Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1764 Why are you here?

"What is that?"

Mingqi stopped and immediately sent a message back, but her tone became a little hesitant.

Because at this distance, at the end of her spiritual sense, she still saw the winding and brilliant river.

But there was a section of the river that was no longer calm, and from time to time there would be spiritual light flashing from the bottom of the water, as if something was suppressing the river.

"Is it that the place we are looking for has obvious symptoms, and we don't have to look for it bit by bit like we did before?"

Mingyu also sent a message, and there was also uncertainty in his voice.

"Not necessarily, it may be some river bottom monster, let's approach carefully!"

After half a cup of tea, Mingqi and Mingyu were already fifty miles away from the abnormal river surface, and they walked this distance carefully.

But their spiritual sense had already quietly probed into the water surface, and the scene under the river made them even more suspicious.

Because their consciousness could no longer easily see the situation at the bottom of the river as they did before, but it seemed to be covered by a layer of restrictions under the water.

This made it impossible for them to see what was happening under there. They could only feel some power from the restriction, which was escaping from it.

"It's not the underwater monsters that are active, but there is an impact force under the restriction. What is inside?"

In this case, although the reason could not be determined, there was a layer of restriction under the water. Needless to say, there was a problem!

However, when the two of them approached the range of 100 miles, the spatial fluctuations above the water surface suddenly began to decrease.

When they flew to a distance of 50 miles, the underwater restriction still existed in the consciousness of the two women, but the escaping fluctuations had completely disappeared.

"Does the restriction only erupt at a certain time? Or..."

Mingqi was still thinking in her heart why this happened.

Under their exploration, except for the abnormality of the restriction itself, there was no other situation.

While she was thinking, Mingqi's pretty face suddenly changed.

She could no longer keep hidden and moved forward. Almost at the same time as she sensed something was wrong, she had already sent a message to her sister who was a few miles behind her.


She rushed forward with all her strength. At such a speed, her figure could no longer be hidden, which made her figure only draw a thin yellow line in the air.

Mingyu, who was a few miles behind her, also heard her sister's message when she felt the sudden palpitation.

She did not go forward to help, but drew a half arc and immediately retreated backwards, also as fast as lightning.


The two bodies broke through the air, almost in no particular order, and issued two sharp whistling sounds, which showed how hastily they dodged.

"Huh? It turned out to be you!"

While the two women were avoiding being secretly attacked, a voice came from the other side of the river.

Then, a figure also appeared abruptly on the dazzling cobblestones on one side of the river bank, and the voice of this person was full of surprise.

At the same time as this person's voice sounded, Mingqi and Ming Yuben had gathered together in a flash and stood side by side.

"Why are you here?"

Mingqi's equally surprised voice sounded in this space.

At this moment, the person who appeared opposite them was Yan Qingchen, who looked a little surprised and handsome.

Mingqi's face didn't look good the moment she saw the other person's face clearly.

She thought that the appearance of monsters and ghosts in this place, even the ancient temple monks who could survive before, she felt acceptable.

But why did a monk from Huangqi Valley suddenly appear in this secret realm? This made her unacceptable.

After so many days of exploration, she and her sister have confirmed that this secret realm they have finally found has no traces of being set foot by outsiders.

In addition, they got this clue, but it took a long time for the strong to deduce it, and finally determined that there was a certain possibility of existence.

But now, how did Yan Qingchen appear here?

When Mingqi asked this question, the surprise on Yan Qingchen's face had turned into a smile, but under his smile, there was murderous intent.

He only found the location according to the sect three days ago, and then found the place under the river here, which made him feel pleasantly surprised.

If he only used his spiritual sense to find that place, even with his ability, even under careful exploration, the probability of finding it was less than 20%.

And in the past few days, he also walked and explored on this magnificent river, and no other people or monsters were found.

So he also made a judgment in his heart that there might be no other creatures here.

However, after finding this location, Yan Qingchen still laid some defensive measures around before breaking the ban.

