Playing with the brilliant flames flowing in her hands, the fire-proof girl dared to pat her chest and said that the first fire has never burned so vigorously since its birth. It is precisely because of this that the fire-proof girl can appear so carefree and leisurely outside.

Because the reward she asked for was firewood.

To be precise, it is an intelligent life with rich consciousness and the ability to perceive the existence of the soul.

As long as you provide firewood, Losric can provide all kinds of help, including but not limited to armed assistance, environmental modification, immortality, scientific research assistance, etc. It can be said that it has expanded the scope of help to all aspects. It can only be said that Losric has what it takes. The ability is simply too outrageous.

Individual demands often come from the shortage of time. When you have unlimited time, many problems no longer matter.

For example, simple scientific research assistance. The Lothric people don't know much about scientific research, but they can make scientific researchers immortal. An optimized immortal curse can make this scientist do it until the universe is shattered and the avenue is wiped out.

If scientific research time is tight, Losric also provides slow-time field assistance. One day a year, storage can make a civilization usher in a technological explosion.

The price of this kind of scientific research to assist the fire prevention woman is that one unit of intelligent life form can last for one earth revolution. If there is a psychic race, there will be a discount. The specific number of units depends on the size of the world.

For example, for an interstellar empire like Soy Milk Baidu, one unit is a billion people, because every year more than that number of people die in the Star Sea Alliance due to various traffic accidents, while for a relatively low-volume world like Chika Fujiwara, one unit is There are dozens or hundreds of people.

In order to ensure that everyone in the group can afford Lothric's services and enjoy His Majesty Gwensul's meticulous care, the fire prevention girl has personally inspected and set the standards. Of course, there are also some cases of friendly sponsorship, such as when she gave After a fun vacation, Fujiwara Chikakai's respite time without homework was free. After all, it was too weird to have to burn a few people every time because of homework.

If the person involved is not capable enough, Losric can also provide door-to-door delivery service. The person only needs to provide the time, place and person.

The fire-proof girl counted the time slowly, and after a short time, the soy milk was all poured out.

When I looked up, parts exploded all over the place.

When my black stone fortress is built, I will seal off your psychic ability. Whoever sees it will arrange it.

After putting back the spine that had fallen to the ground, Doujiao Baigui rubbed his aching brain and completed the final debugging of the equipment. He did not forget to say harsh words. He lowered his head and dodged the slaps coming one after another from the evil villain. He made an OK gesture towards the fire prevention girl.

Are you ready, everyone?

The fireproof girl killed the elemental bottle, stood up, put her left arm behind her back, and raised her right arm sideways, making a very handsome posture.

Playing with time-based abilities without snapping your fingers is like being a vampire who has sucked the Qiao family's blood. It always feels like it lacks a sense of ritual.

On the slightly drooped face and the exquisite eye mask, the azure gemstone was coated with a star-like color.

Time travel is about to begin.


With the snap of fingers, the ancient and distant bell rang, the surging sea water gradually slowed down, and the warm sea breeze gradually slowed down.

Until a certain moment, the rhythm that represents the flow of time stops, that is, the light, and it freezes.

Ah, that's it. This is the power of time.

The existence that pursues the truth still maintains consciousness under the protection of time, but it seems fanatical at this moment.

I saw that the sea water filled the cracked land, and life climbed onto the withered vegetation.

Baiju lowered his proud head, picked up everyone, and gradually walked in the opposite direction.

Time is starting to flow backwards!

Chapter 241 Chu Huo, you have become useless (disgusted)

The scene continued to reverse before everyone's eyes. As the tide filled the land and divided it into pieces of beautiful islands, the sparkling water continued to ripple in the cool sea breeze. Everyone had already arrived in the past.

Yixian rubbed his eyebrows and supported the faded man who was pushed by ashes and stood between her and the fireproof girl. He first checked his clock, and then tried to connect to the network of this era, but found that he could not access it. .

Then he looked up at the notice board. In the calendar section, the date checked on it was the day of the incident.

Actually traveled through time?

Playing with time and space, no matter what world it is in, is an extremely desirable ability.

Yixian blinked, very surprised by this, and then thought of the chat group that connected all the worlds, and felt relieved.

Please come with me.

After taking a moment to recover from the strange dizziness, Yixian reluctantly let go of the faded person's arm, apologized slightly to her who was still confused, and led everyone towards the interior of the command center.

It's nice to use your authority in other people's homes.

Hanging at the end of the team, the fire-proof girl maintained the movement of time and space. She couldn't help but sigh in her heart, and couldn't help but feel disgusted with Chu Huo.

Ever since Rodlan grew larger and larger, the original rules no longer apply to this land. All kinds of inexplicable problems always arise. They, the protoss, have to be careful when using their authority, and sometimes they even I have to wipe the butt of those wise men who are blind to danger.

