Why does it feel like the Bishop is no longer reliable?

This bad guy is so evil.

The sense of security given by the fire prevention girl is unparalleled. Looking around cautiously, Kiana protected everyone behind her with some fear and whispered in a low voice.

You should change the way you greet people by pretending to be a ghost.

Rubbing Kiana's head, the fireproof girl smiled.

This kind of person has a typical inferiority complex. They pretend to be mysterious, but in fact they are not confident in themselves. Even the courage to communicate is shrinking at the other end of the screen. We can't learn from them in the future.

I know, Aunt Su'er.

Fireproof Girl is a typical bullshit, using this to personally attack Gray Snake, but she has to easily fool little Kiana.

You hate me?


The fireproof girl nodded her head generously, not shying away from her disgust.

For some special reasons, the fire-proof girl has always been disgusted by things related to snakes, and she has a kind of physical discomfort.

Although the snake species will not be exterminated for such a reason, when the enemy has the attribute of snake in its attributes, it will naturally have to bear the most malice from the fire prevention woman.

Gray Snake paid attention to the fire girl and considered it.

Fireproof Girl is very strong, she should be very strong.

It's not about how advanced weapons and equipment they have, nor how strong their energy response is in their bodies.

The lady standing in the corridor at the moment was wearing an ordinary Tianming standard robe, and the Honkai energy in her body was very minimal. If you remove the errors, it can be said that there is none at all.

And that's the biggest problem.

How could a being with no Honkai reflexes arrive at this facility almost teleporting and eliminate all the Titans in an instant?

Maybe we should change the way we interact.

Gray Snake chose to relent, and at the same time let the armed forces in the ME club begin to transfer resources for this experiment.

Oh? Are you going to invite me to World Snake for tea, or to make some friends in Paradise, or...

I took out the terminal and started to set up Baidu across the world. According to the copywriting, I exposed the background of the world snake.

Black Snake's attitude is so bad. He hasn't even seen anyone for so long. Is this what the negotiations were about?

...Hmph, Your Majesty does know a lot.

I know more. How about it? Are you interested in having me as a guest?

The fireproof girl said seductively.

Perhaps, under the influence of those heroic warriors from the former civilization, I will choose to switch sides and serve the World Snake from now on?

...No need.

Being able to say this means that it is not possible.

To be honest, what the fire-prevention woman said was full of secret information, which made Black Snake couldn't help but wonder if his original behavior of exploring Tianming was the archbishop fishing.

So, can we meet in a relatively formal manner? I think, at least in terms of the goal of fighting Honkai, the destiny and the world snake are the same.

This time the fire prevention girl also came with a mission.

Like Otto's decisions made in a rational state, she also tends to unite all forces that can be united, even if they may not be of much use at the final moment.

But the fireproof girl didn't originally intend to let these children who were tired of dealing with the Honkai crisis go against a greater existence.

These members who are at the top of the collapsing world, apart from a few oddities, all have their own merits.

Especially after Mr. Otto clearly rejected the Fire Prevention Girl's job invitation, the Fire Prevention Girl was even more concerned about some of the members who had strong scientific research abilities in their settings.

After all, there will never be too few outstanding scientific researchers in any world.

Moreover, in the Fireproof Girl's plan, these high-level talents are mobilized to find world bubbles for themselves in the Quantum Sea, which is more efficient and safer than taking the risk of being exposed to salvage in the vast Quantum Sea.

……I'm afraid not.

But I can give you a chance to explain. The Lord of the World Snake will decide whether to cooperate with Tianming.

‘Is this arrogance? ’

Or do you mean that you simply don’t pay attention to the various forces in the world today?

The fireproof girl thought she had exposed the World Snake. If the butler, Gray Snake, could be smarter, he really wouldn't take the people of this era seriously.

If you don't take me seriously, then I won't take you seriously either.

I thought the one who came this time would at least be a clone.

Glancing at the hound walking out of the shadows, the fireproof woman felt that Gray Snake didn't seem to have a clear understanding of the gap between them.

Too perfunctory, right?

The fireproof girl sighed, then felt unhappy.

This is the bad thing about the time system. People can't see how you take action, and naturally they can't know your actual abilities. Then they will take a chance and think that they can have an equal dialogue with them.

Little did they know that there was no condition for equal negotiation between the two. It was only because of the tolerance of the superior that everyone could chat here.

I always feel that it is better to choose a place to fire a Sunshine Spear to make it look more intimidating.

But how should she act?

The fireproof girl observed the future, thinking about how to make a move, and soon found a satisfactory process.

Grey Snake, I have received your sincerity, so, in response-

The fireproof girl had a teasing smile on her lips.

Want to become a real human?

Chapter 271 Fireproof Girl: Come on, Gray Snake, call one


Gray Snake seemed very baffled by this question.

He does have some data personalities with independent tendencies, but he does not have this idea now.

He was still testing, testing this existence.

Become human.

The fireproof woman stretched out her hand, lightly tapped the mechanical hound's face, and turned her head to look into its scarlet eyes.

