However, Your Majesty Gwensul, I hope that our future meetings can be more formal and not as casual as they are now.

To be honest, it really scared her just now. She thought she had fallen into the trap designed by Black Knife.

I'm sorry, I won't do it next time.

The fire prevention girl also waved her hands again and again, saying she wouldn't make such a mistake next time.

It's so embarrassing. It would be great if I could go back in time and go back to two minutes ago.

Tell me, why are you looking for me?

Facing the fireproof girl who sincerely apologized, Lani sighed, feeling the cold feeling from the bricks, frowning in discomfort, took out a magic book, put it on the cushion, and straightened her sitting posture.

If you want your own laws to replace the golden tree to rule the border area, then there is no need for us to continue talking.

Issues of principle must be addressed first.

First of all, I have little interest in ruling the border area. If I achieve my goal, I will naturally leave directly.

The fire-prevention woman explained that she had little need for land. With the strength of the First Fire, the land of Rodran had the conditions to expand beyond Chaos, and Lothrik was not so destitute that he needed to rely on the border to expand his living space.

Secondly, my goal is the Supreme Will, and I want His life.

As for the laws of the junction, I don't care about the rules, what I care about is his essence, so I can let Latarn release the shackles of the stars and give your laws a chance to replace the Golden Law... ...

The fireproof girl paused for a moment. She had done some homework about the junction and knew that Lani was one of the three gods in the junction and had her own laws.

Throughout the history of the border area, Gongzhu, who was born in the Kaliya royal family, played a very important role in the early power struggle of the Golden Tree, and his behavior was very dishonest.

His personal actions directly led to the death of Golden Godwin, thus causing the border area that lost the most orthodox heir of the Golden Law to become a mess after the ring of law was broken. The princes refused to obey each other and harbored their own ambitions.

You don't want Latarn to survive because of my existence, so that the law of the stars cannot come.

Huh, let life follow my law, then what is the difference between me and the Golden Law?

Lani rubbed her wrists. Her new body and soul were incomparable, and she was unexpectedly sensitive. She said she was not used to the body of a doll, and even now she felt a faint pain.

I intend to keep the so-called law away from the border area completely, and let this unfettered land construct its own order.

When the fire girl heard this, she was a little surprised. This princess is still an anarchist.

What's your answer?

I think we should be able to reach a consensus on our attitude towards the Supreme Will.

Lani said.

The conditions for ruling the border area are of no use to me. If we want to cooperate, I have only three requirements.

Lani pondered for a while and said this.

If you can agree, I will cooperate with you to the maximum extent. Whether it is against the golden tree or the supreme will, including all the knowledge and resources I have, I can hand it over to you.

She didn't say it too harshly. Although she had the right to refuse, she didn't want her ideal to end. She was even willing to risk her own life for her ideal.

So now, she doesn't want her life as a gambling capital to be handed over here inexplicably.

Of course, it's a tempting offer.

The fireproof girl showed an interested expression. She didn't care much about the resource, but the knowledge from another world was a valuable asset.


First, I hope that after you achieve your goal, you can take the demigods in this border area and the lives that follow you away from this land.

Okay, what else?

The fire prevention girl nodded without hesitation. This was not a problem, because after she achieved her goal, there was no need to pay attention to the junction. She could just take a group of people along with her. If they follow and are disobedient, they will be burned. That’s it.

Second, I hope you can protect my friends. They all stayed by my side for my ideals. If they continue to follow me, they will inevitably lead to a tragic ending.

Lani's face looked very solemn. Having faced the fire-proof woman, she knew the strong binding force of the person in front of her on the soul. Moreover, Lothrik's military power was powerful, which was the greatest guarantee for the subjects under his command.

no problem.

It's just a few people to save, not necessarily in the border area, but the fire prevention girl will send them to Lothric at the most, where if she wants to live alone, it is impossible to die.

Third, I hope you will fulfill part of your promise now and help me find a companion.

That was a half-wolf named Blaze. I sent him to the junction to find clues to the underground world, but he lost contact not long ago. The last news he sent back was that he was attacked by a strange army.

