Breaking into the formation and easily cutting off the two Titans, Rita contacted Arvite, hoping to determine the stranger's location.

If the World Snake thinks that it can destroy the Valkyrie of Destiny just by relying on these things, then I can only sympathize with the IQ of the decision-maker.

Just when Kiana looked at Rita's invincible figure and had just raised the hope of victory in her heart, that hoarse voice reappeared.

I prepared some small gifts for you.

The back cover of Titan's rabbit-ear-like antenna opened, and dark green gas was immediately ejected.

The gases merged and quickly filled the space.

Rita covered her mouth and nose with quick eyesight and hands, and wanted to retreat with Kiana, but she found that at some point behind her, she was also filled with dark green gas.

very familiar.


Rita was silent, put on a gas mask, and then took out another one and stuck it on Kiana's face.

This is the product of your destiny's research.

The hoarse voice had a hint of joking.

Let's see if Destiny's most powerful Immortal Blade can still display its strength in desperate situations.

The scarlet light of the Titan reached its highest peak at this moment, and then it attacked the two tiny Valkyrie uniformly.

It doesn't matter if it's a Titan or poison.

Rita instinctively felt something was wrong, but she couldn't lose her dignity in front of her sister-in-law, so she still spoke sarcastically.

These trivial means will only make you look more pitiful.

She spun the giant scythe in her hand and cut the nearby Titan in two.


Kiana swallowed.

She wanted to persuade Rita to stop talking, but maybe something strange would come out from the other side.

Haha, let's wait and see.


Rita once again withstood the Titan's heavy pressure and cut off its mechanical structure. The swaying Rita covered her mouth and felt that her heart had gone cold.


It was as if a hole had been opened in his body, and his strength was constantly draining away.

The scythe's edge became dull, unable to cut through the Titan's sturdy armor.

The gas is toxic.

Rita knew it.

Because this is the product of destiny, it can greatly weaken the Valkyrie's Honkai Energy absorption ability, and can almost ignore any isolation means.

And if she loses her body enhanced by Honkai skills, the fragile Valkyrie will soon be smashed into pieces under the Titan's iron fist.

All the Destiny Valkyries have reached an inhuman level, especially the S-class Valkyries.

They have unparalleled physiques, the God Key that represents the pinnacle of Honkai research technology, and the ability to easily eliminate miscellaneous fish on their own even in desperate situations.

But it is a pity that Miss Rita is one of the few S-class Valkyries who does not possess any of the above abilities.

A sufficient number of enemies can kill her.

Especially when the supply of Honkai energy is insufficient.

The gas was mixed with hypnotic ingredients, and she endured the mental pressure. After resisting a heavy blow from a Titan, Rita finally fell weakly into the arms of Kiana, who was also evacuating to the outside.

Although Kiana felt uncomfortable at this moment, she could still rely on her naturally strong body to deal with the Titans.

Lady Kiana, follow the road marked by the terminal.

Rita hung the terminal to Kiana's ear.


After uttering the last word, Rita's head tilted and she passed out.

Rita, I can't get back up.


Kiana almost didn't cry.

No, what should I do if you lie down?

Why was the dignified S-level Valkyrie knocked down by the poisonous gas?

Lady Kiana, be careful behind you.

Arvette, who was monitoring the battlefield from the perspective of a hound, reminded.

Sensing the change in air pressure, Kiana quickly turned around and hugged Rita to the other side, relying on her back to forcefully receive a Titan's iron fist.


Blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and he moved forward quickly with the help of inertia. He twisted his waist and twisted his body in the air, like a sensitive cat, stepping on the wall.


He stepped hard on the wall, reached the other end of the hall, and entered a passage.

Out of Titan's sight, with blood in her mouth and the severe pain in her chest, Kiana began to run for her life.

Lady Kiana, ahead, turn right and turn the corner, there is a narrow passage!

I see!

Arvette's anxious shouts could be heard in his ears. The road ahead was dark, and the Titans behind him were in hot pursuit.

Sister, didn’t you agree that you have deep sympathy for the World Snake’s intelligence and that the World Snake’s methods are insignificant?

Carrying the still unconscious Rita on her back again, Kiana thought sadly, although she knew it was not good to arrange such a arrangement for a maid who took great care of her.

But she still wanted to say it.

If he could survive today, he would never team up with Rita again, even just once.

Not only is Rita tough-talking, she is also unlucky!

Chapter 268 Fireproof Girl: I recognize the ability of the group members to survive

After admiring Miss Rita's transformation from confident to light-speed deflated, the fireproof woman slowly followed the fleeing Kiana.

It was obviously slow, as leisurely as walking in the palace, but the figure of the fire prevention woman kept parallel to Kiana who was moving at high speed.

She did not choose to immediately deal with the threat, but chose to just hang by the girl's side.

