Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1765: Let go of hypocrisy

Yan Qingchen's handsome face, which was full of smiles the moment before, suddenly became murderous. Before he finished speaking, he suddenly disappeared from the spot.

Mingqi and Mingyu seemed to have expected it, and they suddenly separated.

In an instant, they raised their hands and shook them towards the sky at the same time, and two light green belts flew out and hit directly.

Originally, it was a very soft object, but at the moment when the two women hit it, it actually made a sharp sound of breaking through the air.

The light green soft belts, when they were tightened straight, were like two sharp spears, piercing the void.

"Boom boom!"

Two roars were heard, and two balls of light, one red and one black, suddenly appeared above the void, and these two balls of light directly hit the light green belts.

At the moment of the explosion, the Ming sisters seemed to be blown away. While retreating, they each drew a semicircle in the air, and then they merged together again.

The moment the two of them gathered, they simultaneously launched attacks diagonally downwards. Mingqi's jade palm turned into a fist and fiercely smashed into the empty void.

Mingyu slashed vertically with a palm, causing the surrounding air to make a swooshing sound, and a circle of yellow air arc appeared at the edge of her palm.

"Bang bang!"

Amidst two muffled sounds, yellow and red light burst out in the air, and a figure suddenly appeared in the void. The figure immediately retreated, and it was Yan Qingchen who had disappeared.

"What a strong force!"

Yan Qingchen only felt a burst of soreness in his arms. The opponent used a close-range short-range attack. After colliding with the magic weapon he secretly used, he borrowed the force to come to his side.

The speed of these two women was really fast. He didn't have time to dodge, so he had to fight with the opponent's punches and palms.

However, the opponent did not completely surround him, so he also found something wrong and also used the force to float away.

Yan Qingchen knew that even with his cultivation, he couldn't fight the other party like this. The physical strength of these two people had barely reached the realm of refining emptiness, and one of the women was even stronger.

But his physical body was not that tough, so he had to use his strengths to attack the short ones in order to make a quick decision.

Yan Qingchen was only slightly surprised that the two women's skills suddenly became so powerful, but as long as he thought that the other party could also appear here, he could guess that the other party was prepared.

Yan Qingchen was still retreating, Mingqi and Mingyu had already caught up at the same time, and Yan Qingchen's speed was just under the force, which opened up some distance.

But the other party only needed one breath at most to catch up with him.

Yan Qingchen clasped his hands in front of his chest, and in the void, the magic weapon that had just attacked the other two people was already in his hands.

They were two disc-sized Dharma wheels, one red and one black. On the wheel body of the Dharma wheel, complex and simple patterns were carved, giving people a heavy and extremely solid feeling.

On its edge, there is a row of sharp spikes leaning to one side, one of which is red as blood and the other is black as steel.

Just one glance at it gives people a feeling that they can break everything in the world and are indestructible.

As soon as the two Dharma wheels were in hand, Yan Qingchen shouted softly.


He has been in Huangqi Valley for so many years, and his life magic weapon has never been used. He can only use other magic weapons instead, and he can't play his true strength at all.

Now, in order to capture or kill these two people as soon as possible, there will be no hesitation, so that he can play his strength far beyond the same level.

The red Dharma wheel directly hit Mingqi who was rushing over, and the black Dharma wheel, with a whimpering sound, also cut towards Mingyu's forehead in a rapid vertical rotation.

"This person may have a rare water and fire spiritual root constitution!"

Mingqi's cultivation is higher than Mingyu, and the perception and judgment of the fight before the conversation between the two sides.

At this time, she had taken the lead and sensed the two kinds of strength, the hardest and the softest, contained in the opponent's magic weapon attack.

In fact, they could also do this kind of attack method, but to achieve such pure magic power, they thought they could not achieve it through magic.

She just reminded Mingyu, Mingyu would be able to sense this kind of counteracting force in the next moment, but the attack distance between the two sides was too close, and their combined attack and improvement technique would be best synchronized at all times.

"What kind of waste spiritual root of water and fire, hum!"

And Yan Qingchen also heard Mingqi's low shout, and he couldn't help but sneer in his heart. The spiritual root that others thought was rare was nothing in front of him.

The two women's forward momentum did not slow down at all, and the light green belt in their hands appeared again, and rolled directly towards the magic wheel that was smashed.

"Bang bang!"

Two more muffled sounds came, but this time the two women failed to smash the magic wheel.

Yan Qingchen used 70% of his magic power this time. The physical strength of the Ming sisters was very strong, but the magic power was the real realm of themselves.

After they poured their magic power into the magic weapon, they did not directly fight with the opponent, and they were much worse than Yan Qingchen.

The Ming sisters took advantage of Yan Qingchen's sneak attack and wanted to take the opportunity to encircle the opponent. They joined forces in an instant, but failed to defeat or injure the opponent.