Speaking of this, Lani glanced at the patrolling cavalry passing by outside the church, and her meaning was self-evident.

She behaved very tactfully. Now that Nimgefu all belongs to the Fire Guard Girl, apart from Lothric, there are no other armies.

Uh, is this still happening?

The fireproof girl smiled awkwardly and glanced at Melina. Wasn't she always hanging around Nimgefu?

...Now half of the border belongs to you, you ask me how I know?

Melina rolled her eyes at the fire prevention girl. Although everything at the junction was deviated from the track she was supposed to be on, she had no interest in interfering with the affairs of a state machine.

If you can guard the fire girl and monitor what she is going to do, and if necessary, you will be able to show your determination by dying, it will be worthy of the border.

I, how can I...


Okay, okay, Ashes, do you know what's going on?

Facing the speechless Melina, the fire prevention girl smiled coquettishly. Only then did she realize that she had asked the wrong person, but she really didn’t know. She had left the border area to her men, anyway. She is the lifeblood of the world, and she is not afraid of being unable to maintain her rule.

It's like this, Su'er, when the church took over Nimgofu, the church issued a population registration decree. All lives in Nimgofu are required to be entered into Lothric's information database to facilitate management.

Sure enough, Ashes, who has always been reliable, quickly gave his answer.

During the enforcement period, there were many people who refused to cooperate. After we controlled them, we subjected them to varying degrees of labor reform depending on the severity of the crime. Miss Lani's companions may be among them.


Don't worry, I will be involved in all the operations of Nimgefu. You will not have any distortion of your will.

Ashes knew the fire prevention girl's concerns and replied.

Regarding Ningmu Gefu, the fire-prevention woman did not take too violent measures. If you don't see it, she even spared the life of the sinful Greg, and is now enjoying the purification service of the first fire.

Except for those treacherous and evil limb-repairing nobles, the remaining fire-preventing women who committed crimes were much more tolerant. Most of them were escorted to rebuild Nimgefu, and they were treated honestly and well, with three dishes, one soup and one meat every meal. Due to both factors, some prisoners just refused to leave.

That Blaze was probably detained after resisting law enforcement and is currently undergoing labor reform.

is that so?

The fireproof girl rubbed her chin.

But how come you know so clearly about Ashes?

There's nothing I don't know.

It is indeed ashes.

The fireproof girl clapped like a little girl.


The corner of Ashes' mouth curled up, feeling very impressed by the fireproof girl's admiration.

Her control over information about the country of Lothric is beyond anyone's imagination, and the operations of the entire country are always in front of her eyes.

Even though the Fire Guard Girl has always trusted her subjects, in order not to let the Fire Guard Girl down, she will do her best to look after them.

Chapter 232 Reaching a Consensus

The noble moon hangs in the sky, casting a cold light.

In front of the Islay Church, a centralized meeting between Lothric and the border area was held by the Fire Prevention Women organization to strengthen communication with representatives of the Calian royal family at the border area and provide a high-quality platform for high-quality suggestions and proposals.

At the meeting, Her Royal Highness Princess Lani of Kallia gave a brief report on her situation with the Supreme Will in recent years, and made a statement on how to handle the proposals for the Supreme Will elimination plan.

The fire prevention woman requested that the two sides negotiate between Lothric and Kallia during joint operations, strengthen the three responsibilities of organizational leadership, supervision and inspection, and follow-up and implementation, so as to promote the stability and harmony of the border area through the processing of proposals and enhance the will to free themselves from the supreme power. The ability to face difficulties later.

During the exchange, Lani proposed that the Supreme Will and its two fingers as messengers should be dealt with in a long-term and cautious manner, which was recognized by everyone. At the same time, during the process of discussing cooperation and exchanges between Lothric and the Junction, He showed his extremely high level of knowledge and brought great convenience to the cooperation between the two parties.

The fire-prevention woman expressed her willingness to provide a series of resources to assist the Kaliya side in researching the Supreme Will, and hoped that Losric's team could also participate with Kaliya's assistance. Her Highness Lani responded in the affirmative.

