Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1766: Strange Magic

At this moment, the flames attacking Mingqi strangely turned into extremely cold black power, while the black power attacking Mingyu suddenly turned into scorching flames.

There was no lag at all in this instantaneous change, as if it had always been like this.

But for the two Ming sisters, it was completely different, and they were caught off guard.

The water spell that Ming Qi originally cast turned into sections of ice at the touch of the black power, covering her in an instant, and the cold air suddenly entered her body.

And the flames that Mingyu sacrificed to fight against each other merged with the opponent's flames in an instant, and it was like adding fuel to the fire.

This made her arm immediately feel a tingling and burning sensation, which spread directly along the muscles and veins.

Both girls groaned, but after all, Ming Qi's cultivation level was much higher than that of her younger sister. She only took a step back and stood firm again.

Mingyu, however, lunged back and forth with his long legs and slid back a few feet before he forcibly stopped.

However, the two people's muscles and veins were already sore. Fortunately, they reacted in time and made corresponding defenses.

The two women were surprised, but as their spiritual consciousness hurriedly scanned them, they suddenly discovered that the two Faluns attacking in front of them had switched sides at some point.

The front of Mingqi changed to black, and Mingyu changed to red, and the light green belts they offered were clearly still firmly being sucked in by the rapid rotation of the Falun.

When there was a change in the method treasure, they had no idea at all.

"With this little ability, let's just go ahead and capture him!

"Yan Qingchen's voice came from afar, and the next moment, before the Ming sisters could react, something that shocked them happened again!

Just as their consciousness was scanning, they suddenly saw a strange scene. Two Faluns were attacking, and one blurred at the same time.

The black Falun attacking Mingqi instantly turned red again, and a flame hit him instantly. The red Falun on Mingyu's side also turned black instantly...

The defense that the two women had just adjusted suddenly had a loophole again. With another muffled sound, the two of them retreated again!

Up to this point, the two sides had taken less than three breaths to take action, and at the same time, a creepy feeling arose in the hearts of the Ming sisters.

They have never seen this kind of attack before, so they can switch attacks with different attributes at will without any warning. How did the other party do it?

Their nightmare also started at this time, and eight short breaths later, the Ming sisters' mouths and noses were already overflowing with blood.

They stepped back dozens of feet in succession, and they were firmly sucked by Yan Qingchen against the magic power. Although there was a chance of escaping, it was impossible to do so in a short time.

Yan Qingchen's attacks did not give them time to escape at all. After the two women adjusted their defenses, he would suddenly change his attack methods, long or short, with no rules at all.

This put the Ming sisters, who had been able to compete with them, at a complete disadvantage. Soon the muscles and internal organs in their bodies were damaged to varying degrees.

The magic power in the two women's bodies has become chaotic. Even if they try to forcefully use their physical strength to escape, they are interrupted by the opponent's well-timed attacks.

This makes it impossible for them to gather much power, whether it is magic power or physical strength, as the muscles and veins in their bodies are severely affected.

After the two girls were injured, the situation took a turn for the worse and they couldn't hold on for too long!

Even at this time, the Ming sisters have not given up, they are still looking for opportunities.

On the opposite side, Yan Qingchen's expression was no longer gentle, but turned into a mocking expression, and he did not ask the other party to give up resistance.

Because if the opponent can survive ten breaths, he will turn around and leave. Although this method can severely damage the opponent, the two women still have the ability to commit suicide.

Therefore, he may not be able to find the soul in the end. The main reason here is that the strength of the two women is also extremely powerful and Yan Qingchen cannot completely crush them.

He could only rely on the other party's inability to break his offensive, causing the two women's injuries to worsen!

“We are already traumatized, but he still hasn’t tried his best, because he doesn’t want to kill us immediately.

After four breaths, I will use 'Condensing Marrow into Gang' to see if I can repel the opponent's magic weapon. You must take the opportunity to escape.

Remember, don’t try to save me. You know very well that even if you save me after using this operation, I will also die later, which will only make me more painful.

Only if you escape will you have the opportunity to kill this person later! "

Another mouthful of blood gushed out from Mingqi's mouth, and her heart was filled with helplessness. She had never thought that she would encounter such an enemy.

I feel that there are very few people at the same level who can defeat me, but how come this Yan Qingchen is so strong.

Judging from the fluctuations in the other person's aura, he was truly a late-stage god-transformer, and she believed that she was not wrong about this.

If the other party dares to enter the ranks of the core elite disciples of Huangqi Valley, he does not dare to lie about his cultivation level, at least not in the big realm.

