Ashes' face was covered with black lines, and before the unabashed bastard could finish speaking, he pulled the faded man's mouth and walked to the other side.



Speechlessly holding her forehead, the fire prevention girl continued to look at Yixian and comforted her.

Okay, this is normal. After all, humans are never willing to believe in that illusory future, especially smart people. They are more willing to believe in their own judgment.

And even if someone believes it, there's only so much they can do unless it actually happens.

When the conversation changed, the fireproof girl shrugged and randomly expressed her understanding of the human political system. After all, human society is made up of people, and there is a limit to what one or a very small number of people can do.

She used to be very unhappy when others didn't take her reminders seriously, but now it doesn't matter. She can follow her own pace whether she likes to hear it or not.

Furthermore, the fireproof girl herself feels that those who can really take strangers' words seriously and strictly implement them are either detached beings who are extremely confident in their own power, or they are melons who can't figure it out clearly.

Honestly, I'm very surprised that you are willing to centralize the fleet's exercises. This is also a safe decision.

A concentrated fleet is enough to cope with unexpected situations, and it will not appear abrupt and cause unnecessary panic. It is better than planning to arrest people after hearing the news.

Fireproof Girl still remembers the story of a few enthusiastic little guys in the chat group who went to help other worlds, but were imprisoned by the authorities there, and finally played GG in the Laughter.

And the probability of similar events is not low at all. Some friends in the group have made statistics over the years. Similar things will happen in basically every three worlds among support characters. It is normal for a hot face to stick to someone's cold butt.

Of course, even if the price will be a bit heavy, with me here, the process will only be a little painful.

Can I call it comfort?

Facing the fireproof girl's seemingly teasing response, Yixian couldn't help but smile, and the sadness between his brows disappeared a lot.

She has truly experienced the great power of the human god in front of her. Only by truly savoring her own insignificance before the manipulator of the rules can she truly understand what it means to be powerful.

It made Miss Sule laugh.

. The world of Yixian has been peaceful for too long. If he didn't feel pain, he would probably die of illness on the spot.

It's really lively.

Entering the venue, the fire prevention woman stood on a high place and looked down, but she saw a few familiar figures.

No wonder that little girl Qianhua wants to come here.

I still remember what Miss Qianhua said at the beginning was that she wanted to come here to do scientific research on behalf of her country.

From top to bottom, I saw Fujiwara Chika cosplaying in Walnut that didn't match her figure at all, and Zhongli, who was wearing the same sunglasses, carrying a coffin and taking pictures there. Yixian felt inexplicably unable to bear to look at her.

Hmph, do you believe what that girl says?

The fire prevention girl was not surprised. Back then, she had the ability to go to Lothrik to conduct on-site research on a medieval cultural research assignment.

To put it bluntly, she just came to find something new, and then she directly arranged a live broadcast of a magical medieval drama for her teacher in order to catch up on her homework.

I don’t know if Chika Fujiwara’s teacher’s CPU was burned out when she saw the precious images of Rokuchi fighting various monsters that she submitted as her final assignment.

For her, having fun is the main thing, everything else is secondary.

After so many years, this girl's nature for having fun has never changed, and it has even become more and more serious under the indulgence of her friends.

It looks more and more like some guys.

When I think about the few problem children who have joined the group over the years and are now part of a small group, even the fireproof girl can't help but hold her forehead and sigh when she thinks about it.

Chapter 247: Every time there is a comic exhibition, there will be a few real ones mixed in.

It's good to have energy.

Yixian didn't know how to evaluate it for a while, just like neighbors, they used a universal answer to deal with their children's parents.

But it's not good to be too lawless.

The fireproof girl shook her head slightly and expressed her helplessness with her eyes.

This girl, Fujiwara Chika, dared to take Zhongli to carry the coffin today, and tomorrow she would dare to join Naiya's group.

In the past, there was still control over the existence of Kratos, a vicious god, but Chika Fujiwara had restrained himself somewhat.

But now that Kratos is married, has his own family, and has his own children, he doesn't have much time to care about other people. He has much less time to bubble up in the group, so he only occasionally needs to deal with things that urgently need force. Questions will come out to help.

Speaking of which, Kratos also invited me to help give blessings to his children on their sixth birthday.

Thinking of Kratos, who had successfully transformed from the God of War into a civil servant, the fireproof girl suddenly remembered that Kratos sent her a private message not long ago. Calculating the time, it seemed that it was not too far away.

It seems that I will have quite a lot of activities in the future. It seems that the strategy of staying at home and messing around for a while is really the right one.

Sister Yixian!

While the fire girl was thinking about paying, a ship girl was looking around not far away. After determining her reception target, she also passed through the crowd. After getting closer, she carefully adjusted her robe before getting on. Come.

Ah, Ding'an, long time no see.

Seeing the visitor, Yixian smiled and said hello.

haven't seen you for a long time.

After shaking hands with Yixian, Ding'an immediately turned to the fireproof girl who looked at her with interest.

Hello, Your Majesty Queen Gwensuer, I am the arsenal ship Ding'an, responsible for the reception of your trip.

This is a young child, different from Yixian, he appears more capable and full of vitality.

The ship girl's exquisite face as always, coupled with a pair of unique and smart eyes, and a very unsubtle figure under the wide robe, can't help but admire the uncanny workmanship of the engineers.

In unofficial situations, there is no need to use such a formal title.

When the other party opens his mouth, it is formal diplomatic speech, which also makes the fireproof girl who is used to getting along with Yixian a little bit awkward.

