Legendary Investigator: Anyway, the sea of ​​​​spirit has been drained at this time. The price is that it is a bit big now. Give me some time and I will take care of it.

Tallulah: Kick Kamijou Touma first!

Legendary Investigator: Kick it, kick it, damn it, it's the first time I've seen someone who gets so angry just by looking at him, that he can't even pass the judgment.

Nayako: It's really interesting. Why don't you bring me with such an interesting group?

Although Naia immediately sent a time-travel application, and the fun people immediately launched a referendum, it was still rejected by the automatic supervision process because it was included in the time-travel blacklist.

Legendary Investigator: You are not allowed to join the running group!

At this moment, he was extremely grateful to His Majesty Suer for the security system.

Nayako: No, this is not democratic!

Cancer of the World: “But this is very Wuchang.”

Magical Girl Merry-chan: I understand you very well, Naia.

It's really interesting.

Seeing the group starting another frenzied rescue, fierce accusations, and blaming each other, the fire prevention girl was so happy that she couldn't help but smile.

Chat groups have become more and more interesting recently.

However, Fireproof Girl noticed the last mention of the Sea of ​​Spirits by Mr. Legendary Investigator.

The so-called subspace is the spiritual sea, a place responsible for storing the spiritual energy of a world.

The First Fire's squeezing of souls can be described as simple and crude. Even if it is eager to appear on the throne, it only changes the method of Wuhuo's stir-frying to slow fire and roasting, and its main focus is to fish for a single soul individual.

However, the subspace in Karl's world is different, but spiritual worlds such as subspace have their own unique features.

They can quantify the emotions of sentient beings and achieve the accumulation of emotions within a relatively safe range, but it is not enough to collapse the civilization system of the absorbed individuals.

Although four bugs were born due to anomalies, strictly speaking, if you really want to go all out, the four evil gods of subspace may not be as harmful as the fire-proof girl.

Although the Four Gods of Subspace are terrifying in their methods and their ability to torment people is considered unparalleled in every world, strictly speaking, the practices of these weird things can really be regarded as sustainable development.

And spiritual world structures such as subspace and virtual realm seem to have their merits, especially for Rodlan who relies heavily on spiritual energy.

So, can she design a front-end system in the future and use it as a preliminary fire transformation process?

The fireproof girl followed Kiana calmly, looking at the sweaty little girl. She seemed very comfortable, playing with the soul fragments flowing in her hands, and then fell into deep thought.


It's really terrible!

The Titan's terrifying voice hung behind her, and Kiana didn't even have the courage to look back. She grabbed Miss Rita hard as if she might slip out from her back at any time.

How long will this cat and mouse game last?

Kiana didn't even dare to look behind her again, she was just panting loudly, but after running for so long, she couldn't find the exit. Arvette, who was responsible for remote support, also fell into silence.

The Valkyrie of Destiny is unreliable from time to time. How can she still be commanding and then disconnected!

Kiana is now just one straw away from collapse. The last straw that breaks the camel's back.

And just like in many stories, the thing that adds insult to injury happened, what Kiana least expected to happen happened.

Bronya, intruder found.

Alas, something happened after all.

Kiana had to stop her legs, which were almost numb from running.

Just in front of the road, a silver-haired girl with a double helix ponytail appeared.

Reinstall Rabbit 19C, preheating mode.

In the field of vision, the figure of a petite girl in front of her continued to enlarge, and the demon-like figure emerged behind her, and the cold aura made it look like a judge of death.


The thumping sound belonging to the Titan in the rear was like a death knell ringing for itself.

My life is at stake!

Standing there, putting Rita in the corner, Kiana thought a little desperately.

Intruders, let's catch them without mercy.

The Sanwu girl said coldly.

Do you think that's possible?

But Kiana still did not choose to surrender.

Not to mention seeing the tragic fate of those stigma holders in the underground laboratory, the pride of the Kaslana family would not allow her to succumb to evil.

She just wanted to pick up Rita's scythe, hoping to gain some advantage with a stronger weapon, but the pain from between her ribs immediately made her change her mind.

Holding a baseball bat is already the limit, and swinging a scythe requires even greater movements.

If it is used forcefully, the broken ribs will probably be dislocated and scratch the soft tissue before it cuts anyone, making the body that is already prone to collapse even worse.

The probability of you defeating Bronya is 0.001. You have nowhere to escape. Please stop struggling pointlessly.

The mecha equipped with a laser weapon behind him began to accumulate energy, aiming at Kiana, who was planning to fight back.

The Siberian Silver Wolf has been a killer since he was a child, and his emotional module is now damaged, so he has no mercy for his enemies.

It's really fatal.

After sighing again, Kiana tightened her grip on the handle of the baseball bat.

