In her mind, Rita was still the mature and capable maid lady.

However, with her reliable attitude and cautious way of acting, and with the confidence that an S-class Valkyrie possesses as the destiny of the world's number one organization, she still faced an overturning ending in the mission, which made her feel full of contrast. A sense of drama.

‘Aunt Su’er won’t overturn her car too, will she?’

But looking at the Titans whose parts had been broken all over the floor, Kiana still did not choose to speak out.

And the enemy isn't very strong either.

What gave you the illusion that all high-end combat forces in this world are weak?

The fireproof girl raised her eyebrows.


Kiana silently pointed at Rita, who was quietly acting as Sleeping Beauty in the corner, and Bronya, who fell against the wall, opening her mouth and closing her eyes, unable to get up.

Haha, an unequal battle will naturally end like this.

Destiny's database is like a sieve to the World Snake. The Gray Snake has a deep understanding of Rita and knows that she is one of the few Valkyries who has no ability to cut grass and does not rely on physical strength to fight.

Therefore, it can naturally rely on targeted poison gas and a large number of Titans to put it at a disadvantage in the battle.

But Bronya is even simpler. If you can't knock someone down with your face in the pause state, it's better to stop playing.

This is an asymmetrical battle, not because the opponent is weak, but because the opponent is too strong.

Just like a novice warrior who rushes directly into the Demon King's lair, he is bound to be blasted.

Then, Aunt Su'er, what should we do now?

With her backbone in mind, Kiana asked: Are you going to arrest the mastermind behind the scenes?

Not urgent.

The fireproof woman waved her hand, and her eyes fell on Rita, who was unconscious. As the effect of the potion faded, she frowned and seemed to be able to wake up with only a little external stimulation.

Standing up, with a smile on her lips, the fireproof girl opened her lips lightly, and a voice accurately passed into Rita's ears.

Grandale married a man under Otto's arrangement.


Will Lady Youlandel marry a man? !

Don’t do that kind of thing!

Rita opened her eyes in panic, and then saw the smiling fireproof girl.

Did you rest well?

The firebender smiled and greeted Rita.

Kiana didn't say a word, just looking at Rita's formulaic smile, mixed with an expression of shame, and even the depression of being chased all over the ground by the Titans was relieved a lot.

I can only say that reading other people’s jokes is a good way to relieve your mood.

However, I always feel that Aunt Su'er's current cheerful demeanor is far different from the gentle and steady demeanor she had at the beginning.

The fireproof girl also gained a lot of humanity after torturing Rita's personality, and she suddenly felt happier.

In the past, when the Faded One was around, she had to play the role of taking care of others, but when Ashes was around, she wouldn't act too out of the ordinary and cause trouble for others.

Now that he is a person like this, he seems to have liberated Lezi's nature a little bit.

Chapter 270: Fireproof Girl: Snakes in this world seem to be very disrespectful

Long time no see, Rita.

The fireproof girl looked at the maid lady with a gentle smile on her face.

And Rita was a little confused.

It wasn't until the fireproof girl called her back to her thoughts that she had some instinctive reactions.

Long time no see, Master Su'er.

She really hoped that it had been a long time since they had seen each other. After being separated for so long, she felt very depressed, and even revealed her evil intentions towards Lady Youlandel in front of others.

Rita twitched the corner of her mouth, subconsciously grasped the hem of her skirt that had returned to a brand new state, and then quickly let go.

Although she felt terribly embarrassed, her good etiquette education allowed her to try her best to maintain her appearance.

I just came here to meet a friend I've never met before, but I didn't expect it happened by chance.

The fireproof girl explained with a smile.

Co-author: Are you planning to come here?

Then why should Kiana be released in advance? Wouldn't it be safer for this girl to be by your side? And overturning this city is just a matter of raising your hand, right?

Just as Rita was about to ask, she noticed the wheeled chair beside the road and reacted immediately.

Yes, if Kiana is not handed over to her, how can she change her course because of helping her?

If I didn't choose to go deep into the core, and just relied on the hounds to record data on the periphery, how could I be plotted by Gray Snake, fall into his trap, and stage a drama of overturning.


Looking at the smiling fireproof girl, Rita felt that she understood everything.

Everything that happened now was an arranged drama, and she and Kiana were the actors who promoted the development of the story.

And the one the drama seeks to please is this noble lady.

For some reason, Rita seemed to have an illusion that this figure that always exuded a gentle aura overlapped with a certain archbishop who was full of conspiracy.

It seems that the reassuring gentleness is just a disguise on the surface, and there is a different kind of soul buried underneath.

It was Rita's fault.

After thinking for a long time and swallowing what she wanted to say at first, Rita changed her words and spoke slowly.

Thanks to Mr. Su'er's rescue, otherwise Rita really wouldn't know what to do.

Hey, just know it in your heart, it would be rude to say it out loud.

Besides, Master Su'er is not joking with their lives. The actions of herself and others are probably just a joke for an existence like her.

It's just that she is considered dead.

