Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 151 Change again and again

Gan Shi didn't notice the change in Li Yan's expression. He found that he was flying in this space at least three times faster than the outside world. This was an unprecedented experience. He looked for the purple light that was getting closer and closer in his consciousness. A fighting spirit arose in his heart. This fighting spirit was a kind of suppressed hatred. When he was about to join his fellow disciples, the next step would be a climax of killing.

Soon the two of them came to the flying purple light belt. There was a black light belt more than ten miles away from this purple light belt, which was slowly approaching.

Bailiyuan looked at Gan Shi and Li Yan who suddenly appeared in front of him. He looked simple and honest, and there was no trace of surprise on his face. Instead, Gan Shi and Li Yan were facing Bailiyuan Gujing Wubo. The expression looks quite wonderful.

"Baili, you seem to know about our arrival." Gan Shiluo asked with confusion in front of Bailiyuan. Li Yan also fell down. He glanced around. At this moment, they were in the process of clearing the customs. At the very beginning, Bailiyuan and the others had just arrived at this pass, and there were actually twenty monks in the Qi Condensation Stage here. Du Sanjiang, Lu Qiutong and other people familiar to Li Yan were all here, and they saw the sudden arrival. Only a few of the two people showed surprise on their faces, while the rest looked at them blankly, showing strange expressions.

Bailiyuan still had that tepid expression. After seeing Li Yan, she gave him a bright smile, "I didn't expect that he was Junior Brother Li from Xiaozhu Peak."

"Baili, what am I asking you?" Gan Shi looked puzzled and interrupted Bailiyuan's words.

After Bailiyuan glanced at Gan Shi, he said slowly, "It's actually not surprising, because I have encountered stranger things. What happened to you over there?"

………… ??

Li Yan was flying in the colorful space, his consciousness constantly scanning, with no expression on his face. In fact, he was thinking rapidly in his mind at this time.

"Sixth Senior Sister, I don't know what's going on at this time? But according to what Senior Brother Baili said, could it be that a big change is going to happen here."

Half a quarter of an hour ago, Li Yan and Gan Shi met Bailiyuan in the passage, but their conversation with Bailiyuan later surprised them both.

Li Yan first briefly introduced the conspiracy of the three Taixuan Sects to enter the wheel of life and death. This part was what he heard from Wang Lang and Quan Jiuxing. Then he briefly introduced the functions of blue rhombus crystals and cyan gourds. Everyone in Bailiyuan seemed to have a clear understanding, but Bailiyuan's next words moved them both.

They had passed through Baili Garden before and came all the way. This Baili Garden was indeed someone that Li Wuyi had to be careful about. His strength was clearly demonstrated in these battles. After going through several levels, he managed to survive. Most of the Qi Condensing monks survived, but something happened in the previous level. At the end of the previous level, they met inside the giant yellow ball.


Seeing the Taixuan Sect all the way, Qiu Jiuzhen led it, but there were only eleven people left in the Taixuan Sect she led. Naturally, there were no words when the two parties met, and they directly offered their magic weapons and spiritual weapons. When the two sides were about to fight, the giant yellow ball suddenly burst apart. At that time, a huge black shadow in the sky had covered the wall of the ball. Although it would take some time for it to immerse, this sudden change frightened dozens of people on both sides. , watching the huge black shadow getting bigger and bigger in their eyes and invading along the cracks in the ball wall, everyone was filled with despair, and everyone still had a look of unwillingness on their face. "Is there something wrong with the wheel of life and death?" This was the last thought in everyone's mind. Just when the black shadow was approaching and everyone was about to die, all kinds of talismans and body protective spirit shields were in a mess. The lightning from the sky and the earth rumbled down from the black shadow in the sky, actually cutting the chaotic crowds on both sides apart. In the extremely dazzling situation, there was only a dazzling electric light flying in everyone's eyes. Waiting for a hundred seconds When Liyuan and the others slowly saw clearly, they were already at the beginning of the current level. There were many members of the Sprite Sect, but none of the Taixuan Sect members were missing.

Such a sudden change made everyone stand on the spot. For a moment, they had no idea what was happening. In a short time, Li Yan and Gan Shi suddenly appeared, but their arrival had no idea what was going on in their heads. For the monks who were still in a daze, there wasn't much surprise or surprise. They hadn't even digested the shock before, so they didn't care about the sudden appearance of these two people.

After listening to Bailiyuan's words, Li Yan and Gan Shi looked at each other in confusion. They also couldn't understand what happened. This made Li Yan even more worried about Gong Chenying's current situation. He didn't know that the three sects' actions had changed this place. According to the rules, it was his act of leaving the passage that caused a series of changes, but he had a vague feeling in his heart that it must be one of the two, otherwise this situation had never occurred in the previous wheel of life and death.

After a brief discussion between the three of them, Bailiyuan believed that there should be big changes in the last level and that they should be dealt with harder. Looking at Ruifeikai and Dai Jing who had been released from the spirit storage bag, they found that their Qi Condensation Stage combat strength had reached twenty-three people. Li Yan no longer wasted time and took out the cyan gourd he got from Miao Zhengyi and handed it to them. After giving it to Bailiyuan, he explained the usage in detail again. He believed that this green gourd should be enough for them to pass the last level.

Bailiyuan thought about it and pulled Li Yan.

"Junior Brother Li, I think it is best for Junior Brother Gan and I to have someone accompany you to find Junior Sister Gong."

Li Yan was silent for a while after hearing this. He knew that Bailiyuan was right.

