We'll see how the follow-up cooperation goes. In the short term, we should first integrate the power of the junction. After all, the magic and spells here also have a lot of merits.

The fire prevention girl spread her hands and felt that Xiao Mu was very ignorant of herself. Lani was also the direct heir of Kalia. Although she was a little down, she still had her own power. Xiaomei, you are alone and can only be a guidance tool at best. How can you compare with others? .

I'm not in a hurry now, just take your time.

Everyone has the same understanding of the Supreme Will. It cannot be seen or touched. Basically, it is throwing meteorites from the sky or calling some people to come to the junction. The only thing that has established contact with it is the two fingers as messengers. It is also difficult for fire prevention women. Come on, this must slow down.

She planned to slow down the progress after returning and focus on the chat group for a while. It happened that a new function seemed to have been opened recently. She would wait for her to upgrade before settling on the Supreme Will.

Your attitude towards the border is really disturbing.

Melina pulled up her hood. The fireproof girl was finally like this. She was not in a hurry, nor was she too persistent in her so-called purpose, as if she could give up at any time.

If the power of the Supreme Will exceeds expectations, will she give up the junction and choose to leave directly?

She was a little scared. The fire-proof girl's attitude was as if she could give up at any time even at the border. When the time comes, the land will probably be the only one to bear the wrath of the Supreme Will.

Actually, don't worry too much. If you can't figure out the Supreme Will by then, I will take you back to Lothric.

Sensing Melina's emotions, the fireproof girl groaned a few times in displeasure. What did Xiao Mu take her for?

You have to believe in my character. I can still do whatever I can.

What if the current situation is beyond our capabilities.

I will try my best to avoid this situation.

The fireproof woman patted Melina on the shoulder, I have emphasized many times that the purpose of my coming to the junction is very simple, the Ring of Elden and the Supreme Will.

The fireproof girl is not here to hunt souls. Why is Melina always so scared?

Let's go home~

Throwing the branches away casually, with her head behind her back, the fire-proof girl greeted the big guy and left, leaving only the little wood here in a daze.

No, you just leave me and Lani here?

By the time Melina came to her senses, the fireproof girl and her group had already walked away.


Melina looked at Lani's body with her face on her face, picked it up on her back, and chased after the fireproof girl with a groan.

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Chapter 233 Hey hey hey, fireproof girl, fragrant and soft

Lothric at night, with bright bonfires.

A group of people were sitting around the campfire. They were residents of the border area.

Among them are knights, commoners, nobles, and slaves.

These suffering people no longer looked like the original decayed and dilapidated appearance. They were dressed in relatively clean brocade robes and sat neatly on the benches. Their eyes were focused on a nun covering her eyes beside the bonfire.

That's a member of the Holy Order.

As the great monarch who ushered in a new era for Lothric, even those old-timers who did not believe in the Fire Guard had extraordinary respect for the Fire Guard.

As a state religion, the Sun Cult venerates the Fire-Bodying Girl, and is involved in Lothric's domestic affairs, large and small. Among them, members of the Holy Church are extreme admirers of the Fire-Bending Girl.

Imitating the posture shown by the Lord God in front of everyone, the firm will of the Traveling Lord God, any criticism of the Lord God will attract their eyes.

Except when eating and sleeping, they will chat with each other all day long. If the long-term interruption affects the other person's work, they will help him complete it.

If they feel that this interruption has affected their own lives, these nuns who aim for perfection can also ensure the health of the other party with professional abilities that are beyond the reach of any housekeeper, and then continue to change the other party's extremely disrespectful thoughts towards the great Lord God.

Until both sides finally reached a consensus that His Majesty Gwensuer was perfect.

Even the standard clothing is the style of the fireproof girl when she was hiding in the sacrificial site. If the fireproof girl hadn't explicitly told her to show her faith not to hurt herself, I would have wanted to have my eyes peeled off.

It can be said that they worship the fire prevention girl to the extreme, and it is said that in order to satisfy their awe of His Majesty, this group of people also have some unknown little hobbies, but it is not clear whether it is true or not.

Of course, these people are still very normal in front of outsiders.

As for why the members of the Holy Church who carry out His Majesty Gwensul's will still ask for gatherings during the rest period that should be prescribed, there is a reason.

There is no way, these residents of the border area who have just regained a new life are still confused about the routine of the new body. Lothric is not a slave and needs these people to work, but a large number of unemployed vagrants can easily affect society if they are left alone. Stability is not a thing.

Therefore, in order to facilitate management, the people from the Holy Church and the army were combined to conduct regular training during the day so that they could integrate into Lothric society in the future. At night, these people who could not sleep were organized together for thinking. Educated.

Are you satisfied with your past life?

A high-pitched voice sounded, touching the hearts of many people present.

