There's nothing bad to say.

He withdrew his palm from the Tianling Gai where the soy milk had been poured out in vain, and replied as a traitor.

I want to solve the problem of the main population, and the race of ship girls is very suitable.

The treacherous and evil race was planted with a genetic virus by the Killer Bee Swarm. As a last resort, this race gave up the body of the material world and relied on spiritual energy to exist in the world.

Lifespan is no longer a shackle for them, their individual advantages have skyrocketed, and it is easier to communicate with their virtual world, which is a blessing in disguise.

But all this comes at a price.

Completely giving up the body also brought about the individual sublimation of the race, but as a purely psychic species that became a monk halfway, this race also lost the ability to reproduce.

At present, there are only about 100 million racial subjects. As an interstellar civilization, this is too rare, which greatly limits the development and expansion of their race. They can only rely on absorbing and enslaving other races to maintain development.

The traitor took the special drink handed over by Soy Milk Bai with a look of disgust, took a deep sip, and couldn't help showing a nostalgic expression.

Since joining this chat group, she has loved coming to this virtual space to feel the long-lost taste that was almost forgotten in the long struggle. This is the satisfaction that is difficult to obtain when drifting in the virtual world. feel.

The shipgirl race has high physical strength and is very convenient for population growth. As long as resources are invested, it can easily grow in scale, and there is no need to worry about the main body of the race being replaced.

The evil villain moved his translucent body.

Now we can also become ship girls.

Then what are your immigration planets for?

Soybean milk

Let the defeated slaves survive. We don't need protein like those bee colonies. And with our population, you can't expect us to engage in production, right?

That's true.

Doujiao Bai nodded his head in understanding. After all, his slavery had been abolished for thousands of years. The Galactic Federation had given every intelligent life civil rights. He really didn't think about it for a while.

Otherwise, why would I fight a war? Why should my defeated generals be worshiped as Buddhas? It's both aid and protection.

The treacherous villain glanced at the guy next to him.

Isn't that an idiot?

...I always feel like you are scolding me in different ways.

No, you are overthinking.

What about soy milk?

I, I want to expand the racial ecology.

When the topic fell on him, Doujiao Baida scratched his head and replied: Everyone in the group knows that all of our members have been transformed into prosthetics recently. As a result, there has been a slight problem with the general status of the people recently.

Having said this, Doujiao organized his speech in vain, and continued with some embarrassment: I don't know why, but many people have fallen into a state of laziness about reproduction. In addition to working every day, they spend more time in love with machines. , every day my wife’s wife’s.”

Then they found that the machine would not respond to them, so they just cried and cried, which made the sociologists confused. Installing artificial intelligence on them had no effect. They always yelled that this is not my wife, and then... I dismantled the artificial intelligence and continued to cry over my mechanical creation.

Doujiu and his race have high psychic potential and can easily perceive the existence of life and consciousness, so inferior artificial intelligence cannot deceive them.

The traitorous villain added to the somewhat confused Fireproof Girl, and then complained in a speechless low voice: I don't know why such a race can be materialistic.

The soy milk was poured out and he spread his hands: So I came to see if the Rubik's Cube technology can give the machine a soul.

Although we allow human cloning and don't have to worry about population issues, we still have to pay attention to the well-being of our children.

Co-author: Are you looking for a wife for your family?

The fire prevention girl opened her mouth in surprise. This Soy Milk Bai actually has to worry about whether his own people have wives. The people under his control are really having an easy time.

Chapter 237: Get ready, Yiku is leaving

Qiang Qiang Qiang, here I come.

Everyone was chatting, and not long after, a familiar pink figure appeared along with a lively voice, followed by Otto and Zhongli. It was obvious that he had just gone to pick up someone.

It can be seen that she is really enthusiastic about this mission.

I knew you were just here to have fun, so active...

Nodding to Otto and Zhongli, the fire-prevention girl lovingly rubbed the head that Fujiwara Chika leaned over. The high school student back then has now grown into a big girl, but this personality has not changed at all.

Sister Suer really understands me, hehe.

Fujiwara Chika has nothing to be embarrassed about, she just says hey and is ready to be cute.


Fujiwara Chika likes to be lively, which is recognized by everyone in the group. Everyone also likes this lively little girl and doesn't mind inviting her to their world.

