It was also during this period that the Far East Branch discovered Cocolia's whereabouts and reported it to the headquarters.

After guiding everyone to a luxurious manor, a staff member disguised as a waiter approached and whispered something to Rita.

Rita's mouth, which was still smiling, stiffened for a moment.

I understand, please step back first.

A flash of displeasure flashed between her eyebrows. Rita dismissed the staff and came to the pavilion and whispered to the three people present.

Your Excellency, just thirteen minutes ago, Mei Raiden was taken to the ME Club headquarters on the grounds of visiting her father.

It seems that someone has indeed grasped our whereabouts.

She leisurely picked up the tea and took a sip. The slightly inferior tea had a unique flavor thanks to Rita's superb tea-making skills. She looked at Otto and the fire girl said with interest.

Youlandel's expression changed, and she immediately expressed doubts about the working ability of the members of the Far East Branch.

What, where is the Valkyrie from the Far East? Why can't she even look down on one person?

Although Youlandel would not compare everyone with herself, the actual host of Changkong City is the Eastern Branch of Tianming.

This is under Tianming's nose. How can such a high school student with a regular daily routine be so disappointed?

According to the report, members of the ME Club took advantage of the reassignment of positions in the Far East Branch and took away Miss Raiden Mei.


The corner of Youlandel's mouth twitched, feeling that her knowledge had been refreshed.

Is the Valkyrie from the Far East like this too?

When she was in Europe, she also heard that the Valkyrie education in the Far East Branch was easier and longer, but she never expected that it would be so lax.

What are you waiting for.

At this moment, Youlandel was no longer in the mood to drink tea leisurely. The black abyss white flowers appeared in her hands, and her regular clothes also turned into Valkyrie armor in an instant.

The small technology that Fireproof Girl and Otto jointly researched back then can greatly reduce the reaction time of the Valkyries to respond to crises.

The sales in the chat group were also good, and a certain Kamen Rider passing by bought a lot.

According to him, this thing has received a warm welcome from the majority of knights in his side of the world.

Let's go rescue people, Rita, and notify the Far East Branch to evacuate the people.

Wait, a guest is coming.

The fire prevention girl raised her hand to stop Youlandel who was about to move, and raised her eyes to indicate the wall not far away.

The white-haired girl skillfully rolled over from the other end of the wall, landed silently on the ground, and then quietly sneaked towards the inside of the courtyard, like a cat that had finally returned to the official's house after being out for a long time.

His proficiency shows that he is a habitual offender at first glance.

Although I have a certain understanding of the level of the Far East Branch.

But being able to bypass so many surveillances and come here is considered a skill.


Kiana is very hungry now.

The stomach sends a signal to the brain to eat, and a bitter wail comes from the abdomen.

Surrounded by bustling streets, the aroma from the restaurant constantly arouses the greed in the stomach.

But in this huge city, there seems to be no place where you can have a good meal.

Her eyes swept from one dark corner after another, and Kiana immediately withdrew her gaze in disappointment.

Those gangsters can no longer squeeze out any profit or water, and there are no traces of them anymore.

It seems that in the future, the work of maintaining social security will still have to be moderate.


An overwhelming sound came from my shriveled stomach again.

Stroking the remaining piece of paper in her pocket, Kiana had to accept the fact that she could only choose to eat.

'But, in this case, can she go to Mei Yi's place to have a meal with peace of mind? ’

A flash of light flashed in her brain, and Kiana's mood, which had been depressed due to starvation, suddenly became beautiful.

When she was still young, her father left Kiana and disappeared after saying, I have kept my promise, and now it is your turn, my daughter. From then on, Kiana left Kiana and disappeared. On a journey to find my stinky dad.

So she had to set out from Northern Europe, inquiring about her father's whereabouts, and came all the way to Changkong City.

In the end, his father was not found, but he met the love of his life, a beautiful girl with a Far Eastern flavor - Raiden Mei.

Beautiful, kind, friendly, and very good at taking care of people.

In so many years, this was the first time that Kiana met someone who was so kind to her.

When Kiana saw Raiden Mei cooking for her, her soft face showed an unconcealable smile, she felt that this was her destined love.

The smelly dad once said that when you meet someone you like, you should take the initiative, and the love in the Kaslana family should be vigorous!

Kiana naturally chose A to go up without hesitation.

Thinking about the bright future between herself and Mei in her mind, Kiana couldn't help but have a silly smile on her face, and even her steps that were originally heavy due to starvation became much lighter.

But when she sneaked into a long-lost high-end community to avoid the doorman, she instinctively realized something was wrong.

The girl is not a slow person, otherwise she would not be able to travel from one end of the earth to the other unscathed.

Hiding in the dark, Kiana discovered that the villa belonging to Mei was actually occupied by some strange guys, and if she sneaked in now, she would definitely be discovered by the waiters who were the guards.

But I feel so sorry for Mei to leave like this.

For the sake of their wives, the soldiers of the Kaslana family cannot escape from the battlefield.

