As Otto completed the recovery, the fireproof girl glanced at the progress bar of the mission and found that it was almost over. As long as she went back and purified the area contaminated by Honkai Energy, the mission would be over.

Is there anything else that needs to be done?

The fireproof girl turned her head to the side, glanced at the former chat group leader who was captured by her from the space-time gap where the Siren's body was imprisoned, and asked Yixian softly.

To be honest, she still wants to stay here for a while. After all, there are not many places where she can actively release world authority without too many threats.

there is none left.

Yixian slowly shook his head.

It's not like they haven't dealt with these sirens before, and they even fought side by side with a siren that lost its memory due to an accident. Except for a few exceptions, these sirens are really not easy to communicate with.

He always carries an extraordinary arrogance, never seems to take today's human civilization in his eyes, speaks with words that seem to be very profound and obscure, and can always make people stunned when they meet. , but after careful analysis, there is no useful information at all.

Strictly speaking, these elusive intelligent life forms have always been divided into hostile camps by major forces. That is to say, the pressure from the deep sea has always been too great, which has prevented human forces from paying attention to these slightly lazy creatures. enemy.

The sirens are like a group of observers living in the shadows. They place themselves in a high position and secretly watch every move of the earth's civilization. Their appearance is usually accompanied by large-scale deep-sea invasions, which also gave birth to the deep-sea society. It's a guess put by Siren.

And what I saw today seems to confirm this. The Sirens do seem to have the ability to control the deep sea.

But for Yixian, whether these sirens are enemies, their origins, or they have other little secrets, it is not something that he must pay attention to at the moment.

There is a price to pay for satisfying curiosity, and she has never been a very curious ship girl. The benefits of controlling these two sirens far outweigh the risks. All she wants is the truth of what happened. , and solve the possible harm caused by Honkai energy.

But now that these have been solved, and the mental cubes of his comrades have been recovered, it seems that nothing needs to be done.

If there is anything that has not been done, it is to silence the two enemies present who have seen the members of the chat group forever.

Yixian pondered, she was not sure whether she had the ability to imprison these two sirens, or to hand them over to the group of friends, or to kill them on the spot. Apart from the two, there seemed to be no good choice.

Strictly speaking, there seems to be no need for these two to stay.

After some hesitation, Yixian's wariness towards the Siren gradually turned into murderous intent as he thought about it.

Oh, do they need to disappear permanently?

Sensing Yixian's mental fluctuations, the Fireproof Girl raised her hand and prepared to order the Faded One to render these two sirens harmless.

There are no secrets before Your Majesty. Aren't Miss Yixian curious about the origins of these sirens?

Douyao Bai poured out a suggestion on the side, but he was planning to plead for mercy, and then he saw him rubbing his hands.

Why don't we just search for souls first?

His country cannot rely on the spread of faith to use the power of God like the big evil, but it is still worried about the time technology of the siren. Maybe he can ask the fire prevention girl to help search for souls, and he may be able to find something.

What are you asking? Aren't you curious about what we are here for? Why did you come up here planning to kill someone?

Listening to the strangers' posture as if they were studying how to kill the fish, the observers' faces turned green as they were pinned to the ground by the boundless gravity and unable to even struggle.

What a bad luck. She originally thought it was a mission to deal with anomalies, but it was taken down by a group of people in the blink of an eye. She didn't even see her face clearly, and the all-conquering time and space portal was completely unable to call out. These people Could it be someone from the Space-Time Administration written in science fiction novels?

Spare my life!

The strong desire to survive drove her to use her last strength to open her mouth and let out a desperate cry.

We are here to deal with alien energy, and we really don't have any ill intentions towards the ship girl. We all keep the Mind Cube. If any time and space law is violated, at least let me have a chance to appeal, woo~wuwu. .....”

The observer burst out speaking at the fastest speed since his birth. He knew that as the upper and lower jaws opened and closed, the gnawed concrete filled his mouth, and he had no choice but to stop speaking.

A very strong desire to survive.

Looking at the observers who were trying to swallow the concrete and continue to beg for mercy, the fire prevention girl nodded her head in approval and turned her attention to Yixian.

Leave it to you.

Yixian handed over the decision-making power to the fire prevention girl.

Time travel was made possible by others, and people were caught by others. It was just right to leave it to the fire prevention girl.


Looking at the observer again and meeting her pitiful eyes, the fireproof girl shook her head in amusement and raised her hand to signal the faded one to loosen his restraints.

If you have any last words, just say them quickly.

UuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuSpare my life!

