Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1716 Dan Sect Rules

Li Yan continued to fly forward until he was almost flying to the end of the seemingly endless dense forest, then with a slight movement in his expression, he landed somewhere.

The location of the hospital that Li Yan chose still maintained his usual habit of choosing a quite remote place.

The conditions here are much better than those of other institutions of the same level. There are no other people living in the surrounding institutions within a hundred miles, so it is relatively quiet.

Li Yan landed in the forest. In front of him was a small bridge flowing over water. After crossing the small bridge, there was a large red and yellow flowerbed.

There, among the flying butterflies, there is a quiet bluestone path that leads to the door of a courtyard.

The courtyard wall is made of some irregular boulders. The color of those boulders has turned blue-black, with a layer of moss growing out, giving people a sense of age.

But this sense of time, with the green vines covering the courtyard walls and the decoration of some star-shaped flowers, makes people feel a very peaceful silence at a glance.

From time to time, a melodious call of a kingfisher came from the surrounding forest, which instantly made people's whole soul feel empty.

Li Yan walked across the small bridge over the flowing water and could see fish swimming happily forward in the clear stream below, constantly moving down the stream.

The rushing water seems to take away time, but it brings bursts of coolness...

Li Yan walked forward along the flower garden path, with waves of fragrance lingering in his nose, and walked all the way to the door of the courtyard.

After he took out the token, he just waved it gently, and the door of the courtyard quietly opened silently.

At the same time, streaks of blue light flashed like rainbows from the door of the courtyard and a circle of walls, and Li Yan immediately entered the courtyard.

There are four big trees in the courtyard like shade. In addition to the most common stone tables and benches under the big trees, Li Yan accidentally discovered a three-legged alchemy furnace, which was half a person tall.

"This is rare. The alchemy furnace is placed directly in the courtyard instead of in the alchemy and refining room. Does this lead to the ground fire here?"

Li Yan thought of this, a light flashed in his hand, and a jade slip appeared in his hand, and Li Yan's consciousness sank into it.

The jade slips introduce the sect's rules and regulations and the most basic matters. These are the information that new disciples need to know.

Soon after, Li Yan collected the jade slips and stood in front of the alchemy furnace to observe them carefully.

After a short while, he gently raised an arm, and with dexterous movements of his fingers, he kept pinching the magic formula. A ray of light emerged from his fingertips and hit the bottom of the alchemy furnace.


A ball of blazing red flames instantly erupted from the ground, filling the bottom of the alchemy furnace in an instant.

With the appearance of these red flames, the body surface of this three-legged alchemy furnace was quickly covered with strange lines.

These lines seemed to be hidden and not revealed before, but now they quickly appeared as the flames rose.

They are like spider webs, spreading on the surface of the alchemy furnace. These lines are twisted and full of a strange rhythm.

From their initial cyan color, they quickly turned into countless red leaf stems, "carved" on the surface of the alchemy furnace.

In just a few breaths, the entire alchemy furnace seemed to be alive.

Li Yan carefully cast a ray of consciousness on the flames under the elixir. Those flames were emitting scorching heat, as if they could melt everything in the world at any time.

"This is the foundation of a super alchemy sect. Just the standard alchemy furnace allocated to the disciples and the earth fire it draws are already so extraordinary..."

Li Yan thought in his heart.

He had already learned from the jade slips that except for the disciples below the golden elixir stage, who did not have separate courtyards, all other disciples would be equipped with alchemy furnaces and earth fires in their courtyards.

These resources are all related to the monk's own realm. For example, the alchemy furnace in Li Yan's courtyard is called the God Transformation Cauldron, the alchemy furnace for refining the virtual pair is the Void Refining Cauldron, and the Nascent Soul is the Yuanying Cauldron.

In this regard, it is to let the monks understand all this intuitively.

The levels of refining materials in the alchemy furnaces themselves vary greatly. They are also magic weapons, so naturally they have different levels.

This also makes the probability of success of elixir making greatly different, and even after it is made, the same elixir will be different.

The elixirs refined from the Soul Transformation Cauldron will contain less erysipelas than those from the Yuanying Cauldron, and the amount of erysipelas refined from the Soul Transformation Cauldron will be even less.

Of course, all of these are the results of one person refining them using different alchemy furnaces, regardless of the difference in alchemy attainments between different people.

These alchemy furnaces are only allocated to monks by the sect. As long as you are willing to spend spiritual stones, you can naturally buy better alchemy furnaces.

There are too many monks in the sect who don't know how to use this kind of alchemy furnace. They all build their own special alchemy furnace.

For alchemists, the alchemy furnace is equivalent to their natal magic weapon. Some people even regard the alchemy furnace as their natal magic weapon. Of course, the magic weapon that is most suitable for them will be more in tune with them.

The earth fire just induced is divided into six levels, which are also divided according to the monk's realm, from Qi Condensation to Void Refining.