, or help after entering the channel, which is the best move, but he finally rejected the proposal.

"Brother Baili, Brother Gan, although this method is the safest, something has happened here now, and it is hard to predict what will happen next. It is hard to say whether you can enter the passage once you get out. People who get out are likely to stay outside forever, and I may have some protection if I go out. After all, I have mixed spiritual roots, and I am familiar with some of the five elements rules. And there is only a green gourd for you to use, and Brother Gan is not in a good condition now." After saying that, he pointed to Gan Shi and the purple diamond crystal in his hand that had begun to dim.

Gan Shi smiled bitterly upon hearing this, "Bai Li, I have three spiritual roots, and I cannot unite the five elements. I have tried before, and my injection of spiritual power will only make the five-element space split faster. Alas, so when we go out together, Junior Brother Li will have to consume spiritual power from time to time to stabilize the five-element unity state in the diamond crystal for the other person, so his consumption will be doubled!" At the same time, he sighed at his current state. Although he has recovered, the side effects of the "Cangshi Pill" are also taking effect. It will take some time to recover, and he still needs to allocate some spiritual power to suppress it. If he leads these twenty-three people in his state, the casualties will be considerable. This makes Gan Shi even more furious with the three sects. If it is a one-on-one situation, he will not take the "Cangshi Pill".

Baili Yuan's eyes flashed after hearing this, and then he patted the storage bag on his waist, and a blue diamond crystal appeared in his hand. He first used his spiritual consciousness to enter and confirm the five elements space inside, and then he quickly poured in the spiritual power of the practice method. But later he also looked up at Li Yan, and then looked at the green gourd placed aside, and was also impressed.

"It is really impossible to combine the five elements. Maybe except for the physique of Junior Brother Li, only a single holy spirit root can do it." He was embarrassed to directly talk about Li Yan's mixed spiritual roots, but pushed it to his physique. He also knew that Li Yan had a fragmented poisonous body. Seeing that Li Yan broke through the sixth level of Qi Condensation, he also thought that the fragmented poisonous body played a key role. He was a rare heavenly spiritual root in a thousand years, with only two attributes of fire and wood, which was the best spiritual root attribute in Laojun Peak.

"Then Junior Brother Li, be careful on your way. If there is... change..., you can return nearby if you are still close to here." Baili Yuan thought about it. Gan Shi's condition was very bad, and he could not hand over this team of cultivators to Gan Shi. In the end, he still adopted Li Yan's suggestion, but he was hesitant in his words. After knowing the conspiracy of the three sects, he was already very worried about Gong Chenying and his party at the moment. Li Yan had appeared for more than an hour, and anything could happen, but he was also moved by Gong Chenying's decisiveness in sending Li Yan to inform him.

Li Yan said yes. Before he left, in order not to waste the spiritual energy in the green gourd, he did not hesitate to waste his mana to rebalance the blue diamond crystal five-element space in Gan Shi and Baili Yuan's hands. This was also the biggest thing he could do to help.

Then he rushed out with a tired face, even the time to greet Du Sanjiang, Lu Qiutong and others was gone, and he did not stay in the light band to meditate and recover. The spiritual energy in the colorful space outside the light band was more concentrated. When Li Yan was absorbing it while rushing on the road, it was estimated that he could recover about 70% to 80% in an hour. It was just that he didn't have that much time in the five-element space, but now he could only do this. I believe that Bailiyuan and his men have already set off at this moment and will not stop to rest. They want to take advantage of the fact that Li Yan has just replenished the five elements in the Lingjing and quickly break through the level.

Li Yan was flying and thinking, and the Guishui Sutra was running endlessly in his body, constantly absorbing the extremely rich spiritual energy around him. But just when Li Yan had just flown away from the passage for two miles, suddenly a feeling that made Li Yan's heart palpitate appeared in the sky behind him in this colorful space. He turned his head and saw that a huge vortex suddenly appeared above the originally calm colorful space, as if a piece of colorful cloth was stirred. The vortex of colorful glass was slowly turning above Li Yan's head, and Li Yan felt an unparalleled suction force generated from the center of the vortex, as if to suck everything in this colorful space. This made Li Yan, who was flying, stagnate. The next moment, a strong force pulled him back violently. Li Yan's face changed immediately, and he hurriedly encouraged his spiritual power all over his body. The light outside his body was very bright, and he wanted to rush forward.

But just as he rushed out a few steps, the suction force in the sky behind him suddenly increased a bit, causing his body, which had just moved forward, to slowly fly backwards again. At the same time, in Li Yan's sight, several light bands were rapidly sucking and flying towards this side, and as Li Yan retreated, several light bands were also flying rapidly from afar.

Li Yan's veins bulged on his head, and his dark green robe rang. He had already run the Guishui Sutra to the extreme, but his body was still being pulled into the huge vortex in the sky behind him, and the pulling speed was getting faster and faster. This was not something Li Yan could resist at all.

After Li Yan discovered this situation, he couldn't help but smile bitterly and simply gave up the circulation of spiritual energy. "If I had known earlier, I would have stayed in the light band. Maybe there would be a glimmer of hope." Just after Li Yan gave up resisting the suction, his figure shot back into the vortex like an arrow. At the last moment when Li Yan was sucked into the vortex that was like a stretched and twisted scroll, his eyes lit up because he saw that among the various light bands sucked in from the sky, there were two purple light bands, and then these light bands were actually melted into a huge light band group in front of the vortex. Then, Li Yan's head sank, and everything disappeared from his sight.

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