Chapter 244 Miss Observer feels something is wrong with herself, but there is nothing wrong

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu currently

Looking at the girl who had become a puddle on the ground with tears streaming down her face, the fireproof girl couldn't help but shook her head speechlessly and restrained her soul pressure. She was afraid that if she continued like this, the siren's engine oil would be drained. Drain clean.

Your Majesty, ask them about their technologies.

Looking at the cowardly observer, Doujiao Bai couldn't help but be a little curious, but he still didn't forget his purpose.

Well, if you want anything, just ask yourself.

The fireproof girl stepped aside, intending to let the soy milk be poured in vain and be handled by herself.


Doujiaobai jumped in front of the observer, squatted down with his hands on his knees, and showed a smile.

Miss Observer, there is an old saying in Donghuang, which is that those who understand the current affairs are heroes. I hope we can reach a cooperation that satisfies both parties, otherwise -

Doujiu Bai turned sideways to show Otto and the evil villain who were chatting on the same level, as well as the fire prevention woman who was close to the stone pier.

I believe that everyone here can pry your mouth open.

Well, quite a bit like a fox pretending to be a tiger.

I give, I give everything.

Wiping his tearful eyes, he raised his hands in surrender and got up from the ground. The observer carefully poured the soy milk in his hand and said, Do you have a memory, or a Rubik's Cube?


On the spot, he asked Yixian to buy a Rubik's Cube. Doujiu Baiduo threw it to the observer. He saw the other party entered the data quite cooperatively in the eyes of his teammates in shock. The curiosity in Doujiu Baidui's eyes became more and more intense.

He thought he would act like he would rather die than give in, and then have his brain searched by everyone present, and then let the fireproof woman search for his soul if he couldn't find it. Why did he do everything?

After all, in his opinion, the fire-proof woman's authority is more reflected in macroscopic physical phenomena, and her mind-reading and soul-searching abilities are more like accessories to her authority.

'It seems that the little experiment was also very successful. ’

After finishing the correction of the observer's soul and retaining some fear, the fireproof woman switched her vision back to the normal state.

I had a good sleep recently and burned a wave of souls, which strengthened the connection with the first fire. In addition to the brighter torch at the sacrificial site, the fire-proof girl also has some influence on the soul, which is one of the conditions for the birth of life. With a deeper understanding, now it is more like an instinct than the complicated operations required to correct the soul in the past.

Today, she can easily make the body of an ant carry human-like wisdom, and she can also turn a person into a creature that is completely unrelated to it. She can modify the soul at will, and face beings who are not afraid or fearful. If you can directly add this part to her soul, it means that there is no soul. The fireproof girl can directly stuff a piece of soul into him and then shape him into what she wants.

The soul and form of life will be unfolded in front of the fire-proof girl, turning it into a canvas with random colors. If the fire-proof girl wants, she can instantly make an intelligent life she perceives become her from the inside out. The way you want it to be, and that intelligent life will not have any awareness or cognition, because he is still himself, but has been completely changed.

To be honest, this ability is a bit scary.

The fireproof girl thought for a while. If she directly created a personality template and set this ability to passive, and as a god herself, she could establish contact through rituals such as praying or reciting her true name, wouldn't it mean that as long as there are creatures and her Once a connection is established, can the other party be directly polluted into a tool who will always be loyal to the Sun Cult?

Tsk tsk, after co-writing, if someone pronounces my name or is looked at by me, I will be polluted. Why do I feel that the connection with Chuhuo is getting deeper and deeper, and I am becoming more and more like an evil god, or should I say that the higher I am, Is its own existence terrifying to lower-level beings?

The fire-prevention woman's thoughts wandered for a while, and then fell back on the observer who was still in a state of fear.

No, why is this the only thing besides time technology?

After taking the Rubik's Cube, I checked it with the converter I just printed out, and built a technical model in the virtual universe. Soya Milk's white face looked a little strange.

Why is it that apart from materials science, sociology, and engineering, this siren is not even as good as a ship girl? Where is your metaphysical space storage? What about your mental link that has incredible computing power? There is also no Rubik's Cube manufacturing technology, and now they are still stealing Rubik's Cubes produced by various countries in the timeline?

Well, what gives you Siren the illusion of being strong? In fact, except for most technologies that have been advanced over time, our level of development of Rubik's Cube technology is not as good as that of other countries in the world today.

The observer scratched his head in embarrassment, and seeing that something was wrong with Soya Milk's pale face, he quickly spoke, and everything he said put himself on the weak side.

It is true that they are very powerful individually, but they are built up by countless resources. It can be said that each siren is a unique limited edition, but the ship girl is different. There are blueprints, resources and Rubik's Cube, just like making dumplings. You can buy them in batches, and the cost is not at the same level.

Why? Even if the direction of development is deviated, as you have time technology, you can steal the technology of various eras, right?

