If this man was not hacked to death by Otto on the spot, he would have been burned with incense.

Yixian glanced at Otto, whose expression did not change much, and sighed at his good self-cultivation. He hurried forward, relying on the tonnage of the ship girl, and easily squeezed through the crowd.

Hello, please give way.

Yixian stood between Otto and the young man, and then whispered to the young man: Hello, sir, my friend doesn't like such a joke. Please take back what you just said.

Ah, oh, I'm sorry, sir, I shouldn't have made such a joke.

The boy's reaction was also very quick, until he just offended the other person and quickly bowed and apologized.


The ripples in his heart were removed, and the high-quality expression management appeared on his face again, gentle and firm.

I'll do my best.

He did not return the hat, but patted the young man's shoulder hard as a small revenge, and then politely said goodbye to everyone present. Considering what had just happened, now was a good time to get away.

I'm really sorry that something like this happened. I hope Mr. Otto won't take it seriously.

After leaving the exhibition area just now, Yixian said apologetically to Otto.

It doesn't matter.

Otto shook his head, appearing very indifferent.


Occasionally, it is a novel experience to mix among the crowd like this, watch the various things in the world, and interact with a group of young people who are eager to act out.

And, how should I put it, it's quite interesting, completely different from the experience I had when I used those soul steel bodies to hide my identity.

Even in the distant future, I will probably be deeply impressed by this interesting memory.

Otto also somewhat understood why Zhongli liked to get into the crowd.


Otto looked at the hat in his hand. The green color that was the same as his own eyes looked so dazzling at the moment.

That's good.

Yixian breathed a sigh of relief, and the fire prevention girl also asked in time.

By the way, why are you here and surrounded by people?

After waiting for a while, the fireproof girl didn't get a response. She raised her head and saw Otto looking at the hat in his hand with an incomprehensible expression.


You don't seem happy.

A soft voice suddenly sounded beside him, and Otto turned his head sharply.


Otto's face suddenly became serious, concealing the panic in his heart. This was the uneasiness of being spied on because of the vulnerability in his heart, because doing so would put him on the passive side in the communication between the two parties.


Otto felt his emotions, rationality and sensibility colliding. The last time he experienced such emotional fluctuations was when he learned about the future in which he achieved his goal.

Logically speaking, this shouldn't be the case.

The fireproof girl silently pointed to the mirror next to Otto without replying. Otto looked up and met a pair of eyes full of bitterness.

Otto was silent, and the momentum that had just risen immediately dissipated.

you've changed.

...Yes, I have changed.

Otto's expression was complicated, and for a moment he didn't know how to speak. He stood there blankly, seeming to be talking to himself.

Otto was not a cold man.

He has his own interests and hobbies, things he likes and dislikes, but in order to achieve his own goals and resurrect the person he loves most, he even deceived himself.

When a person is stuck in an obsession and is puzzled and refuses to give up, over time, the person will either become a sage or become a pervert.

The Fireproof Girl understands very well, she really understands it too well. In the world of Dark Souls, there are too many people like this in the land of Lordland, and these people are often more likely to be twisted into perverts.

Because when there are no other external factors to interfere, the obsession will only get deeper and deeper. The fireproof girl feels that if she had not met the chat group, she would probably go completely crazy one day in the future.

Five hundred years have been enough for this seemingly gentle and elegant man to lose any trace of humanity.

However, since he foresaw his success and received the kind help from his friends, Otto's long-abandoned humanity seems to be on the rise.

Beyond his obsession, he began to worry that his lover would not be able to accept what he had done, that his lover would abandon him and step into death again.

Sometimes he even suddenly felt that, just like in the script, dying on the way to save his lover, letting go of everything, and not caring about the future without him seemed to be a good ending.

But now, he seems to be unable to let go.


The fireproof girl didn't say anything. She had always been a gentle and good listener. She could sense that Otto seemed to be in some kind of entanglement, but she had no intention of prying.

I don’t know what the group members’ expressions would be if they knew that Otto, who has always been known for his rationality, would be tripped up by the emotional problems he was about to face.

I have been longing for that divine light since I was a child, but now...

Otto's thoughts went deep into his memory, and he suddenly discovered that the light of redemption was not unattainable.

Yes, he is indeed willing to give everything for that beam of light, but if given the choice, he would like to be a little more greedy.

I want to take that beam of light into my arms and let the light of redemption only shine on me.

Am I too greedy?

He asked himself, but he also sought approval from the people around him.

The fireproof girl rubbed her warm chin and understood.

Otto's current situation is that with more choices in the future, he will have more time to think and face his feelings.

Kallen, who was originally regarded as a god and was enshrined deep in her heart, also had imperfect cracks.

Karen is not a god. She can be salvation, comfort, and lover, but she is not a god.

