Huh? This is it.

The fire-prevention woman's eyes narrowed and she noticed the stiff-moving undead in the crowd.

Several undead people suddenly rushed out of the originally orderly square. Their arms were like dead branches and they were wearing crotch cloth. On their chests, you could clearly see the ring of darkness that appeared after the undead curse broke out. This black hole will cause their humanity to continuously flow out, and eventually they will turn into living corpses.

When they passed by the square, they ignored the church personnel's obstruction and fell into the fire.

After they rushed into the fire, their bodies burst into flames, but there were no burns like being burned by ordinary fire. They knelt and sat in it with a relieved smile on their faces, and then stopped moving.

The Luoqi quickly sealed off the scene. Some church members stepped forward to check the undead people who had been thrown into the brazier, but as soon as they touched their bodies, the withered bodies turned into handfuls of ashes and scattered like sand sculptures. , fell into the fire.

What happened to them?

The fire girl couldn't understand it. She asked people from the church to come to their homes to provide miraculous services and popularize knowledge. The curse of immortality was a normal phenomenon caused by the decline of the First Fire. As long as everyone could return to normal after the First Fire was rekindled, why were there still people who couldn't figure it out?

It was also something she failed to consider. The bonfire was connected to the First Fire, so naturally it could permanently kill the undead and free them.

I don't want to live anymore.

Putting the mobile phone that was showing the video on the stand, a self-deprecating smile flashed across Hui Jing's face.

My family has become a living corpse, my traveling companions have become a living corpse, and I have gone through a long journey without anyone around me. Naturally, I am only left with the obsession to seek relief.


The fireproof girl was speechless. This was their own choice, and she had no right to interfere. She just hoped that others would not follow suit.

I will send an order to the church later to strictly monitor the bonfires everywhere. If I encounter someone who wants to commit suicide, I will take him to do more ideological work.


Ashes responded, sending orders to the members responsible for campfire maintenance.

Many people just hold in their breath and let it go when they stop. Do more ideological work. Since you are still alive, then keep moving forward. The enrichment in the new path will naturally relieve the difficulties in your heart.

In the past, she had just fallen from a peaceful life, and when she thought about the future that was destined to be dark, she thought about it many times and wanted to die. No one gave her psychological counseling at that time, so she had to get out of it on her own.

The fire girl stood up, opened the curtains in front of the window, and looked into the distance. The high walls repainted by Lothrik were like white ivory inlaid with worn brass. The newly built undead settlement had also lost its gloomy atmosphere, and it could be regarded as a few years old. What it looked like in the past prosperous times.

I hope they can persevere and see the light of dawn.

Besides these, is there anything else?

I don't know if it was an illusion, but the light in the sky became much brighter. The fire-proof girl gathered her hair that was blown away by the wind.

There's something wrong with that patroller.

Some time ago, I met a living pilgrim from Rondal. When he saw Hui Jin, he said that he would follow and serve her. Hui Jin was worried, so he didn't take him to the fire sacrificial site.

Arriving next to the fireproof girl, Ashes opened the buttons of her collar and pulled it down, revealing her plump breasts, but her originally moist skin was a little dry.

You asked me to accept his help, but after he enhanced my strength, a secret cave appeared here.

When her eyes moved, the fire-proof woman's attention was not on the white and big breasts, but on the place where the dark ring originally belonged to her chest, she noticed a dark vortex.

Rondall's secret technique can increase the power of the undead or ashes, but during the process of increasing the power, the dark mark will increase, and it will also be created as a container of the First Fire.

The fireproof woman explained that logically she should not know this, and no one in Lothric would even know this secret technique. This is why the pilgrim named Yoel dared to cheat Ashes openly.

But who let the old fire-prevention woman become an expert?


Use the carrier with the Dark Soul as a container, usurp the First Fire when the fire is transmitted, and bring it under the control of the Dark Soul. At that time, Rondoer, a country of wandering souls full of undead people, can naturally replace it. Lothric’s status.”

The fireproof girl snorted and explained that when the legion was rebuilt and the two princes and Pope Salivan were dealt with, she would be the first to kill Rondoer.

Oh, you know so well, has there been any problems with Chuanhuo before?

Of course it has happened before. Rondoer sent out a fire-passing team with their leader Fried as the main staff, hoping to usurp the first fire when passing fire. Unfortunately, becoming a first-fire container will naturally have to withstand the first fire. The man couldn't stand it anymore and ran away.

