Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 150: There

When Gan Shi saw that Li Yan was silent, he just frowned and seemed depressed for a while.

After a while, Li Yan raised his head, then glanced at Gan Shi for a while, and suddenly his eyes narrowed. "Is it a spirit storage bag? That's not right." While looking up and down Gan Shi's body, his eyes finally fell on the two spirit storage bags on Gan Shi's waist, but he immediately felt something was wrong.

"I have a spirit beast bag around my waist. We are both living beings. How can I not be affected? Are there differences between humans and animals, who are the same living beings?" Thinking of this, Li Yan suddenly said to Gan Shi.

"Senior Brother Gan, give me your diamond crystal, and give me the spirit storage bag on your waist." Gan Shi was stunned when he heard the words, but immediately seemed to know something, and couldn't help but look a little embarrassed, so he still obeyed Yan took off the spirit storage bag containing the four Ruifeikai people from his waist and threw it to Li Yan along with the purple diamond crystal in his hand.

After Li Yan reached out to take it, he first took a picture of the "Ghost Car Talisman" on his body, and then opened the antibody spirit shield. He held the purple diamond crystal in one hand and the spirit storage bag in the other, and quickly hit the place where Gan Shi had just hit. go.

Then there was another "boom", and Li Yan took a few steps back and immediately stabilized his figure. He had been prepared, so the force of the collision was not very strong, and he stood firm after just a few steps.

"It seems that there is a spirit storage bag and I can't get out." Gan Shi's somewhat helpless voice sounded from behind Li Yan, and there was a hint of sadness in his voice. Li Yan's request made him think of a possibility, and now it seems that it is still possible. That's true. If you can't get out, then look at the environment of this battlefield. It's a bit of a dream for them to pass this level.

Li Yan did not look back, and still maintained that posture, as if he was recalling the feeling of the collision just now. In this way, time passed slowly and little by little, and the two of them remained motionless. ??

Li Yan had a feeling in his heart. When he hit the diaphragm of the light belt, he seemed to feel two repulsive forces. However, how this force appeared, he couldn't figure out for a while. At that time, he only felt two forces of self-light. With the diaphragm, it bounces directly back to your body.

"Hey, Junior Brother Li, you'd better go out first and see if you can find Baili. If he doesn't know the situation yet, just tell him about our situation so that he can be mentally prepared." After a long time , Gan Shi looked at the sky. About an hour has passed now. There is still one hour before they have to break through the barrier, but that is a road of death and no life. Duo Liyan may have a glimmer of hope, but looking at this last barrier Jing was a little nervous, feeling that even when his physical strength was at its peak, he probably only had a three-point confidence.

Li Yan in front seemed to be awakened by his words. He suddenly placed the purple diamond in his hand on the ground, and then took out another blue diamond from his storage bag.


, it was the cyan core diamond crystal he used. He did not take out Miao Zhengyi's blue diamond crystal, because Miao Zhengyi's storage bag still had residual spiritual consciousness, and he was not able to do that. With a wave of his hand, he can break the remaining spiritual power of monks of the same level.

Gan Shi was about to continue persuading Li Yan to leave when he saw Li Yan suddenly take out another purple rhombus, and then the green light in his hand flourished. In an instant, Li Yan turned into a green light again and hit the edge of the battlefield directly. While Gan Shi's eyes were wide open, when Li Yan hit that spot, the green light suddenly disappeared, and there was no trace of Li Yan either.

"Succeeded?" Gan Shi looked at the place in disbelief. There was a diamond crystal with purple light on the ground ten meters away. There was no sign of Li Yan. He blinked. Just before he blinked, Li Yan suddenly appeared there again, as if he had never moved. For a moment, Gan Shi wondered whether he had just hallucinated, and whether Li Yan had never moved at all.

However, the green crystal in Li Yan's hand told him that it was not an illusion.

Li Yan turned his hand and saw that the cyan diamond crystal had disappeared. He quickly picked up the purple diamond crystal on the ground and probed it with his spiritual consciousness. Later, another ray of spiritual consciousness probed into the spirit storage bag in his hand. After a while, a smile appeared on Li Yan's face. The light spots in the purple rhombus core and the people in the spirit storage bag remained the same.

When he asked for the spirit storage bag just now, Gan Shi had already guessed his intention and knew that he was using the spirit storage bag for experiments, so he gave Ruifeikai the spirit storage bag of the four people, and he did not release the spirit storage bag. It would not be good for anyone psychologically if there were three people in the spirit bag and one person was left behind. It would be better to let them not know that if Li Yan failed in the test and the spirit bag collapsed, then it would only be considered bad luck for the four of them. But this kind of thing had to be done, so he left eight people's soul storage bags.

Li Yan let out a long breath. He had been experiencing the rebound of the two forces just now. Finally, he was sure that at the moment of contact with the light belt, the two forces came from his hands at the same time. Before, when he was holding the purple diamond in and out alone, But this has never happened. I also have a spirit beast bag on my body, and there are also life forms there. These spirit beasts do not have corresponding light spots in any rhombus crystals. Does this mean that when the main rhombus crystals appear together with the life forms in the spirit storage bag, they will be out of the channel. It is a violation of the rules here, so can they be taken away separately? Of course, Li Yan thought of his cyan rhombus. After a try, he could indeed come in and out. He couldn't help but let out a long breath. In this way, the following plan could be implemented.


