He couldn't see clearly.

After a brief hesitation, the being tried to lift the veil of fog. He, who could also manipulate time, was still able to influence time.

This was a matter of course, and the Fireproof Girl was not surprised.

After all, the power of the Herrscher of Finality is also time. There is no reason that the maker of the Cocoon of Finality does not have such ability.

She concentrated on observing the actions of the unknown star god, and gradually let out a low laugh.

Just as the veil of time was lifted, the repetitive scene appeared in front of me again.

He glanced at the cocoon of the end, which was constantly emitting Honkai energy and fulfilling its duty to embrace civilization.

That is not real, it is just an illusion. The real time has been submerged in the infinite false timeline.

The first confrontation was a victory for outsiders.

He didn't give up.

He widened the scope of his search and pushed back the passage of time.

As long as he finds a timeline where the Cocoon of Finality actually exists, he can take back this power.

Do you really want to test the scope of my influence on time?

A playful smile appeared on the fireproof girl's face, which was hidden by a veil of stars.

Then the answer is-

The flames that existed by burning Honkai energy were burning fiercely, and the incalculable energy continued to spread along the branches of the tree of imaginary numbers.


Each branch gradually disappears, and everything in between disappears. The unknown star god swims in the long river of time with his impatience.

When you uncover it, you see changes, and when you explore it, there is no end.

Every attempt to recover the Cocoon of Finality ended in failure, and he gradually became unable to observe the power he had put out, and even himself gradually fell into the cage of time.

Infinite time has infinite possibilities, and it also represents infinite danger. Only by retreating can we escape the future of destruction.

So he reluctantly chose to retreat.

He doesn't even know who is interfering with his own existence.

The power of time is enough to interfere with everything, and it can also erase one's own existence on the time scale.

The fireproof girl's grasp of time is completely instinctive.

Today, this area has been completely locked down, and the Tree of Imaginary Numbers does not exist at all in this period of time.

The abnormality exists, but it cannot be observed. The tree that focuses on fighting the sea will naturally not pay too much attention to it.

This is also the reason why the Fireproof Girl can safely open the channel between the Quantum Sea and the Tree of Imaginary Numbers without being sanctioned by the Tree of Imaginary Numbers.


The fireproof girl breathed a sigh of relief.

This first level was passed easily.

Since the owner of the Cocoon of Finality cannot find himself on the timeline, the next step is before the Tree of Imaginary Numbers intervenes.

She can do whatever she wants.

Chapter 281 Fireproof Girl: See how the planet shatters!

Damn it, this **** Honkai energy barrier won't let you in.

Dr. Tesla's distinctive curse sounded in his ears, and Walter subconsciously picked up the terminal and moved it away from him.

...Walter, how are you doing there?

After a series of telegrams that couldn't be suppressed even in the handset mode and could not express their original meaning, concerns from colleagues were conveyed on the other end of the phone.

That Otto, isn't he planning another conspiracy?

As someone who has battled wits and courage with Otto for half a century, everyone in Anti-Entropy has maintained a negative level of trust in Otto.


Looking at Otto who was teasing Theresa leisurely, Walter rubbed his eyebrows vigorously.

Somehow, he actually felt a rare sense of peace of mind around Otto. He really thought that as long as this guy in front of him existed, nothing would happen to the members on the battleship——

It was as if Otto had really changed his ways.

What's wrong?

Sensing Walter's gaze, she leaned against the cold wall inside the battleship and opened her eyes with sympathy for the experience of the leader of the Anti-Entropy Alliance.

I don't know if it's an illusion.

Walter stood up, and as he stood up, the seat behind him also turned into imaginary energy and dissipated.

I actually think Otto can be trusted.

Hearing this, Youlandel gave a rare look that looked like a fool.

‘There’s nothing wrong with your head, is there? ’


Walter swallowed and realized that his question was stupid, so he coughed lightly and sat back awkwardly.

Hollander shook her head. Walter was actually right. The current Otto was indeed trustworthy - but the one who gave her the basis of trust was not this guy who seemed to have reformed his evil ways, but those from other worlds. Beings with great supernatural powers.

Hollander knew that Otto's original plan was only to seal it, but not to completely destroy it. As long as everything now has uncontrollable fluctuations, he designated those non-human processes to be brought out.

So, all that really needs to be worried about is that the Fireproof Girl's plan didn't work out.

However, this possibility is hardly considered.

The fire-proof girl is really very strong, and Youlandel can't see clearly the boundaries of her current power.

Being able to swim in the long flow of time, and also having extremely strong tolerance, even the Honkai energy that has caused headaches to countless generations of civilizations on the earth can only become a docile lamb in its hands. Even in the worst situation, it is enough to protect it. The safety of many lives on this planet.


A sharp rise in Honkai energy has been detected.

There were nervous voices from the bridge members.

