Speaking of which, my father had a similar idea at the beginning.

Felianor fell into memories.

It was not that Gwen never thought of consuming the darkness first.

However, due to his attitude and a series of problems, the Dark Soul broke out, and a large number of dwarf kings had to be imprisoned in Ring Seal City.

Felenor is more like a jailer for those who belong to Dark Souls than a distant marriage in name only.

Coupled with the series of events that followed, and the realization that the future of this world has inevitably entered a countdown

What about the world model? Mom, what can you see?

Fortunately, she no longer had to be a punching bag. At this moment, the fireproof girl opened her eyes wide and looked at Felianor.

First of all, you can't always call me mom, I'm not old.

Compared to the fireproof girl who always likes to joke about her age, Felenol, a mother, is actually very concerned about her age.

Secondly, you can't treat your dear mother as a universal wishing machine. Even as Su'er's mother, I hope to do everything for Su'er, but there are still things I can't do.

Although he was extremely moved by the fire-prevention woman's trust all along, Felenor looked at the changing clouds in the sky and spoke.

It is true that Felenor has a profound understanding of light and darkness, as well as a profound study of primary fire, but even the mother of a fire-proof girl is not omnipotent.

After all, it is not God in the concept. No one can be omniscient and omnipotent.

If a person could truly achieve omnipotence, he would not be trapped in Huanyin City due to the oppression of reality, waiting for a miracle to happen.

Since his birth, Felianor has been sent to Ring Seal City because of his profound understanding of time and light and darkness, and has maintained the imprisonment of the abyss of Ring Seal City.

Consciousness has been sinking, and the understanding of other knowledge is naturally in a relatively vague state.

...I am asking for too much.

The fireproof girl blinked and reacted.

Felianore is no longer the omnipotent mother in her memory. She also has things that she cannot do, and she cannot endlessly demand from her mother.

In the past, I felt that Felenor could do anything, be able to withstand the abyss, manipulate time at will, and mix light and darkness to create the person he is today.

At that time, I felt that Felenor was truly omnipotent.

However, as for the structure of the so-called world model, Su'er, you don't have to rush.

Felenor seemed to have thought of something and persuaded the fire prevention girl.

If my idea is not wrong, if I want to build the perfect rules needed in this simulated world, then more souls are needed.

Felianor looked at the light pillar extending from the Autobiography Fire Sacrifice not far away, directly connected to the world.

If you really plan to do something, the size that Chu Huo has now is far from enough.

Fireproof Girl never covets her own rights. The state of Chuhuo has always been open to the members of the God Clan. The members of the God Clan also have a very clear understanding of Chuhuo.


The fireproof girl nodded her head, agreeing with her mother's decision. She also felt that if she wanted to build a complete world, she would still be far from being able to open a teleportation portal now.


The fireproof girl turned her attention to the chat group.

Among them, her own private chat channel came from the invitation sent by Otto not long ago. The fireproof girl looked at this invitation with deep eyes.

Maybe we won't have to wait much longer for that moment..

(End of this volume)

Chapter 261 Fireproof Girl: What is this? The tree of imaginary numbers, burn it

Destroy the world.

Something important to Otto and his world happened here.

Of course, as far as this matter is concerned, the only person who knows about this is the leader of this world.

Gods from other worlds came to this world through higher-level means. They did not come through the channels provided by the chat group, but opened the portal in their own way. The nature of the two is completely different.

The former is a legal means of time travel. While enjoying privileges, it must also accept the control of this world, while the latter can even be called an invasion.

Fortunately, although the existence that came this time had its own purpose and plan, it was not like the villain in the background of most game novels. It was even trusted by those who knew it without reservation.

The tree's roots are rooted in the sea, constantly drawing nutrients from it. Countless worlds are born from its branches, weaving new stories and moving towards a new future under the gaze of the great being.

The tides of the sea constantly wash away the roots of the trees. With each impact, countless worlds fall off the lush canopy, which represents the destruction of countless worlds.

The tree wants to drain the sea and inject truth and law into all things. The sea wants to submerge the tree and return all things to disorderly waves.

This is a scene that has remained unchanged since ancient times, between the trees and the sea.

It's really, really desirable.

The fire girl stood on the high branch of the tree, observing the ever-changing scenery. Countless worlds were falling off again and again, turning into foam floating in the sea, rendering the deep blue sea into a gorgeous appearance.

It is extremely grand, and every confrontation determines the future of countless worlds. A world of this size is much more amazing than my own world that is as big as a horn.

How's the situation?

On the other side, Otto, who was rarely free from the erosion of various games, stood beside the fire-prevention girl. The Archbishop of Destiny stood on a high place, his eyes looking at the branches under his feet with deep eyes.

There is not much difference from the observations back then.

The fireproof girl withdrew her gaze and suppressed the envy in her heart. She was not qualified to touch these worlds now.

The leaves of your world are here. If you want to rewrite the future, you can correct it by modifying the growth of the branches.

The fire-proof woman's palms were playing with the waves, and countless silver sands slipped between them.

It's just a simple grafting operation. The premise is that you have the power to overwhelm the branches at that moment before doing it.

It seems that Your Majesty is already confident.

After hearing the fireproof girl's confirmation, Otto, who knew that the fireproof girl was a trustworthy person, couldn't help but smile.

What about your needs? I think the power to overwhelm the branch of the imaginary number is something we don't have at the moment.

