She was willing to test such deep feelings and was willing to let these children die.

There is no need to say more about what happened after that. Now she is relying on manual injection of Honkai energy in order to quickly promote the awakening of the Herrscher of Thunder.

And she chose to make this city with millions of people the place where the Herrscher of Thunder descended.

‘No, what are you doing this for? ’

Standing next to Cocolia, the fireproof girl scratched her head and looked at the description of Cocolia in the terminal with an incomprehensible expression.

You said that you have taken over the ME Club, and Raiden Mei, the carrier of the Herrscher, is also under your control. You have to choose a population gathering place to trigger the third collapse, right?

If you really covet the power of the Herrscher of Thunder, why not find a secret place to feed Honkai to awaken it, and then capture it on the spot.

Aren’t there a lot of anti-entropic mechas? Just use a personality correction punch, or just hammer the Herrscher into pieces.

The Fireproof Girl knows that the Herrschers in this world mostly manipulate physical phenomena. The more knowledge they have, the stronger they can exert. For a female high school student, playing with electromagnetic force is probably to turn Honkai energy into plasma and directly bombard it. That kind of powerful brick-flying gameplay.

Do you know the introduction to electrodynamics and do you understand the intermolecular forces? Do you still want to play with electromagnetic force if you don’t know these?

Although this counter-entropy is no good, it is not difficult to destroy a newly awakened Herrscher of Thunder, right?

The fireproof girl took a closer look at the woman beside her who looked very mean at the moment. She always felt that this guy was a bit indescribable.

How should I put it, abstract, too abstract.

Cocolia can already be regarded as a smaller version of Otto.

Ahem, I always think it's a bit insulting to compare Mr. Otto like this.

The fireproof girl found a chair and sat down lazily. She held the terminal and watched the plot of who knows how many years ago, fiddling with the gray mist in her hands.

The outside world is really wonderful.

She didn't notice that he was as clever as a fox, but she was certain that Cocolia was a good person or a bad person, which was difficult to define and would make people quarrel just by mentioning it.

But what is certain is that Cocolia is hypocritical and cruel enough, and he is a cruel person.

And this is exactly why World Snake cooperates with her.

Looks like your plan failed.

Hoarse and harsh, like two old gears rubbing against each other.

Cocolia turned her gaze away from Raiden Mei, who was still infused with Honkai energy.

A screen lights up on the side of the main screen. Inside is a figure whose whole body is hidden under a black robe. Under the black robe, there are occasionally exposed limbs shining with metallic luster. Under the hood, there is a figure with a right eye flashing. A mask with scarlet light.

Gray Snake, an unknown intelligence dealer, is one of Cocolia's collaborators in this plan.

Are you going to force the Herrscher of Thunder to awaken?

In a condescending tone, he opened his mouth to question.

I don't remember that I gave you communication permission.

Looking at the gray snake's gray background, Cocolia frowned and did not choose to answer.

A trivial skill.

The gray snake chuckled a few times, and its scarlet eyes flashed a few times.

...your purpose here.

Cocolia frowned, and a snake-like reflection flashed in her eyes.

She was sure of the loyalty of her members, but she really couldn't understand how this self-proclaimed intelligence dealer was able to break through the firewall of ME Society, with the help of her daughter.

She once wondered if the guy in front of her, who looked incompatible with humans at first glance, was an electronic ghost who had awakened consciousness somewhere.

Destiny has noticed your actions.

I know.

Cocolia curled her lips and asked what the other party would say.

The sudden gathering of Destiny is surprising, which is why Cocolia chose to recycle Raiden Mei.

I've got a plan ready.

Her plan was simple and crude.

Forcibly awaken the Herrscher of Thunder, and then release the Herrscher of Thunder to deal with the destined Valkyrie. At that time, he will rely on the Titan Legion to reap the benefits and take the opportunity to leave Changkong City.

By then, with the power of the Herrscher, he would naturally be able to easily overwhelm the conservative members, and then elect the Walter Joyce clone under his control to the position of leader, thereby completely controlling the entire anti-entropy.

By that time, her employment can rescue Xi'er who is in the quantum sea and let Bronya get back together with her.

I'll give you a piece of advice. The Valkyrie Youlandale, who is destined to be the most powerful, is also among the people on this trip.

I hope you can gain the power of the Herrscher and escape unscathed.

Gray Snake's voice sounded very arrogant, as if he was giving orders.

No one can stop me, not even the most powerful Valkyrie.

hope so.

Gray Snake thought Cocolia would be a good collaborator.

Full of ambition, ruthless enough, and with an extreme personality, easy to guide.

