I'm sorry, there's no point in saying sorry.

Sitting down on the chair, Felenor held the handkerchief.

You know, I'm very happy staying at home. Those TV series can kill time, and my soul is enriched and I don't need to worry about the end of the world. My little sister often comes to my place to learn light magic, and Ashes will come to see me often. I'll give her some flowers that she grows on weekdays, but I haven't seen you yet.

Do you go to see Mom often?

The Faded One quietly tugged at the corner of Ashes' clothes.

Yes, mom's room is right next to Su'er, just steps away.

Hui Jin looked at the confused Faded One, and a smile appeared on his lips: You don't know?

‘I, I don’t know. ’

There was cold sweat on the forehead of the faded man, but he didn't reply.

She had been so busy chatting with the fire-proof girl during this period that she almost forgot that she had a mother.


Ashes chuckled and shook his head, but it signaled that the Faded One had nothing to worry about.

Although Felenor's image outside has always been cold and high in the sky, like a silver moon, sacred and inaccessible.

But what kind of personality he is like in private can be seen from his daughter, Fireproof Girl.

Felenor just felt that her daughter wasn't very close to him recently. She was often busy doing this and that, and she was no longer close to her mother, so she learned to use pranks to get closer to the fire-proof girl.

After all, in Feliannuoer's memory, the image of the fire-proof girl was still that cute little girl swinging her short legs and holding a little black dragon in Huanyin City. When they met again, she only felt like the fire-proof girl herself when she was a child. I haven’t seen enough, it’s so big in a flash.

Thinking of this, Ashes also looked pityful. She also wanted to see what the fireproof girl was like when she was a child. Unfortunately, the fireproof girl had erased her information on the timeline after merging with the first fire. Even if she learned it There is no chance to see light magic.

I can only visit my mother-in-law from time to time and listen to her dictation.

Hey, I know I've been very busy recently and ignored my mother's feelings. If I have a chance in the future, I will take you to see other worlds.

The fireproof girl sighed. She had been rushing for time during this period, and indeed she didn't take much care of her family. But once she had initially established the self-circulation of the world, she would be able to waste a lot of time.

So, Mom, I really need help. I need your help to verify the feasibility of separating light and dark. You are also needed for the actual operation.

beg me.

Felianor learns now and uses it now.

The fireproof girl blinked her eyes in disbelief, as if she was looking at another self.

No, there is no reason for a mother to be like a daughter.

This is my mother!

Please! Mom.

The fireproof girl hugged Felianor's waist and said coquettishly.

I agreed.

Felianor smiled, very happily.

Love you, Mom!

Chapter 260 Fireproof Girl: Domestic Violence!

The next day, the fire was passed to the sacrificial site.

In the future world built by Felianor, in the ancient wasteland shrouded in endless darkness.

Chi la.

The fire prevention woman raised her hand and fired a thunder gun to evaporate the flying dark droplets, and the earth was covered with a layer of haze.


He pressed his head down and rolled sideways. In just a moment, the surrounding space was filled with cracks like broken glass. As the dark lines spread, it finally shattered in an invisible scream, like ink, which made people feel The dirty black man struggled crazily, trying to swallow up the last remaining light.

There's really no mercy at all.

Reaching out to cover the missing chunk of her arm, as if its existence had been completely erased from the world, the fireproof girl gritted her teeth, a golden light flashed through, restoring everything to the original state, and she raised her hand and threw it out towards the place where the darkness gathered. A few shots of Sunlight.

Like a star pouring out its anger all around, the bright thunderous light beam exploded, tearing apart the darkness that could not be seen in the blink of an eye, and countless dark substances were wiped into ashes.

The mixed darkness rolled back and intertwined with the light, and then under the incompatible situation, another breathtaking explosion was released.

When the annihilation ended, the intertwined light and darkness lost all traces. In the chaotic wasteland, the chaotic energy was dispersed, and finally people could see the extremely chaotic scene clearly.

Darkness and light are annihilated between intertwining.

The darkness finally turned into a human form after being squeezed. Almost the moment it left the entanglement of the power of light, the fireproof girl's eyes were scratched.

Fortunately, she had the experience of living in a blind state for a long time, so she was not in a hurry. The fireproof girl withstood the attack from the ash storm while retreating, trying to distance herself and regroup.

Fireproof Girl's fighting skills were inherited from many people.

From the beginning, the cursed warriors in Ring Seal City, to later, Lothric's study, and finally, to the memory of the incarnation of the Pay King.

What's more, in daily life, there are still two geniuses in the battle, Ashes and Faded One.

Although the fighting talent is indeed not very good, the skills of the fire prevention girl are definitely not bad.

But as it turns out, it all depends on who you're comparing it to.

The gun and the sword collided, releasing terrifying energy that annihilated everything around them, but the fire-proof woman did not gain the upper hand.

In the face of the ashes that absorbed the darkness, the time and space ability that had always been considered cheating naturally lost its effect.

Everyone has the ability to manipulate the basic laws of the world, and at most they can provide some specialized assistance.

Beings of the same personality fight against each other. After each other's conceptual abilities are invalidated, only pure fighting can become the key to determining each other's victory.

This is too unkind to me!

The fireproof girl jumped to the right, grabbed the dark condensed blade with one hand, and cut through the dark barrier like running water, turning over and getting out of the predicament.

And at the moment when she was out of trouble, she raised her arm again, and the fireproof girl threw another sunshine gun towards the ashes.

However, the attack failed.

At this impossible distance, Ashes only moved lightly for a few minutes, and the Sunlight Spear grazed her back.

Fireproof Girl wanted to detonate the Sunshine Spear, but she had no chance to take action again. Ashes stepped forward and grabbed her left hand. The dark power surged and was about to stab Fireproof Girl in the heart.

