Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 149: Get out

Ruifeikai and Dai Jing looked at each other. Although they were a little reluctant, it was obvious that this was not a deliberate attempt to avoid the battle. It seemed that they were looking for Uncle Baili and Uncle Gong. Of course, he had no choice but to nod in agreement. Gan Shi waved his hand again, and the two of them turned into a second burst of light and shot towards the mouth of the spirit storage bag.

After Zhu Gaotai and Kong Si entered the spirit storage bag, they found that there was not much space here. There were bursts of spiritual energy in the air, and there were several big trees on the ground swaying in the wind. It was a good place to recover.

"Senior Brother Kong, it seems that the spiritual veins in the spirit storage bag of Shibuyuan are not weak, at least they are almost reaching the middle or lower level." After Zhu Gaotai looked around, he slowly walked to a tree and sat down cross-legged.

"What Senior Brother Zhu said is absolutely true. Although the aura here is not as good as in the secret realm, fortunately it is safe for the time being." Kong Si is a young monk of medium stature. He also slowly found a place and sat down slowly as well, just sitting The injury was affected at the next moment, and he grinned for a while.

"Haha, safe?" Zhu Gaotai smiled bitterly. After hearing this, Kong Si shook his head helplessly. If the monks outside died, how could they be safe? ??

"Uncle Li from Xiaozhufeng is really clever. With my ability in making elixirs and refining poisons at Laojunfeng, I didn't even see where he had set up an ambush in the ball." After the two were silent for a while, Kong Si He spoke.

"Think about why he can come to us, why didn't Uncle Gong send anyone else here? Is it just because they are brothers and sisters? Look at Uncle Gan's expression after the conversation with him and in the ball. You must rely on him, otherwise Master Gan would not use a questioning tone, which should be enough to illustrate his individual combat capabilities and survivability." Zhu Gaotai thought for a moment and said. They are all very smart people, and they have already made assumptions based on just a few words and attitudes of Li Yan and Gan Shi when they were not transmitting messages.

Just when Kong Si was about to continue speaking, two rays of light suddenly came quickly from the sky, which shocked the two of them. They hurriedly stood up and were on full alert. However, when the two rays of light fell to the ground, the light slowly dispersed. After leaving, a strong man and a pretty girl appeared.

"Hey, why are you two?"

The strong man and the pretty girl looked at each other with doubtful eyes, and they just shook their heads and smiled bitterly.

In front of the battlefield, only Li Yan and Gan Shi stood facing each other. "What should we do next?" Gan Shi said.

"Senior Brother Gan, please give me your blue diamond crystal first. I need to test it first, and you should recover for half an hour first." Li Yan looked at Gan Shi's condition, although it was better than when we first met. He had been up a lot, but he still looked very tired. Although he was very anxious, the matter had reached this point and he couldn't leave them alone. They turned around to look for Gong Chenying and him.


They, that was really anticlimactic, as if they didn't come, so he could only suppress his impatience and gave him half an hour of recovery time. This was already the limit in his heart. At the same time, he also needed the other party's rhombus to detect it. result.

Gan Shiluo pondered for a moment and then said no more. There was a flash of light in his hand, and a blue rhombus with a purple core flew towards Li Yan. He sat cross-legged on the ground, took out the elixir again and swallowed it. Each held a spiritual stone and closed their eyes. He is aware of his current state. If he does not recover some physical strength, he will leave the passage. If he encounters a situation, not only will he not be able to help Li Yan, but everyone will die faster in the space outside the passage.

After Li Yan took the Ling Jing, he saw that Senior Brother Gan was so resolute and refreshing, and he couldn't help but admire the foundation-building monks of the Demon Sect. Among the few people he knew, every one of them was decisive and decisive in making decisions. Simply. From this point of view, each of them should be people who have experienced storms. They have long regarded life and death very lightly, but at the same time they attach great importance to life and death. This is very contradictory, but it will appear in the same person. They will do it at any time. Make the quickest decision.

Li Yan quickly put his spiritual consciousness into the crystal in his hand. Soon this ray of spiritual consciousness came to the purple core and penetrated into it without stopping at all. What caught his eyes was a purple sky and earth, and a twinkling light in the sky. The large light spot with strong light was flashing continuously, and there were thirty-six small light spots around it. However, most of the light spots had turned gray at this moment, and only twelve light spots were strong or weak. The lights were shining, some of the lights were so weak that they were almost gray. It was obvious that they were extremely injured people.

After confirming this, his consciousness was locked on the brightest semicircular arch in the first place. At the same time, the purple light in Li Yan's hand outside the rhombus was bright. After a moment, the blue rhombus in his hand turned purple, and then Li Yan did not hesitate, and as his body flew past, he quietly rushed towards the door locked by his spiritual consciousness.

Gan Shi's eyelids twitched slightly while he was meditating. In his consciousness, Li Yan's breath completely disappeared from the sky again.

However, before he could completely fall into trance, Li Yan's breath reappeared in his consciousness after two breaths. Gan Shi couldn't help but bring up a smile on his lips, and then fell into trance.

Li Yan stood on the edge of the battlefield holding the purple diamond in his hand and began to think deeply.

