If it were normal, Ah Diao would have gone to Hushine's side to work as a coolie. Why did he still want to stay this time?

I dont go.

Putting the bench back to its original position, the faded man proudly raised his chin and glanced at Ashes' retreating back. Then he pretended to be helpless and shook his head, approaching the fire-prevention woman.

Hey, IQ can't be compared to IQ, and force can't be compared to force.

I can only win a place in Su'er's heart through beauty, woo woo woo.

Saying this, the faded man moved closer to the fireproof girl and made a pitiful expression.


Let me guess~

The fireproof girl clicked her chin.

Is this what Qianhua taught you?

As we all know, the fire-proof girl likes beautiful things. Even the crooked girls in the soul world have been given plastic surgery by her elder sister. Naturally, beautiful girls are also in her favor.

The emotional exchanges among the Immortals are slow-paced, and the Fireproof Girl has never been biased in her treatment of the feelings between the Faded Ones and Ashes, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that in the confrontation between Ashes and the Faded Ones, someone has always been at a disadvantage. .

But according to what she knew, the stupid person like Faded One couldn't imagine such a way of speaking, so there must be someone else behind it. With a little guessing, she would know that it was someone who likes to join in with CP fans.

How come you have become the Prime Minister of Neon and this problem has not been corrected?


The faded man approached the fire girl with a flattering look on his face and hung up on her like a koala.

Okay, don't learn anything, just learn some tea talk.

The firebender gave the faded one a light tap on the head.

Then you have to leave me.

Why, after so many years together, can I still kick you?

After giving the faded person a white look, the fireproof girl reached out and rubbed her long, silky white hair.

Okay, okay, come down first, I can't even walk like this.

Just stick to it, just stick to it.

Hey, it's up to you~

Hey, hey, Su'er, it's fragrant and soft (づ ̄3 ̄)づ~

Converge, be restrained, it's really hard to learn something good.

Chapter 234: Interlude in the chat group

Lothric, the Fire Sacrifice.

In the magnificent hall, precious stones and crystals decorate the beautiful dome, and the tassels that tremble slightly in the wind hang down and become the lining of the majestic statue, which also gives it a hazy feeling.

Men and women wearing all kinds of clothes walked in the hall in an orderly manner, with happy and fulfilling smiles on their faces. They devoutly performed routine worship to the statue, and then they had the option of talking and laughing. Leave and share your interesting stories and experiences.

This is the Fire Sacrifice. After the torch was built, it became a holy place in the hearts of the people of Lothric.

According to legend, the great Majesty Gwensuer once experienced the most difficult test in his life here, and also found the spark of hope here.

Therefore, whether they are local people working in Lothric or travelers going out to explore, if they have the opportunity, they will take time to pray here, hoping to be able to provide them with the gift of love in this sacred place closest to God. The gods of light and heat express their own piety.

And above this orderly prayer activity, on the high tower at the top of the sacrificial site, a golden retriever was curled up on a rocking chair, lazily basking in the sun.

The blond girl listened to the devout prayer as if it was the best lullaby, facing the morning breeze with the warm fragrance of caramel, with a pleasant smile on her face.

Hey, Ashes.


I'm thinking--

After taking a sip of the milkshake, the faded person pointed at a certain super decadent fireproof girl with a spoon: When will Su'er return to normal?

At this moment, Ashes is standing on the ground with the tip of the sword, her whole body standing upside down in the air, stretching her slender and graceful figure. As she moves, the sword body also drives her to rotate slowly, like a clockwork machine. Spin the puppet.

Hearing this, Hui Jin raised his eyes slightly and looked at the bored Faded One with his deep eyes.

maybe tomorrow--


Maybe next year.


Seeing the disappointed look on the face of the faded person, Ashes was a little amused. At first, he was happy because the fireproof girl was as decadent as a doll and was at her mercy. She posted posts every day, but it had only been like this for more than half a month.

I'm not telling you, aren't you boring like this?

Stirring the milkshake, the Faded One asked doubtfully.

“I think it’s good to be able to soothe my spirit and maintain my mood.”

The Faded One had an unreadable expression.

If you're really bored, go out and walk by yourself.

After saying this, Hui Jin closed his eyes and immersed himself in meditation again.

The Faded One looked at the ashes that had begun to resonate with the skills again, and then at the Fireproof Girl who seemed to be hibernating, and scratched his head in confusion.

Yes, she doesn't like working either, but she can't stand it if she spends half of the day sleeping in bed and the rest of the time sleeping in a rocking chair under the sun.

And Ashes, how did she manage to stick a sword in front of the campfire for several days? Isn't she bored?

The faded person prefers that his leisure life is to eat well, sleep well, cling to the fireproof girl like an octopus, and find someone to fight with to loosen his muscles in the extra time.


The faded man sighed, scooped up a lump of milkshake and put it into his mouth: When I came back, I told you that I would take us to other worlds for vacation in two days.

Ah, the young faders are still very uncomfortable adapting to the pace of life of the elderly.

Ah, it feels so comfortable to bask in the sun. I don’t want to move at all.

Since returning to Lothric, the fireproof girl took a short vacation for herself, feeling that she was about to be sealed away by this leisurely life.