Don't think of me as so utilitarian.

After knowing each other for so long, I have already become immune to Otto’s compliments of putting you on the grill from time to time. The fireproof girl crossed her arms and shook her head slightly.

If I just cut off a part of the branches, it wouldn't be difficult for me now, but -

There's not much need to do that now.

The fireproof girl stared at the sea, or rather the foam rising and falling in the sea.

We have a lot of choices, don't we?

After her own light and darkness were successfully separated, the fireproof girl relied on the power of the first fire to open the portal directly connected to Otto's world, and relied on certain means to come to this higher observation dimension to confirm the feasibility of the plan.

For now, the results are gratifying, and there are a lot more choices between the two.


Otto shrugged understandingly, raised his head, and looked at the scenery he had never seen before.

Trees and sea.

The tree of imaginary numbers and the sea of ​​quantum.

They are not simply trees or seas, but from the perspective of an observer, they can only be described as such.

They are hostile and symbiotic. The tree of imaginary numbers is rooted in the sea of ​​​​quantum. One side is constantly growing, and the other is constantly rising. Both sides want to engulf the other. Compared with the disordered chaos, it seems that there are only quanta with endless surging energy tides. The sea and the tree of imaginary numbers are the birthplace of all truths and laws.

There are countless leaves on the tree of imaginary numbers, and each leaf is a world, but most of it is the imaginary number space without life, and a small part is the real number space that breeds life. Such a world is like Otto's world generally.

Honkai note that the world born from the tree is the will of the universe. Maybe its origin is a mystery, or there are too many unknowns in it, but for now, from the perspective of most civilizations, Honkai is one of the imaginary numbers. In the competition between the tree and the quantum sea, a mechanism was born to screen and correct the development direction of branches and leaves.

Worlds that cannot survive the baptism of collapse will be eliminated, falling into the quantum sea and turning into incomplete and rootless world bubbles.

The world is soaked.

Worlds destined for destruction.

The fire-preventing girl with the first fire is watching these bubbles.

For her, these bubbles, to be precise, are bubbles that still exist and are struggling with life. They are her greatest nourishment and a key part of her future plan.


It's a pity that the current fire prevention girl can't expose her existence to the gaze of the two hosts.

If she establishes a connection with the two at this moment, then she will probably turn from the guests who come to dine into the food on the table.

Yogurt-Sothoth and Yellow Chicken have both mentioned overtly and covertly that the fireproof woman can rely on her spiritual power to construct the rare nature of the real world.

This is an ability that very few worlds have. If many worlds gain its authority, they can easily enter a perfect inner cycle.

Therefore, strictly speaking, the fire-proof girl can be said to be a sweet steamed bun in the eyes of thousands of people around the world, but she joined a formalized chat group at the beginning.

Standardized management has many benefits. Although there are many rules and regulations, it also guarantees the survival rights of the weak to a certain extent. The fire prevention girl has always been the beneficiary of the rules.

But this time the plan will no longer be protected by rules.

Because the fire girl doesn't intend to act within the rules either.

Although the Quantum Sea and the Tree of Imaginary Numbers do not have complete consciousness, of course, the Tree of Imaginary Numbers, the collection of all truth and matter, may have it, but the risk of communication is also terrifying.

The fireproof girl didn't want to be an Indian, carrying gold and gems, but facing guns and artillery.

It is undeniable that the aggressive nature of both can be described as terrifying.

This may be a good thing for the existence of the world. A world that is so powerful and has the ability to absorb external resources means that the world has prosperous resources to a certain extent and can better supply the internal resources.

If the world is generous, the creatures in it will have more possibilities.

But for other worlds, it may not be so good.

Fireproof Girl spent some points and easily gained a lot of understanding of the Collapse World from the chat group management system.

This world with these trees and seas, because of its unlimited growth characteristics, has assimilated and annexed many worlds during its long birth process.

Many worlds can only become ups and downs in the confrontation between the two.

Therefore, if you want to get a share of the cycle between the two, you must be on an equal level to be eligible.

Maybe there is also the idea of ​​​​treating these two things, and the process of obtaining the tree and sea materials by the fireproof girl is so easy.

The fire-proof girl was confident, and she obviously had a feasible plan, but it would still take time before the plan could be implemented.

Let's go. If you continue reading, you will be exposed.

The tide is rising, and the Tree of Imaginary Numbers will face another heavy impact on a long time scale, and the Fireproof Girl no longer intends to stay here.

Because the fire-preventing girl has no intention of becoming a dish yet, she naturally would not choose to use the right of first-fire at this moment.

They came here this time relying on the technology of Destiny and the personality of the fireproof girl, which gave them a perspective that bypassed Honkai and directly observed the trees and the sea.

I don’t know how much money Tianming spent on this.

But I guess Otto didn't care.

Okay, my friend.

Otto was good-natured, and it was obvious that he was in a good mood, as he made a grand butler's gift to the fire-prevention girl.

Please, I hope His Majesty Su'er can have fun in this world.

Those children, I think they will welcome you very much.

I'm very popular, so there's no need to emphasize it.

The fireproof girl accepted the pursuit naturally and walked into the portal with Otto.



A special mode of thinking that involves intentionally imagining.

Some people will try to imagine existences that are impossible to reach or touch in reality, and fantasize about their omnipotence in order to seek spiritual comfort.

And some people are indeed capable of anything.

Youlandel is on vacation.

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