Because not long ago, the fireproof girl was attracted by what happened in the chat group.

As for children, it’s good to exercise more.

The supervisor is working overtime: It's finally done.

@Legendary Investigator, my sanity has almost reached the warning line this time. I will withdraw first. Well, brain-eating beasts, what did you summon?

Legendary Investigator: What are you afraid of? This roll of the dice is a big success, okay? Brain-eating beasts will only attack creatures with high intelligence. Do you think these brain-eating beasts are interested in us?

10/99, judged a great success.

Tallulah: ...Isn't this good news?

Looking at the brain-eating beast in front of her that even accelerated away from her, Tallulah's expression changed slightly as she prepared for an exciting battle with monsters from another world.

Then his face was dyed red due to the surge of energy and blood.

She is here to relax, not to raise her blood pressure.

Co-author was teased by people in his hometown, but he ended up being criticized by monsters when he came here to relax, right?

Nephalem: Are all the co-authors and participants in this group mentally retarded?

Ainz Ooal Gown: Strictly speaking, I am still a skeleton without a brain.

Little Evil God: You can deny my character, but you can't deny my IQ!

Unfortunately: Mr. Investigator, an evil god believer died here, and I captured his soul.

Legendary Investigator: Very good, let me roll a dice, 90/10...wait for me to change the value.

9/10, the judgment is passed, you can ask a question to his soul.

Let me see what clues the members can get from this inquiry.

Unfortunately: What should I ask?

Tallulah: Ask about the law of change in this city. That curse is really torturous like the ghost story.

Ainz Ooal Gown: You might as well ask the Evil God about the location of the ceremony.

Nayako: Isn't this simple? @Cancer of the World, come to Qianhua, tell me what I taught you last time.

Cancer of the World: Tell me all you can say and I can hear.

Legendary Investigator: Climb!

Little Bubble: Naiya, if I were a kp, I would fly up and give you a kick.

Karl Franz: So, Mr. Investigator, have you resolved the Chaos corruption in the town.

Legendary Investigator: Ahem, Chaos Corruption is almost resolved, but now there is a slight accident.

Tallulah: Although the demons were expelled, some such creatures appeared. [Photo] [Photo]

It was a nightmare-like black and shiny shape, the amorphous body exuding a foul odor, squirming and flowing forward... an amorphous mass of protoplasm, glowing with a faint glimmer.

Another photo shows a monster wandering among medieval castles. It looks like a huge piece of meat like a black cloud, with many tentacles and a big mouth dripping with mucus.

Nayako: Damn it, Sabu's boy, what did you do?

Tallulah: The cause of the matter was the summoning dice that Mr. Director got out of the box at the beginning.

The supervisor was working overtime: I do remember that I rolled a summoning dice at the beginning, but didn't that die only count a few times, and it was used to absorb subspace energy to create monsters to fight fire with fire.

Figure King: Hey, items that can control spiritual energy are really rare. What a pity. I still want to keep them as collections.

Ainz Ooal Gown: Don't mention it. We didn't have enough sense at the time. Mr. Kamijou was the one to throw the dice.

Legendary Investigator: Damn, God knows Kamijou Touma is such a badass.

The ritual has been judged more than a thousand times in a row. I gave up hope at first, but in the end it worked. The multiplier accumulated before was doubled. It is conservatively estimated to be a thousand times!

Unfortunately: I don't know.

Figure King: I'm afraid the spiritual energy of the subspace will be drained.

Tallulah: Now the balance has been broken. There is a monster every three steps, and a judgment every five steps. Time and space have been messed up, and the consciousness of the four gods of chaos has also been torn away.

Normal creatures, believers of evil gods, evil monsters, subspace demons, and us.

Karl Franz: ?

Figure King: I recorded the detailed data.

Seeing that Karl, the medieval emperor, was still not very able to understand the out-of-the-box thinking of his friends, the Overlord of the Dead, Trazin the Endless, thoughtfully gave Emperor Karl a video tutorial.

This member of the Legendary Investigator comes from a world view similar to that of Naija and Bubbles, and even includes their counterparts from another world, but the gods in that world are not very strong.

In their world, the biggest bug should be the investigator himself. He can turn any abnormal event he considers into a general running group setting similar to that in the game.

The most classic one is that after being pulled into the group running process by him, a probability dice will appear when interacting with various people or objects, and then optional event judgments will appear. The events will change depending on the judge. .

The investigator himself can manually modify the values ​​and probabilities of the dice to achieve the effect that an ordinary person can successfully kill an alien god.

And because he often relies on his teammates to maximize his abilities, Mr. Investigator also retains his humanity very well, and is consistent with the three views of his friends.

And because of his own mode of action, Mr. Investigator also has deep experience in teamwork.

So, after some thought, Karl chose this investigator who seemed to behave like a normal person.

It's just that it seems to have turned over now.

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