But it is different in other worlds. After all, it is legal to enter the country. Naturally, she can directly access the complete operating systems of these worlds. Using the power of time is much more convenient than in Lordland.

It's definitely better to do it for free than to spend time writing programs yourself.

In today's Rodlan, he is like a programmer who relies on the underlying architecture to continuously expand and find deficiencies. While maintaining the operation of the system, he is constantly correcting various loopholes.

But as time went by, the fireproof girl found that there were more and more problems, and they were becoming more and more difficult to correct. Because of the high-intensity filling in, the rules of Rodlan's own world had become a pile.

It was complicated and useless, but it was okay not to move. Every time the fire-proof woman tried to operate on the original basis, the problem became more serious, and her blood pressure was so high.

Alas, this first fire is becoming more and more useless. Apart from occasionally using this power to bully and bully children, its remaining function is to maintain the existence of the Age of Fire. It has obviously fed so many souls, and the rules of the world are not the same. Should it grow on its own?


The flames swayed, as if protesting against the mistress of the fire prevention woman for not living up to her expectations.

It's my fault that I'm useless.

Chuhuo ignited very unhappily, making the corners of the fireproof girl's mouth twitch.

The problem is that it is also her first time to become a god. Who knew that expanding the world would be so troublesome? If I had known, it would have been over with the initial fire.

Although she complains like this, the fire prevention girl does not regret her original decision. After all, in her opinion, a world that cannot achieve internal circulation will have no future. Now she can only bite the bullet and become a hard worker. programmer.

And although the fireproof girl herself is not very good at writing, wouldn't she still be good at copying?

If you can learn to write programs, just write them first. If you really can't, just go to other worlds and copy them. There are so many worlds in the chat group. Copy some from each world. When the time comes to integrate them, won't they become yours?

It’s actually a bit like the fireproof girl’s memory of writing papers when she was in college. Thanks to the world structure, no one will check for plagiarism.

Looking at the time and space structure of this world, the fireproof girl rubbed her warm chin and was considering whether to copy and paste.

Wow, the food is good, and the commander is treated so well?

Doujiu Bai held his head backwards, walking in the front row like a man walking in the park. While acting as a time travel guide, he glanced at the kitchen next to him through the glass. There was no one in it, and there was a lot of food piled up. Some are still half-finished, as if they were interrupted by some sudden event.

Commanders all receive excellent treatment, but the level of food depends on where the ship girl is from.

Walking in the white corridor, Yixian patiently told that since the emergence of Rubik's Cube technology, the construction of ship girls has not been limited to the coast. Because of the deep sea and the frequent intrusion of sirens on the coast, a large number of industries have moved inland, making Each administrative district has its own affiliated ship girl, which also creates the personality of the ship girl inherited from each administrative district.

What kind of personality you are good at, specialties, etc. are closely related to the place of birth.

Therefore, if a Guangdor commander received a group of Sichuan ship girls and asked the ship girls to be in charge of the kitchen, the scene would be unimaginable.

Oh, that's it. It seems that I have to choose an area where the folk customs are not too tough in the future as a production base, so as not to raise a bunch of them and look like a big evil - oops.

Haha~ Ship girls are elves that symbolize beauty. No matter where they are born, this will not change, so please don't worry, but please be kind to them.

Seeing the two of them starting to interact lovingly again, Yixian couldn't help but cover his mouth and chuckle. Doujiao Baidao's proposal to introduce the ship girl race is not a secret, and in the recent discussions, it is almost a certainty. .

Speaking of which, I remember you mentioned that—well, the commander.

Getting up from the ground like a normal person, Doujiu Baiduo asked again. He seemed to have countless questions and could always find one topic after another.

Of course, he was also curious about the former group leader. After all, he was the only one who could make a fool of himself in the chat group.

Didn't he show off his special abilities? How could you let him go to such a dangerous area on the edge of your sphere of influence?

Although the world where Yixian lives cannot be said to be full of war, it is definitely not quiet.

The deep sea and sirens of unknown origin occupy 90% of the oceans and large tracts of land including South America, Africa, Central Asia and Siberia, has isolated many countries, and has maintained a high intensity of harassment to all countries.

Even with the breakthrough of Rubik's Cube technology and the emergence of ship girls, mankind has gradually stabilized the front line, established a stable comfort zone, and reopened ocean trade, but coastal areas are still very dangerous places.

The commander's anomaly was because the things he provided were very common at the beginning, so we just attributed it to a special ability. What we value more is his extraordinary mental network.

After speaking, Yixian was worried that everyone did not understand their proper nouns, so he immediately explained the function of the mental network.

Due to some special reasons in this world, the transmission of information can only rely on dense local area networks, so long-distance communication relies more on humans with mental networks.