They were also helped by Yan Qingchen to escape from their encirclement. With just this delay, the joint attack of the two women had a very short delay.

Yan Qingchen's counterattack was quite swift. Yan Qingchen was selected by the sect to perform this task. Although his real realm was the late stage of the Spiritualization, his actual strength was far higher than this.

Only in this way can they avoid being discovered by Huang Qigu during the mission, which can ensure their own safety and the greatest success.

The light green belts shot by the Ming sisters hit the middle of the two Dharma wheels directly, and the opponent seemed to be twisted inside while rotating.

For a while, they could not break free.

A cold breath rushed along the light green belt and rushed directly to Mingyu's jade hand. In an instant, the light green belt was covered with a layer of frost.

At the same time, an extremely hot breath also rushed along the light green belt and rushed towards Mingqi. A flame on the light green belt was like a dragon coming out of a cave, and it arrived in an instant.

The two sides were too close to each other, and their movements were almost at their limit. It was too late for the Ming sisters to hide.

The frost and flames followed the light green belt and hit their hands in an instant.

"Boom boom!"

With two loud noises, two dazzling lights suddenly burst out between the three people, one red and yellow, the other black and yellow, and the light balls shot up into the sky.

And the Ming sisters did not retreat even though their bodies were shaking violently. Instead, they burst out yellow light several feet high on their bodies, blocking the opponent's huge attack power.

"Hmm? A defensive treasure!"

Behind the two violent bursts of light, Yan Qingchen's surprised voice came.

He didn't expect that he had used so much magic power but still failed to injure the opponent. He immediately understood after sensing the light on the opponent's body.

The yellow skirt on the opponent's body was a defensive treasure.

"Sure enough, you came here prepared, not by mistake!"

Yan Qingchen's eyes flashed fiercely. He was completely murderous at this moment. He wanted to hold back and search the soul, but in this situation, he couldn't care so much.

He took advantage of the momentary fight just now to retreat a hundred feet away. He didn't want to fight with two physical cultivators in close combat.

As his hands quickly moved the magic formula, light flashed on his fingertips. He quickly closed his hands in the middle, and the light on his hands suddenly merged together.

Yan Qingchen quickly interlocked his ten fingers, and pointed his index fingers together like swords, and quickly pointed forward again.

The two rays of light that had originally merged suddenly separated again, and they flashed and missed, and then entered the two magic wheels respectively...

"This man's strength exceeds the Spiritualization Stage, and his magic power is not comparable to ours. We can't let him stay away from the fight!"

Mingqi quickly transmitted the voice.

Although they did not retreat, Yan Qingchen took the opportunity to retreat. She could sense that Yan Qingchen at this time still did not use his full strength.

The other party might want to capture the two of them alive, and should have the idea of ​​searching their souls.

If they tried their best, they could also exert the strength of the early stage of the Void Refining Realm, and Mingqi would be stronger, but that would require close combat.

The two forces of cold and heat that the opponent had launched were not just a simple attack of magic. These two forces were extremely pure and were constantly invading their defenses.

The fastest way to restrain this force was to use the method of mutual restraint to suppress and weaken this erosion in the shortest time.

Then, they surrounded the opponent with lightning speed.

If Mingyu's strength could reach the middle stage of the Spiritualization, Mingqi believed that Yan Qingchen would have been trapped with a 70% chance just now.

Then it would be relatively easy to deal with it at present, at least neither side could do anything to the other.

And now, with their combined strength, they could deal with the strength of the cultivators in the Real Refinement Reality Stage, but they were still at a disadvantage.

Mingqi and Mingyu had wood and fire spiritual roots, so Mingyu could use the fire attribute magic power to weaken the cold power as quickly as possible.

And Mingqi could also use the water attribute magic to weaken the flame erosion. Although it was not as fast as the water attribute magic power, it could also restrain it.

The two women's reactions were also extremely fast, and they made the most correct response in an instant.

This allowed them to defend themselves while using their strong bodies to withstand the opponent's attacks, and they rushed out at a very fast speed.

It was not that they did not want to avoid the opponent's attack and attack from one side, but Yan Qingchen's pair of magic wheels were very strange.

Not only did they produce two completely different pure forces, which made it very difficult for the two to deal with, but they also had a suction effect on the two's magic power.

This is why the Ming sisters did not know that Yan Qingchen's strange magic power had appeared in the abyss with the help of the dark gold bowl, which had firmly sucked and controlled the four gods.

If the two women wanted to withdraw their magic power in a hurry, the opponent's magic weapon would follow them like a shadow, which was an attack method that put the enemy in a dilemma.

Just as the Ming sisters took the risk of rushing out twenty feet against the opponent's attack, their faces suddenly changed.

Because the power attacking their light green belts actually changed in an instant.

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