This involves our future enemies.

The observer coughed a few times, but did not have the courage to show off as usual when facing a life-threatening situation.

Our technology is locked into those things.

She looked around for a while, and finally removed a pipe from the ship with some distress, then took some water and handed it to the soy milk to pour.

Just like we all know this glass of water, and this glass can hold water, and then the glass has a hole, normally it can be repaired to stop the leakage, but -

The observer took the water from the soy milk and poured it into her hand, then dug out a hole. The water in it passed through the pipe without any resistance and fell to the ground. Then she repaired the hole and filled it with water again. The water still poured out. It flowed out of the hole that had been patched.

For us, this hole cannot be filled.

In this way, for us, the rules have been completely distorted, and we cannot make changes. Naturally, we cannot talk about developing or applying new science and technology.

We just have difficulty maintaining the infrastructure we originally had, and we don't know how long we can sustain it.

The observer looked helpless as he revealed the reason why the Siren could not continue to develop.

This is why, many times, we can only exist as observers in various parallel times and spaces.

Chapter 245: On the sales ability of group friends

The future of this world is dark. There is no doubt about this. Technology as powerful as the siren can only live in the cracks of time. The enemies that the ship girls face now are just the collateral effects before the unknown threat arrives.

In addition to the siren core that stayed for infinite time before destruction, the sirens mostly traveled through past time and space one after another, looking for a glimmer of life in the infinite future.

However, in fact, even the core mastermind who is the leader of the Sirens also maintains a pessimistic attitude towards the future. In the almost endless years, the 'past' that fills the ever-expanding memory modules has never been revealed. The possibility of civilization's survival is also caused by logical problems arising from the incomprehension of the long-term infighting among human forces that has caused a lot of time to be wasted.

Therefore, maintaining the mentality of being dissatisfied with human civilization and not counting on them, Siren Shadow hid in the shadows and became a silent observer.

But the Sirens still retain rich emotions and have their own interests. From time to time, they organize team building to go to the peaceful era, and get together to express their fucking emotions to the human countries that still have no unified resistance to the enemy.

Actually, we are not the only ones with similar organizations. The strange ship girls you met in the Mirror Sea are from other futures. However, they are more active than us, and the technology they master is in line with mainstream technology. It fits better.”

After narrating the past belonging to Siren, the observer carefully looked at the existences present that seemed to him to be very strange. In infinite time and space, unique existences are born every moment, and knowing that today Before, observers had never seen such a strange being as the Fireproof Girl.

Weird, really weird. The body structure is obviously similar to that of human beings, but why is it that the scanned energy state is indeed blurry, and the inside is so dark that even light signals cannot transmit back information - like a mass bound by a black hole. The plasma was then outlined into a humanoid form.

Um, are you also travelers in future time and space?

So be it.

The fireproof girl smiled and answered ambiguously.

Then do you know that in her time and space, an unprecedented catastrophe is about to happen?


With a twitching brow, Yixian asked, with an ominous premonition in his heart.

Your time and space have been relatively peaceful for almost eighty years, right?

That's right.

Yixian frowned, not understanding the connection between crisis and peace. Isn't peace a good thing?

“When civilization is immersed in the illusion of comfort, destruction will come without warning. Isn’t that how many stories are written?”

The observer moved his legs, adjusted his stance, and slowly told Yixian what would happen in the future.

An unprecedented deep-sea explosion is brewing. I remember that a few years after we complete a kind of energy recovery, the deep sea will usher in an explosive growth. At that time, all human technologies related to non-Magic cube technology will be scrapped. The breath will cover seventy percent of the earth’s surface.”

A deep sea explosion of this level, as a veteran-class ship girl who survived that era, you should know what it means. Well, in short, this incident caused great losses in multiple time and space, and the loss was minimal. Each time, it once again caused the reshuffle of human civilization.


Yixian's face became obviously gloomy, and she seemed very hesitant at the same time. She could not confirm whether the source of this news was reliable.

What she said is true. I just read it.

The fire girl gave a timely reminder.

Is that so?

After receiving the affirmative answer, Yixian's face shrouded in sunlight looked extremely gloomy, and a solemn aura was densely distributed around him. The originally restless observers even subconsciously relaxed their breathing a lot.

But I can't seem to do much.

Yixian shook his head and sighed helplessly.

Even though she has made countless achievements, the future is uncertain. A country, especially a country that has been in a stable environment for a long time, cannot go to war just because of her words. If she goes to the State Council to report, there is a greater chance that she will be persuaded to return. Then I was asked to rest at home for a while.

Compared with the young ship girls of later generations, Yixian's temperament seems stable, but also a bit rigid, and her thinking is more inclined to plan and act later.

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