As a ship girl who came from the same era, Yixian was naturally aware of the misdeeds of Ark Royal, a frequent visitor to the Gendarmerie Prison. As smart as she was, she naturally understood immediately what Ding'an asked her to help destroy.

Also, tell the commander and everyone, just say, I'm sorry.

Recalling the commander and his comrades, Ding'an's eyes became moist at this moment. She recalled the high-spirited self when the fleet swore an oath of service together.

I'm sorry, comrades, I didn't make it to the end. The future will be left to you.

Ding'an closed his eyes, darkness enveloped everything, and he quietly waited for death to come.

At this moment, the fireproof girl lightly snapped her fingers.

Time went back, the building returned to its place, and Ding'an's riddled body returned to the way it looked when they first met.

I, how, am I ready?

Ding'an touched his body in disbelief.

The sadness was suddenly stuck, and Ding'an felt that the pain on his body had disappeared, and the memories that had been lost gradually became clear.

She looked at the people who were avoiding them with a dull expression, and at the subtle-looking Yixian, while the fireproof girl stood aside with a suppressed smile, took out a bucket of popcorn from somewhere, and watched everything with interest.

‘The child has grown up. ’

Yixian gently stroked Ding'an's head and smiled without saying a word.

Before today, she didn't know that her descendants of the aircraft carrier would be related to the Royal Lolicon.

And Ding'an was lying on the ground, her face dull, the pain on her body had recovered, and the giant statue in the sky shrank to let the warm sunshine fall on her body, but she only felt that her hands and feet were cold at the moment.

I just feel that my life is truly over this time.

Chapter 259: Felenor: Please beg me! Fireproof Girl: Please!

The city with a century-old history is welcoming people with its brand new attitude.

The signboard that fell to the ground in the tremor returned to its place, exuding a charming brilliance that made people want to commit crimes. Someone quickly rummaged in the bag and was surprised to find that the luxury goods they had just taken advantage of were gone. Traces.

Announcements representing the end of the war sounded throughout the town, and commotions were heard from time to time in the crowd. The body that was still buried under his feet suddenly got up, and the memory still stayed at the moment of the disaster.

The separated people hugged each other and cried. The boss of the insurance company shakily put the loss assessment terminal in his pocket and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

The war did not displace people or cost them their lives.

There is no pain, only lessons.

We learned a lot, but the cost was not terrible.

Yixian stepped lightly, and her eyes did not stay on the people who were reborn after the disaster, but fell on the stands next to them with a slightly complicated look, where were the group of friends with different postures.

Thank you, my friends.

Easy to do.

Casting her gaze, she saw several guys carrying silver bracelets with their heads lowered as they were escorted into police cars by the military police. The fire prevention girl smiled, supporting her chin with one hand and tapping the edge of the stage rhythmically with the other.

The personal items she added a little bit in the time rewind, some of which broadcast in everyone's mind the heroic appearance of certain 'pillars of society' who took advantage of the chaos, can be regarded as food for dinner.

I hope you can get familiar with the new city as soon as possible after the war, and then——

Let's move towards a new future.

The fireproof girl pointed to the sky and sent her blessing.

The curtain-like tides have long since faded, leaving the planet with a pristine sky.

However, we did not purchase this service from Miss Suer, and we cannot afford the price.

He noticed the recovery of the town and thought that it was the same in other areas. A look of confusion appeared on Yixian's face.

She still remembered that in the agreement she signed at the beginning, the so-called soul of the deep sea could not make the fire prevention girl do unnecessary things. Even if it was a simple effort, it would break her own rules.

It's okay, I'm the one paying this time.

The soy milk on the side was smiling.


Why are you so polite? What I have given is only a drop in the bucket to me, but it is extremely crucial to the reconstruction of your civilization. You can pay me back in the future.

Before Yixian could speak, he was interrupted by the white pouring of soy milk.

For him, the effort to restore the planet area is really not that big. In the future, he will inevitably have to deal with the Blue Civilization, which is also on the technological side. It is also great to have one more friend with whom the relationship can last for a long time.

I don't want you to waste your time here and focus on one planet anymore. Whenever I see a planet's civilization falling into inevitable internal friction on a planet, I can't accept this happening.

Soy Milk was looking up at the starry sky.

There are inexhaustible resources in the universe, there are endless secrets to explore, and an extremely magnificent future is waiting for you.

The huge resources in the universe can be said to be almost infinite. It can only be said that it is too sad that civilization is limited to planets due to resource disputes.

I also hope that your civilizations can be unified as soon as possible. Then we can exchange knowledge and meet together in the sea of ​​​​stars.


The evil man shook his head and spat in a low voice, but no one heard him.

Thank you so much, Yixian.

After Yixian was stunned for a moment, he was once again amazed by the pattern of soy milk being poured out in vain, and bowed politely.

Okay, okay, now that the problem is solved, I should go back and work overtime. Consultants and the like will be sent over later. Remember to help take care of it.

Doujiu Bai accepted this gift naturally. He had always been full of confidence and pride in his own situation.

I won't say anything unnecessary. Everyone in the chat group can contact you at any time.

When parting, the fireproof girl also said immediately.

If you have any difficulties, just tell them in the group. Everyone in the group will be your biggest help.

keep in touch.


After looking at each other with Otto, the fireproof woman took Ashes and his party back to Lothric first.

The original plan was to go directly to Otto after finishing the work at Yixian, but since we have made some progress in knowledge, we should return to Lothric first to solve the hidden dangers.

