No longer wondering why this person was running away from the god of plague, the Faded One put her hand on the wall, trying to use gravity magic to cross it. The arc of light was attracted to the mountain wall, dragging her slowly upward.

After careful testing several times, it was discovered that there was no hidden obstacle. The faded person then continued to cast spells with confidence, and then fell headlong into the transparent barrier. At this time, the invisible force lifted her from a height of dozens of meters. The area pressed back into the square.

‘Haven’t these gods beaten you to death? How can they still maintain the barrier of Mount Olympus? ’

A human-shaped pit appeared on the ground, and the Faded One crawled out of it, thinking aggrievedly.

As if hearing the complaints of the Faded One, the statue's eyes lit up red, and a rustling sound came, as if something was approaching.


The Faded One drew his sword and scanned the surroundings vigilantly.

As the people came closer and closer, the sounds they made became clearer and clearer. Hook swords stretched out from under the cliff, and a group of fully armed soldiers climbed up and formed a formation in front of the Faded Ones.

These are the humans left over from the Golden Age. They have golden skin as strong as steel, extremely strong bodies, and infinite loyalty to the gods. They are the guards of the gods and resolutely perform the duties assigned by the gods.

Since they wanted to fight, the faded ones didn't waste any time. They stamped hard on the ground and knocked away the bricks on the ground. They waved the straight sword in their hands and the leading shield warrior among them was whipped away like a baseball hit by a baseball player.

Buzz buzz~

The blade of the sword buzzed, and the arms of the faded ones trembled slightly. The armor of these warriors was as hard as Gaia's body, and the blow just now did not break the defense.

She observed these golden warriors, trying to find the leader among them, but found that they were almost identical.

But in this case, it doesn't matter.

Since everyone needs to be killed first, kill them all together!

The Faded One opened his arms, and his position spread, quickly covering everyone present. They were lifted up from the ground. The Faded One then began to dance his sword and adjust his position. These trapped enemies seemed to be stirred into the whirlpool of the sea, spinning. Converging towards the center.

Call the stars!

A faint purple electric arc wrapped around the sword. Seeing the golden warriors that had gathered together, the Faded One swung the blade down.

The ground exploded, and dozens of tons of rocks and metal were thrown away from the square. The ball wrapped by many golden warriors was slammed into the ground, blood spattered everywhere, and the strong gravity absorbed the exposed soil, providing them with Filled with a new shell.


The blade collapsed.

The Faded One's expression changed, and he dodged the shattered and rebounding blade. The soles of his feet blessed by gravity magic nullified the attack of one of the golden warriors, and trampled his arm off.

Then he kicked the ball away.

Half-kneeling on the ground, the Faded Man stretched out his hand and shook it hard!

The human ball shrunk a few times again, and a large amount of blood was squeezed out like juice, filling the bottom of the newly exploded pit.


Well played.

The thunder light split the group of warriors into flying ash to prevent any fish from slipping through the net. The faded person turned his head and saw that it was the fire-proof woman who came to her side at some unknown time.

You're awake!

Holding the broken sword in one hand, the Faded Man hugged the Fireproof Girl. The Fireproof Girl stared at her damaged weapon and considered whether she should find time to assemble a legendary weapon for her to use.

However, this idea must be postponed before implementation. The first priority is to rush to the Olympus Temple, extinguish the Olympus Holy Fire, and then chop off the head of Zeus.


Pulling up the faded one, the fire-proof woman took her into the door that had disappeared. In the city burned by the fire, there were the lava titans and the sun god who were fighting, and said: Go and avenge you.


The faded man didn't waste any time, picked up the broken sword, and followed happily.

It’s very artistic, this.jpg

Chapter 50 Start sniping!

Witness the glory of the Sun God!

The sun god's shouts came from the sky. The current situation of the palace of the gods is no better than the outside world. The lava Titan's body covering the sky and the sun stands in the city, with his hands resting on the city wall tower equipped with a trebuchet. On the ground, the barrier that had stood for countless years melted, and the lava fell to the ground, piling up layer by layer, drowning the civilians who had not yet had time to escape.

What a horrific sight.

After crossing the cliff in front, he let go of the harpy that he had captured as a flying tool, and still let her fly away. The fire-proof woman stood on a step. In the sky, the sun carriage passed by, but this time the two of them He was well prepared, but the hot wind only slightly lifted the corners of the fireproof girl's clothes.

Passing through a tunnel, there were dry and cracked clothes under the ground, and dry moss on the walls. The fire prevention woman stretched out her hand and wiped the dry lint to pieces. In the past, this place seemed to be a water curtain cave, and there were many people below. Corpses, they seemed to want to hide here when the God War broke out, but they were cooked alive.

