Shut up!

If they interfere with the fire girl, she will drive out all these irritable civilians.

The Fireproof Girl, also in the process of being prepared for a long time, will once again demonstrate her power.

The storm formed in the sky, the vortex began to condense in the hand, the spear of sunlight gradually took shape, and the clouds gradually obscured the remaining sunlight in the sky.

The thunderclouds rolled back, pouring down from the sky, roaring, venting their boundless anger against the Titan. His solid body was cannibalized and annihilated, and the thunder and lightning clung to him, leaving deep dents on his body.

The lava titan looked up at the sky in disbelief. Did Zeus take action?

But shouldn't Zeus be held back by the Thunder Titan after he shot down Gaia? He has skin strong enough to withstand thunder. No matter how powerful the King of Gods is, he can't kill his opponent so quickly, right?

And why did he attack Helios first?

Thunder and lightning fell endlessly, and the vortex enveloped the lava Titan's huge body. The pain of his soul being cannibalized came. His body seemed to be permanently traumatized and could not absorb the surrounding rocks for repair again.

And this is just the beginning!

He wanted to escape, but he could no longer drive his body. He wanted to call for a volcano to erupt, but the lava barely broke through the soil surface before being smashed back into the earth's crust by thunder.

He can't escape!

The storm crushed the Titan's back, and it seemed that resistance became difficult.

Violent tremors came, so loud that the body was gradually peeled off, revealing the ruby-like bones and meridians.

The Lava Titan had an inexplicable illusion and a ridiculous idea that he who had the blood of Kronos and could constantly travel from the past to the present would die here.

How can it be!

He gritted his teeth, broke free from the shackles of fear, pulled up the boulder and threw it into the clouds, only to receive an even more violent lightning strike.

The thunderstorms struck faster and faster, and the momentum became more and more intense. Compared with the gods whose strength was almost fixed, the fire-proof woman was always making progress. She raised her right hand high, and the thunder and lightning was grasped in her hand, condensed into a spear, and thrown into the sky .

The electric light was bright, like the second sun, but not dazzling. It was enough for people to look directly at the sacred figure in the lightning.

[Initial Salary King-Gwen’s Miracle.

This is a story about Gwen's hunting of ancient dragons - a story about the beginning of the age of fire. 】

The spear that pierces the sky and pokes out from the clouds is proof that absolute power has descended on this land.

Black clouds are looming over the city, and ordinary people feel trembling all over, unable to muster the courage to look directly at the sky.

I won't die so easily!

The skeleton burst into blazing flames, and the Lava Titan roared unwillingly. It thrust its arms into the earth, and the lava flowed in its palms, as if it was about to set off a giant wave of lava.

He raised his head and looked toward the sky.

Weak and timid, he wanted to know who was above the sky, but he might not even be able to accept this attack.

Come! Show your power to the great Son of Gaia!


The Spear of Heaven seems to have heard the giant's provocation and slipped from the sky——

The aurora flashed across, just for a moment. Both sides of the battle in Olympus looked at the sky at the same time. Everything became still, leaving only the roar of the Titans echoing. The giants standing tall finally lost their luster, gradually disappeared, and turned into nothingness. .

The heavy rain fell, taking away the hot smell in the air, and then the thick clouds dispersed.

Its daybreak.

The Lava Titan, along with the sun god Helios, died together.

Chapter 52: Happy, I can’t be happy anymore

The downpour seemed to have only one basin. After washing away the blood and residual heat, it returned the sky to the sun. The sun was still the same sun, but the city was already in a mess.

There were not many soldiers left who could still fight. The beasts that rushed into the city fled in embarrassment with the death of Titan. People finally got a chance to breathe. At this moment, the natural disaster hanging above everyone's heads finally ended.

The moment the thunder and lightning fell, the outcome of this battle was already determined.

It's really, really shocking. - Tallulah

If the blow that killed Gaia before could not be directly observed because it was inside her body, then from Tallulah's point of view, this grand scene was no match for the natural disasters in her world.

