouts of the Immortal Dark Phoenix race.

At most, they found a similar situation to theirs, that is, the Immortal Dark Phoenix that no longer has pure blood. The blood in the other party's body may be worse than theirs, and it can no longer be called the Immortal Dark Phoenix.

It seems that this race has really become extinct in this world.

This process is long and difficult, and it has gone through generation after generation. The clan leaders and elders of each generation will try their best to restore the true inheritance.

In order to restore the Immortal Dark Phoenix clan, but they never found it.

However, in this process, Mingqi and his branch still found various clues. These clues are true and false, but 80% to 90% of them are false.

But even if some clues are true, after searching with great difficulty, we find that everything there has changed, or only a few traces are left.

By the time of Mingqi and his generation, their tribe had grown quite large, but because of their mixed blood, they became neither fish nor fowl.

This put their tribe at the bottom of the two Phoenix tribes.

The strongest elder in the tribe was only in the middle stage of the fusion realm, and it took countless years for him to slowly climb up.

The cultivation of the tribe leader and several elders, however, could not continue to break through, and they all stayed in the refining realm.

That was because although their innate magical powers had increased, their bloodlines were not pure, which led to problems in their cultivation. This had to be said to be the sadness of this branch of the immortal dark phoenix.

This further stimulated their determination to find their bloodline or find other tribesmen.

They gathered all the clues they had collected for research, and then the only elder even wasted his own lifespan to conduct a risky deduction.

Finally, three places were deduced where there might be tribes or inheritances of the immortal dark phoenix.

There are two places, but because the secrets are too obscured, even the Supreme Elder deduced until he vomited blood and fainted, he still couldn't find the exact location in the end.

Only here in Huangqi Valley, there are relatively clear locations and information.

But it is obvious that in the best case here, there will be some kind of inheritance, not the existence of a tribe.

Huangqi Valley is too powerful, how can others sleep soundly beside his bed! There are other powerful tribes next to him, how could they not feel it all the time?

Moreover, it is impossible for a tribe to survive without going out once, especially if they have to walk out of the ancient heritage hall, which will definitely alarm the strong men of Huangqi Valley.

And Mingqi and Mingyu are the disciples with the strongest attainments in the alchemy of the younger generation. In addition, the two are proficient in the ability of joint attack and advancement, which is the best candidate for this task.

Mingqi did not say the real attainments of the two women in the alchemy, but Li Yan could guess that it is very likely that they have reached the master level.

It's just that the other party does not want to use Yan Qingchen's method to get the sect contribution points, hoping to quietly enter the ancient heritage hall in the most low-key way.

This is somewhat similar to Li Yan's idea. However, Li Yan's real attainment in alchemy is not good enough, so he must use other methods to earn contribution points for the sect.

After a brief description, Li Yan finally understood that the other party was not a real immortal dark phoenix.

No wonder he and the other party are both incarnation cultivators. Although Ming Qi is one level lower than him, the other party's body is the immortal dark phoenix.

In the end, why is there such a big difference in speed than his own.

This is also the question that Li Yan has always had before, because when he was in a hidden state, he saw the two women fighting with Yan Qingchen for life and death. In that case, the other party should not have any need to cover up.

"You already understand that I have no intention of killing you, why do you still say so much, I am a human race, what does this mean? You should know very well!"

Li Yan looked at the two and said in a faint voice.

"That's because we came here to get the inheritance, and if you want to get the essence and blood of my body, just take it!

I think after knowing these situations, you may have felt that our realm was too low, and this level of essence and blood was of no use to you.

And now, you think you don't like our mixed blood. You should have seen some problems from the magic power you saw me perform before..."

It must be said that Ming Qi is really smart. Even though she was at a disadvantage in the fight with Li Yan, she still guessed some of Li Yan's thoughts.

After she said this, her tone paused slightly, looked at the gray-clothed old man who was still looking at her and didn't say anything, and continued.

"...Then, I would like to ask you, did you get your chance here?

If so, can you allow me to enter the temple? If possible, no matter what conditions you put forward, I will try my best to do it..."

When she said this, Ming Qi suddenly thought of something, and her pretty face flushed. For a moment, she was so beautiful that she couldn't say anything more, but she couldn't say anything more.

And Ming Yu also understood her sister's thoughts, and her pretty face flushed. Even if she dared to look at Li Yan, she quickly lowered her head.

"Oh, have you ever thought of killing me to avenge your people and then refine my blood essence? It should be that your strength is not enough to support such an idea!"

Li Yan's face showed a mocking look.

"Senior, if it were under normal circumstances, the two juniors would have the idea of ​​refining blood essence, but you didn't kill us.

The immortal fate you got is your blessing, and we just want to get some inheritance, and we are not people who don't distinguish between good and evil.

Although the immortal phoenix is ​​rare, it is an outsider after all, not our relatives.

This is like you are a human. If we kill other human beings who are not related to you, will you want to seek revenge on us?

In the end, aren't cultivators just for resources? It's just that the resources we want to get are a little special."

