He once had a happy family, with a beautiful wife and lovely daughter. This matter was no secret among the gods. After all, the death of his family was the trigger that prompted him to kill Ares.

I'm looking for the Flame of Olympus.

Kratos replied, looking at the portal that still had some remaining divine power.

Kratos, I thought I was just obsessed with revenge. Why would I want to go to the Holy Fire of Olympus?

Hephaestus was startled, and following Kratos' description, he suddenly thought that this revenge madman might have known that Pandora extinguished the Holy Fire of Olympus. He opened his hand and stretched out his big hand to hold Pandora. Stay around the chains.

No, Kratos! Get away from her!

Protecting Pandora in his arms, even though he was afraid of this ruthless man who had killed countless gods, and even though he was so afraid that his hands and feet were weak and his lips were white, Hephaestus yelled at Kratos sternly.

As for the mortals around him, he instinctively ignored them.

Don't try to play Pandora's mind, Kratos, Pandora was captured by Zeus because of you, and it's also because of you that I'm in this situation now.

I have never been sorry to you, Hephaestus, I just did what a man should do.

Kratos replied that if it weren't for Ares's conspiracy, he would have died as a warrior with his wife in the arms of his daughter. This is the way of death that Spartans have been pursuing all their lives.

Fight your whole life and then walk down to your death surrounded by your family.

Unfortunately, now, not only is his family gone, he has also lost Sparta.

Kratos looked at the terrified Hephaestus. They had no grudges. Although he sympathized with the fire god's experience, he still felt ashamed of Hephaestus' cowardice.

Do you want me to be just like you, resigned, not only lost everything, but ended up being imprisoned in such a prison by Zeus? At least after seeing their true colors, I still have the determination to take revenge on the gods.


Hephaestus was speechless for a moment. Kratos' words really touched his pain, but he still refused to let go of Pandora, staring at Kratos with eyes of different sizes.

Father! I am voluntary. Zeus's rule must end. Extinguish the holy fire, open the magic box, and release enough power to defeat Zeus. This is my mission.

Peering her head out from between Hephaestus' fingers, Pandora quickly explained to him how she didn't know the level of Hephaestus' strength. If there was a conflict, Kratos would definitely kill him.

My child, a madman's revenge on another madman should not be achieved at your expense!

Quickly press Pandora's little head to separate it from Kratos' sight again.

Kratos, since you found her under Pandora's guidance, you should know that you cannot let her enter the Holy Fire of Olympus, she will die.

Hephaestus said nervously, staring at Kratos for fear that he would violently kill someone.

At this time, he still looks a bit like a man.


Kratos crossed his arms and snorted. He would destroy Zeus at all costs, but he was not that crazy. Hephaestus was right. His revenge should not be accomplished by sacrificing a little girl.

He opened the chat group, and it happened that the fire-prevention woman had arrived at the location of the holy fire. He went to ask the fire-prevention woman if she could get the holy fire. If she could, he would just leave Pandora here.

@Uncle Kratos! Something happened to the fireproof sisters. - Cancer of the World

After entering the group, I clicked on the live broadcast of the Fireproof Girl, only to find that the screen was already black. Chika Fujiwara was @Kratos in the group, and nervous emotions overflowed the screen.

Don't panic, what happened? - Ghost of Sparta

When the Fireproof Girl and the Faded One approached the Holy Fire, they were kidnapped by two fingers that appeared for no reason. The Fireproof Girl tried to settle the task and leave, but failed. This is a screenshot of the system's response at that time.

This was the most thrilling accident that had ever occurred in the chat group. Fujiwara Chika was nervously organizing herself for a while, and Tallulah sent out a screenshot of the system just now.

The fluctuations in time and space cannot be transmitted, which means that the Fireproof Girl was in a confrontation with an opponent who had mastered the power of time or space? - Archbishop Tianming

Kratos frowned. He remembered that the gods with the power of time were either killed by him or had left this land. How could there be such gods hidden in Mount Olympus? If there were, they should not have been released when the war started. .

