At first glance, this mission copy was written by Chika Fujiwara. She is at the level of secondary 2. And how did this ID become the cancer of the earth?

@Fireproof Girl, Fireproof Girl Sister, please come here when you have time. Uncle Kratos said that the gods you kill will not cause fluctuations in the rules there, and a lot of people will die less, and these The souls of gods are of no use to Uncle Kratos. (Uncle Kratos said this just to ask me to invite the fire-proof female sister.) - Cancer of the Earth


Kratos's ferocious face wavered slightly, and he hid it with a slight snort.

Cuckoo... - Fireproof Girl

Huh? - Cancer of the Earth

I mumbled too. -Ainz Ooal Gown

+1 +1......

Hey, hey, hey?!

Mr. Momonga, who comes from a highly information-based society, was the first to pick up the thread, and everyone in the group also followed suit.

A bunch of old people are too childlike to bully a little girl who is no older than themselves?

The fireproof girl didn't expect that this would cause the group to start rereading mode. She snickered a few times before replying.

“(^_–)☆You’re just kidding, it’s a matter of life and death for my world, so I will come over naturally.”

Now that the Immortal Settlement is on the right track, it is idle to be idle.

I'll come right away. - The Faded One

Under the crimson sky, with continuous rain, among the jungles composed of corrupt bacteria, the faded man wanted to go when he saw the fireproof girl, while replying in the chat group, and then he ducked dangerously to avoid the golden halo, lifted up by invisible force. As she completed an incredible turning movement while staying in the air, she swung her straight sword with a dark purple arc of light and hit a knight in golden armor with a red tassel on it.


The weapons collided with each other. The sword used by the golden knight to block was bent due to the strong force. The poisonous water containing corruption and poison spurted out from the helmet with an opening. It poured on the silver armor and stuck through the gaps. It applied to the skin underneath, but it had no effect. It was completely burned away by the bright flames in the body that had lost its blessing.


The Faded One stretched out his palm, and the dark purple arc of light stirred the scarlet air, and pressed it on the Knight Knight's helmet.

The position covered this place, and cracks appeared in the ground. The scarlet poisonous water quickly filled them. The movement that was originally intended to counterattack paused, and the arm of the scythe was raised and bent at a weird 180 degrees, and was forcibly bent. It's a weird arc, but it's not over yet.


All the bones in the body were crushed, but the plasma was strangely unable to flow out. The golden knight could not even scream, and his tall body was cast into a discus about fifty centimeters in diameter.


The strong wind hit, and the Faded Ones sidestepped and looked at the veteran who came out of the mist with a group of spiritual soldiers carrying the military flag. The Faded Ones who had been beaten for many days in the Crimson Swamp of Galede for no reason raised their hands and faced He raised his middle finger.

Just wait for me, I will break your flag next time we meet!

It was clearly a moment of life and death, but the faded one did not panic. After the cruel words fell, the purple arc enveloped her, then collapsed inward, forming a black hole, and finally disappeared.

It's my duty, I can't go to another world, I'm sorry. - Retired old man

Zhongli played with the gold foil chess pieces in his hand, looked at the lively chat group, stood up from the rocking chair, and looked into the distance through the window sill. Even in the dark, Liyue Port was extremely prosperous, suppressing the throbbing in his heart.

Maybe it's time for him to retire? Live a life for yourself?

I'm too weak and have no strength, so I won't cause trouble. - Tallulah

Oh my, I really want to respond to Chika-chan's concern for Mr. Kratos, but I have to face the gods. Sister, I am just an ordinary flower magician. Not only do I have to be squeezed out of my remaining value by a certain king, , I have to go to the dreamland to teach Lily swordsmanship, so I won’t come.” - Magical Girl Merry-chan

The brother is cute and has a dog.

As we all know, no one in Lezi likes to end up personally, let alone someone like a certain Fufujing who claims to be bad at fighting.

What to squeeze? How to squeeze? - Gilgamesh


Private Marseille! - Magical Girl Merry-chan

Merlin's handsome face couldn't help but twitch. Why was Gilgamesh, a workaholic, looking at the screen again? This guy was now his nominal monarch, and it was a grave sin to speak ill of the king. He felt that he was going to be in trouble.