"It seems that even the main rhombus crystal in this passage can get out." His action just now was to determine whether the main rhombus crystal could get out.

Go, after all, he didn't fully understand the weirdness of this rhombus crystal. There were bright spots in the core of this rhombus crystal that marked everyone's life status. How were these bright spots formed? How is it related to the life of a monk? He knew nothing about it, but he should be sure that this bright spot was definitely not like the practice of retaining soul lamps in sects, because he had never felt any signs of reduction in his soul, that is to say Not a single soul was taken out of the body without knowing the circumstances.

So this means that these light spots should be connected with the light spots in the rhombus through some powerful magic. In this way, even if the light turns gray, the monk himself should be fine. But he still didn't dare to take the risk of leaving the main diamond crystal here like this, and let Gan Shi take Miao Zhengyi's diamond crystal out, at least then the final result of entering the wheel of life and death might disappear together, and the various rewards would also disappear. There is no chance, so he must make sure to take away this blue rhombus with a purple core as much as possible.

In the following time, Li Yan was not doing anything else, but also meditating to recover. He also consumed a lot of energy on the way to the previous level.

Time flies like an hourglass. For ordinary people, they can do many things in half an hour, but for monks, it is just a matter of closing their eyes and opening them again.

Gan Shi slowly opened his eyes, and a ray of light passed through his pupils. In the past half an hour, his physical strength had at least recovered to nearly 30%. Although it was not enough, it could only be enough. At the same time, he also saw Li Yan also open his eyes.

Neither of them spoke. Li Yan quickly stood up and with a flash of inspiration, the purple core rhombus appeared in his hand. At this moment, the rhombus began to slowly return to its original state. Li Yan Then he was silently using the Guishui Sutra. For a while, purple began to flash on his hand, and it became brighter and brighter. After a while, it turned into a full purple color.

Gan Shi didn't say a word, but his eyes kept flashing with surprise. He was surprised by Li Yan's cultivation. At this moment, Li Yan didn't hold back at all. He wanted to find Baili Garden quickly, so Ling Yan There is no longer any reservation in strength. Unlike the previous level when he helped Gan Shi pass the level, he had to face various unpredictable attacks from all sides, so he still retained some strength for his own life-saving purposes. As for this point, of course the sooner the better.

"At the last level, Junior Brother Li was around the late stage of the ninth level of Qi Condensation. It turns out that his real strength has reached around the middle stage of the tenth level of Qi Condensation. It seems that he is close to the late stage. I didn't expect that he was hiding so deeply. He is The body technique is really weird. I can't figure it out. Doesn't it seem like there is such a technique in the sect?


"Gan Shi thought to himself, but he still mismeasured Li Yan's strength. He guessed based on what he saw about Li Yan's spiritual strength. How did he know that Li Yan was actually only at the early stage of the tenth level of Qi Condensation.

After a moment, Li Yan stopped pouring his spiritual power, came to Gan Shi, handed Gan Shi the crystal with full purple light, and then quickly swept out to the back and side, and soon arrived at the battlefield. At a place on the edge, he looked at Gan Shi again and roughly drew a range on his hand.

"Senior Brother Gan, hold the rhombus crystal and rush out from this direction. But it's best to protect yourself. The force of the squeeze within the light belt is quite strong. I need the 'Ghost Car Talisman' and the body protection spirit shield." Li Yan said quickly, and then briefly talked about the level of his protection, without saying much else. He believed that Gan Shi would adjust the intensity of his protection according to what he said.

"That's it?" Gan Shi asked doubtfully, holding a dazzling purple diamond. He had also tried to break through various levels before to see if there was another way to find it, but he never succeeded.

"Yeah" Li Yan just hummed, with urging in his eyes.

Gan Shi laughed loudly when he saw this, and the yellow spiritual light all over his body was strong. Several ring-shaped spiritual powers rose directly from his feet and rotated rapidly from the outside of his body. He did not use the "Ghost Car Talisman", and then his body floated, and he was already He quickly rushed towards the direction drawn by Li Yan.

The next moment, there was a loud "boom", which shocked Li Yan's eardrums and caused him to feel dizzy. A yellow light flashed in front of his eyes, and a figure quickly flew backwards.

"Boom boom boom" Gan Shi felt like he had hit a big mountain again. He had experienced this feeling in previous levels, and then a strong reaction force made him fly backwards involuntarily until he flew out. After a few dozen meters, he forcibly stopped his attack, but there was already a faint pressure on his back. He quickly took a few steps forward. His retreat just now almost made him retreat into the battlefield.

Li Yan in front also looked at him with confusion.

"I have used your diamond crystal to go out just now, and I have also tested it. It has nothing to do with the spiritual root attributes of the body." Li Yan frowned and thought.

"Have you really tried it, Junior Brother Li?" After hearing Li Yan's words, he had just been ignited with confidence, but now he was unsure of his next plan.

Li Yan was silent, just lowering his head and thinking. He was also confused about this situation.

"Is it true that only those with Five Elements spiritual roots or those who have practiced the Five Elements Immortal Cultivation Technique can have the ability to break through walls?"

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