Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1717 Listening to the Dharma

All the level assessment times here are except those imposed by the sect. If you think you are good at alchemy, you can go to the Deacon Hall in advance to take individual assessments, or you can take continuous assessments.

It's just that after three opportunities for a level are used up, if you fail, you will either be kicked out of the sect or you will be demoted.

And only after reaching the Grand Master level, Huang Qigu no longer has a time limit to assess him. It is already extremely difficult for a person of that level to improve his Alchemy even an inch.

Only when you want to advance, you will take the initiative to take the assessment, but no matter how many times you fail, you are still at the fourth level of Grand Master.

What's more, monks who can generally reach the level of Grand Master, except for casual cultivators like Li Yan who enter midway.

As long as the disciples trained by Huang Qigu themselves are basically above the Void Refining Realm, they are already the mainstay of the sect. How can the sect give up on such a person.

If you add the name of the Great Master of Alchemy, this is already a valuable person that any sect is scrambling for.

So Li Yan currently has one year to pass the exam to become a spiritual alchemist, otherwise he will be kicked out of the inner valley.

However, Li Yan is not worried about this. He is a person approved by his second uncle, and the spiritual alchemist is the most common way to get started with alchemy.

The second uncle's assessment for Li Yan was that his attainments in alchemy should be between those of an alchemist and an alchemist. If he performed well, he would be an alchemist, and if he performed poorly, he would be an alchemist.

This also made Li Yan scratch the back of his head after hearing this. He had always thought that he was an ordinary alchemist because of his alchemy skills.

It turns out that even the level of a yellow-level alchemist has not yet been fully reached, and he is the kind of person who has to rely on his performance to have a chance.

"Other people who can enter the inner valley after taking the assessment here, as long as they are monks above the Golden Core, it is estimated that it will not be a problem to take the assessment of the spiritual alchemist and alchemist.

There are many people who should already be alchemists at the Xuan and Huang levels, so my first goal is to become an alchemist myself.

The purpose of my coming here is to become a core elite disciple and then have the opportunity to enter the ancient palace of inheritance.

Then we can no longer show our faces like before.

One is to see what kind of people I can make friends with; the other is that for the practice of alchemy, the previous methods are no longer applicable..."

Li Yan was hatching a plan in his mind. He was from the Demon Sect, so he would not know anything about the basics of alchemy.

In Huangqi Valley, there will be alchemists, masters or great masters giving lectures from time to time. This is the thing that many disciples care about the most.

By understanding the teachings of these people, many disciples can answer many questions in their hearts.

In a sect, not all disciples will have a master. More people have to cultivate on their own.

Like Yan Feijun and King Hu Xiao in the same team when Li Yan was performing the "Zhouyang Town" mission in the lower realm, they had no master at all.

After the elders of the peak and the brothers who teach the practice teach you the teachings, you have to practice hard every day on your own.

Nowadays, people like Li Yan and others who entered the sect halfway, unless you are a particularly stunning person, who would suddenly accept a Yuan Ying or a god-transforming monk into the gate.

Therefore, Li Yan felt that he would still attend the three-level lectures once a month.

As for which level of teaching to listen to, it is also divided according to the realm of alchemy, but Li Yan felt that when he started, he still learned from the most basic level.

He still wanted to know the inheritance of Huang Qigu clearly, so that it would definitely be beneficial to him in the future, but not harmful at all.

Anyway, he didn't expect that as soon as he entered the inner valley, he would stand out and be extraordinary!

After making these plans, Li Yan left the courtyard and went directly to Danjing Pavilion.

Of course, he couldn't just listen to other people's teachings. The most important thing for a monk was to rely on himself. He went to find some classics and studied them carefully to give himself the most fundamental foundation...

Three years have passed in a blink of an eye, and Li Yan was undoubtedly recognized by Nei Gu, and he successfully achieved the levels of Alchemist and Alchemist.

Based on the words of his second uncle, he did not conduct the assessment of the Yellow Level Alchemist in advance, as such an assessment would not be of great significance.

Now that he has a lot of knowledge about the Alchemy Sect, he feels that his level of Alchemy is really as the second uncle said. Although there are many chances, he is still stuck as a Huang-level alchemist.

Therefore, he needed to learn more about the content of the alchemist's past assessments so that he could make more preparations.


Li Yan stood on the top of a big tree. There were many monks in white around him. They were either standing on the treetops or suspended high in the sky.

More people were sitting cross-legged in the wide square in front, and Li Yan was standing on a big tree behind the square.

At this time, high in the sky opposite the square, there was an auspicious cloud floating in the void, and a person was sitting on top of the auspicious cloud.

It was a middle-aged man, with a white face and no beard, eyebrows on the temples, eyes like bright stars, and he looked like an immortal.

