Even me, I really can’t pursue it any more.

Hollander disappeared from sight, and Rita's expression seemed a little complicated. She glanced at the girl beside her, but what she thought of was the sun-like goddess.

Bright, gentle, great.

Is it possible that she prayed to that god for strength?

Then Rita, are we still going in?

Kiana looked at the charming woman beside her.


The girl's voice changed her thoughts, and the perfectly chic maid gathered her emotions, and then showed her perfect and chic smile again.

Master Bianca's mission is to eliminate all resistance forces, and my mission is to obtain intelligence.

Rita didn't mind taking this little Kiana with her.

Rather, this is a good opportunity to build a good relationship with my future sister-in-law.

Therefore, this elegant maid naturally chose to take this child with her to see the world.


Kiana cheered, and then calmly came behind Rita without making any more requests.

Looking at the well-behaved girl, Rita also smiled knowingly and opened her terminal connection.

The terminal Rita carries with her is always connected to the network of the Valkyrie Squad and the Immortal Blade.

Arvette, scan ME Club again. I need Raiden Mei's location information.

Arvette is a technician of the third detachment of the Immortal Blade team of Destiny. She is responsible for collecting battlefield data and organizing intelligence. She is a super hacker, and has an honest and serious personality. She responds to requests and is a very qualified tool. people.


On the other side of the earth, a girl with dark circles under her eyes is constructing a map of ME Club through reconnaissance robots and data.


Chapter 267 Fireproof Girl: Rita overturned, as expected

Ah, Lady Rita, aren't you still on vacation with Lady Hollandale?

The girl who was forcibly lifted from the bed by the messenger in the middle of the night rubbed the dark circles under her eyes.

Taking advantage of her vacation, she had stayed up late playing games just now. She lay down and fell asleep for just two minutes when she was woken up again.

Arvette closed the quilt and kept tapping the keyboard with her fingers, processing information. She was a little surprised to find that the captain who had dinner with her in the afternoon was now in the far east.

Well, although the underground facilities are extremely complex, the radar still sensed the Honkai energy reaction. According to the information provided by Lady Rita, it should be Miss Raiden Mei.

How strong is the Honkai energy?

Rita asked as she walked Kiana through the dark passage due to the power outage.

The Honkai energy intensity is 260.3hw, which has not reached the threshold for Herrscher to appear.

After getting the answer, Rita breathed a sigh of relief. If the strength of the Honkai energy was too high, she would have to trouble Yolandel.

Rita thought she was self-aware. The Valkyrie armor she was wearing now was not strong enough to withstand the Herrscher-level combat power.

Well, Arvette, please maintain surveillance. I have connected the hound to you. Please report underground information at any time.

Having judged the difficulty of the current mission, Rita chose to take Kiana deep into the rescue operation.

She gave the order like a mechanical hound that had been waiting in the shadows for a long time.

The hound jumped up and dived into the shadows, acting as a scout to detect the two's next course of action.

Don't worry, Lady Kiana, we will definitely be able to bring back Miss Mei.

Rita's calm expression made people feel at ease. With trust in the maid, Kiana nodded seriously.

Our goal should not be far away.

Even though the task was relatively simple according to her own judgment, Rita chose the safest method. Being cautious by nature, she did not allow any mistakes in her plan.

What's more, this time it's Youlandel's sister who is by his side.

Following the mechanical hound all the way to the bottom of the building, there was an astonishing hall in front of her. Kiana looked at the scene in front of her with shock in her eyes.

In the square that looked pale under the emergency wall lights, there were researchers hiding in transparent glass houses. The monsters on the road were both strange and familiar to Kiana.

Death warriors, derivatives of the Honkai era, these monsters in front of us were probably transformed by scientists who had no time to evacuate in the future.

Among the walking dead who have fought against the Valkyrie countless times, some individuals appear a little different.

Those special individuals have fine patterns intertwined together, drawing luminous marks on their bodies.

Be careful, Lady Kiana.

Hanging upside down from the ceiling with weapons, holding Kiana in one hand, Rita looked wary. As a destined Valkyrie who had received qualified education, she naturally knew what was born in these special dead warriors.


Before Tianming developed the artificial stigmata, in the long history of mankind, only a very small number of people chosen by fate would have such special marks on their bodies.

This mark can give it powerful strength and fighting skills, allowing it to display various incredible abilities.

And most importantly, the ability to withstand Honkai energy.

This is exactly why Kiana and Rita can stand here safe and sound.