At the same time, the fire prevention woman fully recognized Lani's idea of ​​implementing the Law of the Moon, and at the same time put forward her own opinions, requesting that the people of the border area do not need to be directly separated from the border area, and the positive impact of their own laws on the border area should be effectively integrated into the operation of the border area, and serve as a basis for the border area. Contribute to the future social development of the region and improve people’s livelihood and well-being.

The atmosphere at the meeting was very warm. Through face-to-face communication, the two parties fully exchanged opinions, enhanced understanding, clarified ideas, laid a foundation for the next specific actions, and at the same time, provided a good basis for jointly building a bright future for the border area. beginning.

In the end, after a series of friendly discussions between the Fireproof Girl and Lani, they signed a cooperation agreement under the witness of Melina, who temporarily served as a third party.

Hereby, the contract is established.

The contract disappeared under the burning flames, and the emblems symbolizing the law and justice flew out and merged into their respective palms, adding a restraint to each other.

Wish us happy cooperation.

The firebender held out her hand.

“A pleasure to work with.”

Lani hesitated for a moment, then stretched out her hand and shook it with the fireproof girl. The fire prevention girl's attitude was really sincere. After a detailed exchange, Lani recognized her relatively soft diplomatic style.

They did not fight and kill as soon as they came up, nor did they choose to use force to overwhelm others. Instead, they chose to prioritize gentle communication methods to reach a consensus. Every move was full of respect for life in the border area.

Although compared to these forces in the border area, it seems a bit strange, but this is also a good thing. At least, compared with an inhuman existence, I still think that a kind and gentle existence can win more favor.

Thinking of this, Lani breathed a sigh of relief and planned to say goodbye, but then she found that she was still restrained in her new body.

Your Majesty Sur.


Can you untie me?

Lani felt her own strength bound in her body and wanted to try to untie it.

Oh oh oh, I'm so sorry. I was so immersed in the conversation that I forgot about this. I'm really sorry.

Patting her head, the fire-proof girl waved the branch in her hand and released the restraints. It was difficult to guess whether she really didn't know, or whether she did it on purpose.

Hey~ I need to go back and organize my subordinates.

Lani sighed and explained that although the fireproof girl behaved very politely, she always showed the power to destroy herself at will.

It seemed that this was a warning to her that the other party's soft appearance and kind attitude were only based on his confidence in his own strength. If she didn't have a good eye, she might have faced a different encounter.

Lani was also unsure of what the other party was thinking and seemed cautious.

Her mood was full of ups and downs tonight. God knew that just a simple guide out of curiosity could lead to so many incidents.

However, at least Her Majesty Lani, who is not in a very good situation, has now gained a seemingly reliable ally. Whether the relationship between the two parties can go further in the future can only be left to the test of time.

Oh, you don't need to report to me. Just tell me when you move here.

The fireproof girl looked like she was hesitating to speak.

Anything else?

It's nothing. Since we have planned to attack the Supreme Will directly, there is no need to be too anxious and we can take our time.

Yes, I know.

Lani replied seriously, saying that it was the fire girl who asked her not to alert others.

If you have anything important to discuss, just contact me directly through this body.

Touching her soft crystal blue skin, Lani looked nostalgic and closed her eyes slightly. Lani felt the doll on the other side of the magic tower.

She was not worried about leaving her new body here. Not to mention that we were all women, and now we were friends with each other, so the fireproof girl wouldn't do anything to embarrass her.

I'll take my leave.

Leaning in front of the broken stone wall and waving to the fire girl, Lani's eyes gradually became dull.


When Lani's soul completely left her body, the fire-proof girl stretched out her body, and a relaxed expression appeared on her face.

It's that simple?

Melina squinted her eyes and looked at the fire prevention girl. She thought that with this person's integrity, she would not let him go without squeezing something out.

You must know that she was forced to confess everything.

I know almost everything I need to know. As for the various forces in the border area, Lani doesn't know much more than you do. What this exchange has taught me more is that the Supreme Will cannot be touched for the time being.

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