Rita sighed as she looked at Kiana, who was wandering around the fireproof girl curiously asking about various things.

The aggrieved expression looked like a clerk who had been bullied by his leader in the workplace but did not dare to resist.

Should we be glad that Lady Bianca is not here? Otherwise, I can only apply to the bishop to go to the world for special training.

Rita thought happily.

I thought the girl needed comfort.

Seeing Rita quickly managing her emotions, the fireproof girl thought with emotion.

'Perhaps this is the perfect and dashing maid. ’

'but. ’

Looking at Rita's face trying to maintain elegance and etiquette, the fireproof girl felt a special impulse in her heart.

‘I really want to see more exciting expressions on this face. ’

The fireproof girl who no one cares about seems to be letting herself go more and more.

Ahem, Miss Rita is already miserable enough. It’s better to postpone the plan to persecute her for now. Anyway, more interesting things will happen in the future as a way to adjust life.

Let’s get down to business now.

After gently snapping her fingers and releasing her temporary posture, the fireproof girl came to Bronya who was twitching by the wall.

Aunt Su'er, this child——

Kiana also had a puzzled look on her face. If a normal person was hit with a stick by her, they would definitely be lying peacefully. The rolling eyes and twitching look was very wrong at first glance.

She wouldn't break someone, would she?

Kiana was a little worried. Although she felt that there was nothing wrong with dealing a harsh blow to an enemy who wanted her life, and she could accept a direct beating to death, but the current posture of being beaten to the point of hemiplegia was too miserable.

The fireproof girl's mental power, which was comparable to the most advanced microscopic detector, glanced at Bronya.

This child seems to have a control chip implanted in his head. Kiana may have damaged the chip just now.

He stretched out his hand and clasped Bronya's head, relying on his height advantage to lift the little girl with a loli figure. A light appeared on the fireproof girl's hand.

The light was a brilliant golden color, mixed with dark red fireflies.

This is the power of the melting pot, which comes from the ability to shape life at the interface, and can modify any living thing from micro to macro.

With the fireproof girl's certain understanding of biology, she can easily transform a damaged body into perfection.

It is much less laborious than simply looking back in time in the physical body.

For a long time, I have always used First Fire in other worlds to provide people with the protection of time. I always felt that the time ability was too low, making the power of First Fire, which reveals the essence of the world, very cheap.

Bronya in her hand quickly stopped twitching under the healing light, and her originally painful expression gradually calmed down and became peaceful.

Seeing that Bronya's body had recovered, the fire girl held her head, and then shook it gently like she was shaking off the wrinkles and foreign objects on clothes on a hanger.

Wow, wow...

A large number of mechanical components fell from the girl's body, including but not limited to some metal implants, scrapped chips in the brain, and two shining leg exoskeletons.

Looking at the pile of nearly ten or twenty kilograms of electronic components on the ground, Kiana couldn't help but exclaimed, and even Rita's expression changed.

Are all anti-entropy transformation methods so wild?

It's just a poor child.

Maintaining her compassionate persona, the fire prevention girl's eyes sharpened and she glanced at the camera on the side of the corridor.

You've been looking at this, right? Gray Snake.

Gwensul, pseudonym, S-class Valkyrie hidden by destiny.

If it’s broken, I’m not me anymore?

He left Istanbul in 1453 to join the Mandate of Heaven, the last emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire. It's such a pleasure to meet you, His Majesty Constantine.

Gray Snake's voice sounded from all directions through the loudspeaker device in the corridor, full of irony.

In an unfamiliar communication environment, a hoarse and deep voice can always give people more pressure.

And when you first meet, pointing out the other person's privacy can gain greater weight in subsequent chats.

Oh, I actually found it to this extent.

The fire prevention girl pretended to be surprised.

Should I say that I am an ancient world snake? It is difficult for this world to have secrets in front of you.

Has Otto played too much Europa Universalis? Why did she get such an identity? Being the last emperor like Constantine XI is really unlucky.

Let him be changed to the founding emperor later.

Wait, she seems to be indeed the last generation.

The fire girl was deep in thought.

Currently she is indeed the youngest in Gwen's lineage.

But she restarted the path of spreading fire and created a new century. Should she be regarded as the founding emperor?

I told Otto that I was going to upgrade the firewall, but I didn't expect that guy to actually use half of Destiny's computing power to develop Kallen Fantasy.

Separated from the thoughts of the character's background, the fireproof woman seemed to complain without any scruples.

Look, now my own database has become someone else's back garden.

The corners of Rita's mouth twitched, as if she heard something extraordinary.

Was her intelligence leaked and Destiny's weapons copied for such a weird reason?

To be honest, she was more willing to believe that Tianming's technicians were inferior to others, and she was not willing to believe that this was just a joke.

But thinking about the update speed of Kallen Fantasy in Destiny in the past two years, I occasionally heard from Lord Amber that some bishops were often lazy.

And the fireproof girl's relaxed tone, it didn't seem like it was a lie.

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