Her cheeks were a little moist, naturally due to the sweat that had just shed. Kiana licked them subconsciously, feeling a faint salty taste on her tongue, and a strange sweetness.

It seemed that his head was bleeding too.

Kiana squinted at Bronya who was maintaining the cannon's charge.

Her chances were slim. The opponent was suspended in mid-air and had an obvious mechanical structure on his legs. He probably had difficulty moving. She should have a chance to win in close combat.

But the possibility of fishing by the other party is not ruled out.

Maybe the moment she gets close to the opponent, she will be knocked to the ground by the opponent's unexpected twisting skills, or the robot behind her that is not easy to mess with at first sight will send her to Kiana-chan.


The thumping sound behind her like a hypnotic death knell is getting closer and closer, and there is no more time for Kiana to struggle.


Kiana gritted her teeth, keeping her gaze fixed on the muzzle of the cannon that was ready to launch, and began to sprint.

Time seemed to slow down.

When Kiana rushed all the way in front of the silver-haired girl, Bronya's robot didn't even finish firing, and it didn't even move to deal with Kiana's close approach.


There is no defense at all, and no hindrance at all.

Kiana's bat so easily hit Bronya's little face.


A trace of doubt flashed in her eyes, and Bronya, who was still wondering why Kiana flashed directly in front of her eyes and why she was suddenly attacked, fell into a black screen.

Bronya, I can’t get up again!


Young people sleep well.

Kiana was still looking at the bat in her hand with a puzzled look, and the fireproof girl appeared next to her. She looked at Bronya lying on the ground, and then looked at Rita sleeping in the corner, and sighed. .

Fall down and go to sleep.

Chapter 269 Fireproof Girl: Actually, I am also a fun person.

Kiana beat Bronya down.

What happened to this world?

When the all-metal baseball bat fell on Bronya's head, when the scary-looking robot behind the silver-haired girl dissipated into space under the quantum fluorescence.

Looking at Bronya, the back of her head fell on the steel plate, and she started rolling her eyes and twitching as if some strange switch had been triggered.

A trace of doubt flashed through Kiana's troubled mind.

Does she have some misunderstanding about the combat power of this world?

Isn’t this too dishonorable?

This is obviously not what a character in this position should look like!

Why do you always find it so funny?

It's really dangerous.

Behind him were dozens of Titans stretching on the road. The fireproof woman emerged from the invisible air and sat leisurely on a seat.

Seeing Kiana still moving freely in the slow-time field, the fireproof girl narrowed her eyes slightly.

You see I came at the right time.

Aunt Su'er!

Kiana exclaimed, looking at the fire prevention girl who was out of tune with the surrounding environment, she subconsciously wanted the other person to run away as well, and she also noticed something unusual at this moment.

This is?

All the surrounding scenery fell into a stagnant state, and the originally ferocious Titan was motionless, like a series of hand models in various poses.

Just some little magic.

Pulling oneself into a frozen time period allows individuals to achieve the effect of time stasis. However, the macro influence cannot be compared with real time stasis. The advantage is that it saves a lot of energy.

Kiana's adaptability is very good at this time. Entering the slow state is like going home, without any discomfort.

After sighing a little for the unique characteristics of the protagonist in this world, the fireproof girl let go of some of her influence on the surrounding environment.

Although the outer shells of these Titans are soul steel that has remained unchanged for hundreds of millions of years, the internal mechanical structures have been damaged for some time. Under the licks of the Sands of Time, these Titans quickly became broken parts. .

With just one move, they had already reached the limit of what these Titans could bear.


Looking at the scene that looked like a science fiction movie, Kiana faced the fire prevention girl and exclaimed.

With her keen nature, she sensed a certain quality in the fire-prevention girl.

It was a relaxed and reassuring look, giving her the illusion that the other person could control everything.

Aunt Su'er is so strong.

Kiana stepped on her feet and walked between the Titan wreckage on the ground.

Of course.

Even if she doesn't use the power of the First Fire, she is still a powerful light magician and a born sacred member of the Sun God Clan.

The fireproof girl raised her head proudly. She liked children who could spit out flattering words when they opened their mouths. Speaking well always makes people feel happy.

No one can really refuse a super cute and invincible girl who pursues them, right?

Of course, it would be nice if you could call him younger.

Although the fireproof girl doesn't care much about her age, she thinks she still has a young mentality.

Hmm, how was your experience on this mission? My lovely Miss Kiana~?

The fireproof girl asked after greeting Kiana very easily.

The tone was very gentle, and there was also concern in it, but Kiana always felt that there was some teasing in it.

It's okay, Miss Rita takes good care of me.

Kiana replied with some embarrassment. After all, the scene of being chased away by the Titan and running away was probably in the eyes of others, but she did not forget to help Miss Rita who was still lying among the corpses.

I can't say anything bad about Rita.

Kiana helplessly cursed in her heart.

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