Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1718 Repaying debts

Although Li Yan wanted to make some friends after entering the inner valley, he still spent his time practicing and refining alchemy because he wanted to pass the first two levels.

However, during this period, he still knew some people, but he and those people were just acquaintances.

Later, he also thought that if he wanted to really make friends with people now, he probably wouldn't be able to make friends with anyone who could help him.

My status and identity are very average, and there is nothing that others can take seriously.

Therefore, it is better to wait until his alchemy level rises. Therefore, Li Yan is just a mediocre person in the sect, let alone famous in recent years.

After Cheng Kuanghan found a backer, he was yelled at at first, but he was also an old man in the world, and he tolerated it because he had both sides.

But every time he was ordered to do something, he would hate Li Yan and the pair of sisters even more, but he hated Li Yan even more.

He also inquired about the pair of sisters.

What surprised him in the end was that the pair of sisters had only been here for half a year, but they were spotted by a heavenly alchemy master and were taken to work as medicine boys.

Don't look at them as they are not the disciples of the heavenly master, they are just two medicine boys, but they are no longer people that you can offend.

In this regard, Cheng Kuanghan could only feel unwilling to do so, but he did not dare to trouble those two people, but turned all his hatred to Li Yan.

Cheng Kuanghan originally planned for the four of them to take the exam together to enter the inner valley. Then even if they entered any force, the other party would take the initiative to win over them because of their large numbers.

Rather than taking the initiative to lean on him, he will not be looked down upon.

However, he was also a well-rounded person, and he established a firm foothold in a short period of time, so he went around looking for Li Yan even more.

But he thought Li Yan would go to a place where he had never seen him before. Of course he could also knock on the door, but then the Law Enforcement Hall would come to him directly.

Li Yan has not been seen walking around the sect, which also made Cheng Kuanghan angry and unwilling to send an envoy. How did he know that he was looking in the wrong place.

The places Li Yan has been to the most in the past few years are places where alchemists give lectures. Those are places where beginners with weak alchemy foundations go, and he still hides his aura and goes there.

Cheng Kuanghan never thought of a place like this, because the poison Li Yan used last time was quite good.

He believed that Li Yan's alchemy attainments were at least at the level of an ordinary alchemist, but the opponent needed to be assessed step by step from the bottom up.

He thought that when Li Yan came to Huangqi Valley, he would definitely listen to the lectures of at least a Huang-level master of Dan Dao or above. It was not until Li Yan came here today that he was noticed by him who was looking around.

After the horse-faced man scolded, not only the seven of them looked at Li Yan, but the people around them also looked here after hearing the sound.

Immediately, there were expressions of interest in the eyes of many people. Cultivation was too boring, and things like what happened in the sect really made them think there was something to watch.

"It's Yu Erlu and the others, hehehe..."

"That person is here alone and his face is tense. How did he offend him?"

"This person should be a new disciple who has entered the sect, right? It's no wonder that he gets into trouble!"


Some people nearby began to whisper.

They were familiar with the horse-faced man, who was already a Xuan-level alchemist, but Yu Erluo was not that man's real name.

But every time I passed the test before, I couldn't pass it the first time. It would often take the second time to pass the test.

As a result, he got the name Yu Erlu. This person didn't find this name harsh, but he was very proud of it.

He felt that he didn't have to worry about every assessment. He would definitely pass the second time. That was God's blessing and it was a reflection of his strength.

Moreover, the force he joined is very impressive, but it has the support of several alchemy master-level figures. In the past, he liked to manipulate new disciples.

He gained many benefits from those new disciples.

Li Yan looked at the expressions of the people on the other side and heard the chatter from all around. He suddenly jumped into the air and flew forward in a flash.

The direction he was flying was right in front of the square, where there was a dense crowd of people. Li Yan reached the sky above the square with just a flash of light.

Then he found an opening and fell down directly. He didn't even refute his last sentence to Yu Erluo and the others, and the expression on his face didn't change at all.

It felt like he originally thought the location was not good and wanted to find another place.

"Huh? Are you leaving now?"

This is the first thought that arises in many people's minds.

Of course there are many cases of being bullied like this in the sect, but at least those people will blush with anger and even ask a few questions.