Hey, that’s the bad thing about having people you know in the group.

We are already on the battlefield chosen by Hades. - Archbishop Tianming

The maze of Hades' hall has been cracked by Otto, who has been wandering in the underworld for a long time, causing the dead here to die again. Kratos, eager to find a way out of the underworld, smashed the statue made of divine iron and plunged into Hades. A huge square prepared for this battle of revenge.

As a puzzle consultant invited by Kratos, Otto naturally followed in to deal with emergencies.

On the broad flat stone slab, the cold air spreads, and the sound of running water under the stone slab can be vaguely heard. The mist shrouds the surroundings, forming a seemingly endless space. A terrifying silence envelopes it, and the green eyes bring With a hint of haze, Otto felt that this mysterious power penetrated Soul Steel's body, and even his own soul was trembling with the rhythm of the black mist, as if it was about to be pulled out at any time.

Kratos looked like a normal person, standing in the middle of the square with his knife on his back and his arms, his chin raised higher than anyone else, waiting for the mastermind behind the scenes to appear.

Otto turned on the real-time broadcast to show the current situation to the group members. He hoped that more group members could come over to get to know them and see if they could participate in his plan.

I am here to join in the fun. - Gilgamesh

Gilgamesh rubbed the stiff back of his neck, stood up and stretched his muscles. He just happened to catch someone's advantage. If he didn't take this opportunity to go out and have fun, it would be a shame for his name Gilgamesh.


Yes, my king.

The beautiful priest with dark brown hair, who had been serving the King of Gold, bowed and answered.

I plan to go out and have some fun today.

Then how should these official duties be handled?

Gilgamesh met Siduri's eyes with a gentle smile like a deep pool, but he was not defeated as usual. He smiled happily, waved his hand, and accepted the group chat task. After saying a word, it turned into particles of light and disappeared.

Someone will take over my job.

Although Merlin fishes for fish and often loses practice skills, as a nightmare who has lived for an unknown amount of time, it is natural to deal with official business in the mortal world.

In that case, I hope you have a nice day.

Seeing Gilgamesh finally planning to put down his official duties after turning into particles and leaving, Siduli bowed slightly, with a slight arc at the corner of her mouth under the veil, and watched Merlin walk in with a grimace.

'It would be better to fight in the past. ’

At least with those fierce men in front, he could still paddle.

Under Siduli's smiling gaze, Merlin dragged a chair over, reluctantly picked up the slate and carved words.

Count me in. I just solved the problem of being unable to cast spells in another world. - Ainz Ooal Gown

After finally solving his own combat power problem, he would be really sorry for himself if he didn't help. Momonga, who was playing chess with a purple slime, paused, and the chess piece that the white bone hand originally intended to drop hung in the air. , and finally put it back in place.

Hei Luo Hei Luosang, my friends in the chat group need my help. Today's chess game ends here.

Momonga stood up. His body was a tall skeleton. The black robe was held up by the wide frame. The bright red beads were suspended on the abdomen. With the ferocious edges on his face, some people thought he was a villain.

Oh, is that the girl who gave us the light novel that made up this world? That really should pass. If it weren't for her help, I'm afraid I would have died suddenly while working endless overtime.

The slime named Kuro Kuro heard this and put away the chessboard. He used to be a social animal. If Momonga hadn't been guided by the members of the chat group and forced him to stay, he wouldn't have been able to do it. Get rid of those endless dark days and live a life as easy as now.

Ha, she's not that little girl, she's a very manly man. Speaking of which, I haven't even said a few words to him.

Momonga scratched his smooth bony head.

Momonga is the name of Suzuki Satoru's game. He is addicted to a super popular online game called YGGDRASIL. Because his parents have died and he has few friends around him, he is obsessed with this game that makes him feel friendship. Feeling deeply sad.

Even at the end of the game, when his former partners left him one by one, he never gave up on the basic operation of the guild. He did not expect his past partners to return again, but only hoped to return to Ainz Ooal if he had free time. Gong's friends will not be disappointed by the depression that greets them.

But they didn't expect that this persistence actually gave birth to a miracle. They came to the game world and stayed away from the hellish life.


Part of the tissue surged out of the slime's body and condensed into a question mark.