Fire-proof female sister, so awesome! - Cancer of the World

It's the boss, awsl! - Magical Girl Meili-chan

As expected of a true god, this power makes me even look askance. - Gilgamesh

In Kratos' world, using too much power will cause celestial phenomena. Among other things, the visual pressure will definitely be overwhelming.


The terrifying thunder wiped out the gods and Titans in an instant, and the city did not suffer any more damage. The fireproof woman returned to her original place holding two fresh king souls.

The surrounding civilians were too shocked to speak. One civilian simply couldn't bear the fear of the fire-prevention woman and turned around and ran away.

The fire girl didn't answer.

With one person as an example, everyone followed his example, so everyone turned away and fled the area in embarrassment, not even daring to look at Fang Huo.

The Faded Man also looked at the Fireproof Girl in shock. This scene looked much more terrifying than when he killed Gaia.

Looking at such a powerful fire-proof woman, the faded person couldn't help but feel a little depressed. Does such a powerful miko really need a knight?

What are you thinking about?

The fireproof girl stretched out her hand and rubbed the faded man's head, not knowing what she was thinking.

How old are you? When I was your age, I couldn't even defeat Lothric's minions. You have to believe that you can become stronger. Then you will be the one to protect me.

The Faded One's progress is really fast. When he first met, he was just a warrior with good fighting instincts. Now he is a battle mage who has mastered powerful gravity magic. How long has it been?

This speed is not much compared to Ashes, but it seems inappropriate to compare it to Ashes. Ashes absorbs souls and becomes stronger, which is returning to the throne step by step, returning to the position that belongs to her.


Her face softened slightly, the Faded One nodded seriously, and her thoughts on strengthening herself became more determined. She remembered the information she had collected in Galid. The north of Galid was the graveyard of the dragon. Maybe there was a way to obtain the power of the dragon.

When the Fireproof Girl saves her world, she also has to speed up her journey.


After taking care of the Titans and the Sun God, there was nothing to fear from the remaining defeated generals. The enemies who had not hesitated to attack the two of them before were now surrounded by the fire-preventing woman's aura. Naturally, there was no obstacle for the two of them. .

All the way to the harmonious chain that maintains the sky, the earth, and the ocean, and found the elevator leading to the upper level.

According to the information Hephaestus left in the necklace, this is the way for the Muses who played for the gods to go to the temple. They got in the elevator and followed the chain all the way up. The fire girls came to where the King of the Gods was. The palace is also the home of the Holy Fire of Olympus.

After walking out of the elevator, the two came to the performance hall of the Muses.


The walls here are entirely made of gold, outlined with amber, inlaid with gems of various colors, and exquisite art portraits are hung, complementing the exquisite musical instruments, shining with charming warm yellow, and all the noble things that humans can imagine. There are many carvings and decorations in it, and the splendor is breathtaking.

The fire-prevention girl was a little envious. They were also gods, so their lives were so miserable.

What a luxury. When the civil war is resolved and Lothric is rebuilt, she will have one too!

No, there are two of them, and one is placed at the sacrificial site, so that the elderly Mr. Gwen can listen to it. It can be regarded as his granddaughter's filial piety to him.

The geese plucked their feathers, followed these murals, distributed them evenly to the group members, left a bonfire here, and the fireproof girl stepped out of the golden house of the Muse.

Walking down the stairs made of red crystal, passing through the magnificent avenue, and moving forward along the murals engraved with the glory of the gods, the fire prevention girls finally arrived at the hall where the gods gathered.

In the past, when Olympus was stable, the gods gathered here.

While the Muses and Apollo were playing, they boasted about their greatness, or through the clouds and mist, they appreciated the interesting stories happening among the mortal people, and intervened when they thought it was appropriate.

And in the center of the hall, in the stamen made by Hephaestus, the most skilled blacksmith in Olympus, the source of power of the gods, the eternal flame, the Olympus Holy Fire lies quietly. .

This is the Holy Fire!

With her bare feet in contact with the cold floor, the fire-proof girl stepped forward excitedly, wanting to touch the flame that she had been thinking about for a long time. However, at this moment, a boundless sense of crisis came. Her whole body was cold for a while, and a shiver ran from her tailbone to her forehead.