After all, casual fighting is not allowed in the sect, but as long as they are not caught by the law enforcement hall, basically the provoking party will not admit it.

There are so many disciples here, even if they come to Erlu, they don't dare to take action directly, so of course it's okay to retort.

Just be careful later on whether you will be blocked by the other party on the way back.

"Is this the person you are talking about? He dared to provoke the four of you at that time? Isn't he just a weakling?"

Yu Erluo was also stunned for a moment, but the next moment, he had already flown into the crowd in the square.

He couldn't help but immediately turned to look at Cheng Kuanghan. The other party said that this monk in the early stage of becoming a god suddenly attacked them alone during the assessment of entering the valley.

Moreover, this person has a kind of invisible and invisible poison. Although it cannot kill people, it caused Cheng Kuanghan's two companions in the middle stage of divine transformation to be infected in an instant.

Later, the other party conveniently snatched Cheng Kuanghan's companion's qualification token, causing the four of them to capsize in the gutter...

Although Cheng Kuanghan told Yu Erlu and others this, they did not believe it entirely.

They had also seen the two sisters who had become medicine boys in the lecture square. One of them was in the middle stage of spiritual transformation, and the other was in the early stage of spiritual transformation.

Cheng Kuanghan's side was obviously stronger. It should have been the four of them who relied on their advanced cultivation to launch attacks on the three people at the same time. In the end, they accidentally miscalculated and capsized the boat in the gutter.

But even so, they felt that Li Yan and the pair of sisters really had some trump cards if they could successfully overturn the situation in the hands of four people.

But why did the Li Yan in front of him fly away without even a word of dissatisfaction or a trace of sullenness?

If you have some ability in your hands, you should at least show it a little bit, even if you just hum.

"He's not a coward, he's disdainful!"

Cheng Kuanghan said via voice transmission.

Yu Erlu and others were not moved by this. They thought about it carefully and found that Li Yan's expression before leaving seemed to be expressionless.

And they also took a lot of benefits from Cheng Kuanghan. No matter what Li Yan did at this time, they were going to find each other.

"That kid was so cunning, he walked right into the crowd in the square!"

A very gorgeous-looking woman said leisurely.

Where Li Yan is standing now, if they want to cause trouble in the past, firstly, it will cause misunderstandings with other disciples; secondly, it will easily attract the Law Enforcement Hall.

"Then listen carefully to the Fa!"

Yu Erluo sat down cross-legged in the air, not paying attention to the looks from around him...

An hour later, when Li Yan took off, he looked at the big tree area where he was before and found that Cheng Kuanghan and others had already disappeared.

He immediately looked calm and flew quickly in one direction without making any pause.

Li Yan was flying leisurely in the air. After passing through half a stick of incense, there was already a large dense forest below. He had already flown to the area where the monks lived.

It's still quite a long way from his home.

At this time, the sun was setting in the west, and the afterglow of the setting sun was shining diagonally from the front. It was a bit dazzling and mixed with the coolness of the evening breeze.

Except for the few monks I met on the way, there was no one else nearby after arriving here.

Li Yan, who was still flying, suddenly fell like a huge boulder into the dense forest below.

And the moment he submerged into the canopy of the tree, his whole person seemed to have completely lost weight, just like a feather, as light as nothing.

As soon as it floated, it was submerged in the dense leaves, without even causing half of the leaves to sway.

In the dense forest, the light of the setting sun, covered by the thick branches and leaves, has turned into a green and dark color.

Li Yan fell from the top of the tree. The moment he landed, his feet touched the tree pole, and he immediately shot forward like an arrow.

In an instant, the whole person turned into a faint line of blue smoke, almost invisible in the dense green and dark forest.

"Fellow Daoist Li's speed is indeed very fast, but can it be faster when there are people on all sides?"

And just when Li Yan had just shot forward a certain distance, a voice suddenly sounded in front of him.

As this voice sounded, Li Yan's figure, like a meteor and an arrow, suddenly stopped, and his whole body suddenly condensed out of the void.

Li Yan was standing in a bush. At this moment, several figures appeared in front, back, left and right of him, already surrounding him.

Before, he sensed someone was following him, so he immediately hid in the dense forest.

But the other party also knew that he was exposed, so when Li Yan was still falling, the other party was already accelerating in the air, and then dispersed and fell down.

