The Rubik's Cube technology we have mastered can compress space and store huge amounts of materials in a very small space, so the transportation of materials does not put any pressure on us.

For example, if I am a combat ship, excluding the armed modules, I can still store about 10,000 tons of supplies, let alone a transport ship.

Yixian has nothing to hide. After all, this thing has been widely used in society for a long time. You can find out by searching online.


Doujiu Baiduo and Da Zhao Da Evil looked at each other cryptically, and there was one more piece of technology they needed to acquire.

Although the chat group provides storage services, they don't want to send one to everyone under their control.

However, although I, as a ship, am not affected by Honkai, is it really okay for you to do this?

Seeing a group of people gathered around the crabs fished out by the Faded Man without any precautions, out of humanitarian concern, Yixian politely asked.

What are we afraid of? There is a god beside us.

Doujiu Bai looked at the crab, and the idea of ​​trying it flashed through his mind. When he heard Yixian's question, he pointed to the fireproof girl standing next to Yixian.

With this person here, it's okay for us to take a shower inside Hengxin.

So said the great traitor.

If you keep a low profile, you can take a shower in a black hole.

Just blow it and go to the black hole.

The fire prevention girl gave the soy milk a blank look. Last time she believed the evil. She accompanied their scientists to a black hole to study abnormal signals. As a result, she was targeted by a creature that wandered in time, and she almost escaped being locked up in that infinite time. Can't get out of the loop.

Finally, according to the signal analysis of those sociologists from Doujiu Baiduo, from a data and emotional point of view, the creature temporarily called the Insect of Time fell deeply in love with the fire-proof woman who also had the characteristics of time, but this love There seems to be something wrong with the way, and the love at first sight thing is quite outrageous.

I went to make some extra money and unexpectedly met a man who liked to play prison games. I don't know if he was a maniac or a nympho.

Moreover, the power he possesses is a bit outrageous, and to be honest, it's a bit annoying.

As a result, the reward for the Fireproof Girl mission was collected before I could collect it, and now I don’t even dare to go to the Star World.

The results are out, these Honkai beasts—no, these mutated creatures infected with Honkai are abnormal.

While several people were still teasing each other, Otto, who was holding the instrument, also got the results, but his expression was obviously not very good.

What's wrong?

Noticing Otto's slightly solemn eyes, Yixian asked uneasily.

Is it too strong?

No, it's too weak.

Otto shook his head slightly. He felt something was wrong when he heard Yixian's introduction.

Out of the idea of ​​testing, the concentration of Honkai energy crystallization given by Otto was very high. Not only could its concentration give birth to Herrschers in his world, it was also the kind that could give birth to a large number of Honkai beasts.

Something is obviously wrong with the current situation. Let’s not talk about the dead warriors born after infecting humans. The physiques may be different in different worlds, but such a high concentration of Honkai energy cannot create a Honkaimon composed of pure Honkai energy——

But obviously, this cannot be said openly.

The Honkai Energy crystal I lost has a slightly higher concentration. Even if I am a rootless duckweed, it will not weaken to this extent in two years.

Raising his right hand and making a gesture, Otto explained: Based on the information I have received so far, I can only draw two conclusions.

Either, there are slight differences in the rules of the world that create this difference. But as far as the test just now is concerned, the value of the detection equipment I carried does not conflict with the infection concentration that this creature should have.

anything else?

Also, Honkai energy has spread.

Otto put away the instrument, expressing the seriousness of the problem.

It's just that you haven't noticed it yet.

Chapter 239 The problem is big, but not too big

How could this be? There are other leakage areas.

The salty and wet sea breeze carried a slightly rotten smell, and Yixian looked shocked.

In other words, the blockade that Donghuang spent a lot of manpower and material resources on after discovering the leakage of Honkai energy was in vain?

Can you tell me other areas infected by Honkai Energy? I must report it immediately.

The blockade is still useful. At least we don't need to follow the ocean currents to clean up the creatures infected by Honkai energy. There are no signs of large-scale Honkai outbreaks in other areas.

Otto waved his hand, signaling Yixian to relax.

Thanks to the existence of ship girls in this world, they can complete many tasks in extreme environments. Therefore, when facing a crisis, all countries will give priority to deploying ship girls. If the Honkai Impact involving human engineering teams can be handled, I don’t know what this world will be like. How far has the chaos gone?

As for the detection of Honkai energy crystals, I don't have the conditions now. The communication device installed inside the crystals at the beginning did not transmit information to the outside.