What on earth are you going to do?

Just by the collision of eyes, the fire-proof woman who was still far away touched him, and the gray snake who controlled the hound subconsciously took a few steps back.

It's this kind of movement without warning again. Doesn't she have no limits?

Gray Snake blinked, cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

No, why does it sweat?

The gray snake's perception of emotions has become more acute. It seems to feel the contempt and ridicule of the person in front of it. This is a vague perception that cannot be constructed by mechanical calculations.

The gray snake instinctively sensed that something was wrong. It felt that there were organs thinking on its behalf, and its hairs stood up slightly in the slightly cold temperature of the corridor.

How is this going?

This is an unprecedented experience, difficult to understand, and a feeling that a mechanical being has never experienced before.

But soon, Gray Snake's consciousness could no longer think.

The latter's face still had that arrogant look that slightly raised the corners of its mouth. The next moment, it fell to the ground and twisted in pain.

This body is animated.

The armor shattered, flesh and blood grew, metal was assimilated into muscles, and lines turned into blood vessels.

The body that has just begun to take on a human form is cracking, twisting, and disintegrating into a bloody mouth. The skin is activating into various alienated limbs. In some parts, the parts belonging to the inner wall of the body are everted, and overlapping human beings are growing on them. noodle.

It was as if countless life forms were stacked together again to build the shape of this body. The body that was constantly being restructured and reorganized with the soul began to twist and gradually became indescribable.

It's hard to say what the gray snake experienced at this moment. It was the explosion of billions of senses in his mind. At the moment when his soul was born, he was flooded with unprecedented extreme pain.

It's really tragic.

Under the baptism of the ultimate senses, Gray Snake vaguely heard the smiling voice of Gwen Sur in his ears.

So, dear Mr. Gray Snake, don't be so rude when we meet next time.


Kiana and Rita looked at the scene in front of them and felt their scalps getting cold.

The gray snake - it should be called the gray snake. At this moment, it seems to have revealed a form that is difficult for ordinary people to accept. It is like thousands of different people are stacked together, and then they become It’s like this now——

A ball of flesh made up of multiple limbs, organs, and faces?

I almost forgot, this is a 12+ game, it is too exciting to put such a thing in front of children.


With a snap of her fingers, the fireproof girl put a filter on the two people present, and then pulled them out of the strong visual impact.

What the hell happened?

Banishing the images from her mind, Rita looked at the flesh-colored dandelions in her field of vision and asked with some difficulty.

The scene just now really challenges the limits of cognition.

Well, that sounds a little troublesome.

The fireproof girl began to organize her words, a look of thought appeared between her brows, and then she opened her mouth to explain.

To be honest, she didn't expect it to be such an explosive result at first.

She simply gave authority to the gray snake through her own authority, and then relied on the soul to start building a body for it.

And because the gray snake is a combination of multiple consciousnesses, what should it be counted as, cluster consciousness?

Anyway, because she has a lot of consciousness, the fire-proof woman exerted her authority over the individual Gray Snake. As a result, she accidentally gave birth to a soul for each personality and gave it the ability to build a body.

Then it became what it is now.

Consciousnesses are connected to each other, cognitions are in conflict with each other, and perceptions are superimposed on each other.

This is what created this tragic scene today.

The literal meaning is that the individual named Gray Snake is experiencing tens of thousands of times of perception and the torture and conflict of tens of thousands of personalities at this moment.

Personality conflicts bring physical distortion, and physical distortion brings mental pain, making already complex personalities even more conflicting with each other, forming an almost endless cycle.

The Fireproof Girl talks about the results that can make people feel despair just by listening to them.

The gray snake with other personalities would probably hate the gray snake responsible for negotiating with the fire prevention woman.

It's an unnecessary disaster, isn't it? It would be nice if we were polite from the beginning.

Of course, the fire prevention girl has no psychological burden for cleaning up gray snakes, which are similar to Cocolia. At the beginning, you should be reasonable and people won't take you seriously. You have to see the coffin.

Since you want to try His Majesty Su'er's skills, let him have a look.

The Fireproof Girl didn't want to locate the headquarters of World Snake, and then go to the door with a shy face. She gently told Gray Snake that I hope both parties can actively cooperate, and then pushed forward mutual cooperation despite Gray Snake's temptation.

That's too licking. The relatively gentle first interaction is the face that the fireproof girl gives you. If you don't want it, just tear it off.

Turning her head, the fireproof girl looked at the vague and obvious human shape in the corner.

Are you right?

What is obvious is that the outline of the body is a completely human figure. What is blurry is its face, which is completely white and does not even have any facial features.

There was actually an individual who escaped first? What a surprise.

Watching the black snake struggling on the ground, turning into a shriveled corpse as its energy was exhausted, and becoming an unsolved mystery in biology from now on, complex emotions appeared strangely on that blank face. .

Do you know why birds fly?

Because those who didn't escape successfully are completely crazy.

He really wanted to ask the fireproof girl in front of him, what kind of thing are you.

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