Looking at the meaningful smile on Otto's face, Hollander knew very well that the other party was making fun of her.

Speaking of being moved, Hollandale was indeed very moved, but if the price was Otto's actions, she would not choose to accept it.

As for now, I like a sentence very much, which carries the deepest trust in human beings.

Believe in the wisdom of future generations.

Seeing Otto's expression of I don't care, I am a dead person who cares about what I will do in the future, I just want to live well, made Hollandelle feel suffocating anger.

You! You bad guy!

Her good upbringing prevented her from holding back a single curse word for a long time, so Hollandale pretended to pick up the Black Abyss White Flower and shoot Otto in the head. Finally, when she thought about how many people were still in outer space, she held back.

After landing from outer space, they would naturally be safe and sound, but the crew member responsible for driving would have to cry.

It's really irresponsible.

You, please stop teasing the children.

Seeing that Orendelle was so angry at Otto that her head started to smoke, the fireproof girl who had had enough fun shook her head and sang a white face.

Although it is fun to watch an honest child being fooled into a state of indignity, the fireproof girl's moral integrity has not dropped to the level of watching a child cry in anger.

How can the consequences be so serious? If everything goes well, you connect with the past and I will deal with the present. Collapse has never been a problem.

If we really want to say that the collapse of this thing is serious, it is indeed very serious for an earth civilization, but it is only a little bit at best.

After all, the collapse phenomenon that occurred on the earth, after the fire prevention girl and Otto, as well as many group friends in the chat group, also discovered that this is actually the product of interference by higher-dimensional beings, and its upper limit Nothing compared to the fire prevention girl.

If we really want to eliminate the Honkai Fireproof Girl, we can deal with it now, so it’s really not a big deal.

What the fire girls have to do is to intervene in time and use a knife on the structure of the tree.

The main reason is that I am afraid of being targeted by the behemoth of the Tree of Imaginary Numbers. If I don't operate it properly, I will have no choice but to run away.

No matter how bad it is, we can still take the earth away.

The fireproof girl always has several plans for what she wants to do, and she always considers them very comprehensively, and will not behave like some people who abandon people if their plans go wrong.

It's not a big deal for me to pretend to be an earth.

If that time comes, just leave with the resurrected existence, clean up the technology tree, and finally go to Doujiu Baiduo and pick a good galaxy.

The stars they are in are vast and vast. The observable universe alone is 93 billion light-years long. New galaxies are constantly being born, and the resources are almost inexhaustible.

There are also interstellar railways such as hyperspace lanes to facilitate the development of civilization, and with the blessing of the gentle super interstellar empire of Soy Milk Baipo, it can only be said to be a good place for friends to take refuge.


The anger of the stupid goose man who was still in an angry state was quickly extinguished, and he immediately showed a rather confused expression.


Why do you feel that Sister Su'er doesn't take their closely guarded collapse seriously at all?

My dear Bianca, when we can make our [current] probes travel freely on the tape, the so-called collapse will no longer be a problem.

Looking at Hollandel who was confused by the fire prevention woman's speech, Otto coughed lightly and put the empty cup next to him.

Remember what I told you at the beginning, the authority of time has been occupied long ago, and when we can control time, we are already on top of the collapse.


Hahaha, it seems that you do not have a clear understanding of His Majesty Su'er. I thought you would know a lot after staying in a different world for so long.

Standing up and coming to the side of the fire-prevention woman, Otto performed the ancient etiquette of introducing the emperor in an exaggerated manner, like a jester in the palace.

The person in front of you is the incarnation of time, the collection of the fronts of all things, and the god of light who controls the initial fire.

Where did you get the three-part honorific name?

The fireproof girl raised her eyebrows. She remembered that this thing wasn't because it could really summon some inexplicable things and make harassing calls to group friends, so after multiple reports, it was wiped out by the chat group management program?

Hengkai, for you and me, may be an insurmountable cliff, but for His Majesty, it only requires a small amount of energy.

Speaking of this, Otto glanced at Hollander again, who had a puzzled face, but still nodded to show that he understood part of it.