It was not yet time to teach the Dharma, and there was still a lot of light in the sky in the distance, flying towards here.

The man closed his eyes slightly and turned a deaf ear to the buzzing chatter of the people in front of him. He knew that as soon as he opened his mouth, the place would become completely silent.

He is a Xuan-level alchemy master, and his cultivation has reached the middle stage of divine transformation, but there are still many late-stage divine transformation monks here who will also come here to listen.

Those who have mastered it come first. Their alchemy skills are indeed higher than yours, so you can’t accept it.

Li Yan stood on the big tree. Although his eyes were looking forward, he was thinking about things in his heart.

"The alchemist tests the memory herbs and refining the medicinal liquid, while the alchemist needs to refine the medicinal liquid and successfully condense it into an elixir.

And after the elixir is finally formed, the erysipelas contained in it cannot exceed 60%, otherwise it will be a real poisonous elixir.

The assessment of an alchemist is to refine a third- to fourth-grade elixir, and the erysipelas in it must be controlled to no more than 50%. The alchemy master needs to refine a fifth- to sixth-grade elixir...

However, when you reach the level of Alchemy Grandmaster, you not only have to examine and refine seventh-grade elixirs, but you also need to consider methods such as improving the sixth-grade and above elixirs.

That is no longer a method I can imagine. As for the conditions for entering the ancient inheritance palace, as long as you reach the yellow level alchemy master and become a core elite disciple, you are eligible to enter..."

Li Yan was thinking about the next plan in his mind. Now he is already thinking about the assessment of the Huang-level alchemist. These things need to be carried out step by step.

As for when it needs to pass? This was an opportunity he had to seize. With his current status, he could not find out some secret information about the sect.

Especially regarding the matter of the ancient inheritance palace, if Uncle Ningke had asked about this matter, there would not have been any difficulty at all.

But wouldn't that mean that the purpose of coming here was immediately guessed by the prefectural-level grandmaster. These people are smarter than foxes.

In the assessment of a yellow-level alchemist, as long as you refine a fourth-grade elixir and suppress the erysipelas inside, the sect doesn't care what kind of elixir you refine, as long as it meets these two standards.

But it's not enough for Li Yan to be qualified as an alchemist. How can he stand out among alchemists? Li Yan thought of Uncle Ning Ke's warning.

Is it okay if it is too short and draws too much attention to itself?

He was worried about the delay in Bai Rou's injury. From deep down, Li Yan wanted to take care of things step by step, but the longer time passed, the more worried Li Yan became.

Although there were results given by Second Master Uncle and Ningke Master Uncle, Li Yan was afraid that the power in Bai Rou's sea of ​​consciousness would change.

"Boy, do you know this is the uncle's territory?"

Just as Li Yan was standing on the big tree, waiting for the lecture to begin, a voice suddenly sounded beside him.

Li Yan couldn't help but frown and turned to look to one side. The place he chose was actually very remote.

Although there are other people on this big tree, it is not full. Even if there are three or four more people standing, they will not feel uncomfortable with each other.

To his left, there were several people standing in the air, four men and three women.

The person who spoke to Li Yan was a man with a yellowish complexion and a horse-like face, about thirty years old.

Beside him, those people were also looking at Li Yan, but their eyes were full of teasing.

When Li Yan saw these people clearly, he knew the purpose of their visit in just a moment.

Because among these seven people, the appearance of one was somewhat familiar to him.

It was a strong man, and he was looking at him with evil intentions. That man was the monk named Cheng Kuanghan who joined the sect with him three years ago.

The moment he saw this person, Li Yan knew that Cheng Kuanghan had brought people to find trouble. He still remembered that the other party specifically stated his name when he left.

But looking at his position, he was clearly behind the three men and three women, and Li Yan had already guessed some of the reasons.

"It seems that I have found a backer..."

And just when Li Yan turned around to look, Cheng Kuanghan also had a surprise in his heart. He had been looking for this person for three years.

But after this person entered the valley, it seemed as if he had been in seclusion. He had not found the other person in the sect.

He hated Li Yan so much that it was the guy in front of him who had failed his plan to let all four of them in.

Not only was he the only one to gather enough golden runes, he also made them spend a huge amount of spiritual stones on the white-robed deacon, which made several people feel heartache.

In the end, the charming woman and the man in black clothes were allowed to stay in the outer valley. No matter how much they begged, the golden-robed monk had no choice but to leave Huangqi Valley.

Only after staying for at least five years can you come for the assessment again.

After Cheng Kuanghan entered the inner valley, he quickly found someone he had met outside. After being introduced by that person, he finally got involved in a force.

After these casual cultivators enter the sect, if they do not have the opportunity to join other people's sects, they usually have to find some backers so that they will not be bullied within the sect.

Then, after he had just established his feet for a while, he began to look around eagerly for Li Yan and the twin sisters!

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