In short, there are only a few forces with enough influence in this world. Otto's destiny, which is separated from the destiny, and the scope of influence is the reverse entropy of North America. There are also those hidden in the dark side of the world, left by the former civilization fusion warriors. Power, its name is World Snake.

The Fireproof Girl wants to get in touch with the current talker of the World Snake.

Are you going to meet Stan's master?

Stan, Hollander's pet, is a modified Honkai Beast, and his combat power is about two Rita's.

What Yolandel had gained when he was on a mission, and after being beaten violently, he succumbed to the majesty of Yolandel.

The one who released this Honkai Beast was an organization called World Serpent.

Yes, the implementation of the plan requires their assistance in some preparation work.

After hearing the fireproof girl's answer, Otto, who was still thinking about the future, couldn't help but laugh at this moment.

Just when we were about to start the action, we were about to fall into a re-woven script. To be honest, I started to sympathize with them a little.

Arriving at the open cabin door, Otto very gentlemanly motioned to the lady to come first.

It's better to be targeted by me than by you.

Shi Shiran sat down, and the fire prevention girl replied to Otto, who was directly opposite him. She supported her chin with one hand and looked out the window at the sinking scenery.

At least they left life behind, didn't they?

There was an unhappiness hidden in the fireproof girl's smile. Otto's move to save others by himself was a bit disgusting.

Otto has done a lot of bad things, including but not limited to, killing a good friend after he rejected his invitation to prevent him from posing a threat to him in the future, and even destroying a big building to do so. Urban life.

Because his subordinate Kallen's fantasy score was higher than his own, he physically banned him (fog).

He also had his own selfish motives in fighting against Honkai, which indirectly caused tens of millions of deaths.

Yes, life was left behind.

Otto remembered what happened to the 'criminals' who suffered at the hands of the fireproof woman.

Are you talking about being locked up in a suspended state and working 2 trillion hours a day, 24 hours a day?

The consciousness is imprisoned in a cage called infinity, mechanically watching itself endure a dark and unpredictable future.

Although his spirit was so exhausted that he wanted to collapse, he still couldn't rest because of the existence of memes. Even the thought of rest couldn't come up. All the value he created would belong to Rodran to enrich Lothrik's knowledge. reserve.

Many people in the chat group have listed it as the most severe punishment in their respective countries. Every year, many prisoners are sent there, but they are completely destroyed in just one day.

There was a reason why Otto was unwilling to agree to the firebender's invitation after solving Honkai.

After spending a lot of time with those high-ranking beings in the chat group, Fireproof Girl has become more and more playful recently, and he is also afraid that Fireproof Girl will treat him like this.

Although according to the temperament of the fireproof woman, it will definitely not be too much in the end, but I am afraid it is enough for him to drink a pot.

Seeing others suffer is a story, seeing oneself suffer is an accident.

Not everyone is treated this way.

The rhetorical question from Otto made the fireproof girl laugh dryly and try to avoid the question.

Yeah, more often than not, it becomes the fuel that continues the world.

I was eating, so I couldn't starve myself to death. She was already burning her soul.

It’s not like the Fireproof Girl hasn’t thought about the shortcomings of Chuhuo. She is also researching the Throne of Desire to create a spiritual dimension similar to the virtual realm. By then, Chuhuo will no longer be so violent when absorbing spiritual energy.

You're still hurting me.

The fire-prevention girl's eyebrows stood up, and there was an evil aura on her face.

Don't forget what I came here to do.

Your Majesty Su'er, please don't take it personally if you have a lot of it.

Otto gave in at the speed of light and seemed to have no bottom line.

That's right, what's the bottom line for a guy who can seduce a man's attention by dressing up as a woman for his lover.

Then Sister Su'er, why are you here?

Hollander held the ice cream handed over by Rita and tilted her head cutely.

Let me tell you.

Before the fire-prevention woman could speak, Otto held the red wine glass and raised it to Hollander: After all, many of the following matters will have to rely on the most powerful Valkyrie.

It is still unclear how sensitive the Tree of Imaginary Numbers is to external forces. It is better for the fireproof girl to use less of her own power before facing the Tree of Imaginary Numbers.

If it is to fight Honkai and protect the people, I will naturally take the lead, but I don't want this to be another selfish conspiracy.

If given a choice, Youlandel would still prefer the fire-prevention woman to speak.

Haha, I know that the trust between you and me has long been wiped out, but this time -

Watching the city flying away below, Otto drew out his voice.

Don't worry, you have the right to know the truth about this matter.

Youlandel shrugged, noncommittal.

I have discussed several plans to reconstruct the world with His Majesty Su'er, but in the end, we chose the one that is the safest and has the greatest benefits for both of us.

If you choose this option, the cost will inevitably be high.

The highest cost, what specifically does it mean?

Hollander frowned. Could Otto still want to continue the experiment and kill more people?

If I tell you the conclusion directly, you may be confused.

