Just a simple touch directly activated him as a mechanical creation, allowing him with an imperfect personality to directly obtain a soul like a human being, along with all his individuals.

This kind of ability is too weird. No one in previous civilizations has recorded this ability?

Gray Snake briefly sensed the network and found that the connection had not been cut off, but the network that originally carried the data consciousness had completely collapsed, and World Snake was probably starting to panic.

Have you erased your previous personality and turned all the cognition belonging to the Gray Snake into a 'library' independent of the new mind?

After sizing up the normal-looking gray snake, the fireproof girl gave up on the idea of ​​shaping it and praised it.

A life that can struggle to survive in desperate situations is indeed worthy of praise from the fire prevention girl.

Smart thing to do.

how did you do it?

Gray Snake did not expect that for the first time he would obtain the soul he had dreamed of, and for the first time he would feel the emotion of fear, and also in such a desperate environment.

It's just a one in 10,000 chance that I happen to meet you.

I just have better luck. It's not that I chose the right path, but that among countless possibilities, the right path chose me.

Gray Snake chose to give up. Under the strong psychological pressure, the outline of his body gradually shrank, and an aggrieved face appeared on his empty face.

The aggrieved little girl with white hair had crystal tears on her face. She looked up at the fire prevention girl, as if she would cry in the next second.

Well, by being so humble, do you think I hate arrogance?

The fireproof girl looked at the little loli in front of her with interest.

However, Gray Snake still doesn't understand human psychology well enough. Guangguang believes that on a biological basis, young individuals are more capable of stimulating the maternal nature of adult individuals.

But in human society, the desire most likely to arise in young human individuals who cry with purpose is actually the desire for aggression.

Yes, Lord Sur.

The Gray Snake individual adjusted his individual age to adulthood and said frankly: If there is anything you are dissatisfied with me about, please let me know.

I can change it.

Due to the external environment and her own huge amount of knowledge, the blank personality began to take shape rapidly. It was the first time for the fireproof girl who had in-depth research on the soul to see such an oppressive reshaping, and it was actually a positive aspect.

Fire-resistant women hate hypocrisy, so this personality will not be hypocritical. Fire-resistant women hate arrogance, so this personality will not be arrogant.

The huge reserve of knowledge makes a judgment on the current situation and drives life to make changes, so a new personality is born.

It's all about survival.

The instinct of life, the pressure of survival, will completely reshape this individual.

Not long after, after a few simple interactions, the Gray Snake, who was supposed to be dark and cold, began to become more modest and friendly, as if he was developing into a pillar of society.

It turns out that good depravity really exists?

The fireproof girl always felt that she had unintentionally come up with a pretty good research material.

You said that if I deal with other forces in the future, will it still be like today?

I'd love to say no.

Gray Snake replied seriously.

Have you had such emotional intelligence before?

Gray Snake's answers became cautious, and Fireproof Woman smiled and shook her head.

After coughing a few times, the fire prevention girl spoke.

Well, given the huge failure in negotiating with other forces when I came to this world, and considering the violation of human rights caused by my unconventional methods, I have to choose a more efficient way.

The fireproof girl narrated softly while paying attention to the black snake's reaction.

Letting the whole world witness the destruction of an organization of sufficient importance will surely make my subsequent negotiations with other humans smoother, right?

...War is not the only method.

Gray Snake was silent for a while, and then spoke to admonish, as if he didn't want to fall into the fireproof girl's guidance again.

It seems to know that as long as it shows a gentle side to the fire-proof girl, the fire-proof girl will naturally no longer be malicious to it.

A fireproof girl is like a mirror. The way you look at her is how you will be treated.


After receiving Gray Snake's response, the fireproof girl couldn't help laughing.

It's so funny, so funny.

Feeling the echo from her soul, the fireproof girl felt more and more that her choice to interfere with the established script from the beginning was correct.

This is the first time that the Fireproof Girl has taken the initiative to shape a soul without using her authority.

And this new existence, because of its own particularity, unexpectedly cooperates with the fire prevention girl.

The will to live is amazing, right?

Aunt Su'er, what's going on?

Seeing the fireproof girl suddenly laughing, Kiana asked Rita beside her in a low voice.

Master Su'er is very happy.

What about this and this?

Didn't you see that Aunt Su'er's pleasant breath was already overflowing?

Kiana tilted her head, and was greeted by Rita's flawless and dignified smile, and then she shrugged helplessly.

Seeing that Kiana also responded wisely, Rita also breathed a sigh of relief and continued to look straight ahead.

The fireproof girl at this moment looks very much like those scientists in Destiny who discovered the best research materials, right?