And letting His Majesty Su'er get this energy is the price we need to pay.

Good guy, this answer was completely beyond her expectation.

She always thought that going to Fire Girl was just like before, a test in the bubble of the world.

Then these energies...

Hollander instinctively thought that this energy would not be Honkai energy.

It's just some insignificant spiritual energy. It doesn't even require us to pay. In the quantum sea, there are countless worlds that will pay the price for us. We only need to be responsible for confirming its coordinates, and His Majesty will get the rest.

How about this answer?

Otto opened his arms with a slightly fanatical smile on his face.

You only need to travel through the quantum sea to find the world bubble that still has this life, and then determine its coordinates, so that your Majesty can realize your request.

Not only can people in the present go back to the past, but it can also allow people in the past to come to the present, to a world where there will be no more collapse and suffering.

It was so simple that Otto felt it was unreal, and what he had done in the past was like a joke.

In other words, everyone who was plotted by Otto before died in vain.

I guess Otto was speechless sometimes. Calculating so many people turned out to be completely unnecessary in the end. A fireproof girl could almost sort out the past of this world.

What we're trying to do is really simple and clear.

Youlandel was still a little dazed and didn't know what to say, so the fireproof girl simply explained their plan to her.

First, explore, contact, and even reach the Tree of Imaginary Numbers.

Second, support the above-mentioned operating equipment and energy, which is the God's Key Thousand Realms Yiyuan and sufficient energy.

The fire prevention girl paused and then added the second point.

The acquisition of these energies is a task that requires your help. I will notify you when the preparatory work is completed.

Third, it is to graft the coordinates of the two time nodes. Next, I will complete this. Literally, let time and space interact and allow individuals to move freely on the timeline.

After making the sign of three and briefly describing the current plan, the fire prevention girl picked up the refilled tea and took a sip.

Is this something I can listen to?

Rita stood quietly in the corner, trying to remain transparent.

It wasn't until the aircraft landed that a slight shock came from under her feet, and the maid finally breathed a sigh of relief.

My lords.

With an elegant smile on her face again, Rita carefully arranged the clothes for everyone present, and then opened the sliding door of the aircraft.

Destination arrived.

Chapter 264: Fireproof Girl: Twice Kiana, Twice the Loveliness

I'll be the insurance against it all.

The fire prevention girl set foot on the land of Changkong City.

Between pain and disaster, there will eventually be a path that can overcome disaster, and on this path, no one will be left behind.

There is no doubt that the fireproof girl is generous, as long as she can give, then she is willing to give.

And my reward is naturally the spiritual energy obtained from the World Bubble.

Sometimes, sharing your own needs, even if this need is not all, can make the recipients feel more at ease with your gifts.

I see.

Youlandel nodded her head seriously, indicating that she would definitely cooperate with the fire prevention woman in her next actions.

It can be seen that here in Youlandel, the credibility of the fire prevention woman is relatively high.

I will not let you down!

Seeing Youlandel making a formal promise, the fireproof girl also smiled and proudly raised her chin to Otto on one side.

You see, an aboveboard and aboveboard style of doing things always brings a lot of convenience when doing things.

Otto smiled silently, opened the car door that had been prepared, prepared to cosplay with the driver, and gave the back seat to the three ladies.

The fire-proof girl's way of acting is indeed the most lethal in interpersonal communication. After all, it is the right way to exchange sincerity for sincerity, but this is also based on the fact that the fire-proof girl's own strength is enough to guarantee the truth.

Fireproof women can accept being betrayed, deceived, and defeated.

But not Otto.

How could Otto have the confidence of a fire-proof girl? He walked cautiously all the way, fearing that some variables might disrupt his plan. Naturally, time made him look like a conspirator.

The vehicle moved steadily towards its destination. On the way, Rita also dutifully explained the basic conditions of Changkong City to Hollander and the fire girl.

The development of Changkong City mainly relies on the technology company of ME Company. The autonomous robot technology developed by this company is extremely advanced and represents the world's top technological level.