For example, the earth fire in Li Yanyuan is the fifth level of the earth, the one in the Nascent Soul Realm courtyard is the fourth level of the earth, and above the Lianxu realm, the sky fire is used to make elixirs, which are divided into three levels: upper, middle and lower.

And after the Sky Fire goes up, there is the heaven and earth fire with spiritual intelligence, but from the top grade of the Sky Fire, it is basically an opportunity that can only be encountered but not sought.

Not to mention those heaven and earth fires, which can only belong to personal immortality, are very rare, and will not appear in large numbers.

Even a top sect like Huang Qigu only provides mid-grade sky fire at the highest level, and then high-grade flames. It belongs to the individual in the sect.

Every Alchemy Sect monk will spend their entire lives searching for alien species above the top-grade Heavenly Fire, hoping to refine them and make them their own.

If the disciples of Huang Qigu feel that the alchemy furnace and flames allocated by the sect are not enough for use.

In addition to refining the alchemy furnace on their own and looking for high-grade flames for refining, they can also go to a place in the sect called "Zhurong".

There, from low to high, different levels of alchemy furnaces and flames are provided for the disciples to use.

Except for the flames below the three earth fires and the matching alchemy furnaces, they are all provided free of charge to Qi Condensation and Foundation Building monks.

For example, if a Nascent Soul cultivator wants to use earth fire of level five or above, he needs to go there and rent it. As long as you have spirit stones there, you can rent even middle-grade sky fire.

But the speed at which spiritual stones are consumed may turn a wealthy Void Refining Realm monk into penniless in less than a day.

Judging from the allocation of resources in Huangqi Valley, they are not a sect that only focuses on refining death elixirs. They also value the monks' own cultivation.

Only a sect that possesses extremely strong combat power and can protect itself can the sect be passed down.

This is just like the original Muliusmen. After losing the protection of the Nascent Soul cultivator, it was coveted by others and could only become a prisoner of others and be slaughtered by others.

However, for Li Yan, not to mention the alchemy furnace and earth fire in this courtyard, even the resources in the Yuanying monk's courtyard, he could not fully exert their due effect.

Not to mention, he would go to that "Zhurong" place to rent stronger flames and alchemy furnaces.

After studying these two most important resources of the Alchemy Sect, Li Yan went to other places in the courtyard and walked around carefully.

In addition to the training room, feeding room, etc., the entire courtyard has a large spiritual field behind this row of buildings.

But apart from the aura-filled weeds, no medicinal herbs were grown there, and Li Yan himself didn't plan to plant anything.

He used magic to clean everything inside and outside the house, and then opened the formation restriction.

Li Yan sat cross-legged in the training room, still holding the jade slip in his hand, squinting his eyes and starting to think about what was to come.

First of all, these monks who have passed the examination and entered the inner valley do not mean that they can sit back and relax from now on.

Even if you are walking outside and have been recognized as an alchemist by others, after entering Huangqi Valley, you still need to be approved by the sect itself.

And all of this must be passed step by step from the bottom.

Alchemy monks are roughly divided into spiritual alchemists, alchemists, alchemists, alchemy masters, alchemy grand masters, alchemy emperor masters, and alchemy saint masters.

There are still divisions above the Alchemy Saint Master, but this is not something Li Yan can know.

There is only one alchemy realm for alchemists and alchemists, and starting from the alchemist, each level from high to low is divided into four levels: heaven, earth, black and yellow.

If an alchemist wants to go one step further, he will be a yellow-level alchemist, and the next level will be a black-level alchemist, and so on.

For example, the woman Uncle Ningke knew was a prefecture-level grand master of alchemy, commonly known as a prefecture-level grand master. The jade slip introduced that the person with the highest alchemy level in Huangqi Valley had reached the Huang-level imperial master.

But it didn’t say who the powerful alchemist was? How many people are there in Huangqi Valley?

Li Yan guessed that it would be overwhelming to have one or two people like this in the entire Huangqi Valley. These were even more powerful alchemy masters than Second Uncle and Uncle Ningke.

In Huangqi Valley, the Dan Dao assessment is an important condition for existence.

The Spiritual Alchemist takes an assessment once a year. If you fail to pass, you will be banished to the outer valley regardless of your level of combat power.

If you still fail to pass the assessment in Waigu for three consecutive years, you will be directly expelled from the sect.

However, the alchemist takes an assessment once every five years. If he fails three times in a row and is reduced to the level of an alchemist, the assessment becomes once a year again.

The alchemist level is tested every ten years, and he is still demoted after failing three times. The alchemy master level is tested every hundred years, and the rules remain the same as before.

However, once you reach the level of Grandmaster, you are no longer a disciple, and there is no such thing as a core elite disciple.

It can only be said that some alchemy masters are from among the core elite disciples, and some are not.

Therefore, if you want to become a core elite disciple, you can only be a master of the Yellow Level of Alchemy Dao.

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