Chapter 34 Tsundere Yiguo

Under the dim light, looking at the busy people not far away, the fire of hope was rekindled, and everyone was working hard to rebuild their homes.

However, there are still too few manpower available at the moment.

Maybe she should also seek help from friends who live in modern society in the chat group and import some industrial machinery. This can also greatly speed up the reconstruction work. I just don’t know if those machines can cut open this place. rock.

Thinking about the feasibility of imported machinery and equipment, the fireproof girl who traveled through time had a profound experience of the differences in the world.

In his hometown, a Sunshine Spear would have to be held for a long time, and it would not even be able to kill a demon in one shot. When Kratos was there, it was just like Gwen when he was still alive, and it could directly penetrate the mountains.

Maybe things moved from other places won’t be useful here.

While the fireproof girl was deep in thought, the sound of fighting coming from nearby interrupted her thoughts.

Looking up, he saw a knight carrying a sledgehammer being pushed to the ground by Elton.

What's happening here?

The fireproof girl stepped forward, only to see the two of them having a philosophical exchange on the ground. After Elton pulled up the dizzy knight who had been punched twice by him.

This is a misunderstanding.

Elton was the first to speak, giving the hammer-wielding knight a small recovery, handing him the intact dinner plate still containing food, and then pointed out the direction of a prison to the fireproof woman.

There was a little girl in there, and I thought this guy was the criminal who imprisoned her.

I am Yigo from Kalim. I am just an incompetent woman who is afraid of the dark. I am not worthy of your attention.

He took off the deflated helmet and pressed it back to its original shape with his fingers. The deformed bones slowly recovered under the miraculous healing, and Yiguo replied unhappily.

Can we go in and have a look?

No need, I will keep an eye on her - is this the ashes of Wuhuo? Are you?

Putting on his helmet again, Yiguo refused without thinking. He looked at the food on the plate that was not lost and breathed a sigh of relief. He wanted to turn around and leave, but he noticed Hui Jin's identity.

I am the fire-proof woman of the Fireless Sacrifice, the daughter of Felianor, and the current leader of this force.

A real man acts openly and openly, there is no need to hide and hide her. Her identity is dazzling, her actions are extremely righteous, and there is nothing shameful about her.

If it's you, Your Highness, please come in.

After hesitating for a while, Yiguo agreed to take the two of them with him.

Is there anyone?

This is a very beautiful girl. Although her eyes are covered by strips of cloth, this does not affect her beautiful appearance. Her golden straight hair pours from the saint's hat and hangs down on her shoulders. She has a clean white Karim priesthood. Wearing clothes.

If so, please touch me.

She stroked her hand along the wall, seemingly looking for the fire girl's location, and asked in a panic.

I'm here, what do you call me?

The fireproof girl asked as she put a hand on the girl's shoulder.

I am Irina from Karim.

After receiving a long-awaited response in the darkness, the girl named Irina breathed a sigh of relief. She wanted to reach out and hold the warm hand on her shoulder, but she was afraid of offending the other person and asked carefully.

I'm sorry, but the people who brought me food before were unwilling to talk to me. Well - can I know your name?

I am the fire-prevention woman of the present sacrificial site.

The fireproof girl replied, the blue gem on her mask flashed, and she quickly discovered something special about this girl.

Ah, it turns out to be the Fire Protection Lady!

Irina exclaimed and instinctively leaned forward, hoping to get closer to her idol. Igo, who was standing behind, curled his lips, coughed, and opened his mouth to remind him with feigned disdain.

She is also the princess of Ring Seal City. What Lothric says to the outside world now is the one who matters. You are such a reckless woman, please don't offend His Highness.

Irina seemed to have been electrocuted, and she quickly stopped moving, her stiff look seemed very embarrassing.

The food before was given to you by Her Majesty the Princess in order to take care of an incompetent woman like you.

Yiguo held the plate while winking at Hui Jin, telling her not to reveal her secret.

I can see it.

The fire prevention girl said coldly, which made Yiguo extremely embarrassed. It was either a matter of accepting the plate of simple food or not.

After choking on this arrogant and unforgiving person, the fireproof girl held the hands of Irina who hesitated after hearing Yiguo's reminder, and calmed her panic.

Her hands were warm, and her skin was smooth and soft. Looking up from her plump body, her cheeks were slightly rosy, which was a sign of health. It seemed that this boy Yiguo had taken good care of Irina.

“Why do you want to be a fireproof girl?”

the fireproof girl asked softly.

I want to help everyone, but I'm too stupid and can't do anything well. I can only hold them back. If I can become a fireproof girl, I can definitely help.

Irina said weakly, unconsciously touching the cloth band wrapped around her eyes. For her, if she can gain the power to help others, losing her eyes is just a test.