Not satisfied!

Are you satisfied with your past rulers?

Not satisfied!

Do you want to live a stable and prosperous life?


Do you want to work forty hours a week and have food and lodging included?


Do you want to have a broad platform and almost unlimited life to display your talents?


Then what are you still hesitating about? His Majesty Gwensul, who has great faith, becomes a member of Lothrik. From today on, you are your own masters. We are brothers and sisters. We can go to rescue them together. Our compatriots who are still suffering oppression!”

Oh oh oh oh!

Everyone raised their arms.

Now, do you know what you should do?

With the nun's low murmur, everyone's emotions were gradually aroused.

The old society... ahem, the junction turned people into ghosts.

Today Lothric will allow you to be human!

I must immediately devote myself to the construction of great Lothric!

I was born a Lothric!

I am the ghost of Lothric!

I am His Majesty Gwensul's dog!


Then there was another wave of demons dancing, and the swaying figures were projected on the wall under the light of the bonfire. Those who didn't know thought they had entered some pyramid scheme place.



The fire prevention girl who had just returned not long ago looked a little dull and thought that these people had some serious illness and were going crazy here without sleeping at night.

The faded person silently moved a small bench and sat next to Ashes. He opened a bag of potato chips and gave a handful to Ashes.

Are you going to leave it like this from now on?

After giving some to the somewhat sleepy little piece of wood beside him, Ashes asked the fire prevention girl.

On the way back, Ashes and the Faded Ones, with the help of Melina, went to a Faded Ones gathering center called the Round Table Hall. It was said that there was the most comprehensive history of the border area.

After all, what I got from Lani was only one side of the story, and I had to find another party to confirm it.

Although the process is not very friendly.

Well, let's take it easy for a while.

The fireproof girl stroked her palm, which still had cracks, with a hint of fear in her eyes.

I plan to turn my attention to the chat group in the near future. Until it gains overwhelming power, let's maintain the status quo.

It just so happens that a new feature of the chat group is about to be opened recently. I’ll put it aside for a while, and then I’ll overthrow that supreme will when I develop a lot.

I don’t believe that after a few years your supreme will can still touch me, hum.

The fire-proof woman had many choices, so she chose the safest method. If she was not sure now, she would always be sure in the future.

fair enough.

Withdrawing his gaze from the group of people who were gradually turning into ardent fans, Ashes nodded in agreement.

Although she is not afraid of challenges, she is not as cautious as she used to be. She always has to consider risks and consequences when doing things.

Then I'll go settle those people first, and Miss Lani's wolf also needs to be handed over.

Go, go, go~

The fire prevention girl waved her hand, it was a good thing that someone took the initiative to do the work.

Seeing that the fireproof girl looked unconcerned, Ashes shrugged speechlessly, throwing everything at her. She was now regarded as the deputy emperor of Lothric from the prince of Lothric.

She is also very tired.

Fireproof Girl is the same. Ever since she came to the throne, she has become more and more lazy. She used to work late hours to deal with government affairs, but now she has been abandoned and given to others, and Ashes is worried.

Things have become more complicated, but the benefits have not been reaped.

A little angry.

Thinking this, Ashes hugged the fireproof girl who was still thinking and took a bite.

? …! …

Come on! Suck!

( ̄~ ̄)


Wiping his mouth, he looked at the fireproof girl, as if he could see the shocked look under the blindfold of the other person, flashing past the bench thrown by the faded one, Ashes left with satisfaction.

...Well, Your Majesty Sur, can I take my leave first?

Melina, who was still carrying Lani, recovered from the shock and asked carefully like a fireproof girl.


After rubbing her face, the fireproof girl calmed down, and faced Melina's inquiry, she waved her hand indifferently.



Melina was relieved when she heard this. She was about to put down Lani, but was stopped by the fireproof girl.


We are all a family, so your sister will be taken care of by you.

With that said, the fireproof girl raised her hand and patted Melina on the shoulder.

Melina looked bitter.

The fireproof girl saw her dilemma, thought about the difficulty of taking care of such a big vegetable, and then raised her hand to use the power she had just gained on Lani.

Seeing that in the brilliance, Lani's one and a half meter body shrank again, until it shrank to the size of a palm and then stopped.

The Furnace Baixiang can easily edit the body, and the Fireproof Girl can quickly master this ability, and simple zooming in and out is also easy.

This should be much more convenient.

After handing the doll-sized Lani to Melina, the fireproof girl asked, Is that okay?

Gods are not stained by dust, so just keep such a small one as a decoration, it will not cause more trouble.

Melina looked at the delicate little man with a strange expression. After much hesitation, she finally took it and left.

After sending Melina away, the fireproof girl also cast her eyes teasingly on the faded one who had just picked up the bench.

Why, you're not going this time?

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