"Senior Brother Gan, you also saw it. Give me the two spirit storage bags, and then go out first with the purple diamond in hand." Li Yan looked at Gan Shi with a smile.

Gan Shi's yellow hair was flying in the breeze, and there was a smile on his face at this moment. He did not hesitate to take off the other spirit storage bag on his body and handed it to Li Yan, and then shook his head.

"You take them out first, and I will go out later. If I can't get out, you go in and use the spirit storage bag to take me out."

Li Yan was stunned when he heard this, but he immediately understood, because Gan Shi wanted to see him take out the two spirit storage bags safely, because after Gan Shiruo went out, the Ling Jing in his hand must have consumed most of the Five Elements Unity Spiritual Power. , without his own spiritual energy to replenish the consumed purple spiritual energy, he would not be able to return again. He had to stay behind and make sure that his team members had left. This was not a distrust of Li Yan, but his responsibility. and pride.

After Li Yan heard this, he said no more and picked up the purple diamond crystal on the ground. At this moment, the light had been consumed a lot, and the five elements space inside it was slowly recovering. He picked up the Guishui Scripture again and slowly held it in his hand. Ling Jing was already full of purple light and handed it to Gan Shi again. Later, Li Yan flashed with a cyan rhombus in his hand and disappeared.

Gan Shi stood on the edge of the battlefield, turned around and looked around. Apart from the gentle breeze, the remaining flags were fluttering, and the dark brown soldiers with broken swords everywhere looked like the setting sun of the battlefield. Immediately, the big man with yellow hair stopped staying. Several rings rose up from under his feet, slowly covering the center of the circle. He rushed away under a strong yellow light. The next moment, the place was completely deserted, and then he was in the center of the circle. The moment Gan Shi left, the space here was like glass. Small cracks began to appear, making clear and soft sounds. Slowly, these soft sounds became louder and denser, and the cracks on the sky and the ground became more and more numerous. The more there are, the bigger the cracks become, and they start to collapse...

Looking at this colorful sky, Gan Shi was in a trance for a while. He and Li Yan stood on a long purple light strip. This was a peaceful and vast sky. He couldn't help but sweep it away with his consciousness. In his consciousness, about seven miles away from his current position, there were two strips of light flying, and a strip of red light was moving towards him.

At this moment, he and Li Yan lowered their heads at the same time, because he felt that the purple light strip under his feet was fading rapidly.

Li Yan also had a strange light in his eyes. This was the first time he saw a strip of light disappearing in front of his eyes.

"Is this because there is no life form in the light belt and it has dissipated?" Looking at the purple light belt under my feet, the lights that are like purple meteors are constantly breaking up and flying.


The dots slowly turned into a part of the colorful space with a trace of dreaminess, and finally disappeared completely. The two of them seemed to be bathed in purple starlight, and the fantasy colors shining on their bodies kept changing.

Li Yan recalled the position where the purple light belt was fluttering under his feet just now, then determined a position and swept away with his consciousness.

There is no direction here, but Li Yan is more familiar with it than Gan Shi. He now relies on the direction of the light ribbon in his memory to determine the direction he just came from, and then looks forward with his consciousness. Except for the two light belts nearby, there are no other light belts. It is only vaguely sensed that there are other light belts fifty miles away.

"Well, there is a red one there, no." Gan Shi has slowly calmed down the uneasiness in his heart at this moment. They escaped from death, and now he is still excited about cheating. He closed his eyes and released his powerful consciousness. , and suddenly a powerful spiritual consciousness swept around him, which made Li Yan feel a little frightened.

"Is this a monk in the late stage of foundation establishment? He is so powerful that people look up to him. He must be at least three to four hundred miles away. But with a genius like Senior Brother Gan, he is probably stronger than ordinary monks of the same level in the late stage of foundation establishment. Maybe he can It reaches about five hundred miles.”

Suddenly, Gan Shi's eyes suddenly opened, his eyes brightened, and he pointed to one side, "There is a purple light strip there."

Li Yan looked over after hearing this, and then thought about the direction in which the purple light belt was flying under his feet just now. The place Gan Shi was pointing was not the direction he came from before.

"It seems that it is most likely Senior Brother Baili. It seems that he is still alive at least for now. That's the direction I came from."

After Li Yan judged the direction, he said something to Gan Shi and pointed to the direction he came from to show the reason for his judgment.

"Oh, that's really good news. Let's go and see if Baili is as embarrassed as me. Baili, here I come!!" Gan Shi spoke so quickly that he didn't show any concern for himself. He didn't care about the miserable look before, but his words had regained their heroic meaning. At the same time, Li Yan also heard the overwhelming murderous intention.

Li Yan couldn't help but look behind him. Is there still a purple light ribbon flying where he couldn't see it? "Sixth Senior Sister, you have to hold on, we won't be able to bring the two senior brothers to join you later."

What Quan Jiuxing said to Wang Lang echoed in Li Yan's heart: "I trust you, brother Wang, but the idea of ​​three high-level monks appearing in the sphere at the same time must not be allowed to occur again, otherwise, you and I will be It’s ten deaths without life.”

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