After receiving professional training, some of these people will participate in long-distance communications between countries, while others will be given the responsibility of commanders and mentally link with a certain number of ship girls to ensure that Communication security for ship girls while sailing across the ocean.

And the reason why he was sent to this archipelago, I'm ashamed to say, is because the commander had serious mental problems.

Although this commander has been much smarter than other peers since he was a child, it seems that because of his childhood experiences, he has always had deep malice and suspicion towards human beings, and is extremely resistant to integrating into society, and is even unwilling to interact with others. When humans interact, they will return to their normal appearance only when they get along with the shipgirl, but the extraordinary affection for the shipgirl has also caused a lot of trouble to many comrades.

At the beginning, we planned to gradually integrate him into society under the guidance of the ship girls who had contact with him. However, after he came into contact with the ship girls, he deepened his resistance to integrating into society. In the end, he was really unable to handle it. Only then did we make the decision to remove this commander from society and hand it over to the ship girls for training.

Yixian recalled the memory of when he was responsible for the placement of this commander.

The command center here has been carefully selected. It is located in the inner ring of the coastal defense line, with land in the north and experienced fleets stationed in the southeast, which can provide the most stringent protection here.

Donghuang has always been very patient when it comes to special talents worth fighting for. Even the ship girls accompanying him are personally selected by him. At the same time, he has also arranged many medical ships with professional psychology. He hopes that this talented person with great potential can subtly improve his skills. to change their views on society.

But what is regrettable is that before the commander's psychological development could improve, the Honkai ability was leaked.

All the ship's crew stationed in Hong Kong, including the commander, disappeared, and no useful traces were left at the scene.


Yixian sighed, not blaming Otto, who was often ridiculed by his friends as the 'source of all evil', but he just felt that the two sides did not do a good enough job in understanding each other at that time.

If the trust between both parties could have been deeper at that time, such a tragedy would not have happened.

It's just that we didn't pay enough attention to socialized upbringing and couldn't give these children more care, so they became like this.

Yixian looked ashamed, thinking that it was their problem not to give these children who had lost their families a better environment to grow up.

‘I don’t think so. ’

The fireproof girl who had been paying attention to the chat shook her head slightly.

She has read the chat history of the former group leader. Judging from the respective time periods, the group leader's first prophetic speech was before the launch of the work that existed in this world. From this, it can be inferred that this person must be a time traveler. Undoubtedly, so his actions, hum, need to be discussed.

However, the fireproof girl still did not choose to talk too much. She went upstream along time and space, and everything would be hidden. All she had to do was see what the problem was with her own eyes.

Ship girls are always kind-hearted. Although they are smart, they will not speculate on others with malicious intent.

Chapter 242 I am a permission dog, why is the other person the same?

Why aren't there even patrol troops?

Yixian stared at the bright beach. There was no one at the sentry post, and there were no waves caused by the patrol fleet on the coast.

This is very inappropriate.

Donghuang's ship girls have always followed strict military principles, but they are not so lax.

Then he looked at the steaming food in the kitchen. Most of the lights in the room were still on, but the canteen that should have been bustling was empty. The strange silence was a bit eerie.

The fire prevention girl paused while copying her homework, glanced at the floor plan of the headquarters, patted Yixian on the shoulder, motioned for her to come forward, then walked forward and led the team, walking quickly towards the depths.

Arriving at the empty square, the fire-prevention woman stretched out her hand, easily opened the remaining gap in the space with two fingers, and then gently pulled.


Oncoming was a cannonball with a dark aura flowing through it. The residual resentment and malice in it made the fireproof woman think of the abyss still dormant deep in Rodran.

The shell passed through the illusory figures of the people, and then destroyed a warehouse.

As the illusive curtain was lifted, thick black mist covered the blue sky, and there were ruins under their feet. Looking up, what everyone saw was a battlefield that was coming to an end.

I finally understand why the ship girl is unable to handle the Honkai Eruption given her superior combat power.

Otto looked at the girls on the battlefield with strange postures and an ominous aura wrapped around their bodies, like ghosts in the abyss, with a look of understanding.

It's strange to say that Otto has visited many worlds, and many of them are beautiful girls fighting beautiful girls. Every time I see this, I feel an inexplicable sense of déjà vu.

It's Deep Sea and Siren. How did they get together?

Yixian gritted his teeth, closed the paper umbrella and stepped forward.


Shouting loudly, hoping to attract the enemy's attention, Yixian quickly jumped up to the high point of the building and dived down.

The paper umbrella that he always kept close to his body was swung, and its ribs fell off, revealing a long sword with a cold light shining inside.

Ship girls have extremely high-tech equipment and can output firepower that only large ships can possess with a very small body. However, in short-distance battles, their limbs that can explode tens of thousands of tons of output can cause The damage is more direct than any other damage.

Therefore, for a ship girl, excellent martial arts skills are also a must.

Cool, you can still draw a sword.

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