There are too many strong people in Huangqi Valley. People like Yan Qingchen dare to break into the "Alchemy Emperor Tower" and keep rising in the rankings.

Such an eye-catching disciple will definitely have the attention of the elders, so if Yan Qingchen makes a lie in the big realm, he is looking for death.

This man, like himself, entered Huangqi Valley with ulterior motives.

But what was even more tragic was that Yan Qingchen had the same goal as her and ran into them here.

Yan Qingchen's true strength should have reached the realm of refining emptiness, and it was even more than the initial stage.

This was not something that she and her sister could only approach by fighting hard, and it was not something that could be compared to.

Mingqi felt a little regretful. She was just a little bit away from entering the late stage of transformation. If she reached that time, Mingqi believed that with her own strength, she would not lose to Yan Qingchen.

With the help of her sister, they could at least retreat unscathed. She did not mean to blame her sister at all, as she had practiced hard enough.

"I'll perform!"

Mingyu said without hesitation after hearing this. They did not have much time left, so they naturally could not say more.

"Your magic is not powerful enough, second..."

Mingqi replied quickly, and they used two breaths to transmit the sound.

At this time, the aura of the two of them was constantly declining. The opponent's move was too vicious. They knew that Yan Qingchen was constantly changing his power, but they had no way to break it.

The internal organs began to bleed continuously, and the tendons and veins were cut by the opponent's hot and cold power, causing cracks.

Even if the two women's bodies were tough, they could not withstand such attacks after being invaded by the opponent's power.

Mingqi did not give her sister a chance to speak, but directly transmitted the readings, and secretly began to operate the strongest self-mutilation secret technique.

Yan Qingchen felt the inevitable shock and helplessness of the two people on the opposite side at every attack, and sneered in his heart.

If he could not even deal with such people, what high hopes would the sect have on him?

At this moment, Yan Qingchen's face suddenly changed, and he no longer cared about attacking the two people on the opposite side, and he didn't even have time to think about what happened?

A sense of crisis that made him shudder rose from the bottom of his heart in an instant, and his heart was like being grabbed by someone, and it hurt.

This was the keen sense he had honed through life and death for many years. Although in his consciousness, the surroundings were still calm, he still believed in his intuition.

Yan Qingchen's figure suddenly turned into a blur without any sign, but although he reacted very quickly, he was still a step late.

A fist suddenly stretched out from the void behind him.

The figure of that person was still in the void, and had not yet solidified, but he had already hit Yan Qingchen heavily with a fist.


With a crisp sound, the protective light shield on Yan Qingchen's body was like a mirror, and it cracked instantly.

He had completely gained the upper hand in dealing with the Ming sisters just now, and in the end he did not use magic weapons to protect his body.

After all, controlling magic weapons in that way would distract his mind and magic power.

Don't look at how easy it seemed when he attacked the Ming sisters, but he changed the strength on the two people so frequently, and he had to change it in time according to the opponent's defense.

In addition, the Ming sisters were not mediocre, but very powerful cultivators. If Yan Qingchen was surrounded by this pair of sisters who were in tune with each other, he would not be sure that he could escape again.

He had to focus all his attention on the front.

Moreover, Yan Qingchen had absolute confidence in his profound magic power. If he wanted to break through his spiritual power shield, he had to have at least the strength of the middle stage of the refining void.

However, this fist that suddenly appeared, with a silver light flashing quickly on the fist, hit his back, and the spiritual power shield was broken in an instant.

The fist was also blocked slightly, and at this critical moment, Yan Qingchen's mind was in a hurry, and two magic wheels, one black and one red, appeared behind him in an instant.

At a distance of about a hundred feet, the life magic weapon was even more like an arm. When the two magic wheels appeared behind him, they had already formed an overlapping trend, blocking the fist that continued to hit.


With a loud bang, the boxer smashed Yan Qingchen's spiritual power shield and hit the two overlapping magic wheels heavily.

At this moment, the two magic wheels also spun rapidly like the wind, trying to disperse the opponent's attack power in the rapid rotation.

Yan Qingchen's body also shot forward with this force.

The man's sneak attack was fast and fierce, and Yan Qingchen's reaction was also extremely fast. The two sides were separated in just a moment of attack.

But the consequences of this attack did not end after Yan Qingchen quickly blocked it!

Just when Yan Qingchen was hastily defending against the sneak attack from behind and wanted to call back the two Dharma wheels, the power on the Dharma wheels stagnated for a moment and could no longer change.

And the Ming sisters, a pair of masters, sensed this contest between masters instantly.

Especially Ming Qi was the first to sense it. She was planning to start the last attack and focused all her attention.

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