
A spaceship landed on top of Hyperion, and then a black figure fell into Hyperion, breaking the solemn silence on the bridge.

How did I get here?

Ms. Raven blinked in confusion, holding high-end video equipment in her hand as she looked at the unfamiliar environment around her.

The leader of Anti-Entropy, the Archbishop of Destiny, the strongest Valkyrie of Destiny, and——

The frozen brain began to spin.

After realizing what had just happened, Raven ignored the heavyweights present and quickly pushed away Valkyrie who was helping her up, and crawled to a computer.

Please, please, not there...

Raven whispered softly that Hyperion had very high authority and could connect to satellites on most of the earth. Soon, she called up the location in her own image.

Take it~

It was the sound of a weapon falling to the ground.

As the key to God, the Seventh Thunder of Purification is a large-caliber sniper rifle, which is a weapon often worn by Raven during operations.

At this moment, the proud God Key was casually thrown to the ground by the raven, mixed with the chaotic documents.


The raven raised his head, his bright red eyes filled with tears.

Gone, all gone.

The villa island she spent her life savings to buy is gone.

There really wasn't any left.

She was expressionless and silent,

She wanted to walk, but the overturned chair blocked her way.

She wanted to roll around, the messy ground was not big enough for a tall woman.

She wanted to complain, but glanced at the fire-proof girl, and ended up not daring to speak out.

But the tears fell down in big drops.

The people around him cast puzzled looks. At this moment, Raven felt like a drowned rat in embarrassment, feeling as sad as a child.

A lifetime's ideals are trampled upon by evil thoughts, and a lifetime's hard work is destroyed overnight.

Wow T﹏T

Finally, the raven couldn't bear it anymore, howled loudly, knocked away the crowd, and disappeared at the end of the battleship passage.

so poor.

Youlandel showed sympathetic eyes.

The fireproof girl tilted her head in confusion.

Didn't Gray Snake inform her that I moved the villa island?

The fire girl has no intention of persecuting the raven. This girl is quite pitiful, unlike the guy like Gray Snake who is stress-free.

And anyway, there are still people from the construction team on the villa island. It would be too tragic to clear them by unknown AOE during the last shift.

The Fireproof Girl was sent away on the spot by a dump truck inexplicably because of her garrulous skills. It can be said that she was deeply touched by this, so she will definitely not make similar mistakes.

What, you mean the star god who was dumped by the fireproof girl?

If you treat other beings as trivial matters, you must be prepared to be treated as trivial by higher-level beings.


The fireproof girl's confused look with her head tilted was very vivid, and her human gesture made everyone subconsciously sigh in relief, and they began to whisper among themselves.

Under the leadership of Hollander, the members of Destiny had a conversation with Walter, and finally, represented by Rita, a reliable maid, they came to the fire prevention woman.

Your Majesty Sur, Mr. Walter wants you to tell him personally your purpose and the reason for coming to Earth.

Rita whispered elegantly and respectfully.

Knowing this, what are you going to do?

The fireproof girl looked at everyone present with a dull expression, and the expression hidden under the mask was unpredictable.


To be honest, even if they were face to face now, Walter didn’t even know what to say for a while.

Threats are useless.

Begging for mercy is not a choice a warrior should make.

What if we have to be humble and humble in exchange for the continuation of human civilization?

With a hint of ridicule, the fireproof woman said to Walter with a smile.

I don't represent humanity.

Walter shook his head, and he tightened his grip on the cane.

I will choose to fight and risk my life.

Walter was not afraid of death, nor was he afraid of failure.

He has experienced too many things in his life that would be enough to crush an ordinary person, but he still stepped forward and never retreated.

Even if his current strength is not as good as before, even if he has to face a mountain of despair, he will represent himself and swing the chisel into the boundless rock.


He has very little emotional intelligence. No wonder Walter is often ridiculed by the majority of Beng San players for being an expert in talking about Beng.


Your companions should be proud of you. Well, they should know you better than I do.

The fire-proof girl clapped her hands gently. She never hesitated to praise the beings with extraordinary consciousness.

But more importantly, I'm afraid I'm still worried.

The fireproof girl asked with a kind smile, as if she was chatting about something commonplace.

Mr. Walter, who always puts his life on the line?

