Well, why don't you ask these, uh, friends of yours?

Before Douyao Baipai's eyes lit up and he started to do business, the observer reminded him in time, his golden eyes shimmering.

‘Yes, can’t I still ask my friends for help? ’

Yixian rubbed his eyebrows, and then smiled apologetically to the fire prevention girl and his party present. It seemed that he still had not adapted to the resources he had now.

I wonder if you have any advice, Miss Suer.

Now is not the time to be coy.

The fireproof girl laughed and gave up her position. She was too soft-hearted and not suitable for negotiation.

That depends on your needs.

Doujiao Bai turned sideways and spread out a series of holographic projections, like a waiter showing the scope of his business to customers. This relaxed attitude calmed Yixian Bolan's heart a little.

If it's a regular surface battle, the big traitor and I can handle it, and we can guarantee that the damage to the planet will be reduced to less than 5%. Well, death can be said to be inevitable. After all, this kind of surface-level battle, It’s really difficult to survive alone.”

If you plan to look for help on the physical side, my suggestion is to purchase basic combat services. Considering the national camp you belong to, Yixian, I recommend adding and purchasing a regional defense service. You can trade it with technology. The transaction of the chat group itself The system has a very complete conversion mechanism.”

Physical side?

Yat-sen is well aware of the nature of sales pitches, and the first thing you say is definitely not the better one.

If you want more advanced services, you can only ask a few metaphysical beings in the group. After all, you know, there are many things that cannot be achieved by physical means, but that's the problem, the needs of the metaphysical beings They are all weird, not as conventional as our physics department, and their personalities are quite difficult to deal with.

Doujiu Bai shook his head. Obviously he didn't recommend Yixian's decision, but he still explained patiently.

And the most reliable one among the metaphysics people is the one in front of you. The price is clearly marked, and the money is collected by the person themselves. From time to time, they also give discounts. The key person has a good image and a better personality. He is not like those bullshit and snake gods. Every time our group starts to argue about whether there is anything perfect, we will bring His Majesty Sur out.

Of course you also have to pass the psychological acceptance level. There are many people in the group who cannot accept soul trading. After all, it does violate human rights to a certain extent.

As for the others... To be honest, my suggestion is to not invite them if you can, if your understanding of yourself is still normal.

As if remembering some unbearable past event, Doujiao looked melancholy and spoke earnestly.

Anyway, he won't invite those people to his universe again.

If so... then...

Doujiu Bai spoke very patiently. While detailing the terms of various help with Yixian, he taught Yixian step by step how to conduct exchange transactions through the chat group. He is a well-known social butterfly who adheres to friendly diplomacy. If the group friends and Groups of friends need a bond, so it’s right to pour out the soy milk.

Mr. Soy Milk, I have another question.

After all the agreements were signed, which could be decided by Yixian himself, she raised another question.


I wonder if I can use the souls of enemies who were destroyed in the war to purchase post-war reconstruction services from Miss Sule.

Under the real environment simulation display of soy milk pouring out, Yixian also intuitively saw the comprehensive abilities of the fire prevention girl. She covered her lips with one hand and her face was slightly red. She was obviously very satisfied with this request she made. Excuse me.

It's possible to do this.

Doujiao Baidu responded in the affirmative. It was not like no one in the group had done this, and there were not many people in the group who could use their souls efficiently. It would be better to give him a fire door.

It depends on Otto's decision. After all, I will have to go to his place to catch the set.

The fireproof woman replied in time and raised her chin in the direction of Otto. She was willing to stay in this world for a while longer and copy codes, but at the same time, the importance of destroying the world was much higher.

The collapsing world is of considerable importance in Fireproof Girl's plan. Many of the ideas on the road to pushing Rodran to the land of eternity are based on the ideal benefits that can be obtained from the collapsing world.

I'm not in a hurry. After all, everyone knows that time passes very slowly in my world.

Otto smiled like a gentleman and said that there was no problem with Yixian's demands at all. He had already entered a state of ruin. If he hadn't thought about it under the persuasion of his friends, living was indeed better than dead. He planned to screw up all the way until his plan was completed and then log off directly.

Then show me the agreement.

The fireproof girl accepted the agreement from Yixian and glanced at it with a look of surprise.

Why are there protection agreements with other forces? In this case, the conditions you have to pay are much higher.

We will negotiate with them about the losses later, but when people die, there is nothing.

Yixian shook her head. Her gaze did not stop at a piece of land, and Ship Girl's love for humans was never so narrow-minded.

The survival of mankind should not be the time when these intrigues exist,

Yeah, I understand.

The fireproof girl smiled, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, and the bridge called friendship between them was strengthened and widened.

Hereby, the contract is established.


Poor Miss Siren still dared not speak.


How can we prevent the deep sea from coming?

The misunderstanding was resolved, the two sirens were sent away, and the mission was completed. The fire prevention girl and her party also returned to their original time and space. Just as they landed, Yixian remembered a question.

The fire prevention girl was right in determining the invasion date, but she couldn't monitor the entire planet at any time.

... Just leave it to the soy milk and pour it over for free.

Seeing that the fire-proof woman had no other thoughts to add, the villain said: His sentry array can cover most of the river system. Even if it is a sub-module, it can easily scan a perseverance system.