Fireproof Girl: Bubbles, have you finished analyzing the world?

Little Bubble: It's already good. I'm just waiting for you to contact me.

[Ding, Little Bubble has sent you a gift, world model x1, instruction x1]

Fireproof Girl: What's the problem?

In order to ensure that she could speak normally in the group in the next few months, the fireproof girl did not choose to commit suicide to open the instructions for use, but asked directly.

Little Paopao: In general, there is no problem. The world model is streamlined and complete, enough to accommodate any form of power system, but there is still a big problem.

Fireproof Girl: What's the problem?

Little Bubble: I am missing the ruler of time and space, the unifier of all things, the source of all wisdom, and the gathering of infinite radiant spheres.

Little Bubble: If I were missing, the world would be imperfect.

Fireproof Girl: I haven't learned anything else during this period, but I have learned a lot about Naiya's narcissism.

Fireproof Girl: If you plan to come, then I welcome you. The premise is that you must be obedient. You can learn knowledge yourself, but you cannot bless others, and you are not allowed to pay attention to other people's prayers for you.

Compared to Naiya's problem child, Fireproof Girl doesn't really dislike Bubbles. After all, Bubbles' character is warm-hearted and obedient. Compared with its super working ability, strong desire for knowledge and strong curiosity, the small shortcomings of Bubbles are actually All are acceptable.

With the personality and characteristics of bubbles, stuffing one in the universe would definitely do more good than harm.

The main thing that Fireproof Girl is afraid of is her gang of godlike and grimaceous kin.

They don't know how to listen, and their work is terrible. Each one is really more outrageous than the last.

Little Bubble: Okay!

Fireproof Girl: But we have to wait for a while. I'm still busy with some things recently.

Little Bubble: Disappointment jpg

Fireproof Girl: I'm really busy.

Little Bubble: Then can I follow Naiya and continue to look for you in the chaos?

As he spoke, he sent the fireproof girl an emoticon of Yog-Sothoth opening the door to Naia.

Fireproof Girl: Please let me go!

After an exciting interaction with Little Bubble, the fireproof girl returned to Lothric with the world model.


Taking a deep breath of fresh air from Lordland, the fireproof girl connected with the power of the first fire.

The clear jade-like river water pours down from the rock wall, forming waterfalls along the rugged rocks, pouring into the clear lake below. On the transparent lake, it reflects the bright sun that connects with the sky. pillar of light.

The light beam became brighter and brighter, and the flow of fine light particles in it became faster and faster. The fire-proof woman retracted her hand.

Time is a bit tight, I have to go to Ottona later, so I can’t let people wait too long.

The use of authority has become more sophisticated, my daughter.

At some point, Felenore stood beside the fire-proof woman, and the illusory time and space flowed on the gauze, resisting the lock from time and space.

How are you doing in another world? It must be very hard.

It's good, it's like traveling.

There was surprise on the face of the fireproof girl. She came back this time just to find her mother. Unexpectedly, Felenol, who has always been keen on staying at home, ran out on her own. It can only be said that the connection between mother and daughter .

By the way, Mom, I have something to tell you.

He put the world model aside and then gently placed it on his mother's forehead.

Since gaining the power of the Furnace Hundreds, the Fireproof Girl can change her size anywhere, and she can finally sit on the throne of the City of Gods perfectly.

The fireproof girl still remembers the time when she sat on the throne without her feet touching the ground, and was so embarrassed that she had to ask Gwendolen to help maintain the illusion.

The devout believers admired His Majesty's great figure, while a group of gods snickered behind the scenes.

It was simply brutal to the naked eye.

A warm light emerged, and the fireproof girl synchronized the memory of her trip to Felianor.

Mom, I need your help.

The fireproof girl grabbed Felianor's hand and shook it gently.

As a second-generation protoss, Feliannuoer has extremely profound research on the nature of this world, and his understanding of light and darkness is top-notch. Otherwise, he would not have been assigned to guard Ring Seal City back then, and he would have been able to persist for such a long time. time.

And strictly speaking, what the Fireproof Girl has been doing since the initial fire was rekindled is to imitate what Felianor did in the first place.

It's just that the place where Felenor suppressed the darkness was called Ring Seal City, and the darkness that the Fireproof Girl needed to suppress was herself.

So if there is anything in this world that can help her separate light and darkness, the fire-proof woman immediately thought of Felenore. After all, Felenore even created her as a being of light and darkness.

Hey, I didn't expect that the long meeting with my daughter would be about talking about such serious work?

Felenor took two steps forward, passed through the calm-faced Ashes and the bewildered Faded Ones, and stepped on the water that was solidified like a mirror.

I know you are busy. After the world was reshaped, you are always busy.

You travel around the world and interact with all kinds of people. Frankly speaking, there is no need for you to come to see me as your mother.

But I finally met you once, but I still talked about work.

Felenor covered her face and was about to cry.

You're not even willing to ask your mother to sit down and talk.


Are the memories I just synced a bit too much?

The fireproof girl looked at Felenor, who was looking at her. Apart from feeling subconsciously guilty at first, she was speechless for the first time.

Let’s not talk about whether a few months is a long time for the Protoss whose life is theoretically unlimited. In the information age, I see that you are quite lively in family groups on weekdays.

Mom, I'm sorry.

Although she complained in her heart that a few months was a long time for an immortal species, but she was her mother after all, so the fire girl dragged a chair and placed it on the lake and apologized.

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