The fact that an individual born from the planet can absorb so much energy without any burden can only be attributed to the bug left by the Tree of Imaginary Numbers for a long time after it created this world.

If it were kept like this and allowed to absorb enough energy to step into the starry sky, it would probably become a headache for many civilizations.

It's all good things.

Seeing that Chi You can eat so well, the fire prevention girl is also happy.

The effect is better when it's fried.

Chapter 279: Fireproof Girl: You jump to conclusions because you don’t understand me.

The sky is dark and the stars are shining brightly.

The moon exudes a strange crimson light, dyeing this extremely beautiful scenery into a strange look.

The pillars that penetrated the sky stood there quietly, like drills that would never stop.

The giant ship in the sky tried to attack the pillar, but the pillar did not respond to the attacks from the outside except for constantly gnawing at the blue cracks at the bottom of the abyss, as if it did not exist in this space and time.

What exactly is going on.

Theresa opened her blue eyes wide, stretched her slender waist, and raised her head to question the battleship's technicians.

Why can't you even make the return trip?

The spaceship stopped moving forward, still staying in place, but the mileage recorded in the spacecraft's travel record and the energy consumed in the collapse furnace cannot be faked.

After dismissing the technicians, Theresa rubbed her hair irritably and retreated into her seat dejectedly.


A chuckle broke the silence.

When she caught sight of Otto looking at her with interest from the corner of her eye, Theresa's face flashed with a touch of red, then she coughed slightly, maintaining her remaining dignity, I plan to continue to let the big guy struggle with me.

There is nothing you can say to make grandpa look down upon you!

The ridicule from Otto could not dilute Theresa's high morale.

My dear little Theresa, there will be no need to make any more ineffectual attempts.

Otto's clear and doting voice sounded, and he pushed Theresa back onto the seat.

The members on the battleship all breathed a sigh of relief.

Although she knew that Lady Teresa often opposed Otto, it was still too exciting for workers like them to be led by their boss to rebel against him under the eyes of the archbishop.

Otto didn't dislike his granddaughter getting angry with him.

Rather, the angry Theresa also looked very cute, running around Cambridge on her two short legs, bulging like a white hamster.

But if you watch children competing for a long time, you will get tired of it.

High EQ means being bored, while low EQ means workers can't stand watching a stupid kid keep tossing them around.

Just when Theresa was about to argue with Otto again, the door behind Cambridge opened, and Hollander, dressed in military uniform, walked in from the door behind Cambridge.

Archbishop Otto, Hollander is on standby.

The blond girl walked into Cambridge facing the wary or admiring eyes of the people around her, and came to Otto's side. There was still strong Honkai energy in her body, and she had obviously experienced a great battle.

Although she was very unhappy with Otto, considering that he was still her guide in life, Hollander still gave Otto enough face in front of outsiders.

How did you get in?

Looking at the girl beside Otto who felt inexplicably familiar, Theresa rubbed her eyes.

Isn't the outside world of Hyperion blocked?

That's how I walked in.

Looking at the aunt in front of her who didn't know how to deal with it, Youlandel felt a little complicated inside. On the surface, she had a sullen face and replied calmly.


The white-haired fool tilted his head.

This has something to do with the one above.

Otto raised his hand and pointed at the sky.

Youlandel has the protection of time, so she is naturally not affected by time, and can even use the power of time to strengthen herself.

So grandpa, who is the person you have been talking about?

Teresa hated Otto's Riddler behavior very much.


Otto shrugged.

He has no obligation to explain the cause and effect of the incident to you, so this matter naturally falls on Hollander.

The person in the sky now is a god from outside the world, His Majesty Gwensul. If he has the ability, he can probably control time.

Youlandel was silent for a moment, then opened her mouth to explain.

This information is not a secret. The fireproof girl has not avoided revealing her real name for a long time.

Nowadays, she is no longer in danger if her true name is known, just like Bubble Yog-Sothoth and Nyarlathotep. On the contrary, if there are beings who know her true name, they will be in danger. will be in a precarious state.

God, is he the Honkai God?

Walter pushed up his glasses and asked.

Compared with Otto's eccentricity, the relatively upright Hollander is obviously better at communicating.

It cannot be said that His Majesty Su'er is just using the power of Honkai to open a passage to the Quantum Sea on Earth.

Youlandel explained patiently.

Opening a stable channel requires a huge amount of Honkai energy, which is why the earth's Honkai energy has surged.

Can you actually mobilize such huge Honkai energy?

Walter, who possesses the core of the Herrscher, is far more sensitive to Honkai energy than ordinary people. Just by observing Chi You, he realized what kind of incomprehensible existence could mobilize such energy.

Then, what are the consequences of that being's actions?

Walter took a deep breath, the fear brought by the unknown and powerful made it difficult for him to calm down.

Actually, there's nothing to worry about. His Majesty Su'er said that at most it's just a crack in the earth's crust.

Youlandel shrugged and replied easily.

But she apparently forgot one thing.