After hearing this, Otto stopped studying the soul steel body that had undergone strange changes in properties. He opened the chat group, then clicked on the avatar of the fireproof woman, and quickly found a replay button in the live broadcast module.

His research on chat groups is relatively detailed and he has a clear understanding of each module.

This is the finger of Cronus. - Ghost of Sparta

Kratos searched in his mind for a while, and soon found a god he could fight with in his relatively long memory.

The second generation of god-kings in Greek mythology? - Tallulah

We all know this. It seems that Tallulah really likes reading books on weekdays.

That's right.

Holding his chin with one hand, Kratos recalled that the first time he opened Pandora's Box, he went to the temple carried by the previous generation of god-king, Cronus, and obtained the power of killing gods.

The authority possessed by this god is indeed linked to time. Although his divine power is restrained, it is still understandable to arrest someone thousands of miles away through the medium of the Olympus Holy Fire.

What? You ask him if he has this ability, why doesn't he take advantage of the gathering of gods to eat them all?

As long as Zeus is still alive, it is impossible. Even if Cronus, the gods he captured, can defeat them, everything will be in vain when Zeus arrives, and he will face even more cruel punishment.

Therefore, it is better to carry the temple honestly on weekdays. At least the Titan is thick-skinned and thick-bodied and can withstand the torment.

‘Kratos, can you hear me? ’

The tremor from the outstretched soul brought Kratos' thoughts back. Kratos raised his head and looked at the bonfire beside the God of Fire. This was not the first time he had experienced this kind of conscious conversation. He muttered silently in his heart and asked.

‘Fireproof girl? ’

Chapter 54 Kratos is on the way

‘It’s me, I’m communicating with you through the campfire. ’

After receiving Kratos's reply, the fire-proof girl breathed a sigh of relief. This chat group was like trash. The signal was cut off after being caught. If she hadn't sensed a familiar smell near the bonfire, the fire-proof girl wouldn't have been able to interact with him. Group friends get in touch.

From now on, when we go to another world together, she might as well make a bonfire. Use this to communicate, otherwise it would be too outrageous to disconnect if there is a slight fluctuation.

In other words, she was the one who lost contact. If the other group members were there, they might have missed the best time to rescue her.

Looking around, this is the gap between the abyss and the earth.

The cracks in the abyss were filled with lava falling from above, and toxic smoke billowed up. The light from the lava dyed the world dim, and not many lives could survive in this extinct place.

Formal meeting, strange god, murderer of Gaia.

Under the dim sky, Kronos dragged the two little people in front of him, opened his mouth, and breathed out the strong wind. The foul-smelling breath came out on the ground, making the fire prevention girl couldn't help but squint her eyes.

Do you know how much disaster Gaia's death will cause to the world?

Heaven and earth will merge again, and everything will return to chaos.

Questions rumbling like thunder rang out. They looked at the Titan who was holding the two of them up with his palms and was even bigger than Gaia. Shadows enveloped them. The fire-proof woman did not reply and tried to contact them. Bonfire run.

There was no movement.

With cold sweat on her forehead, the fireproof girl said to Kratos.

'I might need help. ’

The Fireproof Woman doesn't think she will be Cronus's opponent. The huge power of the miracles she masters are based on her ability to pull herself into a faster flow of time and speed up the process of skipping power accumulation.

So if we really want the fire-proof girl to release miracles in real time, just firing a sunshine gun will waste half an hour of her time.

Coincidentally, although his divine power was bound by chains, Cronus himself and the area around him were not affected by the abnormal flow of time.

Well, is this a trick of fate? In the end, I still have to clean up this chaotic land.

There was still no response from the fireproof girl. This god was too young and probably didn't understand what he was talking about. Cronus raised his palm and stretched out a finger, as if to kill an ant that came into his palm. .

That Spartan, he stole the power in Pandora's Box. Zeus was so full of fear that he even banished me to Tartarus. My life is worse than death.

Cronus gritted his teeth and said while vigorously rotating his fingers left and right.

Young god, after I kill you and gain your power, I will complete my revenge.

'Where are you? ’

The fire in the bonfire began to sway, seeming to reflect the dangerous situation of the fire prevention woman, Kratos looked solemn.

