As for why there are so many people in the chat group, Zhao Gou can only rank Li Shimin on the list, and that is about the recent big update of the chat group.

Because the chat group itself seemed not satisfied with the long process of filtering group members, it simply opened up the search, greatly expanding the number of group members.

However, although the group suddenly became lively, not all worlds like their world lines to deviate from the line, or the apparently peaceful world of physical science to be replaced by some mysterious belief and psychic power. Weird style of painting.

So naturally, the chat group has established a help mission system. He acts as an intermediary and issues help missions to matching worlds. Basically, they all require similar worlds, and there are quite a lot of requirements.

It is normal to not use supernatural powers or use high technology to interfere with development.

Of course, the reward is also very high. After all, it is not the unrealistic points at first glance, but the py transaction is completed directly by the world, and the own world sends the reward to the family.

Chapter 235: Small tasks in the chat group

Speaking of which, this is the first time I have heard of the setting of world consciousness.

Swiping the task panel, the style was still as simple as ever. Seeing that most of these tasks were issued by the so-called world will of each world, the fireproof girl's thoughts began to diverge.

If the world is really conscious, then what do they usually do? Also, does world consciousness exist in every world?

[In addition to fulfilling the responsibility of maintaining one's own world, it is to meet one's own needs. ]

[In addition, not all worlds have consciousness, emotions and personalities, and there are only a few beings who actively interfere with the operation and development of the world. ]

Who are you?

Seeing the chat bubble that suddenly appeared in her view, the fireproof girl tilted her head. Although she had a public channel open, there should be no one in the private chat box.

[The hosting system for this chat group. ]

The mechanical voice sounded cold, but the fireproof girl's rare answer revealed the presence of emotion.

You said that the existence of world consciousness is probabilistic, but in my world, does the world have consciousness?

The fireproof girl asked curiously.

Hmph, if there really is such a thing, I will definitely find an opportunity to catch it and give it a good beating to make it enjoy watching dramas.

[Inquiries cost points. ] expected.

Without any intention of bargaining with the dull intelligence, the fireproof girl directly paid the points, which were not much anyway.

[Your world is very young, so subjective consciousness does not exist, and if it follows the current development model, it will not exist in the future. ]

After the fire prevention girl gave the points, the hosting system responded quickly.

Is that so?

The fireproof girl looked disappointed.

Then what's going on with these world consciousness tasks? Don't tell me they can't even manage their own world.

The fireproof woman asked after stuffing a handful of points into the hosting system.

[When consciousness is born in a world, and on the premise of completing fixed tasks, they will have a desire to enrich their own psychology, and the thing that can best enable them to obtain a fulfilling desire is stories. ]


[A wonderful story composed of the ups and downs of countless individuals in a world. ]

[For this they will-]

The system prolonged the sound again, and the fire prevention girl understood and stuffed another handful of points.

[They will choose to interfere in the world line to a certain extent without affecting the stability of the world, so as to gain more exciting stories. ]

The fire girl expressed understanding.

When the scale of life is infinitely stretched, as an individual with emotions, it is very important to find a hobby that allows you to maintain your personality.

[The stories of other worlds can also attract their attention, so it is not just you, these world consciousnesses also have their own communication channels in the heavens and the world. ]

[They communicate with each other and even interact with each other's characters for more interesting stories, which brings more variables and greater risks to their world. ]

[Sometimes, the development of the story will start to develop in a direction that they think is bad, but these world consciousnesses cannot actively intervene. This is the origin of their entrusted tasks. ]


Fire Girl understands.

It turns out that these tasks are nothing more than watching a show and having fun. But I found that I couldn't finish it myself, so I came to this chat group to work hard to solve the problem.

It is said that they have other channels to recruit people to complete similar tasks, but that is none of the fire prevention girls' business.

The existence of this co-authored chat group is the masterpiece of their world consciousness?

The fireproof girl tapped her armrest lightly. She didn't expect that after not paying attention to the chat group for a while, it would already be updated to this extent.

In the future, we will not drag these developed beings to work as coolies, just like those in online novels who deal with reincarnation and world invasion problems.

[The core of this chat group is the mutual assistance of members from all worlds. This is the main purpose. Any expansion service developed by the chat group is to provide convenience for the group members. There will be no mandatory constraints on the members of the chat group in the future. ]

[The core of the chat group operating in this system is you, and those world wills, you can understand as franchise members. ]

This means that the business expansion of the chat group is to provide more income channels for group members, and the existence of mutual tasks is also to mobilize the enthusiasm of group members in the early stage. I can take it if I want, and the chat group will not develop in the direction of tasks in the future.

After spending a few minutes carefully reading through the explanations given by the system, the fireproof girl nodded.

Speaking of which, why do you feel like you've become a lot smarter recently?

In the fireproof girl's image, the hosting system of this chat group seems to have always been dull, and it is basically silent except for update reports from time to time.

[The chat group is running well. I am naturally willing to use more intelligence. I have to thank you for all this. ]


[After an accident occurred in the early operation of the chat group, your proactive maintenance of the chat group allowed the survival of this platform to be maintained, and I was able to obtain more benefits while upgrading the chat group. ]


The fireproof girl was stunned.

[Just like the souls you collect when you provide help to the members of the chat group, I will also get benefits from the operation of the chat group. It is useless to you, but it is very important to me. ]

So this mission is also crucial to you?

The Fireproof Girl took on a mission.