Why can you always bring in the attitude of your elders easily?

The friendliness of the fireproof girl exceeded Walter's expectations, and she was not as smiling as Otto. Of course, the possibility that the other party's city was deep enough did not rule out.

But such speculation is meaningless.

He looked at the fire-prevention woman, and as the tension and crisis in his heart gradually subsided, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

At least the fire-proof woman's gentle attitude now is perfect for Walter.

If he and the fire-proof girl were truly enemies, that would be the most unsolvable ending.

Then, Your Majesty Suer, can you clarify my doubts?

A little embarrassed and not knowing how to answer the conversation, Walter chose to return to the topic, imitating Rita's name and asked.

The reason for your coming.

It's actually not a big deal.

The fireproof girl sighed and raised her fingers as white as jade.

First, help that guy Otto pursue his dream. This is a promise between friends.

Second, it is my selfish intention to open up the channel between the earth and the quantum sea.

Third, those big scenes before were actually a deterrent. I want to use this to find some high-end combat forces who can be obedient to work - you see...

The fireproof girl counted three, then she put away her middle and ring fingers, and pointed at Walter himself.

It's very effective, isn't it?

Chapter 283 Fireproof Girl: Get ready to go to the sea!

Thank you for your generous help.

Walter held on to his cane and bowed slightly.

The thin clothes outline a slightly thin body, and the gray hair looks a little messy due to a series of accidents.

Putting aside his young face, Walter at this moment looked more like an ordinary middle-aged job-seeking man than the leader of the Anti-Entropy Alliance.

I can still satisfy this curiosity.

Looking at Walter, the fireproof girl nodded her head and spoke in a very calm tone.

Is that so?

After some conversation, Walter also calmed down. He had already confirmed that he was no match for the fire-proof woman, let alone that he was not in full glory now.

The fireproof girl's frankness is already surprising.

After all, some of the next work will be much easier if you can join us.

Seeing Walter relax, the fireproof girl continued to speak after him.

Your Majesty, is there anything else you need our help with?

Walter was very surprised. He didn't quite understand why the nearly omnipotent Fire Prevention Girl needed their help, and in a consultative tone.

The need for help is real, and consultation is a sign of respect for intelligent life.

The fireproof girl sighed in distress, and continued: Having said so much before, I think you should understand that I do not exist in this world, and I do not even belong to your rule system.

Walter nodded to express understanding.

The fireproof girl polished her purpose and then explained it to Walter.

It just means that I am not active outside, so I need to find someone to work.

...So, as you who were born into this world, there are some things you need to do so as not to disturb the master of the world.

The fireproof woman looked at Walter and said calmly.

Of course, I am not your enemy. Everything I ask you to do will not cause harm to civilization and individual human beings. I will guarantee this.

Is that so?

Walter looked at the fire-proof woman and really couldn't see any flaws, and then sighed: I think I shouldn't have the right to refuse.

How could someone be killed if they disagreed? How could I, the fire prevention girl, be like this?

The fireproof girl raised her eyebrows in surprise. Preconceptions are not allowed. Why do you think she thinks she is Otto when they mix together?

Of course, you can choose to refuse. There are so many humans, and I have quite a few candidates.

In fact, not everyone can enter the Quantum Sea. Only a small number of unique beings can enter without any hindrance.

Because the existence of the Imaginary Number Tree is swimming in the Quantum Sea without disturbing it, so it is impossible to rely on the power of the Fire Girl.

But the Fireproof Girl doesn't like to force others to do things.

Walter breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and left.

He plans to return to North America first, stay with his colleagues, and prepare to organize civilization to welcome the arrival of a new era. If nothing unexpected happens, he may try to be an animator in the future.

At this moment, the fireproof woman's voice sounded again.

But the reward is very generous. Going back to the past and resurrecting the souls is so tempting. I don't think many people will let themselves miss such an opportunity, right?


Walter paused in his departure.

It seems that Mr. Walter also has something he can’t let go of.

In other words, after being involved with Otto, a man full of regrets, it would be unjustifiable to have no regrets.

What do you need me to do?

Walter did not doubt the authenticity of what the fireproof girl said, or in other words, such a promise was enough for him to risk being deceived and reach an agreement with the fireproof girl.

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