But since we have the fate of knowing each other, I am willing to help in whatever way I can.

Momonga smiled and said, just like Chika Fujiwara, after knowing his name and experience, she took the initiative to spoil the so-called plot for him because she could not see the tragedy happening, and did not ask for anything in return. He helped the group of friends without asking for anything in return, just hoping that there would be something in return. With his help, you can face difficulties more easily.

He looked at the purple slime that was barely condensed into the outline of a human face, and felt lucky for his decision to keep Heiro Helo no matter what. Otherwise, a person's big tomb without companions who can communicate on an equal footing would be really difficult. Don't know how to survive.

I'm also glad that I can trust you, my friend.

Seemingly sensing Momonga's emotional change, Kurohiro came to him and patted his big bones.

Go early and come back early. I will take good care of the children in Nazarick. If there is a chance, please invite them over.

Kuro Kuro retracted to the ground and disappeared into a pool of purple water.


I'm going to leave for a while.

Firebender said to Ashes.

Can't you let me go too?

This is not the first time that Ashes has said this. Every time she goes to the Faded One, she has to report it to her, and Ashes naturally knows the little girl named the Fading One.

I think so too.

After spending a period of time hunting souls, Ashes is now very powerful in combat. This time he is going to fight. How could the fireproof girl not want to bring this gold medal fighter with her? Unfortunately, many functions of the chat group have not been unlocked. According to Otto's guess, it may be It is linked to the consumption level of the group members, but now the group members are not in a hurry to turn on these functions, so there is no verification.

Well, if you can, please take me with you.

Hui Jin nodded helplessly. She realized that the fire-proof girl had something important to do this time, and she was not leaving for a quarter of an hour like before. She hugged the fire-proof girl reluctantly.

Okay, it's not like I can't see you again. I'll be back soon.

Patting Ash's back, the fireproof girl covered her mouth and chuckled. The flames enveloped her and then turned into sparks and dissipated.

[Tip: The Fireproof Girl has joined the mission and will start transmitting soon. 】

Excellent Chai Xin, the fire prevention girl is here!

Chapter 39 This is God!

Kratos, I'm so glad you can give me some time. We both really need this moment.

Thick voices came from all directions, and the surging black mist stopped and dispersed toward the edge of the square as if to avoid some wild beast.

The cold ancient floor tiles became more and more chilly, and were covered with a thin layer of frost.

There seems to be some gap between us, Kratos-


The pale ghost fire lit up on the candlestick, providing a glimmer of light to this dark space and adding a layer of gloomy tone.

Oh, looking back on the past, it's really breathtaking. Let me think about it...

This Pluto seemed not eager to fight Kratos, but told him about his past. Otto watched the surroundings vigilantly, and the detection device inside his body showed no response. If not for the sound that penetrated his soul, causing Trembling, he even felt that no one made a sound in this dark area.

Oh, you killed my lovely niece, Athena...

Not long ago, you killed my brother, Poseidon...

Also, I can't forget that you killed my beautiful God Queen, my true love.

The powerful voice became more urgent, and the candlelight became unstable under its sound.

sulfuric acid!

Kratos pulled out his double blades, and he sensed an ominous aura. The powerful god had truly set foot on this land. The red light lit up, and the chains on his wrists flickered and disappeared with his breathing.

You have caused me so much pain, and I will make you suffer as much as me! Your soul -


Kratos had a sarcastic look on his face, why did these gods hate him so much, because he did to the gods what they did to him.

be mine!

Pluto shouted, the lights disappeared suddenly, and in an instant, the world was left with only sudden darkness.


The air turned cold in an instant, and purple claws shot out from the darkness, entwined with the wailing souls of injustice, trying to penetrate Kratos' body.

The wild wind made the white robe rustle, and Otto revealed a pistol in his hand with flames spurting from the muzzle.

This is a magically modified version of the equipment based on the Source Stone provided by Tallulah as an energy source. Its power is definitely weaker than the original version powered by Honkai Energy. However, after years of research, Otto also has a general understanding of the nature of Honkai Energy. It is very likely that it will As he uses it, the coordinates of this world are exposed.

Although his moral bottom line is relatively flexible, he is not willing to bring Honkai into other people's homes and harass them when safety cannot be guaranteed.


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