So I voluntarily performed the ceremony to become a fireproof woman. Can I stay with you?

Another kid who was fooled by Karim.

‘Promise her that I will do anything you ask me to do. ’

Yiguo kept giving her winks, and the fireproof girl reached out and rubbed the little girl's soft golden hair. She took off the white cloth covering her eyes with pity, and what she saw were empty eye sockets.

The white light in his hand lit up, and new eyes filled the gap.

Huh? Your Highness, this is it.

The light once again occupied her eyes. Looking at the beautiful face so close, Irina blinked in confusion.

As long as you have the idea of ​​helping others and protecting the world, anyone can become a fireproof girl. There is no need to destroy yourself like this. People who care about you will worry.

After saying that, the fireproof girl pulled Irina up and walked outside the prison. Seeing that Irina had regained her sight, Yiguo quickly gave Ash the food plate that she had been holding on to, and held her head with both hands. He turned around and didn't look at Irina, leaving her with a cool figure from behind.

It is heresy to destroy the body to establish the noble nature of religion. The fire prevention girl must solve this problem from the root. Anyone can be a fire prevention girl. Why do they have to gouge out their eyes?

Continuously spreading the fire to continue the initial fire is a scam, but the problem is that even if the world reincarnates, there may not be people who can survive the Deep Sea Age.

Irina, you go to the conference hall first and learn from the old maid.

Irina is kind-hearted and simple-minded. She is born to learn miracles. It is best to leave it to the old maid to teach her. As for Igo, the fireproof girl turned her head and glanced at Igo who was still posing, and grabbed the armor on his arm. The protrusion pulled it over.

As for you, Yigo, if you want to stay, go to the church door and report to the knight named Richard, and then carry out the task of guarding Irina.

Feeling that he was being dragged over by a weak woman like this, it was very embarrassing. Yiguo struggled, but his arms were like being clamped by a mutated giant crab in the Discipline Forest. He had no power to resist and had no choice but to accept the fire-prevention woman. The command.

I understand, troublesome woman, since it is the request of Her Highness the Princess, I will protect you.

After receiving the bone fragments and returning them, Yiguo, despite his unforgiving words, still quickly stretched out his hand to hold Irina under the eyes of the fireproof girl with an aunt's smile on her face.

I...I take my leave.

After that, the tall man escorted the saint away, and the iron armor scraped against the stone slabs, making a crisp sound.

Chapter 35 Getting better

The sunlight passed through the gauze covering the window and shone on the desk made of bluestone. A woman in black leaned over and picked up a pen, carefully processing documents.


This was an office room located at the sacrificial site. With a stack of reports between the ashes, he gently opened the door and looked at the girl who was working hard. She was lost in thought and didn't bother her. She just leaned against the door.

The fireproof woman processes documents very quickly. To the outside world, she looks like she is opening a report, glancing at it, and then moving on to the next one. But in fact, she has turned on the slowdown, and one second in the outside world is one minute to her.

It didn't take long for the accumulated government affairs to be dealt with and carefully divided into two categories. They would later be sent to the High Wall and Lothric respectively.


Placing the pen donated by a certain archbishop on the stone table, the clear sound broke the silence. The fireproof girl straightened up and rubbed her eyes, then stretched out a big waist, showing off her figure under the black robe. Incisively and vividly.

Then he put his face on the cold table and rolled around shaking his head like a bored cat.

I'm ready.

He took out an object called a mobile phone and quietly took a photo of the fire prevention girl. Then Hui Jin stepped forward and placed the pile of reports in his hand in front of the fire prevention girl.

Here's today's production report.

The fireproof girl quickly sat up straight, but she was not embarrassed by Hui Qin's discovery of her little movements again. She had gotten used to it after getting along with him these days, and reached out to take the production report.

Nearly a month has passed since the day she recovered the undead settlement. She also placed an order in the group. Finally, Bishop Otto supported a wave of equipment. As a trade, the fire prevention girl regularly provided her with green flowers and grass, because Otto discovered that Green flower grass can heal the body of the Destiny Valkyrie that has been devastated by collapse. Long-term use can also greatly reduce the side effects of artificial stigma transplantation.

And just as she expected, the large equipment couldn't be started at the fire prevention girl's place. The drilling machine hit the wedge-shaped stone vein and the structure collapsed. The fire prevention girl quickly used a miracle to repair it and sent it back as good as new. , and because of this, Otto bought some Lothric specialty metals to study.

Facts have proved that Lothric's road to industrialization has a long way to go.

However, the communication devices supported by Otto are quite easy to use. The fireproof girl specially designed a miracle to charge these devices. Except for the necessary paper documents, most of them are transferred to the local area network, and the church's efficiency is much higher.