Thinking of a certain nun hiding in the world of painting, the fireproof girl glanced at the ashes. It would look great when the two of them fight.

You have also been burned by the first fire, so you naturally know how painful it is to pass the fire.

So that's the case, so after they witnessed Fried's failure, they naturally turned their attention to Ashes like us who have been exposed to the fire.

It was clear to Ashes that he was taking her for granted. He was afraid of being burned and didn't want to burn himself, so he tricked Ashes into burning her.

Do you need me to get rid of him?

After rearranging his clothes, Hui Jin raised his hand and scratched his neck.

There's no rush now, use him more.

The power of prostitution is not in vain. If the fire-proof girl could not copy this skill, she would have promoted it in the army.

Come to me every time you plant a dark mark, and I will help you solve the side effects.

Holding Hui Jin's hand, light flashed. Except for the dark mark in the body, Hui Jin's body had returned to its original state.


The bell heralds the end of working hours.

Except for the troops on duty, the rest of the people can put down their work and do their own things. It is up to them to go to the church to see the nuns for psychological counseling, or to go home to rest and relieve the fatigue of the day.

But most people probably prefer to go to the Bonfire Square and listen to the old maid reading the pile of Bibles written by the Fireproof Lady that are regarded as treasures by the church.

The fireproof girl feels that she is gradually going further and further down the road of ruling the country through cooking, but it doesn't seem to be a bad thing.

If the sky falls, she will hold it up. All these people need to do is live well.

Come on, go out for a walk with me.

The high wall is not accessible, and the settlement is not accessible. The only way for the fire prevention girl to relax every day is to rub a certain white hair while helping people upgrade, which is to walk around the brand new fire sacrificial site, and from time to time go to Guda to practice her skills. , to prevent hand injuries.

Guda: Are you polite?

Chapter 37 It’s time to go~

Fire-passing sacrificial site.

Today's sacrificial site looks very deserted, because basically everyone has been driven out by the fire girl to use the remaining heat. There is no sound of the old blacksmith hammering, the old maid's stall is still placed in the aisle below, but the people are gone, Lu Dao Si was sitting on the throne watching the Game of Thrones movie, with a little crow lying on his shoulder.

Everyone is busy, everyone is busy, please be busy.

After walking down the steps, the fire prevention girl sighed with joy, but her good mood was quickly ruined by the sigh of a certain unsightly creature.


Hawkwood's unique mourning lament sounded regularly, making the atmosphere in the entire sacrificial hall suddenly weird, and the fire prevention girl suddenly became unhappy.

The fireproof girl was unhappy. Ashes was naturally unhappy as well. She glared at Hawkwood fiercely when she passed by.


Hawkwood looked innocent. He looked down at himself and found nothing inappropriate. He thought it was because he didn't salute, so he quickly stood up and saluted. However, this was wrong. Neither Ashes nor Fireproof Girl were people who cared about etiquette.

How did he offend these two aunts?

After glancing at the fireproof girl carefully, Hawkwood asked cautiously.

Your Highness, what's wrong with me?


The fireproof girl patted his shoulder and said earnestly: Have you ever thought of doing anything else except sighing when you stay at the sacrificial site every day? You really want to go outside and help out when you have nothing to do, and explore the living sacrifices with Ashes and the others. Pin Lu, if you don't want to fight, you can just help the workers pick up a few loads of fertilizer.

She doesn't even expect Hawkwood to take the lead. Even if you don't keep up when others are moving forward, can we stop badmouthing him every day? Putting such a person in the army is a morale destroyer.


Hawkwood was silent for a while, recalling that when his undead team returned to Fran Fortress, not only was the magpie's nest occupied by doves, but the nest was also polluted and looked like that. He thought that after the fire was spread, his strength declined and he could not win. The opponent, in the end, almost the whole team was infected by Abyss, and said with a sad face: It's useless, so what if the fire transmission is successful, the real enemy is Abyss.

The fire spread can indeed suppress the abyss.

Seeing that Hawkwood is still so pessimistic, Ashes, who has seen the ancient country where the Faran Fortress area was located in the past, couldn't help but wonder how serious the pollution in the abyss of Ula Shilu was.

As long as the flames are kept strong, the abyss will naturally not spread. Even after your immortal team spreads the fire, it is still unable to suppress the abyss because the initial fire has already weakened by then.

To be honest, the souls of the Immortal Team and the others are barely average, and they are only used as a backup measure because of their special nature, and they cannot even be used as an introduction.

Now that the fire prevention girl has returned to Chai Xin, it is only a matter of time before the abyss recedes.