Otto tried to take a sip of bitter melon juice, muttering silently that he was not suitable for such a drink, and then shook his head and drank it down. This was the only drink left in his granddaughter's refrigerator.

No one cares much about the specific number of Honkai energy because it cannot be detected at all.

Now everyone knows that the reason for the sharp increase in Honkai power is all due to the detection system that has just completely burned down and completed its mission.

People looked towards the sky one after another, and the whole world had become darkened in the fleeting light.


The ripples spread.

A massive amount of Honkai energy instantly filled the ocean.

In the depths of the ocean where giant beasts swim, the blue door slowly opens.

As the pitch-black mountains were driven into the depths of the fissure, the power from the sky also began to rise without limit.

The tree of imaginary numbers.

The fireproof girl found the gap between reality and chaos, and shattered it the moment time stopped.

‘Please accept this surprise from another world. ’

The boundless rays of light flickered. Looking from the cosmic space hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, the spear-like light pillar was no longer visible. The endless glow ignited the starry sky and converged to form a new sun.

The confrontation between powers should have been silent, but the collision area interfered with reality, trying to open up a path of existence in reality.

When the 'meteor' from the sky penetrates the earth, all the lives under protection can witness this mythical scene.

Aiming at the giant beast in the strait that was impacting the barrier between the two realms, its huge force squeezed the space to create circles of ripples.

Under the disbelieving gaze of the girl in the spacecraft, a loud noise that penetrated the world and accompanied by dazzling light descended on the planet, and then squeezed the earth into the shape of a gourd.

The extreme high temperature evaporated and ionized the entire sea in the blink of an eye, and dissolved all the products floating in the ocean. But it was still not satisfied, and then shattered the earth's crust, adding a new crack to the continental plate.

At the next moment, under the influence of gravity, the crust that originally collapsed along the two poles of the earth collided again with the force of rewinding, and mountains thousands of meters high rose in the blink of an eye.

Under the steady bombardment of the sky-wide collapsing energy, even the Earth with a diameter of 12,800 kilometers finally collapsed its crust powerlessly, breaking into several petals along the cracks in each plate, revealing the bright yellow beneath the lava. .....


Unusually, the exposed core of this earth is actually an illusive blue.

When everyone inside the battleship regained their vision, the scene ahead was completely different.

The sea overturned and the earth's crust pierced.

Everything under the collapsed crust turned into a wave of blue light.

It's like another ocean beneath the ocean.

In the end, although the earth had split into several pieces, under the influence of unknown forces, the residual heat mixed with steam, and a drizzle of rain still fell, and it began to dutifully wash the hull of the battleship stained with volcanic ash.



Everyone opened their mouths wide, looking at the image of the earth observed through the satellite, and looked at each other.

As for the reason why everyone is still alive, I'm afraid I can only thank the amazing scenery outside the bridge, which is made of brilliant golden film that seems to be unable to block anything.

After about tens of seconds, tens of seconds in the real time scale, the remaining strong wind swept across the earth, and the boundless sense of majesty descended here, and a horrifying feeling suddenly emerged in everyone's hearts.

Report, Hyperion's collapse reactor cannot respond!

Some people exclaimed, but it was a pity that Theresa, as the commander of Hyperion, fell into Otto's arms at this moment, unable to even speak.

As a Herrscher, Walter had a more intuitive feeling, and was shocked to find that the Herrscher core in his body was disconnected from Honkai.

Not only Theresa and Walter, everyone present was more or less uncomfortable.


Panting heavily, like a dehydrated fish, Walter climbed up from the ground with his hands on the floor.

he asked Otto, who didn't seem to be affected at all.

How is this going?

You don't know yet.

Holding Theresa in his arms, who looked extremely well-behaved due to the withdrawal reaction, Otto stared at the fire-prevention woman slowly descending from the sky.

Humanity has been liberated.

The collapse energy in the body was fading rapidly and began to be replaced by imaginary energy that was closer to reality. The moon in space also collapsed at some point, and the cocoon of the end disappeared.

The fire-proof girl silently made the sign of the cross on her chest——

A moment of silence for the star god who took the blame for him.

Chapter 282 Fireproof Girl: Raven is so pitiful because the island is gone.

Gods from heaven come to earth.

The two little girls in space were kindly sent to the battleship. Their bodies were like illusions, passing through the steel, and the fireproof girl landed on the bridge.

Perhaps because of Otto's reminder, all the Valkyries present stood up from their seats consciously.

On the bridge, which was a bit messy due to many bumps, the fire girl cleared a path for people to pass without hindrance.

The fire prevention girl walked up to the main seat on the bridge in a graceful manner.

She knew it was reserved for herself.

After sitting on the chair, the fire prevention girl looked around at everyone present.

Some are wary, some are confused, and some are relaxed.

But no one took the lead in talking to the god from heaven.

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