It can only be said that Kiana's current appearance casts a bad filter on her father who still remains in her memory.

When Otto successfully manufactured the K423, it was in 2006, and now it is 2014.

In other words, Kiana has only been in this world for eight years.

Let a child who technically has not graduated from elementary school live alone without even providing financial assistance.

Hollander was suddenly confused as to whether it was better to stay with Otto and receive an education and grow up, or to follow Siegfried's footsteps and run around.

not bad.

Faced with the sudden concern, Kiana was stunned, then scratched her long white hair with some embarrassment, and asked Hollander: Who are you?

Bianca Hollander Ataljina, your biological sister.

Seeing that Otto and the fireproof girl had no intention of hiding their identity, Hollander also chose to confess her identity straightforwardly.


Kiana opened her mouth in shock. Did she enter the recognition mode for no apparent reason?


Hollander wanted to clarify the relationship between the two, but when the words came to her lips, she didn't know how to explain them.

You can't just say directly, Kiana, you are actually my clone, right?

This must not destroy this child's worldview.

It is normal for the three Destiny families to marry each other and have blood relations.

Seeing that Youlandale was cautious and couldn't make up his mind to explain the relationship between the two, the fireproof girl spoke up to smooth things over.

Obviously, Hollandale was not ready to let Kiana know everything.

‘And this child is not old enough to know the truth. ’

The fire-prevention woman took a deep look at Kiana. The young child had not been baptized by suffering and might not have the ability to inherit authority.

Let's go back to the topic at the beginning, Miss Kaslana.

After we got closer to each other during the self-introduction, it was time to get back to business.

It seems like you have a good relationship with Raiden Mei.

Yeah, we were good friends at school.

It can be seen that the fire-proof girls and the others should be elders who are familiar with Raiden Mei's fathers.

So Kiana, who had evil intentions towards Raiden Mei, naturally decided to leave a good impression on the fire prevention girl and the others.

Then you should really know about this.

The fireproof girl nodded and motioned for Rita to explain to Kiana in detail the relationship between reverse entropy and destiny, as well as the role Mei's father played in it.

Including the information that Mei Yi, as the owner of the natural stigmata, has been implanted with the Conquering Stone since she was a child, and is very likely to become a Herrscher under the influence of the outside world.

And now the counter-entropy is planning to promote the awakening of the Herrscher of Thunder in Changkong City.

In other words, could Mei be in danger and cause a disaster that would sweep through Changkong City?

After knowing the specific relationship between Raiden Mei and reverse entropy, Kiana immediately couldn't sit still.

Her father taught her since she was a child that Kaslana fought to protect the people, and she naturally kept it in mind.

If she didn't have to clean up the dead soldiers who appeared due to Honkai infection in the dark every day, thus consuming too much energy, she wouldn't be starving every day.

Moreover, Raiden Mei is the beautiful girl she fell in love with at first sight, and she cannot accept Mei being hurt.

She should take action, both emotionally and rationally.

Yes, Miss Kiana, Miss Raiden Mei has a Herrscher core in her body. If it is awakened, her personality will most likely be replaced by the Herrscher personality.

Rita bowed and replied, Everyone here gets along well with this young lady, and she naturally has the need to have a good relationship with Kiana.

No, I have to save her.

Kiana did not choose to ask everyone here to help her, but planned to go alone.

As soon as she stood up, she was held down by a pair of hands.

You stay here, Kiana.


Kiana struggled for a few times, but found that Youlandale's seemingly casual gesture easily helped her to sit on the seat.


Youlandel was very insistent.

From the physical contact just now, Youlandel can easily judge Kiana's true level. Her true combat power is around that of an A-level Valkyrie. She may not be able to help her in a battle against a Herrscher. What a busy thing.

It's better to stay with the fire girl.

Youlandel also has selfish motives. If this child can win the love of the fireproof girl, then there will be more possibilities in the future.

Your sister and Miss Rita are both destined S-class Valkyries. With them here, I believe this mission will be easy to accomplish.

Meeting Kiana's questioning eyes, the fireproof girl replied gently.

What about you, Aunt Su'er?

Kiana's title made the fireproof girl's mouth twitch.