In order to prevent the sound of his breaking the formation from being transmitted and causing unnecessary trouble, he cast an isolation ban while breaking the formation at the bottom of the river.

He was afraid of accidents. Those places he didn't have time to explore might have other monsters or other creatures.

However, as he began to break through the entrance, Yan Qingchen was shocked to find that the means prepared by the sect for him had failed one after another and could not play the role he imagined.

And until today, he could only use the last and strongest means prepared by the sect for him, which actually relied on the dark gold bowl.

But there was no need to use cultivators to sacrifice the formation, just mobilize the yin and yang of heaven and earth, plus a set of guiding techniques, but this method of breaking was already a forced means.

Therefore, as soon as he used it, he suddenly found that the space fluctuation caused by activating this method was really strong.

Even if there was a restriction he had sacrificed to isolate it, some power would still continue to escape from the bottom of the river.

But fortunately, after being isolated by the restriction, it was not too strong. Unless someone had a strong sense of heaven and earth, or appeared nearby, it would be possible to discover it.

However, Yan Qingchen still believed in his judgment. The possibility of living creatures appearing here must be very small.

That is, when he was continuing to break the ban, a micro-array placed a hundred miles away was suddenly triggered by something.

That micro-array was also carefully prepared for him by the sect at all costs. There were four in total. Even if there were cultivators in the late stage of refining emptiness to explore, there was a great probability that they would not be able to find it.

However, the maximum range of his sensing was only about a hundred miles, otherwise he would not be able to receive the warning sent by the array.

He placed the four arrays on both sides of the river bank and a hundred miles upstream and downstream.

He thought that the array would not be used here, and it would only make him feel more at ease at the bottom of the river and concentrate on breaking the entrance.

Who would have thought that the warning array from upstream was triggered by something unexpectedly, and it was triggered twice in succession, with a short interval in between.

This made Yan Qingchen immediately guess that there should be two creatures approaching quickly, so he immediately dived out and searched for the other party with all his strength.

After his deliberate search, he soon found two very faint figures, emerging from the direction of the river source.

If he had not known in advance and searched carefully, he would not have been able to find the other party in the light of these colorful pebbles.

Yan Qingchen saw that his attack had failed and his secret attack had failed, and his heart was suddenly awed.

The moment he attacked just now, the magic power had caused space fluctuations, and his hiding position had also been exposed, so he took the initiative to show up.

But when he saw Qinghe's face, he was stunned like the two people opposite him. Neither of them thought that the people who came were people they knew.

As far as Yan Qingchen was concerned, this pair of Ming sisters had been in his attention when they entered the top ten of the core elite disciples in the assessment.

At that time, he was still choosing the right person to help him.

"Are they following me?"

A thought immediately emerged in Yan Qingchen's mind.

But then he thought that he was wrong. After he entered from the diamond-shaped light, the entrance behind him had disappeared when he explored the surroundings.

And he has always been very confident in his spiritual sense!

In that kind of entrance passage, of course, it is still extremely sharp. Now he can find the figures of these two people. Could it be that he couldn't do it at that time?

And the other party also asked in surprise, which made Yan Qingchen more certain that these two people must have entered from other places.

"There are other entrances, and what are these two people doing here?"

Yan Qingchen's mind was racing. He didn't expect that a secret place that he had to work so hard to enter actually had other entrances.

Judging from the situation when entering the ancient heritage hall, there was no one else around these two people, which means that the other party broke through the formation and entered without the need for blood sacrifice formation.

As his mind was racing, the smile on his face became even thicker.

"So it's you two junior sisters. You were hiding your bodies, so I thought it was some monster attacking. I was a bit presumptuous to attack just now!"

Yan Qingchen had already bowed to the other side across the river while speaking.

He didn't mention why the other party was here at all, as if it was natural for the other party to come here.

"So it's Senior Brother Yan who is here. We just happened to pass by!"

Mingqi's beautiful eyes flashed, and she also said politely, but she had quickly sent a message to Mingyu in secret.

"This person is a bit insidious, be careful!"

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