While providing funds for the operation of Counter-Entropy, ME Corporation is also a research organization under the Counter-Entropy Organization. It has multiple research institutes for dealing with collapse disasters. Its former chairman Raiden Ryoma is the executive officer of Counter-Entropy. At the same time, He is also the father of the target of this mission.”

After the leader Walter retired, Anti-Entropy internally split into two factions. One of them was the conservative faction composed of Einstein, Tesla, and Thunderbolt Dragon Horse when Anti-Entropy was first established, and the second faction After the collapse, he joined the Anti-Entropy, a radical faction led by Cocolia.”

Not long ago, in a rebellion launched within Anti-Entropy, the ME Society lost to the radical Cocolia in the competition. Changkong City naturally became the voice of Cocolia, while the Anti-Entropy conservatives The members also lost control of the Far East.

Because in his own perception, the Fire Prevention Women's Office came from another world, so Rita's introduction seemed to be meticulous, describing everything from Changkong City to the organizational structure of Anti-Entropy.

Intelligent creatures are full of struggle at all times.

When disaster strikes, someone's vision is always limited, which leads to big mistakes.

Leaning on the soft seat, the fireproof girl said with emotion.

Then their leader plans to watch this happen and watch Changkong City be turned into a testing ground for the birth of Herrscher by an anti-human lunatic like Cocolia?

Youlandel frowned and asked, without caring about the face of a certain driver.

I have read the information. Isn't Walter Joyce the First Herrscher? A Herrscher can't even control the organization he founded.

Or, for some reason, has he lost control of his organization?

Lowering her eyes and looking at the familiar and unfamiliar characters passing by on the terminal in her hand, the fireproof woman asked softly.


Rita rarely chose silence and glanced vaguely at Otto in front of her.

Even though she was appreciated by Otto for her deep understanding of the principles of life and learned many secrets of destiny, as a Valkyrie who received the salary of destiny, she could not accept these words.

I really can't pick it up.

She is not a being like the Fireproof Girl, nor does she have the privileges of Hollander. She is just an ordinary Valkyrie destined by fate.

Haha, my old friend lost his life in Manhattan, New York, in order to protect the people of a city.

Otto told it calmly, as if he was telling an insignificant little story, and he didn't seem to care at all about his actions that brought tens of millions of people to the gambling table.

I'm afraid even the most unselfish judge in the court, who is used to seeing serious crimes, would be amazed at this man's cold-bloodedness.

As for the current leader of the Anti-Entropy Alliance, he is just an ordinary person who inherited Walter's name and the core of the Herrscher. He is unable to bear the authority of the Herrscher, and naturally he is unable to support the legacy left by Walter.

Otto doesn't seem to take the current leader of the Anti-Entropy Alliance very seriously.

Also, due to the lack of control over one's own forces, internal imbalances and factional seizures of power are about to cause a city to collapse. This is a serious dereliction of duty for the leader of an organization that fights against collapse.

But aren't you the culprit behind all this?

Others don’t know it, but I don’t know it. If you hadn’t tortured them to half a disability during the second collapse, and either sacrificed their lives or did sit-ups in the coffin every day, otherwise they wouldn’t have hung up to recuperate.

The fireproof woman's eyes under the eyepatch rolled her eyes at Otto.

They are now here to clean up the stall left by Mr. Otto.

By chance, I took this opportunity to visit my lovely granddaughter and talk to him this time.

Thinking that he was about to meet his lovely granddaughter, Otto couldn't help but smile.

No matter what, anti-entropy is now a force we should strive for. The current Lawyer of Reason plays an indispensable role. No matter how many conflicts there are between us, we should unite together to fight against Honkai.

Although there is nothing wrong with this, why is it so strange coming from your mouth, Otto?

The fire prevention woman chewed on these extremely strange words with a strange look on her face, and the luxurious vehicle drove into a high-end community.

After Cocolia imprisoned Raiden Ryoma, she completely sealed off its assets and intentionally isolated her daughter, Miss Raiden Meiyi, who possesses the Conquering Gem, from society, in order to stimulate the awakening of her Herrscher personality.

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