But it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if an eight-year-old child calls her that. Anyway, the fireproof girl doesn't care much about age titles.

As a first-time non-staff member, you can also regard me as an S-class Valkyrie.


Kiana nodded stupidly, not doubting the fire prevention woman's words.

Miss Kiana, just stay.

Rita also persuaded in a gentle voice.

……All right.

After looking at this cheap sister who didn't seem to want her to leave, and considering the strength gap between the two, Kiana did not choose to remain stubborn and nodded honestly.

As for whether he really plans to stay, it remains to be discussed.

After breaking away from the suppression of Youlandale, Kiana's smart eyes stared at the fire-proof woman who seemed to be more talkative.

That's good.

Seeing that Kiana was so obedient, Youlandel also breathed a sigh of relief. She secretly told her that she would spend more time cultivating a relationship with her, and she promised.

Don't worry, I will bring Raiden Meiyi back intact.

Let's go, Rita, notify the Far East Branch to evacuate the crowd, let's go to the ME Club.

After arranging for Kiana, Hollandale greeted Rita and left resolutely.

They had delayed long enough.


Kiana looked at Youlandel's back, instinctively feeling uneasy.

Want to go by yourself?

The fireproof girl noticed the uneasy premonition in the little girl's heart, glanced at the possible future, and showed a meaningful smile.

Yes, I'm still worried about Mei Yi.

Kiana said this, she believed that she should be walking on the road to save Mei at this moment, instead of just sitting here.

Then go ahead.


I have no reason to imprison you here. Just inform Rita and the others and say that I let you go.

The fire prevention girl took a leisurely sip of milk tea. Since the little girl had her own ideas, why was she stopping her? She was the one who took care of it anyway.

Go and save the people you want to save.

Kiana has always been a very active child. She nodded gratefully to the fire prevention girl, and then followed the footsteps of Hollander and the others as they left.

She didn't know if she would regret going. She only knew that if she didn't go, she would definitely regret it.

Looks like I can't see the most interesting thing.

When Kiana's figure disappeared from sight, the fireproof girl sighed slightly disappointedly.

What do you see?

Otto, who started being transparent from the moment he said hello, asked.

I saw something interesting.

The fireproof girl rubbed her smooth chin, and then said slightly disappointedly: It's a pity that I didn't have the chance to see it.


Otto was puzzled for a while, and then shrugged. Since he couldn't directly observe the time, sometimes it was really difficult for him to follow the fireproof woman's thoughts.

But the current development is not bad.

After glancing at the beginning, the fireproof girl chose to watch the fun in person

I'll go take a look first.

After saying hello, the fireproof girl said a few words, and her figure slowly disappeared into the atmosphere.


Otto chuckled a few times.

I don’t know when it started, but the fireproof girl also likes to seek fun in the process of completing goals, rather than blindly completing goals.

After relaxing his wrist, Otto stood up and looked at the invisible battleship in the sky.

Then I should go meet my dear granddaughter.


ME Club, in the slightly dim room, the electronic screen flashed with a cold gray light.

The dark-haired girl lay quietly in the center, her body covered with tubes carrying Honkai energy.

A woman with long blond wavy hair was staring at the screen intently.

This is a mature woman.

Her sexy figure, Ling Ran's temperament, and face that are exactly the same as those in Tianming's Wanted Order reveal her identity.

The leader of the anti-entropy radicals——


Chapter 266 Fireproof Girl: This life is full of slaps in the face


I believe that for those who have known the collapse of the world, it is definitely not unfamiliar.

As a standard villain in the story, she is as resourceful as a fox, has good commanding skills, and even likes children to build an orphanage, which can clear the villain's name at critical moments.

However, in fact, what this woman does in this world makes people feel that it is a bit...

Because he liked children, he adopted homeless children after the Second Collapse and founded an organization called the Cocolia Orphanage.

Whether it is personal preference, or whether it is used to establish people and gain more political capital in the relatively moderate organization of Anti-Entropy, this decision can be said to be very excellent.

But here comes the problem.

What did Cocolia do to these children who survived the Honkai disaster?

She used these children for human experiments.

Indeed, judging from various information, Cocolia really has deep feelings for the children he adopted.

But having feelings makes Kokolia a scary person.

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