And now, this emblem that represents mankind's fight against Honkai appears on the dead soldiers born in Honkai.

Rita frowned and looked at the faces of those special dead soldiers——

There was no one she knew well.


This relieved her.

But instead, a stronger anger welled up in his heart.

The bodies of these special dead soldiers are very different from those of the researchers.

Their bodies have the silicon-based shells of Honkaimon, and their limbs also show signs of alienation from Honkaimon. There are also parts of their bodies that have been dug out and replaced with electronic instruments.

There are obvious traces of human body modification.

These monsters were swimming in the passage, stretching their twisted limbs wantonly, as if they were showing the two people on the ceiling to what extent the human body could be transformed.

Lady Rita, are you okay?

Arvette's reminder rang in his ears.

Your blood pressure and heart rate are rising, which could give you away.

It doesn't matter.

Rita shook her head slightly, and then put her soft lips to Kiana's ear.

Lady Kiana, what is your choice?

Should we prioritize getting rid of these dead soldiers or rescuing Miss Mei Yi?

Rita's voice was filled with confidence.

Whatever you choose, I will bring you victory.

Let's clear out the dead soldiers here first.

Kiana made a choice immediately. She did not bring up the idea of ​​splitting her troops into two groups and looking for death. Now that she had made a decision, she would use the fastest speed to eliminate the dead soldiers here, and then rescue Mei Yi.

As commanded.

After letting go of Kiana, Rita untied the weapon and landed lightly in front of a mutated death warrior.

The huge sickle blade inlaid with rose patterns glowed with an icy cold light in the darkness.

That's what happens next.

One hit on the owl's head!

Elegant and deadly.

When Kiana finally managed to kill a mutated dead warrior with her bat, Rita had already wiped out all the dead warriors around her.

Just like cleaning the master's back garden, the maid named Rita completed her task easily.

Rita, you are so strong.

Looking at the elegant maid with no mess in sight, Kiana had a longing expression on her face.

If she had such power, she would definitely be able to find the smelly dad, right?

It's such an honor to be appreciated by Lady Kiana.

Facing the admiring gaze of her future sister-in-law, Rita showed a charming smile, and then turned around happily, feeling indescribably happy.

Rita, what will happen to the rest of the people here?

After following Rita's footsteps and seeing that there were no enemies around, Kiana asked.

Destiny's subsequent recruitment will ensure their safety, and after that, they will receive a fair verdict.

What about these monsters?

Pointing to the limbs on the ground that began to shrink rapidly due to the leakage of Honkai energy, Kiana frowned. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that these dead soldiers had traces of human body modification.


Looking at these alienated monsters, Rita endured the physical discomfort and spoke.

Destiny will conduct a follow-up investigation.

There are not many organizations that can carry out such fine modifications, and can also use stigmata.

This leads Rita to directly rule out the possibility that reverse entropy created these monsters.

It's not that Rita looks down on Anti-Entropy, but even the mecha technology that Anti-Entropy is proud of has been left behind by Tianming, not to mention the Stigma technology that Tianming mainly focuses on.

So, this technology supposedly comes from another unknown organization.

Is it the World Snake?

Rita thought of the mysterious organization that Otto talked about from time to time, and reported everything that happened here to Otto.

Destiny will never condone this kind of anti-human behavior.

That's beautifully said.

High in the hall, the screen that had been disconnected lit up, and a vague figure appeared on it.

Should I say it is worthy of destiny?

Unscrupulously stepping into other people's territory without permission and prying into other people's secrets.

The figure's voice was hoarse and vague, making people extremely uncomfortable.

If not for this, we would not know that there are still people trying to conduct such cruel experiments, minions of the World Serpent.

Being interrupted from the conversation, Rita was not polite and replied mercilessly.

What, you mean those experiments of destiny?

It's not her responsibility. This is a satire on this guy who hides his head and tail from her personal perspective. Rita hurts the other person but doesn't feel any burden at all.

Huh, if you want something, you always have to pay the price.

The hoarse voice snorted, seemingly not paying attention to Rita's sarcasm.

The price this time will be the lives of you and your companions.

Click, click.

As the iron door slid down, countless huge figures were revealed in front of the two of them. At the same time, the one eye was uniform and lit up at the same moment.

Cold sweat broke out on Kiana's forehead.

Hmph, do you really understand what kind of opponent you have picked?

Protecting Kiana behind her, Rita smiled contemptuously as she looked at the Titan whose shadow covered the light.

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