Otto was also quite confused about this matter. When they first came to this world, they made sure that electronic devices could communicate with each other, but now they had no response to the signals inside the Honkai Crystal.

To be fair, he is still confident in his level of adultery. He has no supernatural means. If he wants to destroy the communication device he installed, he must destroy the Honkai Energy Crystal. If the Honkai Energy Crystal is destroyed, the world will not be in trouble. As quiet as it is now.

Is it possible that the original group leader stored the Honkai Energy crystals in the chat group space before the Honkai Energy was leaked?

The traitor held his chin and guessed: And you ship girls also have the ability to store space. It's not impossible that someone stole it.

The crisis management team found a lot of things in Fengxian's house, so the possibility of being included in the chat group space is not high.

Yixian replied: Of course, the possibility of being taken away cannot be ruled out, but the information I have at the moment cannot confirm this.

Is it possible that we just need to deal with the collapse of this area?

After pondering for a while, the evildoer immediately denied the idea.

It shouldn't be. If it were so easy, this mission wouldn't have such a high reward.

So do you have any solutions for this current sea area?

After much guessing, he seemed to have no clue, so Yixian decided to see if he could let everyone deal with the current area first. After all, such a large sea fortress had to face the deep sea and sirens from the outside world, and They have to deal with the endless emergence of Honkai Beasts inward, and they have to dispatch patrol fleets to guard against spies sent by various countries. They are really under a lot of pressure.

In fact, it's not difficult. It can be solved by killing the mutated creatures in this sea area.

Otto smiled slightly, it would be much easier to deal with these mutated areas like rootless duckweeds.

The simplest way is to bombard this area with beams from warships that are soy milk in vain. After the area is evaporated, and then the sea water is allowed to flow back, the ecology of this sea area can be restored in a few decades.

Is this okay?

Yixian raised his eyebrows in surprise.

The handling method given by Otto was surprisingly simple, and you didn't even need to bother the group members to clean it up.

Although evaporating an area of ​​sea water is still difficult for the killing methods they have now, they can use this place as a weapons testing ground in the future. As the water vapor evaporates over the years, this area will be completely rendered harmless. .

Of course, it's that simple.

Human beings in this world have very powerful individual combat weapons. In Otto's view, the impact of collapse without the ability to spread on a country is almost the same as a biochemical attack within the processing range.

However, from the perspective of fellow group members, I still need to emphasize one thing - although I don't know whether your country will accept the following suggestions, Honkai energy is not an existence that can be touched at will.

Otto frowned slightly after collecting the data about Honkai Impact in another world.

Indeed, Honkai energy is like the universal energy source in many science fiction novels. It is efficient, powerful, and easy to store. It can bring ultimate improvement to a civilization, but I still do not recommend that you study it. Honkai energy The emergence and application of energy will inevitably be accompanied by the pain of civilization.

If Otto might not be so talkative in the past, he could pay more attention to the world and see what new things they can come up with. But now, maybe it is because of long-term communication with many group friends, maybe because he has seen everything The hopes of those who admire him, Otto's already emptied downline, have rarely risen a little.

He still chose to give a friendly reminder.

If you are short of energy, you can import Source Stone from Tallulah. As a renewable resource that can show exponential growth in the short term, the negative impact of Source Stone is basically negligible, and we are also using it.

Seeing Otto talking about this, Doujiaobai also reminded him that in his long career in power, he had seen too many civilizations dragging their own civilization into the abyss because of the blind pursuit of power.

Including but not limited to those who blew their own planet to pieces, those who were exterminated by the mechanical intelligence they researched, those who developed genetic weapons and infected themselves and were infected by the virus, those who fanatically worshiped the gods of the virtual world and then died because of the language barrier. After signing the treaty, the home planet was taken away as a sacrifice.

Well, naming and criticizing those who worship psychic powers.

Well, regarding your suggestions, I will report them next.

Yixian also knows what the group of friends are worried about writing. They are just worried that the Honkai Crystal will be hidden for secret research. She also knows that many times, some people will not listen to advice honestly without being beaten up. .

But she is just an ordinary ship girl, and her current role is to be a sound barrel. She can only use her own authority to understand it in the future.

But if you really want to know what happened at that time, there is nothing you can do.

Doujiubai pointed at the fireproof girl who was harmlessly treating the Honkai Beast.

We brought this one with us.