There was no urgent work, and the sages who were causing trouble were sent away, so it was a perfect day.

Originally, the chat group had a big update recently. At first, the fireproof girl planned to go to the chat group to find something to do while on vacation. However, the group members were very motivated recently and were short of tasks. There was one person she liked but the main reason was that If it's not there for some reason, we can only wait.

As a result, after waiting for more than half a month, she almost became one with the soft quilt.

[Didi Didi——]

The fireproof girl squinted her eyes until the notification sound from the chat group woke her up.

Cancer of the World: @Fireproof Girl, hello, Sister Su'er, are you there?

Fireproof Girl: Not here.

Cancer of the World: Wow, it's rare that Sister Su'er can reply immediately. I'm here to inform you that the task you are concerned about has been finalized. Mr. Otto has finally contacted us. We will discuss it later. We can start work once we determine a time!?乛?乛?”

Fireproof Girl: Okay, I understand, please bother Qianhua.

Cancer of the World: No trouble, no trouble, I'm going to put on my pajamas first, and I'll join in the fun when everyone is here.


Rubbing her eyebrows to wake herself up, the fireproof girl immediately opened the chat group.

This is not Wanyan Gou: Miss Qianhua, how do you think this salt training is going? [Picture]

Chika Fujiwara, who had just informed the fire prevention girl, looked at the yellow salt with black lumps in the photo, and the corners of her mouth twitched.

Cancer of the World: Well, if I were still in high school, I would give you a complete set of chemical reaction formulas. But now that I have become the Prime Minister, I can only tell you that this salt should be very bitter and poisonous.

That’s not Wanyan Gou: “Ah, is that so? It seems like it failed again ε=(?o`)alas”

I am Tian Khan: Old Jiu, why didn't you go to practice calligraphy and why did you think of studying the method of making salt? Have the Jin people been killed? Have the refugees been resettled? Have those rebellious ministers and traitors who brought trouble to Chao Gang been killed?

This is not Wan Yangou: Master, don't read it. The refugees have been resettled. I have not cut down the civil servants. The Jin people will be beaten next year.

I am Tian Khan: No? Do you know what you are talking about?!

That's not Wanyan Gou: It's almost autumn, it's very cold in the north in winter, so I plan to withdraw my troops first and fight again next year.

I am Tian Khan: Open the video and send me the reports for these days.


...Why should you pay compensation if you won the battle?

Li Shimin's frustrated voice came out from the other end of the video, waving the file in his hand and banging on the table, wishing he was beating Zhao Gou at this moment.

He is not Wan Yangou: If I pay compensation, the Jin people will not come to beat me this winter. My father and others are like this. They will wait for me to cultivate for a few years before they fight me.

I am Tian Khan: ?


Chief Konghua: ?

Zhao Gouyu was so surprised that a group of friends who were diving to watch the show immediately appeared.


The fireproof girl couldn't hold back her laughter. The royal family of the Song Dynasty was so weird. How could they still want to pay compensation after winning.

Li Shimin was speechless, and carefully flipped through the files again, and found that Zhao Gou was really good at domestic affairs, but even after becoming the emperor, he was too timid externally.

Old Jiu, I think it's not wrong for future generations to call you Wan Yan Gou.

It’s not Wanyan Gou: “But haven’t I brought back all the Sixteen Continents of Yanyun?”

I am Tian Khan: Did you take that? Without me, you would already be guarding Nanjing.

It’s not Wanyan Gou: “Oh~ Master, you taught me how to hold it.”

Look, this is aggrieved.


Li Shimin looked around and found that the movement just now attracted a few cautious figures outside the door. He pretended to continue correcting the files and continued: The Jin man must be beaten this year. Don't lose that one. If you are really unsure, , start a live broadcast, I will personally direct this battle.

He has been emperor for so many years, and it is rare that he can still get over the addiction of commanding military formations. This must not be let go.

This is not Wan Yangou: Master, what should I do with the remaining money? Compensate Xixia? I just want to make a gold medal, so just hold on to Xixia.


The supervisor didn't want to work overtime: I always feel that you, Zhao Gou, are playing with something very new.

The soy milk was poured in vain: Indeed.

Big traitor: Indeed.

I am Tian Khan: Old Jiu, I suddenly don't want to help you anymore.

He's not Wanyan Gou: Don't say goodbye, master, I, the Han family, are counting on you.

Go, go, go! If Zhuzi doesn't cooperate with you, the Han family will be unlucky for eight lifetimes if it falls into the hands of your old Zhao family.

No, master, why don't we pay for it? I'll give you the money.

I don't need your money. I'm very busy now and tired of it.

Master, master, don't, I can't change it. Your lovely apprentice needs to be saved!

Interstellar Hamster: It's great to be able to read jokes and relax every day after work.

Chief Konghua: It gave me a lot of comfort for my cold heart.


As Zhao Gou's arrogant posture was fixed in the group photo album, the chat group burst into laughter, and the fire prevention girl almost stopped laughing. It was really a bit disappointing to see such a dramatic scene just after entering the chat group. People can't stand it.

As more and more members join this chat group, the fun becomes more and more fun. The members of ancient history who originally seemed to be staid and steady are so able to live well.

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