The process of carrying darkness is dangerous, and it will infinitely amplify the desires in the heart, and the existence that the ashes are engraved deep in the heart, the most longing for is the first fire.

The fireproof girl exclaimed and tried her best to move her body. A gap appeared on her left shoulder, like a fountain, but all it sprayed out were pure hot flames.

Giving up part of her body on the spot, the fireproof girl arched her waist like a nimble cat, kicked Ashes on the chin, supported her body with her left foot and landed firmly on the ground, with her face touching the sun. The gun flew, and then he took back his hand.


The spear of sunlight, originally targeting Ashes, flew back.

Ashes, did you go to the Sekiro studio next door to learn grenade reflexes?

The sun gun was full of dark energy, and the fire-proof girl didn't dare to take it hard. The time and space barrier made an overwhelming distortion. She had no choice but to throw out of the slow-time field, and she tried to keep running away.

Ashes caught up and swung a sharp sword again.

The fire-proof woman instinctively wanted to block the attack. Unable to predict the future, she was feinted. When she was about to switch from defense to attack, her neck was already grabbed by ashes, and her porcelain-white neck was covered in ashes in the blink of an eye. After seeing the tiny cracks, the fire-proof girl was directly picked up by the ashes.

Being forced out of the ashes by a large-scale blow to confront the fire-proof woman, it only took a moment.

Ashes' strength was terrifying. After struggling to no avail, in order not to give up her body, the fireproof girl's eyes widened.

After absorbing the First Fire, the Fireproof Girl inherited the memories of countless ancestors, and also inherited the existence of these ancestors.


The escaping flames were dancing happily, then spread to the surroundings, enveloping the invisible ashes and melting them into hard armor.

Keep your clothes sharp.

Red lines began to spread, covering the warrior's armor, as if it was alive.

Fireproof girls are more than just good-looking.

A smile broke out at the corner of her mouth. The fire-proof girl looked at the ashes that were completely suppressed by the flames, and drove the incarnation of King Xin to start action.

The flaming figure waved the spiral sword and slashed at Ashes, who seemed to be suppressed in place and unable to move.

It's a pity that he is only handsome for three seconds.

Almost close to the invisible ground, close to the sword exuding hot light, she took a deep breath. The darkness came from top to bottom, fiercely impacting the solid armor, like a flood impacting the city wall, although the effect was not obvious. , but still firmly added a trace of cracks.

However, the flames were not to be outdone. The flames flowed on the dark surface, burning like the flames of the dark king.

You're going to lose.

She formed a dispersing seal and extinguished the flames on her body. She did not check her injuries for the first time, and did not choose to stop her movements. She waved the long knife, cutting the seemingly tall King of Xin like cutting tofu. For broken pieces.

Ashes lowered his body and broke through the burning wreckage.


The fire-prevention woman was saved from the flying debris. She scooped up her ashes and threw the fragments out of the fire. The fire-prevention woman subconsciously formed a sunshine gun.

The fireproof girl was pinned to the ground by Ashes with a nervous look on her face.

It can only be seen that after the two stopped moving, the tip of the fire-proof woman's spear was only a hair away from Hui Jin's heart, while Hui Jin stared at the fire-proof woman, the long sword in her hand dispersed, and her scarlet eyes finally regained their clarity. .

The outcome has been decided.

But winning or losing has no meaning anymore.

Ashes picked up the fireproof girl, inspected her carefully, and then breathed a sigh of relief, not caring about her palms that might be burned by the flames.

I've been here so many times, but I still haven't defeated you.

The fireproof girl sighed helplessly.

The Gundam she finally found from the memory of the first fire was not installed, but was dismantled by the ashes.

Does Ashes have any unique way of dismantling Gundam?

What a great fight.

Felenor clapped his hands, emerged from the void, looked at this completely desolate world, and expressed his affirmation of the abilities of his daughters.

Let me hug you too.

Looking at the fire-proof girl who was weakly nestling in Ashes' arms, Felenor praised the two of them, and then couldn't wait to get closer.


Being held in Felenor's arms, the fireproof girl couldn't help but blush, and she struggled to stand up.

This is the final darkness.

As she spoke, the fire-proof woman also began to use her powers that were no longer suppressed to repair the wounds on her body.

Hey, my daughter is really getting less and less cute. Ashes is so hard for me to hold her.

Felenor hid her face, pretending to remain calm on her back.


Unable to stand Felenor's pretending to be sad, the fireproof girl was hugged by her mother, her face turned crimson.

Well, it's the last. All we need to do next is to guide the darkness of the future into Ashes' body.

As the being who has studied the differentiation of light and darkness most deeply since the Age of Fire, Felianor quickly formulated a feasible plan after the fire-prevention woman made a request to differentiate the darkness.

It was very different from what the old world consciousness of Huangji said. After learning about the information provided by the fire-proof girl, Feliannuoer immediately made the decision that the fire-proof girl should store the darkness in a carrier. .

However, compared to Huang Ji's vague statement, Felenor came up with a feasible plan after thinking about it for a while.

Through light magic, travel directly to a future gradually shrouded in darkness, between this age of fire and the dividing line between the dark ages.

By constantly adjusting the time period to move closer to the deep sea era, Ashes gradually absorbs the darkness step by step, shaping the carrier of darkness one at a time.

The role of the fire-proof girl is to deal with the uncontrollable state of Ashes caused by the darkness in the process of Ashes absorbing the darkness.

But as far as the actual body feeling of the fire-proof girl is concerned, it is a pure beating. It is obvious that the fire-proof girl thinks that she can keep Ashes in a normal state by prolonging her state for a long time.

But why do I have to be beaten so many times?

I almost had my head stomped on by Ashes several times.

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