I saw the fireproof woman transforming the originally ferocious beast into its original appearance, then bumping the crab, which was almost the size of a hand, and casting a protective miracle on it before throwing it overseas outside the isolation zone. .

Seeing the crab-like creature turning into light and disappearing into the sky, the fire-prevention girl took a look and nodded her head with satisfaction at her accuracy, thinking that this would be a very good journey for it.

As long as His Majesty takes action, everything will be fine.

Chapter 240 Time is about to reverse!


Feeling the crowd's gaze, the fireproof girl tilted her head. Why was she mentioned again?

Do you need help?

Is such that--

Seeing the fire-prevention girl approaching, Yixian also described his difficulties to her, as well as the advice given by Doujiu Baiduo, hoping to get the truth.

Well, since you don't know what happened at that time, then go and see for yourself.

After taking the tablet, the time difference between reality and the time of the incident continued to grow. The fire prevention girl naturally agreed with this decision. Time travel is not a difficult task for her, and the permissions of this world are also sufficient. .

Sul, wait a moment.

Phew, bump~

Just when the fire-prevention girl was about to snap her fingers for a ritualistic time travel, the fire-prevention girl's movements were stopped by the white soy milk.

I have told you so many times that the core driver of light magic is the first fire in my body. No matter how hard you study, you can still copy the first fire.

The co-author suggested that I reverse time and space and go to the past for this purpose?

Seeing the soy milk being moved out to move various equipment out in vain, the fire prevention girl couldn't help but laugh and cry. Chuhuo had been studied by a bunch of wizards, magicians, gods and the like for an unknown amount of time since the dawn of Lordland. I don't see anyone who can understand the existence of Chu Huo, but on the contrary, I make a lot of money from scratch.

Of course, the fire prevention girl also understands that the soy milk is in vain. They built their country on science, and if they want to be the political core, they must have extremely high scientific literacy, and the most indispensable thing for scientific researchers is curiosity.

Doujiu Bai is the most curious one among them.

When you first board the Yixian's ship, you can say, Can I visit your power core? ’ There is no other word that is no less than sexual harassment to a shipgirl.

Data, what's important is data. Stable and safe opportunities for observing abnormal time and space are not always available.

After setting up various observation instruments and then connecting them to the sentinel array connected to his brain-computer, Doujiu Bai had a toothache when he thought of the two scientists he had lost contact with due to studying abnormal time and space.

Moreover. Although I don't know how to explain it, Sur, the space-time ability exerted by you is very different from that of the researchers sent by Losric. Although our current technology cannot really tell what the difference is, there is really a difference. , how should I put it, it’s like an imitation of the real thing, but it’s just an imitation after all.”

So I'm pretty unique?

Seeing Doujiu's pale face and his attitude of cherishing this observation opportunity, the fire prevention girl smiled helplessly: If you really care so much, you can leave your soul. I'm not expensive?

Come on, I'm not that violent bitch. Those death row criminals who are assisting us in maintaining basic scientific research can't help but consume them. Is it okay to burn me, the leader of the Star Sea Federation, on sight?

You won't be able to speak if you open and close your mouth without attacking me, right?

The evil traitor looked sullen, raised his hand, and slapped the back of his head where the soy milk was pouring out, almost severing the thread on his head.

After all my help, I still can't say a few words. You bitch is not well-raised. Hey, it hurts...

The Fireproof Girl led the Ashes and the Faded Ones to a statue and sat down naturally. She watched with interest as the soy milk poured out in vain after being beaten one-sidedly. She took out a bottle of elemental soup and took a sip.


Yixian still looked helpless.

Used to it.

The young couple enjoyed it, one was willing to fight and the other was willing to suffer.

The fireproof woman shrugged and said that she was used to it. Every mission she participated in would turn into a vacation in the end. The main reason was that time could be adjusted at any time, paused at any time, and rewind at the extreme point. , strictly speaking, no matter how much you procrastinate, there will be no waste of time.

With the development of the chat group, in addition to strengthening the points that come with the group, the only thing left is to go to the pool of the concept entry module to bet on a good entry for yourself. Most of the transactions between them are focused on science. Technology, rare resources, armed assistance and other directions, or just the kind that meets the radio waves at a glance, and hums and hums merge into one lump.

For example, Doujiu Baipai and others care about science and technology, and the company that manages them, which is similar to the SCP Foundation, needs armed assistance. Zhongli and the like are more concerned about whether the other party has special gems and antiques, and as a tourist resort. The potential of the land.

As for the fire prevention girl, the request for her help is very simple.

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