Turning his head calmly and looking into the scrutinizing eyes of Hollander, Otto chuckled and shook his head.

So let's take a moment and start from the beginning.

If there was no intervention from the chat group, then Hollandale's intuition was absolutely correct.

Yes, he will kill more people.

Chapter 263 Fireproof Girl: I think you don’t understand the value of first fire

If you have received formal education since childhood, you should know that in our world, time is irreversible.

Shaking the wine glass in his hand, the bright red wine licked the side of the glass, Otto looked at Hollander with a smile.

It's like a river in nature that runs all the way and never looks back.

In a world that is under the influence of Honkai Impact, time is irreversible.

Because the authority of time has already been occupied.

The spacecraft climbed all the way up and reached the exosphere. The cockpit under everyone changed, as if it merged into the universe. Otto looked deeply at the celestial body called the moon.

Our world is a tree of imaginary numbers, Bianca, I think you understand what I mean.

Youlandel nodded silently.

Although her cultural achievements are insignificant compared to her military achievements, it does not mean that she will not understand the knowledge from the frontier of human exploration.

The destined S-class Valkyrie will not allow herself to have obvious shortcomings.

Moreover, the world bubble in her body was once a leaf on the tree, but it did not survive the filtering of civilization and fell off.

Otto nodded secretly, it seemed that his daily education was not in vain.

Just like a river will have precipitation and melting snow to replenish it with water, if we raise the dimension of observation to the tree of imaginary numbers, then everything our civilization has experienced is just data recorded on tapes.

The so-called history is what has been recorded on this tape, and the future is the unknown that will be presented on the tape.

And what we have now is the only probe on the tape.

The fireproof girl took the last sip of milk tea and spoke.

For creatures standing within the time frame, the present is special. It distinguishes between the known and the unknown, the possible and the impossible. It can be said to be the only platform shared by all existences under this framework.

Let's assume something.

Otto unfolded a holographic projection in front of him, unfolding a tape that continuously played the current situation for everyone present.

Among them is Otto himself.

What would happen if we took a person, a probe called the present, and forcibly moved it back to the tape in the past?

Then this person now will go back to the past?

Hollander held his chin and said tentatively.

Yes, just like countless time-traveling movies that change the past, we can also be like them.

The majestic and picturesque light on the dark side of the Earth is shrinking, and the cruising satellites are disappearing.

The fireproof girl Jingye helped Otto move through history within the range that the Imaginary Tree could detect, so that he could perform better in front of his descendants.

Imagine that disasters like the Second Collapse will be written off, and modern people like us can go back to that time and bring our own experience and wisdom to help them grow.

Fidgeting with time again, when the girl was still dazed, Rita beside her looked at the terminal in her hand in surprise, and found that the system inside had completed more iterations than she remembered.

But time has not changed at all.

The maid touched the bulkhead lightly and looked at the planet below that seemed to have not changed much but was still somewhat unfamiliar.

Although Honkai will not disappear, we will still have to face challenges as scheduled, but humans will be able to face them with a better attitude.

But Otto, your purpose is not at all, and what I want to hear is not your abstract theories and reasoning.

Hollander would not believe Otto's official rhetoric.

Yes, you must have understood it now. What I am asking for is just to make up for the regrets of five hundred years ago.

Otto sighed. The little girl who originally obeyed him was now so rebellious, which really made him feel helpless now.

But with a city that has been tempered for five hundred years, Otto won't care too much about this matter.


Everyone in Destiny knows that Otto admires Kallen. After seeing Otto's true face, it is not difficult to guess what this nihilistic man wants to do.

Let the individual named Otto go back to the present time five hundred years ago, when Karen Kaslana was still alive.

And what's the price of all this?


Otto's lips curved into an interested smile.

I created one tragedy after another with my own hands, and then planted a seed of hope. In this world, I will no longer be an eyesore in front of you. What is the price?

What happens now?

Youlandel asked.

I have no idea.

Otto shook his head.

Those people murdered by me may survive, or they may disappear due to other accidents. Humanity may defeat Honkai, or it may usher in a new reincarnation in the midst of destruction.

But what does that have to do with me? I'm just a guy who has been dead for five hundred years.

Otto spread his hands.

The fire prevention girl on the side couldn't help but show an expression of wonder.

It has to be Otto. This kind of elegant and dismissive tone is really something that ordinary people can't learn.

Perhaps by then, you can find an insignificant tombstone in Tianming's cemetery?

Otto leaned forward, resting his elbows on his legs, and said calmly to Hollander.

Are you going to abandon everything now? Use everything now and leave like this?

Seeing that Otto always looked indifferent, Hollander's face showed anger.

To be honest, her understanding of Otto was not deep enough.

Yes, this is what I have been pursuing, and I will give everything for it.

That is the obsession that supports this twisted soul until now.

And you, my dear Bianca, don't you have a past that you want to change? In Siberia, in the destiny of only my father?

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