The intrusion module has established all possible communication models and can easily accept the information transmission of any civilization. The central processing matrix can actually synchronize all information for hundreds of thousands of light years. He can tell what an ordinary citizen in other countries said in a day. It’s clear as day.”

After explaining the purpose of the sentinel array, the evil villain looked at Doujiu with contempt.

I don't know what my mentality is, how could I think of creating this.

Yeah, if I hadn't built a sentinel array, I wouldn't have known that someone had used the resources I funded to create a Burning Heavenly Soldier.

Seeing someone sending out an invitation to a line-up, and still contacting the scientists under his command, the soy milk poured down in vain suddenly became more exciting.

I asked why a black hole suddenly appeared in the Sentinel Array's database. I thought there was a problem with the array as soon as it came online. I didn't expect that someone fired a cannon at someone's hometown.

Let me see, that race is so miserable that it destroyed the country on the spot, huh? You are quite good at it, and you even asked people from Lothric to help you open a bonfire to teleport.

Doujiao raised his eyebrows and glanced at the fire-prevention woman who was still copying people's procedures.

Why are your people everywhere?

“People are paying more.”

The fireproof girl replied with a smile, she was responsible for opening a portal to collect the souls of hundreds of billions of people, and she could make a lot of money, okay?


No, you can really do anything if you have enough soul.

I remember what you said when you asked me for resources?

Turning the firepower to the big traitor again, Doujiaobai took out a paper document from somewhere and started reading it properly.

In order to preserve the main body of civilization and maintain species diversity, it is necessary to build a ring world to store various species and civilizations. Well, it is a very constructive reason ~ I actually believe it.

What should I do in return for your injustice?

Doujiu Baiduo pretended to gnash his teeth, indicating that the problem was serious and that a traitor had deceived his feelings.

The most serious thing is that he doesn't have such a weapon.

Are you going to make a few ether engines next and blow us all up into the sky?

Tch, peeping tom.

The great traitor spat.

Hey, violent woman.

Doujiao Bai was silent for a while.


The long silence finally ended with the soy milk being poured out in vain, and he whispered into the ear of the evil villain.

The information and resources of the Sentinel Array are given to you.

He took a look at the soy milk and replied contemptuously.

Your Burning Heaven Divine Soldier is already in place.

Everything in your family and mine is one family, one family.


Have they always been like this?

Yixian twitched his lips

The way they present themselves is quite unique.

Otto was still playing Genshin Impact on his mobile phone and said casually without raising his head.

These two are going to sell you more.

The fire prevention girl adds insult to injury.

Remember to take care of other people's business in the future.

Chapter 246 The calm before the storm

Hey, look, there are a lot of new faces this year,

What's there to see? Aren't the people who go into the water every year already filmed promotional videos? Is there anything to see here?

No, look at the other side of the corridor. He's not in the queue. He's quite conspicuous. I noticed it at a glance.

Oh, it must be the newly-appointed aircraft carrier. Hey, I really don't understand why there are still shipmates launched into the water. Is our tax payer's money such a waste? How many years has it been since the deep sea has been seen on the coast?

Hey, hey, I don't like to hear what you are saying. I didn't spend any money to build a ship girl, but I paid you to go to White Eagle to transport the graphics card for me, right?

I'm just talking casually, why do you still take it seriously? Hey, by the way, who do you think this is from?

I don't think it looks like an aircraft carrier. It should belong to the White Eagle family. However, the overflowing nobility is more like a royal one. The model should be a guided missile destroyer. After all - you know.

Come on, at least show some respect to me. I'd better stop making such jokes. The museum is about to open. It depends on how you feel. I'm going to the military exhibition area.


Outside the venue, the fire prevention girl looked at the sea of ​​people in front of her with some amazement.

Although human civilization was almost destroyed due to the deep sea, in the current era of new life, as civilization has returned to prosperity, humans have still shaken off the gloomy past and built dozens of super-giant complexes that can accommodate hundreds of millions of people. city.

The rapid development of productivity has provided people with a lot of free time. However, due to some historical issues, the price of real estate as a personal living space has remained high.

This also leads to people in this era being more willing to invest money in entertainment to get satisfaction.

As a result, people in this world's demand for spiritual culture even reached a fever pitch, and a large amount of money and social resources poured into it.

There is a sense of revenge consumption in it.


Looking at the lively sea of ​​people, the smiles on the faces, and the strong sense of contrast when thinking about the disaster that will hit again from today, coupled with the fact that my previous application to the summit was rejected——


Yixian let out a long sigh, looking quite melancholy.

What's wrong?

The fire prevention woman's inquiry came from behind. At this time, she was standing on the other side, observing the majestic port under the giant screen.

I just......

Yixian just spoke, but was interrupted by a sudden exclamation.

Wow, Ashes, look, look.

The faded ones on the side were observing the passing ship girls, exclaiming in admiration.

My friends didn't lie. There are really such big people in the world.

The faded one tilted his head and looked at the passing aircraft carrier girls until their team was far away, and then made an exaggerated gesture to the ashes in front of his chest.

It's so outrageous. How did they overcome gravity? It's even worse than Su'er - oh, oh, oh, it hurts.

‘You really dare to say that. ’

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