This directly leads to the fact that people who see the fireproof woman for the first time will definitely focus on her graceful and exquisite figure.

If you put it with Nephalem, it will at least be considered a legendary equipment.

The fireproof girl raised her hands and used the projection of the glass to look at herself.

Hiss, it's just a bit astringent and not suitable for wearing at first glance.

It's okay to wear it in private at home, but the fireproof girl is still a bit thin-skinned outside and can't keep her face off.

The fireproof girl studied for a while and decided to wear a layer of armor on the outside. The armor came from the Nephalem. Although the angels there have no faces, their clothes are good.

And the wings that beat like the light veins can really support the aura.

After looking around and shaking her silver wings, the fireproof girl nodded with satisfaction.

It's okay. Although I still can't quite understand the power, but now I just need to be strong enough to fly.

It does not require any technical skills to target the weak point between the Earth and the Quantum Sea. The location has been obtained through the memory of Gray Snake.

Putting all the excess Honkai energy into her body, and using the power she had just received from the Cocoon of Finality, the Fireproof Girl linked up with the target she used to intimidate this time.

Stop it.

Inside the Hyperion, Otto raised his hand to signal the technicians to stop the warship.

Lift off, this height is not safe.

Otto, why are we here?

When the Cambridge observation system was fully activated, Walter asked the blond man in front of him vigilantly.


Otto turned his head slightly and put his index finger in front of his lips.

Just when Walter was about to speak, his expression suddenly changed, and he obviously sensed the surge of Honkai energy around him.

Just watch quietly.

Seeing Walter silence, Otto stopped looking at Walter and just looked at the ocean in front of him quietly.

There was a strange movement on the sea surface.


Just for a moment, a whirlpool suddenly appeared on the originally calm sea.

As the second hand of the dial began to move, the vortex began to expand until it turned into a sinking waterfall.

The seawater rolled up white waves and poured into the bottomless darkness. The endless seawater unexpectedly showed a rare downward trend.

In the eyes of everyone, the color of the sky suddenly darkened, and dark purple thunder enveloped the 'clouds' formed by the condensation of high-concentration Honkai Energy, clinging to the originally clean sky like winding dragons and snakes.

The flowing wind beat against Hyperion's hull, emitting a terrifying scream.

The water and wind gather into a vortex, attracting everything around it, and then chew and devour it.

Unimaginable power is gathering at this moment, enveloping nature, until——


Thunderous explosions came from the sea, breaking the blockade of the storm and breaking the dark sky.

The vortex stopped at this moment, and the surging wind was pinned to the spot by invisible force.

A circle of dim starlight emerged from the trench thousands of meters deep, forming a misty star ring, slowly outlining an outline that seemed to have no visible edge.

The figure slowly raised its head.

Immediately afterwards——

Just like an underground nuclear test, the surface of the sea that had sunk for a while expanded like a balloon, and indescribable force spread downwards, shattering the lowering crust.


This time the shock was more violent than before, shattering the storm and the vortex, as if the continent had shifted its tectonic plates, and giant water columns tens of thousands of meters upturned.

Looking from the sky, the Earth's oceans are visible to the naked eye with ripples appearing in circles.

Bright red cracks began to spread along the cracks in the plate, and hot magma flowed out.

Even space began to distort.

The power that is enough to crush nature has completed its awakening.

The background that originally belonged to the world was replaced, and in everyone's eyes, only the endless curtain of rain remained.

It's like every cell will produce certain mutations during the long period of division, and the mutations born in the collapse of creation in this era and this civilization are the creations buried in the deep sea.

After the long curtain of rain passed, a body that was more majestic than the mountains appeared in front of everyone.

The dark body is covered with deep purple lines, and giant horns grow on its head as if it was born for dueling.

The carapace on its body has sharp edges and corners, like armor forged by gods for their beloved pets.

The limbs penetrated deep into the hot magma. The magma splashed and then cooled rapidly, blocking the inflow of sea water around it. This was the sacred throne built by nature for it.

In its neck, the area called the troposphere in meteorology, there are cumulonimbus clouds that are constantly spreading drizzle.

That's the rolling mountains, that's a brand new continent, that's——

An ancient judgment level Honkai beast that has completely absorbed the final level of Honkai energy.

Chi You.

Chapter 278: Fireproof Girl: Otto is starting to have some humanity too

The mushroom cloud exploded, creating a deep crater on the earth's surface.

The scattered dust solidified in the air, and the ashes fell with the rain, and with a crimson glow, they slapped Hyperion's shell.

Fortunately, the outer shell of Hyperion is strong enough so that the passengers inside can witness this myth-like scene.

Otto watched speechlessly as Huberion installed the concentration detector that had exploded, and held down Theresa who was about to commit suicide.

This existence is even more powerful than the Herrscher of the End in the previous era. The current combat power of the earth is simply seeking death.

Otto, what did you do?

Compared to Theresa, who probably only had a junior high school education, Walter, who was raised by scientists, seemed much calmer.