After passing through the cave, the two came to the main battlefield. This battle had been going on for a while. The battle between the two gods whose divine power was related to heat made the air here seem particularly hot. The wailing everywhere and the sound of weapons clashing were even louder. It adds more hustle and bustle to this palace.

The golden warriors and the monster infantry were fighting. Both sides were furious, and they launched an attack without hesitation on the fire prevention girl and her group who intervened in the battlefield.


The Faded One swung her straight sword and deflected the attacking soldier's blade. This time she was smarter and did not use the blade to attack her opponent. Instead, she swept the blade across and hit his face.

The golden soldier's head bent into a strange arc, then spiraled out, and then fell to the ground silently. His skin was not broken, but his skull and brain were mixed into a paste.

He drew his sword and looked around, casting gravity magic with one hand, exerting heavy pressure on the front legs of the charging centaur soldiers.

The charge of the men and horses came to an abrupt end and fell to the ground. Most of the force of the sprint was exerted on the legs, which broke instantly. The broken bones tore through the muscles and pushed out.


Withstanding the halberd swung by the centaur, with his legs dug into the masonry, the faded man truly felt how troublesome fighting in this world is. Every blow must drain the magic power out of the body. If it weren't for The fireproof girl was recovering, but she had already fallen down from exhaustion.


The sharp blade dragged by gravity cut through the centaur's hands and severed its hand tendons. The faded man grabbed the halberd that needed to be hugged to be able to lift it, swung it in a circle, and hit the chest of a soldier who wanted to get closer. , then danced again and slapped the centaur in the face.


The centaur screamed and fell sideways. It was so strong that it couldn't help kicking back. It kicked the head of the soldier who couldn't avoid it in time and smashed it into a meat pie.

Gravity was exerted on the tip of the halberd, and the Faded One struck down with another heavy blow. The centaur's head followed in the soldier's footsteps.

Call it a day.

The halberd was dragged by gravity and suspended next to the Faded One. As she cleared the surrounding enemies, she turned her head sideways and turned her ears towards the Fire Girl, listening to her orders.

Let's head to that high platform.

The fireproof woman pointed out the observation tower which was far away from the two fighting gods but contained a ballista. It had a good view and was safe.

An Olympian soldier was operating a ballista to kill enemies on the Titan side, which showed that the ballista could operate normally. If he wanted to shoot down Helios, he had to find a way from the ballista.

The reason why I chose the ballista instead of directly using Miracle to shoot down Helios is because in the Miracle of Dragon Hunting, the worst weapon used by Fireproof Girl is the Sunshine Spear, which cannot hit anyone at a distance, and the power of the Thunderbolt Pillar is limited. God cannot be killed.


The Faded One nodded and charged forward. The soldiers along the way had little power to stop him.

The halberd swung in mid-air under the control of gravity was enough to shatter their strong armor and bodies together.

Even a strong centaur, faced with attacks that could come from any direction, was stabbed through the stomach when it first met, and then cut into two pieces from bottom to top.

Nothing can stop them!

After fighting a bloody road between the two armies, the Fire Guard Girl and the others came to this lookout. However, what was surprising was that this place was already occupied by a monster.

It is yellow in color, has a sheep's head, looks like a jackal, and has a lion's face on its chest. It is chewing on the soldier who was operating a ballista just now. At its tail is a snarling poisonous snake. The venom drips to the ground as its tongue spits out messages, corroding pieces. A pothole.

It's Chimera!

The Faded One didn't talk nonsense. The halberd was thrown like a cannonball and hit the face of the Chimera's chest. However, it lost the indomitable momentum it had when facing the men and horses. The shock wave spread at the collision point between the weapon and the skin. The smoke was fired and a layer of skin was scraped off.

No damage was caused at all. The Chimera stood up and spit out fireballs. A shield appeared in the Faded One's hand, resisting the flames. Then he jumped up, and the long sword mixed with purple arcs of light penetrated the lion's face on the chest. Eye.


The Chimera waved its claws and hit the shield used by the Faded One to block, causing large iron sparks to rub off and leaving deep claw marks on it.

The blazing wind was blowing, and the faded person avoided it without thinking. It was a poisonous snake spitting out a message. Without any thinking, he grabbed the snake's head reflexively, and then raised the knife and dropped it.

Docking the tail!

The straight sword that had just been repaired broke again, but at the same time, the snake tail that launched the attack naturally fell to the ground with gravity. The Chimera hit it with its head, and the faded one fought back with its fist.

Broken horn!