That's overstepping your bounds, Your Majesty Sur.

Ding'an saluted, and his body and posture relaxed. To be honest, on this special day, the so-called reception is just taking the foreign guests to play around in the venue, so there is no need to be too serious.

She also met Yixian, and then she realized the importance of this monarch whose name she had never heard of. She put away her casual posture, and now she got closer, and the data transmitted from the sensor made her even more confused. Ding'an was a little nervous.

Please come with me, both of you.

Seeing that the fire prevention girl was silent and seemed to be obeying the arrangements, Ding'an also bravely led the two of them inside.

Aren't you waiting for Ashes and the others?

Yixian asked.

No need.

The fireproof girl shook her head. The two of them disappeared after leaving for a while. They were probably the faded ones who were attracted by something delicious and fun. There was no need to bring them back. As long as the ashes were there, there wouldn't be any problems. .


After getting the answer, Yixian closed the folding fan, bowed slightly to the fire prevention girl, and pointed the end of the fan towards the venue.


You're welcome.


Ding'an, why is there a slight delay in today's actions?

While walking in the special passage, seeing Ding'an carefully sizing up the fire prevention girl and not knowing how to speak, Yixian couldn't help but drop the topic.

Ah, that's the case. Shangfeng asked me to deploy additional troops stationed in Hong Kong, which delayed some time. I'm sorry that I can't answer the specific situation.

Ding'an was stunned for a moment, and when he saw the fire-prevention girl also showing interest, he looked at Yixian gratefully, and then said.

It's strange to say that the coastal waters have not been disturbed for decades, but several coastal cities have added defenses so suddenly. I was also unable to do anything, and I was a little busy for a while.

Ding'an grimaced slightly. She had served for five years. She obviously had holidays, but she was transferred out to work these days. After she was done, she was not let go. Instead, she was assigned a reception job.

She obviously prefers to stay at home and play her favorite games.

It seems that someone still listened to what you said.

The fireproof girl smiled, her opinion was taken seriously enough, and anyone would be happy.

Indeed, I also said they would only do it for show.

Yixian also looked happy. She didn't have high hopes at the beginning, but the news at this moment turned out to be a surprise.

The bridge of communication was opened, and the three of them started talking and laughing around the museum. They were talkative like Yixian, always able to bring up topics at the right time, maintaining the atmosphere among the three of them.

Hey, why are there so many people gathered in front of us?

The marching footsteps stopped, not because the Fire Guard Girl and the others meant it, but because a lot of people gathered in front of the three of them, blocking the passage.

Do you need me to notify security to maintain order?

Ding'an asked with his eyes imperceptibly scanning the expulsion photo album on the side exhibit, imprinting it in his heart.

No, let's see what happened first.

The fire prevention woman pointed at the security guard who was trying to maintain law and order in the crowd, and looked back from time to time as if he would miss something if he looked too little.


Yixian agreed.

Waving his hand, the invisible force pulled and supported, allowing the three people with good height to easily see what was going on inside.

Oh, it's Otto.

When the fireproof girl saw Otto who was surrounded by a bunch of cosplayers playing role-playing, she was no longer surprised.

At this moment, he was holding the Heavenly Fire Sacrifice and performing the famous scene of Red Kite Immortal, I didn't lie to a young lady cosplaying Fu Hua, and seemed to be enjoying it.

I don't know how that little girl would react if she knew that she was really being pointed at by a simulated sky fire.

Watching this scene, the fireproof girl couldn't help but snicker. Although she was confused as to why Otto, who had always been relatively calm, appeared in such a busy place, looking at his posture, he was probably mistaken by many Bengbengbeng players for him.

After all, even though thanks to hundreds of years of genetic adjustments by ship girls, most of the humans in this world are handsome men and women with all kinds of hair colors, but no matter how beautiful their appearance is, their temperament is ultimately difficult to imitate.

The blond man, even though he was just wearing casual clothes and standing quietly, his temperament, his eyes, and the deep green color between his eyebrows that contained five hundred years of experience, all told everyone who knew Beng San well. The players shouted loudly.

This is Otto.

It’s me!

Chapter 248 Miss Otto wants to fall in love

That's it, Mr. Otto?

Following the fireproof girl's gaze, Yixian looked over and also noticed Otto in the crowd.

I can't see that Mr. Otto is still so interested.

Maybe it's just to vent his excessive desire to perform.

The fireproof girl guessed this, watching the drama with interest.

There are very few stage plays in which I participate.

Sir Otto, take us to charge again!

When Otto completed the curtain call performance with the cooperation of many cosplayers, the crowd burst into amazing applause, and there were also excited young men waving their cell phones for taking pictures and shouting slogans.


The fireproof girl couldn't help but laugh. From the perspective of an insider, the scene in front of her was full of drama.

There are constantly cosplayers trying to interact with Otto or take photos with him. For what the Valkyries in another world could only dream of, ordinary people in this world can easily do it now.

Come on, Lord Otto!

Until a hand with an emerald green hat was handed to Otto's hand. Otto, who had a gentle smile on his lips, froze at this moment, looking inexplicably depressed.

And with Otto's silence, the lively atmosphere suddenly cooled down.

Not good.

Yixian's face turned dark for a moment.

Doesn't others know that she doesn't know that there is some kind of cosplay surrounded by people? This is me.

In order to make it easier for him to deal with fellow group members, Yixian also played various anime and games. He also knew Otto's experience. This kind of joke was ridiculed every day in the Tieba forum.

But can this kind of joke be used to make fun of myself?

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