[Task 114514: Dealing with the aftermath of accidental communication in the chat group. ]

[Client: Little Yellow Chicken. ]

[Mission brief description: I lost my temper while playing in the chat group some time ago, and the selected protagonist was infected by Honkai Impact. At that time, I was busy sorting out the United World Line with that guy Huan Meng and didn’t pay attention. When I came back, I saw that Honkai Impact was about to break out. I don’t want a tragic world line mixed with collapse. Someone can help deal with it, woo woo woo. ]

The name of this world will is quite interesting.

I remember that Otto and the others mentioned to me that this chat group has a group leader.

Looking at this description with a sense of immediateness, the fireproof girl thought of the little story Otto and the others mentioned.

Could it be from that world?

[That’s right, because the other party is the original investor, so I have a personal preference. I hope you can take on this task. The reward will be very good, and it will be very useful for you to build that new world. ]

[Of course, it’s okay if you don’t want to go. ]

That's fine with me.

Originally, the fireproof girl planned to go to Otto to wait for the wool from the Tree of Imaginary Numbers during this period. If it weren't for this mission, she would be fishing in the Honkai World by now, but it would be nice to go to other worlds in the meantime. Just think of it as a vacation.

With this thought in mind, the fire prevention girl looked at the time, raised her hand and pulled up a chat module, and pulled in the principals involved in this task.

Chapter 236 Doujiao Baidao plans to find wives for his children

As soon as her eyes flickered, the fireproof girl came to a private chat space built by a chat group. Here, she could create an avatar, select a theme by herself, and synchronize her own senses. In short, it was almost like virtual reality.

After swiping at the screen, a cup of milk tea appeared in her hand. The fireproof girl took a sip and found that the taste was no different from reality.

Friends who are worried about their weight can choose to come to the chat group space to have a good time.

According to chat groups, face-to-face communication can enhance mutual understanding among group members, thereby maintaining a harmonious and loving communication atmosphere in the chat group.

The fire prevention girl looked through the chat group and found that after Zhao ran away, the supervisor started to cry in the group again. She wanted to fix her job but ended up falling over again. She had to type gg amidst the laughter and load the file and start over. She couldn't help but smile. .

Today's chat groups appear to be very intelligent, and the new interactive system does not affect everyone's business conversations, nor does it affect people's fun watching the show.

Hello, are you His Majesty Gwensuer?

As the blue light lit up and a soft voice came, the fire girl looked up and saw a stunning beauty.

The exquisitely crafted white Hanfu outlines her slender figure. Two green tassel ribbons are embellished on both sides of the chest. The difference between the distance and the distance highlights her unique temperament, giving her a sense of grandeur that belongs to an ancient country.

I am the cruiser Yixian from Donghuang, just call me Yixian.

The delicate beauty held an elegant paper umbrella, bowed slightly to the fire prevention girl, and introduced herself.

Hello, Yixian.

Seeing His Majesty in person, he is indeed as friendly as the image.

Yixian Lotus moved lightly, a small table appeared, and he raised his hand to signal.

Please take a seat.

Seeing Yixian's expression of emotion as he finally met his true master, the fireproof girl tilted her head slightly.

Have you also seen me in virtual combat?

The fireproof girl sat down opposite Yixian.

It seems that I am quite popular. Why do some people recommend me to be beaten whenever a new member joins the group?

After all, Miss Suer's attack method is very rhythmic and her defense is very strong, which allows the group of friends to maximize their strength.

The light flashed, and a man and a woman appeared. They had more characteristics than ordinary humans. The man had a cheerful temperament, and his image showed traces of prosthetic transformation. The woman looked a little colder, and her body was translucent, looking a bit illusory. It's soy milk poured out in vain and a great evil.

You can just say that my attack method is dull and my health bar is very thick, making me suitable as a sandbag.

She shook hands with Doujiaobai, and faced his teasing, the fireproof girl said with a smile.

I won't be angry.

The chat group records the combat methods of each group member, and then loads them into the virtual combat, which can basically imitate 90% of them.

And because the random rewards given by this virtual battle similar to climbing a tower are full of interesting uncertainties, countless groups of friends are rushing to enter to challenge themselves, and the most popular boss among them is the Fireproof Girl.

The annual report of the chat group shows that last year, the group members hit the fire girl more than 100,000 times in the tower climbing, ranking first in the annual report.

Although strictly speaking, the clearance rate is quite low. After all, the fireproof female's blue bar is shared, and the blue bar is bottomless, so it is basically difficult to kill.

By the way, second place is Otto.

I don’t know who said that Otto’s soul steel face feels great when slapped.

Hahaha, it's so ungraceful to describe a beautiful lady so bluntly.

As soon as his palm touched it, the soy milk poured out in white and he said with a hearty smile.

I still have some emotional intelligence.

Come on, why don't I see you showing some emotional intelligence towards me?

The traitor who was doing the side test muttered something, threw down the soy milk and went to sit down next to Yixian.

After exchanging pleasantries with each other, the fireproof girl noticed Yixian's calm face, and it seemed that she had said hello in advance.

I thought it was just me and Otto on this mission, why are you here too?

Zhulu Xinghe is tired and planning to take a vacation?


The big traitor who was still muttering over said loudly: His side is the Galaxy's house, and my side is the Zhulu Galaxy.

Yeah, my life playing house is much better than someone else's.

Doujiu Baibai hugged his arms.

After all, space whales are protected here, unlike someone who is under fire and has to be slapped twice even if the crystal life is gone.


So what's going on?

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