While the bones were shattering, the Faded One's fist exerted gravity and broke the horn. He picked up the broken horn and tried to peel off the Chimera's head.

The severely injured Chimera broke free from the constraints of gravity, with a lion's face on its chest filled with flames.

After taking a few steps back, the Chimera pushed the Faded One back with a series of fire breaths. When the Chimera wanted to attack, a thunder gun hit its abdomen and tore it into two pieces.


The faded man, who was doused with blood and was still ready to fight back, looked at the fireproof woman in confusion.

Don't wait too long.

The miracle washed away the blood on both of them. The fireproof woman stepped forward to check the ballista. She felt it was a bit old, so she sprinkled a handful of repair powder and patted the seat of the ballista.

Sit on it and attack Helios when you find an opportunity. I will condense the crossbow bolts.

Why leave it to me?

The Faded One obediently sat on the operating platform of the ballista, curiously looking left and right, a little confused, but he still thought that the fireproof woman's operation was completely unnecessary.

Ahem, because I want to deal with them both.

After coughing slightly, the fireproof girl blushed a little. She couldn't say she couldn't hit, right?

She used to go to the Zhenpu Forest and learn from the Crystal Old Man that soul arrows could miss crabs, and that the Sunshine Spear could hit a target without hitting a fixed target.


The Faded One had no doubt that he was there and stared intently at the golden stream of light in the sky. She was really unhappy with Helios and wanted him to taste what it was like to die.

Chapter 51 Sun God, Lava Titan——Dead!

The hot light ball hit the Titan and knocked away a large number of rocks. Helios used his strongest strength to try his best to kill the Titan and achieved great results.

The civilians were frantically dodging below, trying to find a glimmer of hope for survival. Some of them fled to the square and were burned into coke by the high temperature. Some of them hid in the basement, but turned into overripe pigs under the high temperature. .

The blazing white light and the shadows of Titans alternately fall on this land. The Fireproof Woman interprets the chariot in the sky, looking for its flaws. The Faded One is familiar with the operation of the giant ballista, hoping to launch a fatal strike at the right moment. hit.

The fire prevention girl stood on a high platform, waiting for this fierce battle to ease a little. Flames, high temperatures, and lava could not affect them. Gradually, a group of refugees gathered around them, struggling to survive. Refugees seeking asylum.

The fire girl ignored these people who were kneeling to pray. They were lucky to be here alive.

High-intensity and evenly matched battles are also a great test for gods, not to mention two people with similar authority.

Finally, the sun's carriage also slowed down, and it was no longer a flash of golden light, but allowed people to see the outline clearly.


The lava titan smashed an exquisite building with one punch, which was the palace of a nymph, and attracted an attack full of the wrath of Helios.

The Lava Titan was tired of fighting with this damn fly, and began to destroy all the buildings it could see, moving towards the chain of harmony leading directly to the palace of the gods, in order to force the Sun God Helios to take the initiative to attack.

The light dispersed the shadows and enveloped everyone again. The golden chariot rumbled past and launched another attack on the Titans. The fireproof woman could hear the excited breathing of the civilians around her.

Everyone is looking forward to it, looking at the sun in the sky with reverence. The battle between the gods is a natural disaster, and they hope that this battle will end soon.

I wonder if they would be able to do this if they saw the Sun God fall.

It's now.

The Sun Carriage bypassed the Titan's hand and was once again in front of the Titan's chest, forming a three-point line with the crossbow. The Faded One seized this opportunity, reminded the fire girl, and then released the crossbow's firing rope.

Swiftly and accurately, a crossbow arrow wrapped with dragon-hunting thunder and lightning flew out from the crossbow and penetrated Helios' body. The thunder gun overflowed from the branches, biting his body, leading him forward, and he fell headlong. It fell onto the lava titan's body.

The sun dimmed.

The lava titan clenched the body of the sun god, and his huge body pressed against the mountain peak. He did not want to give up this hard-won opportunity, and he did not expect that he was now a living target.

Thunder and lightning spread, covering Titan's whole body, causing him to lose strength for a while, unable to control his body anymore, and fell on his back into the building complex, bringing up endless smoke and dust.

No, is this possible? Zeus is on top!

During the period, a priest stepped forward in disbelief, wanting to see clearly the scene of the sun god's fall, and bumped into the fire-prevention woman's barrier.

People only saw the Sun God falling headlong into the hands of the Titans, unable to get up again. Their minds were full of doubts. The Faded Ones raised their shields and stepped forward. The shields made of the fur of the mythical beast separated and flattened the shock wave of the building. The Faded Ones turned to face the rioting crowd. Leng shouted.

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