The sacred flame of Olympus swayed, and unexpected things appeared, almost filling the empty hall.

The faded person was a little further away, and she could clearly see that they were two thick fingers. She could see fingerprints like moving in the ravines in the mountains. The fingers gathered together and swept down the wall. With unparalleled strength, they pinched Fire girl.


Farewell was triggered, and the fireproof girl wanted to rely on time acceleration to dodge, but found that when she manipulated time, the other party could also enter time acceleration. She was not affected at all, and she could not escape the grip of her fingers.

What kind of life is this?

Chat group! Settlement of tasks.

She lost the initiative to fight after the first contact. The fireproof girl immediately thought of the chat group and wanted to get out of the current predicament.

[Ding~ Time and space fluctuations have been detected, group member positions cannot be calibrated, group members cannot be recalled, and tasks cannot be settled. ]

[Ding, it is being processed, please wait patiently. ]

Can you be more fw?

The fireproof girl had blood in her mouth and almost choked herself to death.

Gritting her teeth, the fire-proof girl had to keep using the Miracle of Sunlight to prevent herself from being directly crushed into a two-dimensional life by the opponent. At the same time, she was accumulating divine power. If he dared to continue to suppress him, she would cut off this finger!

Fireproof girl!

Being blown away by the air wave, the faded man climbed up with difficulty, climbed onto the finger, and used all his strength to activate the gravity spell, trying to save his witch.

Give me back my witch!

The pressure of her fingers stopped, and the Fireproof Girl condensed a thunder knife, cutting off the pad of her thumb. A large amount of blood spurted out, covering both the Fireproof Girl and the Faded One.

The time to keep his fingers in this space seemed to be limited. Seeing that he had not yet solved the target, his fingers pressed down on the faded man who was holding the Shield of Aegis and guarding the fire-proof girl. This was Hephaestus, the God of Fire. A shield made by Si, and made by the fireproof woman to let the faded ones accept it.

Although this shield is made of goatskin, it has the ability to exorcise all evil and disasters, and its defensive power is such that even the thunder of Zeus will not damage it.

Still unable to kill the two of them, the finger's existence time reached its limit and disappeared in the blink of an eye. The two of them also disappeared into the hall with the finger.

Dang lang~

The broken oil lamp fell to the ground, and there was no one in the hall. The holy flame still continued its eternal burning. Only the broken building fragments and the blood on the ground told that this place had experienced an unusual battle.

They were captured.

Captured by the power across time and space.

Chapter 53 Return to Vulcan Prison-But Kratos

Deep in Hell, the prison of Hephaestus, the god of fire.

Kratos and his party returned here, because the battle with the ice crystal giant scorpion in the maze caused the maze to disintegrate and fall all the way back to the underworld.

There were some obstacles on the way. The metal colossus infused with the power of Zeus came to life and chased them all the way, wasting a lot of time.

Because of this, in order to save time, Kratos and his party finally planned to pass through the portal of the prison where Hephaestus was imprisoned.

The mountainside has been cleared by Gilgamesh and the others, and the Olympus Palace is in a safe state because of the fire prevention girl. Kratos also took Pandora with him to see his father whom he had not seen for a long time.


Swimming out of the River Styx, the familiar sound of iron ingots clashing with the forging platform came. The holy fire spirit named Pandora ran out from behind Kratos, climbed up the forging platform, and came to Hephaestus' In arms.

Pandora, my favorite daughter, why are you here?

Hephaestus quickly put down the iron awl, hugged Pandora who came forward, raised his swollen brows, and then turned his attention to Kratos, who was shaking off the Styx water.

Kratos? Aren't you waging war against the gods? How did you find Pandora? I thought the one who brought her would be... Oh, don't worry.

He stopped talking, not knowing that Kratos was connected with the Fireproof Girl, Hephaestus knocked on the iron ingot and thanked Kratos.

Thank you, Kratos.

He thought it was Kratos who accidentally discovered Pandora during his revenge battle against the gods, and it was Pandora's request that asked Kratos to bring her here.

Kratos is quite patient with the little girl.

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