Even if someone often accidentally breaks these communicators, they can't be repaired by using light magic. As a result, the fire prevention woman has to ask the blacksmith Andre to build a shell for these delicate devices.

Also, recently, the church has used a projector to play videos of her speeches in various places every day to preach. When meeting people, they will say, Excuse me, can you take up your precious time? I must introduce to you, our savior in Lothric. Lord, Descendant of the Sun, Guide of Light, Incarnation of Hope - His Highness Gwensul.

She was too embarrassed to go out for a walk. As soon as she went out, she encountered a bunch of undead people waving their hands like bamboo poles and shouting.

Your Highness.

Your Highness, hey, Your Highness.

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Your Highness Gwensuer, take me away, uuuuuu.

Then hula la gave him a bunch of gifts that he had treasured for many years, and he didn't accept them. Who could withstand this? The fire prevention girl decisively chose to work hard at the fire sacrificial site for peace and quiet.

Afterwards, Otto will come over for on-the-spot inspections, and then develop new industrial equipment based on the actual conditions of the soul world. However, the Honkai Impact recently broke out on his side, and he also has to help the lost Kratos decipher the maze in Pluto's palace. Kallen didn't even have time to fantasize, so the fireproof girl didn't want to rush her.


The report was very detailed and graded according to importance. After the fire prevention woman checked it and found no problems, she made three copies, stamped the original and stuffed it into a drawer.

Facts have proved that Ashes is not only capable of fighting, but can also provide a lot of help in government affairs.

After all, when I was a nun, I had to take care of hundreds of people, so I gradually learned to do it.

Ashes said this at the time. She has a strong learning ability and is very efficient in processing. Not only can she compile a complete report, but she can also go to the Living Sacrifice Road to kill people, and she can also find time to accompany the fire prevention girl.

In the impression of the fire-proof girl, as long as she raised her head, ashes would be guarding around her.

There was a little accident today.

Ashes walked around the broad stone table and sat next to the fire prevention woman. The chair in the office was large enough to accommodate three people, and it had top-quality cushions made from Irushil, making it very comfortable to sit on.

what happened?

Squinting her eyes, she looked helplessly at this guy who always came over to him whenever he had the chance. Ashes was getting more and more familiar with him, and the fireproof girl wondered if this guy would run to her bed any day when he was sleeping.

There was an accident in the exploration of the Living Sacrifice Road, or did the stalls inside the royal city infiltrate again? Do you need me to send Obeck and the others to take a look?

Thinking that the people on the side of the twin princes were very restless, the fireproof girl planned to send over the magician from the Behem Dragon Academy who came to seek refuge some time ago.

Obeck, an assassin disguised as a magician, is a very mysterious person. He came to Lothrik to explore the time magic of the lost country of Urathil.

Ashes picked it up while exploring the road of living sacrifices. The fireproof girl gave him a few books on light magic written by herself, and he treated them like treasures and swore allegiance to them on the spot.

Because he had the merit of assassinating the third-in-command of Londor of the Kingdom of Wandering Souls in the past, he is now in charge of the scouting work of the Lothrik Legion. He is very difficult to deal with the magician Korkus, and the two are in a competitive relationship.

However, seeing that the level of members with spells and magic talents in the army was increasing day by day, and the competition was restricted within the framework of the law, the fire prevention girl did not care much.

The road leading to the royal city has recently been guarded by a pair of armor. The people inside can't get out, and we can't get in. This is what I want to say.

He took out his mobile phone, and the screen lit up with ashes, but what he saw was the photo of the fireproof girl just now.

Her skin is fair and delicate, her body contours under the black robe are plump, her mouth is slightly open, revealing white teeth and a tender pink tongue. She looks very good-looking and astringent when lying on the table. At first glance, she is my wife.

But this is me. It's okay for you, Hui Jin, to secretly take photos. As long as she doesn't find out, just pretend it's not happening. What does it mean to show it in front of her? Is it provocation?


Ahem~ I put it in the wrong place, it's this one.

He quickly swiped through the photos, secretly thinking that things would be convenient, but because they were so convenient, he often forgot some details. Ashes switched to the video recorded at the Undead Settlement and put it in front of the angry fireproof girl.

Chapter 36: Gathering the Wool

Resisting the urge to kick Ashes off the chair, the fireproof girl still looked at the screen. If she still teased her about her designation, she would turn off her teleportation authority and banish this guy to the settlement for a day.

This is where the fire-prevention woman placed the spiral sword in the central square of the undead settlement. Except that specific people can go to the fire sacrificial site through it, the remaining function is a symbolic fire.

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