Over the years, Otto has been given to the care of the group members. Although he has not experienced any life-or-death tests, he has seen many big scenes.

There are planets over there that can be blasted by Colossus weapons at any time, and even huge structures can be built on top of black holes to extract minerals.

Scenes like the shattering of the planet may not matter to Hollander, but to the pure aborigines, it is a blow from the sky.


Theresa was so frightened that she jumped up from her seat when she heard what the fire girl said.

Does she know how many people will die by what she does?

In Theresa's mind, the image of the fire-proof woman was almost immediately equated with Otto.

...Lord Theresa, I know that you do not know Her Majesty Su'er and have no contact with her.

But you can't jump to conclusions just because you don't understand His Majesty Su'er.

Hollander looked at the impatient Theresa and didn't know what to say for a moment.

After all, preserving these lives is a piece of cake for the fire prevention girl. Even if the earth explodes, let alone the earth cracking, even the tiniest existence on the earth will not die as long as she thinks about it.

After a pause, he explained to Theresa.

In a sense, Sister Su'er is more concerned about the lives of people in the world than we are.

When it comes to preserving life, the fire prevention woman has always been active.

Chapter 280 Fireproof Girl: Time is just a plaything in your hands

It seems like it will really crack. The destructive power of the physical world cannot be suppressed anymore.

The Honkai energy under her control fluctuated. Everything was within the fireproof girl's expectation, but she still tapped her forehead helplessly.

After all, who doesn’t want less trouble?

Ah, first give the earth a blessing.

In case the earth collapses later and everyone is wiped out.

Although she complained, she was responsible for it anyway, and the fire prevention girl still did her duty to ensure the safety of life on earth.

Granted, from today's reality perspective, the Fireproof Girl could be seen as an intruder from outside the world.

In terms of life form, it is also far beyond the conventional dimension - the so-called mortal emotions, good and evil, right and wrong should be meaningless to this kind of existence.

For example, if a diner comes to the store to taste a cake, the store manager will be the one to chase him away. Who will consider the values ​​​​and emotions of the cake.

But the fire girl does think about it.

It may be due to past experiences, or it may be due to innate personality.

Compared with Naia and those beings like Bubble who are superior to all things and whose three views are completely incompatible with conventional intelligent life, the fireproof girl's attention to the bottom is indeed extraordinary, and can even be regarded as an outlier.

Even though Naiya had a lot of fun playing with her friends in the group, the worst outcome for the group members was social death, but this was entirely because of the existence of the chat group, which allowed Naiya to put all the group friends in On the same level as Him.

Most of the existences in other high positions are like this, elusive.

The fireproof girl seems a bit out of place. She always considers the consequences when doing things, and her whole behavior is full of lawful style.

If not necessary, she would even wait for traffic lights when shopping in another world.

What Youlandel said is right.

Compared to humans themselves, who would lose countless compatriots due to internal strife from time to time, the Fireproof Woman actually cares more about humans.

And it cares about every human being without distinction.


The light beam connecting the earth and the moon suddenly flickered on and off, and the light beam shrank, exposing a large amount of cosmic dust that was rendered colorful by the light.

Looking along the suddenly shrinking light beam, on the moon as the source of the collapse, the cracks wrapped in the cocoon of the end gradually spread, and more irregular cracks appeared on the moon.

That existence seemed to be aware of the abnormality here and tried to take back the power it had left here.

Star God?

A gentle murmur echoed in the starry sky.

In the world built by the Tree of Imaginary Numbers, there is an existence named Star God.

They create realities, erase stars, and leave their traces on countless worlds.

People know very little about these mysterious beings wandering in the deep sky and the sea of ​​stars. Due to limited knowledge, intelligent life can only vaguely realize that the star gods are embarking on a destiny that cannot be seen by ordinary things, and use certain ideas to exercise their power. Immeasurable power.

Eventually, in the myths passed down orally by intelligent creatures, the Star Gods became the embodiment of highly condensed philosophical concepts.

If anyone can embark on the destiny controlled by the Star God, he will receive his distant response, just like a glance from across the Milky Way light years. Many people believe that this is the only intersection that Star Gods and mortals can have.

As expected of a high-ranking being connected to the Tree of Imaginary Numbers.

The fireproof girl nodded in approval. Personality is a symbol of one's own strength. Being able to directly connect to the source of this world means that it is nothing to sense the coming crisis.

It's not that the existence of the fire-proof woman was exposed, but the normal perception of the crisis faced by high-ranking beings.

Then let me see, how are your skills at manipulating time?

The gems on the mask emitted scorching light, and the light blue eyes gradually turned into dark golden vertical pupils similar to those of ancient dragons.

The power of time began to extend, like a drop of pitch-black ink, soaking into the pool and spreading, covering everything in the world behind an unreal fog.

The fire-prevention woman put her consciousness into the cracks of time and intercepted the being who tried to retrieve what she had thrown.

Countless scenes of the past, future, and present emerge.

Countless worlds unfold before our eyes, and stories continue in their own time. They all seem to be true, but they also reveal falsehood.

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