‘My current location is in Tartarus, the deepest prison in the underworld. Cronus, the king of the gods of the previous generation, brought us here. ’

[Wrath of the Gods]

Release Miracle withstood Kronos's pressure, Fireproof Girl said, she and the Faded One could still hold on.

You actually still have some energy left?

The fingers that were pressed down were repelled by the invisible force. Cronus was surprised that this god who was already at the end of his power in his own perception still had the power to resist him.

Wouldn't it be better to die for the sins you committed? If you continue to resist like this, your end will be miserable.

I bother!

The Faded One couldn't help but spit. Although she knew that the reason why the fireproof girl killed these gods was to continue her own world, she didn't cause trouble to Kratos' world.

On the contrary, the rules controlled by the gods returned to an unconscious state. The two of them fought all the way to Olympus and saved more lives than died in the war of the gods.

But so what, God doesn't care.

I'm just a priest. This is God's battlefield, and you don't have a seat to speak.

Enraged by the provocation of the Faded One, although his divine power was restrained by shackles all over his body, he still had the means to attack. Light gathered in his eyes, and Kronos moved closer, intending to kill the two of them with the energy gathered in it.

The wait is now.

The fire-proof woman picked up the soul of the sun god Helios, and the pure white light flashed.

Ah, my eyes.

The sun pierced his eyes and made Cronus temporarily blind. He waved his hand and threw the fireproof girl and the others away. The Faded Man used gravity magic to cling to Cronus' skin, and the two hid in a hidden place. Shackles edge.

They must not fall down now. Not to mention whether there are terrible monsters hidden in the abyss, the fire prevention girls cannot speed up, and they cannot run very far. Cronus chases them on the ground. He stomps them a few times, and I am afraid that the two of them will not fall down. People will die miserably.

The top priority is to survive and wait for Kratos to arrive.

'We can hold on for a while. ’

Still needing to accumulate strength to release the sun god's light, the fire-prevention woman left a message to reassure Kratos and the others and cut off the communication with the bonfire.


Hephaestus, do you know how to get to Tartarus?

Kratos asked Hephaestus on behalf of the fireproof girl to report everyone in the group was safe.

This is not something you should know.

If you need to find Cronus, you'll need millions of Tartarus. He's been imprisoned in the abyss of hell since you opened Pandora's Box.

Hephaestus wanted to refuse, but suddenly thought of a way to stop Kratos.

A method that I think is feasible.

You know, I hate what Zeus did, but unfortunately my power is not strong enough. If you can get something from Cronus, your road to revenge will definitely be smoother.

Hephaestus changed his mind,

Forgive Hephaestus for having to make his own little plans, but Kratos is really notorious, to the point where it makes children stop crying.

To really make Hephaestus believe that he would not sacrifice Pandora for revenge would be like making Hera believe that Zeus would not cuckold her one day.

We need the 'stone tire'. With it, I can forge weapons for you.

I have my own weapons.

Hephaestus had a bad attitude towards him, and Kratos was also very rude.

No, no, no, this weapon is very different. It can help you defeat Zeus.

Hephaestus rubbed his chin and tried his best to put on a relaxed expression, just like his cunning messenger brother, and introduced Kratos to the origin of the stone fetus he mentioned.

The Stone Fetus, the stone swallowed by Cronus in place of Zeus, can swallow divine power.

It absorbed the divine power of the newly born Zeus, was wrapped in swaddling clothes, and was given to Cronus to swallow. This is why Cronus did not recognize the stone fetus as a fake at first.

After Cronus was finally defeated and exiled by the three brothers, the stone embryo remained in his body.

In the abyss of hell, Tartarus, I believe that you, who have killed countless gods, can defeat this weak former king of the gods, right?

Hephaestus rubbed his hands flatteringly.

Then how do I get there?

Kratos, out of absolute confidence in his own strength, ignored this thoughtful Vulcan.

Hephaestus opened the door on the side, turned to Kratos and said: Behind this door, even Tartarus, bring the stone tire, and I will make a weapon for you.

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