This time, before Ming Qi could speak, Ming Yu said dissatisfiedly that they just wanted to get the inheritance and continue their own branch.

After listening to this, Li Yan was also slightly stunned, but after thinking about it, he felt that the reason given by the other party was really a little reasonable.

No matter how many human beings the other party kills, as long as it doesn't have anything to do with him, he won't bother to care about anything.

But he was also certain that if the two women could beat him, it would be very possible for them to refine their blood essence, which would at least solve the problem of their bloodline.

"Then do you know what the inheritance here is?"

Li Yanke did not answer the other party's thoughts and immediately changed the question.

"This... I'm not sure about this, but based on the clues after deducing the secret, I know that one of our tribesmen has appeared here.

That tribesman was very powerful and must have some relationship with this Taoist temple, but later he disappeared with the sect! "

Mingyu answered softly and Li Yan nodded.

"Can you open the passage here?"

There was no expression on Li Yan's old face, and no emotion could be heard in his words.

"This cannot be determined, but if it is really set up by the strong ones of our race, there are some strong ones in our clan who may use the ban to break the ban."

Ming Qi was still thinking about more things at this time, how to persuade the old man in gray, and if he went in, all the inheritance inside would be taken away by him.

So what? Is it really necessary for the two of them to devote themselves to each other? This is the most helpless and final method given by the Supreme Elder Zeng.

The reason is that they are afraid that the immortal ghost phoenix here is still alive, but it just doesn't want to come back to the world, or it is seriously injured and has been trapped here...

"Forget it, then follow me to the bottom of the river and have a look. That may not be the place you are looking for!"

Li Yan didn't know that there was such an idea in the other person's heart that he couldn't predict and would never accept. Of course he had his own plans.

The voice of the old man in gray came again, but it was just the content of his words, but it made the two women feel a little sudden.

The other party was actually willing to take them there after some words, which made both women feel that the change was too fast.

Although it was unclear why this person suddenly agreed, the two women couldn't beat each other, and the target might be right in front of them, so they naturally made up their minds.

"Oh...oh...thank you, senior!"

"Well, just wait a moment!"

After Li Yan finished speaking, he did not look at the doubtful looks cast by the two women. I wonder what he is going to do?

Li Yan's figure had disappeared, and Ming Qi and Ming Yu could only look at each other.

"Sister, this person is acting a little weird!"

"Don't move around yet, let's see if we can get close to the destination first!"

Ming Qi also said via voice transmission.

Why did this person suddenly agree again, and they already felt that the other person's realm might really be the realm of transformation, otherwise why didn't they capture Yan Qingchen.

But in the previous words, they still called each other senior, just to let the other party know that the two of them have always been in a weak position.

After they waited for a quarter of an hour, Li Yan's figure appeared in front of them again, above the river.

"Okay, come on over!"

During the time when Li Yan disappeared, he went to get the four warning formations left by Yan Qingchen. Li Yan found these formations to be very useful.

This formation was not an attack or defense. When he secretly saw Yan Qingchen's arrangement, he had memorized the positions of the formation flags and formation eyes, so it was not difficult to crack it.

After Li Yan said this, he fell directly into the river below, and then disappeared again.

When Ming Qi and Ming Yu saw this, they couldn't help but take a deep breath at the same time, and immediately flew forward, and then fell into the river below.

As he quickly sank, he saw an old man in gray standing in front of a wall at the bottom of the river, using his magic power to open up the surrounding waters. On the wall in front of him, there seemed to be a small purple shell embedded in it. .

If you don't observe carefully, you won't notice anything special about the shells. There are too many colorful shells here.

The color of the purple shell was already very dim, but there were traces of it being cleaned.

The old man transformed by Li Yan was standing there, staring at the purple shell. Ming Qi and Ming Yu thought that the other party was waiting for them, so they quickly fell behind Li Yan.

"You have also seen it. Just try to crack it and see if you can get through here. I have already sensed it. There are really slight fluctuations in the formation here!"

Just when the two women were about to follow each other in after they landed, they heard the old man in gray in front of them suddenly say such a sentence.

The content revealed in the words immediately made the two of them stunned.

After a few breaths passed, Li Yan's old voice came over again, and there was no dissatisfaction in his voice.

"What? Didn't you say there is a way to crack it? Do you still want me to do it? Then what are you doing here? Just leave!"

"Senior...senior, didn't you take us to see it?"

Mingyu had some uncertain questions.

Although Li Yan had previously asked the two of them whether they would break the possible restrictions here, in their minds, they thought that the other party was just asking them what methods they had prepared before coming.

"I mean to take you to see the bottom of the river, where there may be formations. Isn't this a formation?"

Li Yan said.

"But...but you have already obtained the immortal fate, why do you still need us to crack it?"

Mingyu still asked.

Things changed so fast that they were still thinking about why the other party agreed to their request to stay without any conditions and allowed them to see the situation here.

At this time, the other party's operation was once again beyond their expectations.

For a moment, it was a bit confusing!

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