Today's World Snake has not yet reached the stage. If you want to interfere in the world, you still need to rely on external forces.

Are you looking down on me?

Cocolia had a look of dissatisfaction on her face.

Haha, I sincerely hope you won't need this help.

It's like the gods mocking the ants.

Here they come.

Gray Snake hung up the communication indifferently.

The piercing alarm sounded immediately.

Cocolia quickly switched the screen and wanted to call the external monitoring, but found that all the monitoring showed that the connection was disconnected.

She vaguely heard the explosion coming from the outside world.

Bringing up the control panel, Cocolia found that the page symbolizing the Titan connection was turning gray at an alarming rate.

‘Titan’s chain also broke, so quickly. ’

There was a look of astonishment on Cocolia's face. She really didn't expect the Valkyrie of Destiny to have such fighting power. It was just a meeting. Why were all the Titans outside the field gone?

How many people are there on the other side?!

Cocolia quickly connected to ME's field communications. ME's internal lines were all connected by hardware, so they were unlikely to be hacked remotely.

The enemy, there is only one enemy, ah!

After the communication was connected, a panting voice came from the other side. Then, as if it had touched some taboo about weird stories, the field staff's voice suddenly stopped, as if some monster had strangled their throats, and then there was a heavy voice. The sound of something falling to the ground.


Cocolia threw away the communication in silence, and then turned on ME Club's defense mode.

That's a Titan.

A Titan made of soul steel.

Aren't her hands sore after taking down so many pieces in one go?

The slap in the face came so quickly, and as her expression changed, Cocolia had to come up with an answer that was hard for her to accept.

Well, she admits she underestimated Destiny's Valkyrie.

She turned her head and met the eyes of a short girl with silver-gray spiral twintails.



Cocolia softened her expression as much as possible and put her hand on the girl's shoulder.

Go to the underground laboratory to ensure the progress of the experiment.

Well, Bronya knows, Mother Cocolia.

Bronya nodded her head, her face expressionless, like a paralyzed face.

Well, don't worry too much. ME Company's structural defense is very strong. If you want to break through it head-on, it's impossible.

Cocolia comforted Bronya, and seemed to be comforting herself.

Unless she can uproot this entire building—

The impact was transmitted downwards and upwards, making Cocolia feel an unprecedented sense of weightlessness.

The loud burst of sound almost penetrated her eardrums. Her legs off the ground touched the ground again, and a terrifying tremor came from her feet. Cocolia subconsciously wanted to protect Bronya in her arms, and then because of Flying out with inertia.

This is, what happened?

Cocolia, who had a cut on her forehead, endured the pain and raised her head. Her tearful eyes scanned the already chaotic command room.

The impact just now has exceeded the threshold. According to Bronya's calculations, the probability of damage to the main structure of the building is 96.3%.

Bronya's unmechanized voice came, like the mecha-like machine behind her.

Use all armed forces to stop the Valkyrie of Destiny.


After quickly calming down her emotions, Cocolia assigned tasks to the subordinates who could still contact her. She looked at Bronya who had already gone to the corridor and said softly.

The enemy this time is very dangerous, you have to be careful.

The silver-haired girl paused and then responded.

Bronya knows.


When Bronya's figure completely disappeared into the corridor, Cocolia breathed a sigh of relief.

She felt some pain in her face.

Destiny's offensive could be regarded as giving her the shock of a Valkyrie. It was so menacing that she had already prepared for the worst. Fortunately, she had a backup plan.

Rubbing her sore legs, Cocolia subconsciously looked for her chair, but found that the chair was also missing.

‘Maybe the impact just now caused the impact to hit the corridor. ’

She didn't think much and just stood there quietly.


Outside the ME headquarters building.

Sister Rita, this...

Kiana was stunned.

Ahead is a rift valley more than ten meters wide. The rift valley stretches for more than ten kilometers and traverses the entire industrial area of ​​​​ME Company. Pipes continue to spit out high-pressure gas, and the filth in the sewers continues to flow out, filling the bottom of the rift valley. of vacancies.

Five seconds ago, this location was the headquarters building of ME Club.

Now, the building has been moved more than ten meters away, exposing a large number of underground facilities.

Youlandel kicked the door of ME Club.

Just a kick.

She finally understood why Youlandel was so confident.

Now you can relax, Lady Kiana.

Looking at Youlandel who burst into the headquarters through the gap without looking back, Rita's eyes were filled with brilliance.

Youlandel, you are really amazing.

Kiana wiped the sweat on her forehead with her palm in shame, and the impatience in her tone also dissipated a lot.

She was beginning to feel that her presence here was unnecessary.

Yes, she is getting stronger and stronger.

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