Now Otto has gradually understood his own emotions. He not only wants to resurrect Kallen, but also wants to take Kallen, whom he believes as a god, as his own. He does not think that he is better than the pink-furred fox. Worse.

That's why he was unhappy about being made a cuckold joke.

In short, it is the transformation of faith.


What is standing in front of you is just a collection of sins and desires. Can he ask for so much?

The five-hundred-year-old boy actually doubted himself at this moment.

It's hard for me to say this. You have to ask yourself, but as a friend, I will give you my support.

The fireproof girl spread her hands.

The emotional questions became more and more pretentious. Since they had already asked the questions, they must have the answers in their hearts. Otto had lived for five hundred years, and it was not anyone else's turn to teach him.

After all, the fireproof girl is not an emotional mentor. She is the passive one in relationships. Hui Jin and Ah Leg are more active than the other. She really can't explain why they are chasing people. At this moment, she only needs to encourage them.

Throughout Otto's life, it can be said that it was a tragedy. He was tortured by the tragedy and became indifferent and cruel, but he yearned for true beauty and could carry out a goal firmly.

And this is what the fireproof girl appreciates about Otto. She appreciates Otto's persistence, appreciates Otto's wisdom, and appreciates Otto's determination.

This is also the reason why the fireproof girl is willing to help Otto. A story should pursue a better ending.

Apart from anything else, the Fireproof Girl is a complete Olian Party member in the group.

At least you don't look as scary to me now as you did at first.

In other words, it started when Otto, under the influence of his group of friends, began to properly trust these people, confess his current situation to them, and no longer act as an isolated individual.

The human named Otto has already begun to change.

My friend, this cannot be regarded as a compliment. Perhaps, it can be left for later.

Otto knew what the fireproof girl meant and immediately denied it.

No, just call me by my name. I'm a little scared of you calling me that.

Seeing that the man in front of her had regained his confident and elegant posture, the fireproof girl also joked.

As we all know, in the Collapse World, the last person to be Otto's friend is, this is the most dangerous profession, bar none.

After all, Otto's friends are expendable.

Back to the original topic, aren't you curious why I was stuck there?

Otto laughed, and he was determined not to continue talking about this topic.


Compared with the usual Otto, the turning point is a bit blunt, but the fire-proof female has a good emotional intelligence and takes the words well.

It's just that something interesting happened in the chat group and distracted me a little.

Before the chat group appeared, Otto's biggest entertainment method was Kallen Fantasy. After the chat group appeared, this interesting chat group gradually replaced Kallen Fantasy's position beside Otto.

After all, fantasy is fantasy after all. In the past, when he couldn't hold on countless times, fantasy could give him spiritual comfort. But now, the fantasy has come true, and he doesn't need comfort anymore.

The big guys in the chat group are all talented, they speak well, and their skills are better than the last, and they can always surprise people.

It seems we are still talking about you now.

Otto glanced at the topic that had just ended and smiled.


The fireproof girl also looked curious and opened the group chat to see what these talented people were up to.


The chat group at this time was quite lively, and they were actually chatting about the classification of evil gods.

Magical Girl Merry-chan: If you really want to talk about evil gods, aren't there several in the group?

Magical Girl Merry-chan: Let's not talk about some fun gods who lead people to death groups every day. Let's talk about another big man who burns souls.

Nayako: ?

Little Bubble: ?

Figure King: Burning souls sounds a bit familiar.

Nephalem: Evil God? Where can there be an evil god, a demon or a fallen angel?

Ainz Ooal Gown: You have two upstairs.

Cancer of the World: “Sister Su’er, someone is caring about you @火狐女”

Fujiwara Chika chose the speed of light to file a complaint.

Tallulah: This is obviously a clear statement!

The supervisor doesn’t want to work overtime: “As soon as I joined the group, I found someone slandering my eldest sister.”

No, let's start with reality. Just say that Su'er doesn't look like an evil god anymore.

Merlin started the group voice chat and kept selling his opinions to the group friends.

The resurrection of the dead is done as promised. All the material conditions are available. It can be created out of nothing, just like a universal wishing machine.

Tokiomi Tosaka: As we all know, similar wishes should come with their own price, right?

In the dark room, the magician killer was carefully maintaining his weapons and questioning his friends in the chat group.

And what's the price?

Fireproof Girl: That means becoming as handsome as me!

Tokiomi Tosaka: ?

The supervisor doesn’t want to work overtime: “?”

Fireproof Girl: Isn't anyone picking up the thread? Is the blizzard cold?

The supervisor didn't want to work overtime: Sister, Blizzard is dead. I urgently need you to go to the 21st century of the earth to help create a world line where Blizzard is still around. The sacrifice is Bobby Kotick's mother.

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