He quickly judged the situation and did not choose to take action rashly. He maintained the communication request with the Anti-Entropy Headquarters and questioned the culprit he knew.

Surprisingly, the communication link went smoothly. Otto, a guy who always likes to have everything under his control, unexpectedly did not make any such small moves this time.

It's like I never cared about the information being leaked.


Otto did not choose to quarrel with Walter. He tapped his slender fingers on the table and seemed to be staring at the screen very intently. Then he quickly opened the chat group and asked the fire prevention woman a question.

Archbishop Tianming: My old friend, it seems that the moon's Honkai energy doesn't have that much, right?

Fireproof Girl: In order to ensure that we can open the bridge to the Quantum Sea, we squeezed a little more from the Cocoon of Finality.

Archbishop Tianming: ?

Archbishop Tianming: Wait a minute, if Sur, you can absorb a huge amount of Honkai energy through the Cocoon of Finality to create so many Honkai beasts that far surpass Herrscher, can you directly upgrade the entire human species to Lawyer?

As expected of an archbishop, his focus is different from ordinary people.

Fireproof Girl: Of course you can. You can do similar things after you master the imaginary number energy. In fact, there is no need to pursue it deliberately. Just wait until I leave a copy of the program for the transformation of imaginary number energy into the cocoon of the end.

Archbishop Tianming: Thank you very much.

Fireproof Girl: Why do you still care about the future of mankind?

Archbishop Tianming: Is it convenient for me to say?

Fireproof Girl: Hey, I know even if you don't tell me, this love -

Archbishop Tianming: Cough cough cough...

Fireproof Girl: Okay, stop it, stop it.

It's strange, you've been shameless for 500 years, and I haven't seen you get embarrassed when you make Kallen's fantasy and let your friends play with it, right?

Fireproof Girl: Speaking of which, I will use Chi You as an anchor later to open a stable channel to the Quantum Sea. I am not very skilled in using this Honkai. Don't blame me if the earth cracks.

Archbishop Tianming: ...Suer, just watch and come.

Fireproof Girl: With your words, I feel relieved.


Almost at the moment when everyone was completely unresponsive, a pillar of light fell from the sky. It looked like a waterfall made of pure gold mixed with diamonds, landing in the depths of the ocean.

As if being guided, Chi You also began to move his mountain-like body again, heading towards the direction where the light fell.

Naturally, everyone on the Hyperion chose to follow.

There is......

Theresa asked.

She had just checked the database, and the Honkai beast in front of her should be Chi You, the giant beast that wreaked havoc on China thousands of years ago and swallowed up half of the continent.

The Eye of the Abyss.

Of course Otto knew it, and he didn't mind telling everyone. Now, many so-called secrets are no longer secrets.

He looked up at Walter.

I heard that you did experiments on reverse entropy there?


Walter frowned, and at this moment, the voice from his 'adoptive mother' sounded in the communication.

Kokolia once collaborated with an organization called the World Serpent to conduct experiments at the bottom of the ocean.

This guy Otto knows more about reverse entropy than we do.

The voice on the other end of the communication seemed to be gritting his teeth.

Haha, the information was just disclosed by Tianming. After all, there is no need to hide it from you anymore.

Looking at Walter who frowned in confusion, then relaxed his brows, and then frowned deeply again, Otto couldn't help but chuckle.

During the brief exchange, Walter's control over the organization has been tested a lot, and it is very low.

To be honest, although Walter is now middle-aged according to human age classification, he is still not mature enough in Otto's opinion.

Chi You moved very quickly. After just a few words of conversation, he dragged his body, which could not see the whole picture at a glance, to the vicinity of the Eye of the Abyss.

Since you don't know the whole story now, how about you just quietly be a spectator?

Otto looked down at the whirlpool below, rubbed Theresa's head with one hand, but spoke like a bystander.

Don't jump to conclusions about things you don't understand.


Walter took a deep look at Otto. As someone who had always been against destiny, he did not refute again. He clenched his cane and looked at the existence in front of him that he might not be able to touch.


Chi You did not choose to enter the Eye of the Abyss directly.

At this moment, it is circling around the fluid light column, greedily devouring the energy escaping from it.

The light pillar struck the barrier of order and chaos, and the blue light of the quantum sea continued to precipitate in the cracks, mixing with the imaginary energy and turning into Chi You's nourishment.

The law of devouring?

The fire-proof woman looked at the beast below that was getting stronger and stronger, and paused to inject energy. She saw that at this time, golden and blue colors representing imaginary numbers and quantum respectively appeared on Chi You's body.

The Fireproof Girl increases the erosion of the barrier between the two realms.

More light fell, and the gorgeous Honkai energy waterfall covered an area of ​​more than a thousand meters.

The fireproof girl's eyes narrowed, and the Honkai energy, which could be measured almost infinitely, showed a rare and obvious downward trend.

Far from reaching the limit?

This was something that surprised even the Fireproof Girl. Chi You's status was higher than expected, and the power he devoured was directly at the origin of the creation of the world in which he existed.

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