After returning to the manor and looking around, Kiana pulled up her hood, hid her long white hair in her clothes, pulled out a clean pizza box from the trash can, and followed suit skillfully. The delivery guys reported the house number and walked in.

Kiana slowed down and sneaked slowly, until a luxurious vehicle passed by, and the hooded girl disappeared.

Meiyi, you must be fine.

After successfully sneaking into the manor, she crouched and walked inside. A worried look appeared on the girl's face.

It turned out to be her.

Hollandale looked doubtfully, looking at the white-haired girl hiding behind the bushes, who had a face similar to his own but appeared thinner, and then showed a sudden expression.

Kiana Kaslana.

Daughter of Kaslana and Shaniyat.

At the same time, she is the only successful clone of the K series, the carrier of the Second Herrscher, and the daughter who was taken away and abandoned by her bastard father.

Why is she here?

Chapter 265 Fireproof Girl: It’s about to be fun to watch

After a lot of tugging, Rita finally pinned the restless cat on the seat and restrained the little girl with the food.

So, you are actually friends of Mei's father?

Eating the food greedily, Kiana wiped her mouth and looked at the principals, the fireproof girl and Otto, with her blue eyes.

During the meeting just now, she also learned the identities of the two people present.

Realizing that her actions seemed very rude in front of elder Mei, Kiana hurriedly wiped her mouth.

Indeed, we and Mr. Raiden Ryoma are lifelong friends.

Otto opened his mouth and compiled it very decently.

I came here after hearing the news this time to vindicate him, but I never thought that someone would take Leiden Meiyi away first.

Otto sighed: We are also discussing countermeasures here at the moment.

But - there was an unexpected surprise.

The fireproof girl also sang a double act with Otto, and it was easy for her to write the script casually.

I didn't expect to meet Miss Kaslana here.

Child, where is your father?

The fireproof girl has a gentle expression. Although her face is very young, her temperament makes people instinctively think of her as an elder.

Do you know the smelly dad?

Kiana stood up from the table in a flash, with a look of surprise on her face, and for a moment she forgot to continue asking about Mei Yi.

Of course we know each other. After all, we are colleagues who share the same destiny.

The fireproof girl is now preparing to cause trouble with Otto. Otto's men are her men, and Otto's destiny is also her destiny.

Siegfried was naturally a colleague she had never met before.

Then do you know where he is?

Kiana asked impatiently.

Isn't he with you?

Kiana nodded subconsciously.

What an irresponsible man.

After a moment of doubt, the fire-proof girl's soft face showed a sullen expression, creating the appearance of an elder who was disdainful of what the younger generation did.

Ah, dad must have his own reasons, right?

Seeing the angry look on the blonde beauty's face, Kiana swallowed the question she just asked and changed her words to speak kindly for her father.

Is there any difficulty more important than my daughter?

The fire prevention girl frowned.

Abandoning your own daughter, you still want to evade the responsibility of raising her?

With such a man, it seems that I have to consider the authenticity of the rumor that he has harassed the Valkyrie of Destiny.

In some innocuous situations, the fire-proof woman will also choose to speak more in line with her own preferences. After all, she is also an intelligent life form and has her own preferences.

And she also quite likes to see some people's embarrassed postures.

After spending so many years with everyone in the chat group, the fireproof girl has become somewhat of a drama queen, and her performance in terms of emotions and gestures is very good.

‘So the smelly dad is still this kind of person? ’

Seeing the fire prevention girl's true feelings revealed, Kiana blinked in disbelief, and her father's majestic image in her memory was slightly shaken.

Sister Suer, there is something in your words.

Seeing the fireproof girl making up stories about her father in front of her sister (daughter?), Hollandale covered her face and couldn't bear to look at it. Of course she knew what those rumors were about. After being embarrassed for a while, she still focused on On Kiana's body.


Looking at the child in front of her who looked much thinner than herself, Youlandel had a complicated expression.

Kiana herself is standing here, so the identity of this child is naturally revealed.

Kiana Kaslana.

No. k423.

In order to explore the mystery between life and death, Bishop Otto, who was destined to be great, used the genetic modification of Herrscher of the Sky and Glandel who were killed in the second collapse, and was matched with the soul named Sirin. A new body and a new life born.

After recovering her memory and getting all the truth from Otto, although Hollander didn't say it, she was somewhat unhappy with this girl who had her past identity.

But when she looked at the girl's thin figure, her devouring posture, and her current uneasy appearance, and the more or less vigilance in her smart eyes, these negative emotions immediately disappeared.

Compared to this girl with a common name, Youlandel received the best education, extremely favorable living conditions, good interpersonal relationships, and was deeply loved by her colleagues in Destiny.

There seems to be no need to be jealous of this child who lives like a stray kitten.

It's just a name after all.

You've suffered a lot in these years, haven't you?

Sighing in his heart, secretly wondering what kind of irritating things this reality is, Hollandale asked aloud, with concern on his face.

From Kiana's appearance, it can be seen to the naked eye that she is living a bad life, and may be a little malnourished.

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