But does she dare to say it?

Grey Snake, now, how about we play a game?

After laughing for a while, the fireproof girl said to Gray Snake. Although it was a question, it still had an unquestionable flavor.

A game between me and the World Serpent.


Black Snake didn't make a sound, quietly waiting for the fire girl's next words.

I will arrive at the World Snake's headquarters within ten natural hours. If your game satisfies me, then I will let you go. There is nothing wrong with letting the World Snake go.

The fireproof woman's words were very vague, and there were almost no hard and fast rules except for the time limit.

But if it doesn't work.

Then don't blame me.

Gray Snake fell into deep thought. She felt as if she had caught something, but she still couldn't think of it for a moment.

However, there is one thing for which it has a clear understanding.

And to live or to perish, it has no choice.

What judgment will you make, and what method will you choose to deal with me?

The fireproof woman looked at the gray snake. She wanted to see if the snake could truly look new after shedding its skin.

‘Let me see what you can do. ’


And just when Black Snake was tortured into a bitter face by the fire prevention woman, on the other side of Changkong City, on the huge battleship in the sky, Lady Theresa also met the existence she least wanted to see.

In the already deserted command room, Theresa looked at the reflection on the screen with a sad face, and could not put down the Homu comic in her hand.

Behind her, a smiling Otto was looking at the back of his lovely granddaughter.

My granddaughter, it's been such a long time.

Otto waved his hand, with a friendly smile on his face, and his emerald green eyes were full of kindness.

I'm very sad that I haven't heard from Theresa for so long.

Chapter 272 Fireproof Girl: I always feel like I’m too easy to chase

Otto, the Archbishop of Destiny, is the most terrifying conspirator in the world for 500 years.

Theresa, the commander of the Far East branch, the principal of St. Freya College, the girl named Apocalis by Otto, combined with Otto's favor, is a silly and sweet girl in her forties.

However, the relationship between them is not that of a conventional family, where the father is kind and the son is filial.

It was enough for Theresa to copy the Filial Sword and the Signal Axe, and for Otto to feel the extent of his granddaughter's insignificant concern.

However, the family relationship between grandfather and grandson is not fake.

Grandpa...Grandpa, why did you come to Jidong in person?

She hurriedly stuffed the comic book into her loose nun's clothes. Theresa's face turned red and she jumped out of her seat in embarrassment.

Of course I miss my dear Theresa.

Otto rubbed Theresa's head affectionately.

Yes, really?

Theresa suppressed the shame of being caught by her elders reading comic books and glared at Otto warily.

If it were normal times, Otto's sudden visit could indeed be interpreted as missing him. After all, although Otto was not a human being, his love for him could not be faked.

But during this extraordinary period, he followed a series of events in the far east and finally discovered the child of his old friend.

He was planning to see if she was qualified to bear Kaslana's surname, and then take her back to the academy to study.

As for the good-for-nothing, Otto came over in person.

Otto's visit to the Far East this time seemed to Theresa like a shark that smelled fishy.

Grandpa, I'm afraid you're here not just to see me.

Moving out from Otto's shadow, Theresa assumed a very formal posture.

Ah, my granddaughter hates me.

Otto rubbed his eyebrows distressedly, looking helpless.

My dear granddaughter, what nonsense are you talking about? Do I have any other purpose in coming to see my granddaughter?

Why has things become like this between us? At this moment, shouldn't we be walking in St. Freya's academy and savoring the warm and beautiful wind?

Grandpa, whenever you plan to tell a lie, you always use this frivolous tone.

Theresa squinted her eyes and looked at Otto, who was pretending to be sad. She always felt that her grandfather's state seemed different from before.

There is no longer the feeling of hiding a knife in a smile, and people really feel like a spring breeze.

But instinct was driving Theresa not to believe Otto's words.

This is a rule of thumb.

Otto is indeed a troublesome and dangerous being.

Theresa, humor is good for physical and mental health. You have to learn from me in this regard.

Otto said with a chuckle.

Yes, yes, after all, he is an old man who has lived for five hundred years.

Theresa glanced at the monitor on the podium absentmindedly, where the video of Kiana entering and exiting Qianyu Academy was being broadcast.

Are you concerned about k423?

I don't allow you to call her that.

As if being provoked, Theresa took the initiative to refute Otto's words.

Okay, okay~_~, how about calling it Miss Kaslana?

Otto raised his hands in surrender, making Theresa feel like she had punched cotton.

Something is wrong, something is really wrong with Otto today.

Theresa tilted her head, confusion in her blue eyes.

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