However, as she became Prime Minister, she spent much less time visiting each other, and more time was devoted to fulfilling her political ideals.

Of course, you can never let a person live suppressing his true nature.

After all, in Chika Fujiwara's world, she failed to complete even one of the thirty-one things she promised the people before taking office, because she really wanted to go out and have fun during her term.

This time she took a long vacation to prepare for fishing. It would be best to go to a different world. She also didn’t want to be recognized when she was cosplaying at a foreign comic exhibition and brought back to her country. Then she would be affected by the international image of Neon among the people across the country. Private Marseille with red bean paste in front of you.

Oh, by the way, Miss Yixian, this is Zhongli, and this is Mr. Otto, the main person in charge of this mission.

Zhongli nodded slightly and indicated that he had been staying at Otto's for some peace and quiet during this period. Anyway, it was easy for Otto's family to support an idle man like him because of their great business.

Hello, Mr. Otto, I've been looking forward to having you here.

After briefly looking at Zhongli, who had an indifferent temperament, Yixian reached out and shook hands with Otto, one of the protagonists of this mission.

I'm really sorry for the delay due to some personal matters.

Otto kept wearing that indifferent smile, but it didn't feel as fake as usual. It seemed that he was in a good mood recently.

And I just happened to be waiting for Sur, which was such an unexpected surprise.

We are all old friends, Otto deliberately complimented, earning a look from the fireproof girl.

The main reason for inviting Suer is that she can eliminate possible accidental casualties during mission conflicts.

Facing Yixian's slightly confused look, Otto explained this.

The tasks in each world are nothing more than dealing with various anomalies, which basically requires fighting. It is not difficult for all the friends who have special skills nowadays. The real difficulty lies in the series of effects caused during the fighting.

For example, it is easy to cause large-scale casualties, large-scale destruction of urban buildings, explosion of the target planet, etc.

Some people in the naming and criticizing group are all about muscles, and when it comes to fighting, they are the huskies who tear down the house.

Fireproof Woman’s time ability is adapted to the world connected by most chat groups. In this way, when everyone takes actions together, they have an aura that always blocks friendship, allowing group members to use their methods unscrupulously without worrying about solving problems. At that time, even the allies and enemies were wiped out.

After all, no one will die until the fire-proof girl is killed, but the fire-proof girl's own health bar is bottomless, so the fire-proof girl has always been a very popular existence in group tasks, which can directly reduce the difficulty of the task. .

Although treating the other person as a superman, or even a perfect person, would be quite fatal when interacting with each other, but Suer is indeed worthy of this.

After all, fire girls do think a lot before doing something.

As long as she can do anything, she will try to do it. The key is that she is very powerful, which leads to the fact that in the eyes of her friends, the fireproof girl seems to be able to do everything.

Although Otto does not have a compassionate heart, if doing so can earn more favor from everyone present, Otto can also choose mercy. After all, if he wants to achieve certain goals, he may also rely on these friends.

Then I'll take it as a compliment.

The fireproof girl accepted the compliment with a smile.

It seems that Miss Suer is valued by everyone for a reason.

Yixian praised it so much. She also felt that she was very comfortable getting along with the fireproof girl through simple communication. There was no exchange of high-EQ quotations, no airs, and no intrigues. It was just like a chat between friends.

Moreover, the fireproof girl herself is very talkative, has very upright views, and is very enthusiastic. It can be said that she is born with a personality suitable for making friends.

He is strong, trustworthy, doesn't speak riddles, and his affinity can make people take off their guard. There is nothing better than this in making friends.

If the group is full of gloomy and hiding guys, then Yixian really doesn't know what to do.

Now that everyone is here, is it time to get down to business?

Chika Fujiwara came up to start the conversation, looking even more anxious than Yat-sen.

Let me remind you all first.

Doujiaobai clapped his hands backwards.

The main purpose of the big evil and me is to cooperate with civilization, so we are not greedy for Honkai. After all, our personal abilities are not very outstanding. If Sur and the others can't solve it, then there is no use bringing us along.

Doujiao Baidao, who has always been invisible, said this. The goals of the people on this trip are different, and they don't care about the so-called mission rewards. They can just treat them as supplements.

“Of course we can also provide funding from various resources.”

I'm just like Doujiu and the others.

Over the years, Zhongli has become accustomed to eating and drinking. He has always been indifferent to staying in another world. But for him now, he just wants to change places to eat and drink, provided that his host will provide him with food.