An encirclement was immediately formed, blocking Li Yan's path from front to back and left and right.

After Li Yan revealed his figure, he looked at the person who came out from behind the big tree in front of him. It was this person who was speaking just now. He was a tall and sturdy man, none other than Cheng Kuanghan.

In other directions, there were six more people, three men and three women.

At this time, everyone had a meaningful smile on their face and looked at themselves with unkind eyes.

"Fellow Daoist Cheng, you have already found trouble once before. Are you planning to make things difficult for me? I remember the last time, but..."

Li Yan looked away from his surroundings and said calmly.

But before he could finish speaking, Cheng Kuanghan interrupted him directly. He didn't want Li Yan to mention what happened last time. So what if they took the initiative?

But the other party's plan was even more sinister, not only preventing his three companions from entering the inner valley, but also paying so many spiritual stones.

"Fellow Daoist Li, it's not a problem that you always hide. It's time to pay back the spiritual stones you owe us, right?"

"Escape? Do you owe spirit stones? How many spirit stones?"

A strange look appeared on Li Yan's face.

"Boy, why did you forget so quickly? Last time, you begged for a long time before I lent you 30,000 high-grade spiritual stones.

Why, do you still dare to deny it? "

And just when Li Yan asked, between the two big trees in front of Li Yan, a horse-faced Yu Erluo suddenly showed a fierce light in his eyes, and couldn't help but shouted sharply.

As soon as he said these words, before Li Yan could react, Cheng Kuanghan on the other side couldn't help but glance at Yu Erlu from the corner of his eyes, feeling a little unhappy in his heart.

He had already paid benefits to these people, but this Yu Erluo was so evil that he even wanted to take the next benefits.

This is his own rich man. He has paid so much, so of course he has to get it out of this kid.

Li Yan is a cultivator who transforms into gods. With all the treasures on his body, he may be able to get ten to twenty thousand high-grade spiritual stones without any problem.

But Yu Erluo said that he had thirty thousand high-grade spiritual stones, and he added that he had lent them.

"Damn it, when Zhou Laoer and the others enter the inner valley, or when I make friends with other people, I will definitely teach this greedy person a lesson..."

Cheng Kuanghan cursed in his heart. The other five people here were all from Erlu, and he did not dare to get angry.

When his two companions from Waigu come in, or find a more powerful backer than Yu Erluo, he will definitely step on this person a few times.

However, he couldn't just suffer a loss like this. He had to get half of everything Li Yan had on him.

"Repaying debts is a matter of course. Even if you tell the truth today, Fellow Daoist Li, you must obediently take the spirit stones over, otherwise..."

When Cheng Kuanghan spoke, he was already walking slowly towards Li Yan.

They can take action directly, but even if they are rogues, they must be qualified rogues, and they must first take advantage of their own side.

Because this is the area where monks live, after all, even though they are in a remote place, it is not that no one is passing by all the time. They also sensed someone flying in the sky in the distance.

Since Cheng Kuanghan planned to take action directly and deliberately said these words loudly, the words must be released.

As Cheng Kuanghan moved, the other six people immediately surrounded the center.

They also saw that when Li Yan was surrounded and unable to escape, Cheng Kuanghan was going to take action first, hoping to get benefits from the other party first.

Yu Erluo and the others were all experts, and he even sent a message to the others.

"If Fellow Daoist Cheng takes too many risks and wants to rush for success, don't let him accidentally suffer a loss. You have to 'help' him!"

"Hehehe... Of course, we have taken advantage of others!"

"The slave family is also very afraid of the Law Enforcement Hall, so of course they won't let Fellow Daoist Cheng be too harsh!"

"Hey hey hey, let me rub the ring on that kid's hand..."

Suddenly, one message after another resounded in the hearts of several people, but Cheng Kuanghan was not among them.

And when the seven people gathered around, Li Yan, who was standing in the forest and was surrounded, did not move at all, and even the aura on his body did not fluctuate at all.

This made Cheng Kuanghan's figure that was about to ejaculate immediately stop, and he suddenly thought of the scene of his third sister being poisoned.

"Has this kid planted poison around him? I've been watching his movements. Apart from saying a few words, I didn't see any of his movements..."

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