Ah this...

Is it true? Your Highness.

Hawkwood turned his head, and Kizaki looked at the fireproof girl.

Of course it's true. Osroais should have explained it before asking you to spread the fire.

The Fireproof Girl is also a little confused. The fire can suppress the abyss, and the abyss will become stronger when the flames fade. This is common sense. The Immortal Team, the Deep Saint Eldridge, King Ludos, and the Giant King Youmu are all because of themselves. Due to various reasons, it has the nature of the abyss and will revive when the flames fade, so it is used as a last resort. This is not a secret among the top leaders of Lothric, right?


Hawkwood was speechless for a moment. He really couldn't stand the days of killing each other with his colleagues in the pile of corpses, so he resolutely left the French Fortress, thinking that it was all a scam.

And with me here, I should be able to solve the abyss pollution of the undead team, but the premise is that the wolf blood must be gathered. Because you share the wolf blood, you also share a soul, unless the undead team is gathered together to perform the ritual of extracting wolf blood. , otherwise the soul cannot be purified.

The fireproof girl pulled Ashes and gestured: I can't let Ashes kill them all and bring them back for purification, right?

Hawkwood's mind was buzzing and he was a little confused. He couldn't accept this exciting fact for a while. He waved his hands and didn't know where to put them.

We have explored the second half of the Living Sacrifice Road, and have also met Ashes Anli, who has the responsibility of defeating the Deep Saint Eldridge. It is expected that we will be able to pass through the Living Sacrifice Road and reach the Dispense Forest in the near future. ”

Ashes seemed to be reporting to the fire girl, but actually she was telling Hawkwood.

The military's plan is to divide the troops into two groups. Richard will lead the Lothric army to the Deep Church. However, Fran Fortress is too dangerous and the number of people does not play a decisive role. I will go with the assembled Black Knights and Ashes.

The Fireproof Woman looked deeply at Hawkwood and said to him: I hope to see you in the assembled team.

The silence in the hall lasted for a while, and Hawkwood opened his mouth and said hesitantly.

...Can you give me some more time?


The fireproof girl's face was full of disappointment. She thought that her popular science knowledge could rekindle Hawkwood's faith. It turned out that she was not some seventh-generation Hokage, and she had not yet mastered the art of evasion.

Dang rang~

A chainsaw fell to the ground, and the saw blade hit the stone slab with a crisp sound. For a moment, the eyes of everyone at the sacrificial site focused on Ashes.

Dang rang~

Another cannon fell to the ground. Although he didn't know how powerful it was, the sense of crisis from his heart still warned Hawkwood that this thing was not a simple weapon.

Hui Jin was holding a double-ended long knife in his hand and trimming his nails that had not been taken care of recently. He had a posture of sending Hawkwood to the throne first.

I...I just haven't figured out how to face them. Just give me some more time, and I will definitely go to Flan Fortress with you.

Hawkwood almost cried because he didn't intend to leave his whole body. He quickly explained that he ran out just because he was afraid of death, and he didn't want to die in the sacrificial hall first.

Wouldn't it be better if it was like this? You have to put the knife to your neck to be anxious, right?

Then don't stay at the sacrificial site. Go work on the construction team of the Immortal Settlement, so that you won't have to think about it all day long.

He took Hawkwood by the back collar, threw him into the bonfire, and teleported him to the undead settlement that was still undergoing expansion. This time he didn't resist anymore and just let the fire prevention woman do what he did.

That's it, if you don't go then I'll let the Black Knight take you there.

With one word, the flames engulfed Hawkwood.

Finally we have settled this troublesome guy.

The fireproof girl clapped her hands, and suddenly, the group became lively. A bunch of @members attracted the fireproof girl's attention.

Cancer of the Earth: @All members, the group is open, the official copy of Olympus is open! All members of the group are invited to actively participate in the registration!

(Volume 1, end)

Chapter 38 The Second Coming

Cancer of the Earth: @All members, the group is open, the official copy of Olympus is open! All members of the group are invited to actively participate in the registration!

As Chika Fujiwara's notification fell, a task appeared in the chat group taskbar.

[Mission: Assist in attacking Mount Olympus again. 】

[Task requirement: The King of the Gods, who has been eroded by fear and arrogance, is no longer qualified to rule all things in the world. Kill him and leave the future of the world to mankind. 】

[Remarks: I hope to have more live broadcasts from several angles. I have to fall asleep watching Uncle Otto solve puzzles every day. 】

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