Of course, if necessary, it is not impossible to contribute some effort in exchange for some salary.

Nothing, Donghuang welcomes any friendly friends, and inviting you to my world to deal with the collapse is my personal behavior. Cooperation between civilizations will have a dedicated person in charge of receiving you after you go.

Yixian tangled up his hanging hair, first thanked everyone who came here gratefully, and then introduced an overview of his world and mission requirements, and finally finalized the decision after discussion with everyone present. Meeting time.

The rendezvous time is one day later. After all, some existences that rule the interstellar empire and the little friends who are novices still need a little preparation time.

It was simple for the fireproof girl. She pulled up the ashes, took her legs, prepared hastily, accepted the task, opened the passage, and after the familiar physical sensation of being suffocated by a sap in the back of the head, she came to a new world.

Chapter 238 Otto: The problem seems a little serious

The blue sea is sparkling, and the white waves are moving with the wind. Under the blazing sunshine, there is a giant fortress made of reinforced concrete. It connects several islands, and a large number of roadbed platforms spread along the coast. , turned into a solid line of defense.

The fire prevention girl stood on the bridge, looking at the isolation zone stretching for hundreds of kilometers in front of her. She had seen a lot of prosperous metropolises in the world of soy milk, but this was the first time she had seen such a large project in the ocean area. .

This time they went to the world where Yixian lived, the area where the Honkai Impact first broke out, in order to recover possible contaminants.

The battleship entered the lift channel. As the seawater drained out, the huge ship began to descend with the water level, and then arrived at the blockade area where the sea level was far lower than the internal test.

The blockade area is more depressing than the outside world. There is a putrid smell permeating the dark seawater. From time to time, mutated creatures wrapped in carapace emerge from the seawater. However, these are blocked by the coastal defense guns and The missiles deployed on the Yixian were blown to pieces.

Ah ah ah, Ashes, you are not human!

On the other side of the bridge, Ashes was holding a long fishing rod, and at the other end of the fishing rod was the Fader, who looked like he had lost another daily bet.


Hui Jing sneered and said nothing, it was cool.


Have they always been like this?

Noticing the decoupled Honkai creatures and the faded ones that disappeared together with them, Yixian asked softly.

This is their unique way of getting along with each other.

Taking a sip of tea with a slight embarrassment, the fireproof girl didn't understand why a mission to catch a Honkai-infected animal ended up like this, and replied calmly.


Yixian nodded, feeling shocked at the brain circuits of people from another world.

The bow of the ship broke through the sea water, and after traveling for a period of time, it hit the ground cracked by the sun in an extremely unrestrained manner, lifting up a large amount of seabed silt and creatures. As the battleship came to a standstill, a group of people came to the ground one after another. , the battleship turned into a blue Rubik's Cube, and was absorbed into Yixian's body.

This is where the initial spread of Honkai energy occurred.

Yixian pointed to an area not far away that should have been a military base in the past, and introduced the information they had.

Two years ago, this mysterious energy first infected species on the island, and then polluted the surrounding ocean, causing various organisms to mutate to varying degrees.

But thankfully, the fleet stationed here was not affected and the message was conveyed in time, and the blockade was successfully established.

Afterwards, we tried to investigate the source of the infection, but found nothing. As time went by, the mutated organisms here became weaker and weaker, so we just maintained the regular blockade.

I'm a little confused?

Doujiu's white holographic eyes flashed with a few bits of data, and he watched the faded man covered in water walk out of the sea holding a mutated crab.

Not to mention, the pink and white exoskeleton with the breathing light effect has an inexplicable sci-fi feel, which is very attractive. However, he and Otto have known each other for a long time, and he also knows something about Honkai Impact. In fact, he More curious about another thing.

Aren't you always being harassed by the deep sea and sirens at sea? How did you mobilize so many resources in a short period of time and establish a blockade at sea? What is your transportation method?

According to Yixian, they blocked the sea area before the ocean currents spread the pollution. He just searched online and found that the speed of the ocean currents on this planet is generally about one thousand meters per hour.

Putting aside whether the pollution eventually spread, he was really curious that such a large-scale isolation zone could be built in a short period of time.

They are an interstellar empire, and it takes a year and a half to plan and build large-scale modules on the planet. How does a native of the planet do it?

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