The dragon knight added: Listening to the information from the King's Black Hand, these warriors will not die completely before the golden blessing is completely taken away. Those beings who were born after the war and retain wisdom have been taken care of by them. .”

For the remaining ones, we can just take action directly.

The dragon knight's deep eyes fell on the city that began to move.

Fenn followed his companion's line of sight and saw that the orderly ranks of sergeants were still sticking to their posts. Although they still maintained quite good combat effectiveness, an aura of decay and corruption inevitably leaked out.

It's so similar~

The Dragon Knight sighed with emotion.


The knight beside him who liked playing with guns also sighed with emotion.


Finn shrugged silently. Although he was old and powerful, it was precisely because of this that he responded to the request of King Osroais and became a member of the Stone Statue Legion in order to shed his blood for the future Lothric. A hint of fire.

As a result, Lothric missed the period when despair and hope coexisted.

When he woke up from his slumber, Lothric's royal palace was demolished and built into a museum for future generations to enjoy. The fire-prevention woman was quite heroic and moved the declining divine capital of Anor Londe to the initial furnace. It served as the abode of the gods.

Perhaps without His Majesty, we would be just as confused as them until the end.

The dragon knight said with emotion that these two worlds have subtle common characteristics.

The end is approaching, everything has returned to ruins, and the world is gradually weakening, but the army still retains strong combat capabilities, as if it wants to retain some faint sparks for this doomsday.

This does not come without a cost, however.

Although Lothric's immortal curse will give people the ability to die, it will lose their humanity after death. Without firm belief, they will become confused living corpses.

There seems to be no death in the border area from the beginning, so even if the order collapses, the army still maintains a strong combat effectiveness, without supplies or sleep, but it is a pity that it has lost its human wisdom.

call out!

A flash of red glowed in the dusk, dragging a dazzling trace in the sky.

Repeat this battle order!

Finn's face under the armor returned to seriousness.

You are not allowed to deprive the other party of blessings, you are not allowed to attack civilian areas, you are not allowed to mock the other party's beliefs, and you are not allowed to cause large-scale destruction! x3

May the sun shine. x3


The communication link between each other conveyed the order to attack. Finn nodded, put on the badge, and jumped down.

Set off!

Looking at each other with the dragon knight, the knight also jumped down.

In the past, it was His Majesty Gwensul who brought hope to them.

Now it's their turn to bring hope to others.

Chapter 221: Bad Omen Demon-Malkit


The city wall leads directly to the narrow space of the bridge. Homeless knights wave their halberds. The storm gathers as the halberds are waved, squeezing the air in the narrow passage. The strong winds and passages sweep across, oppressing the attacking team from the front.

The halberd cut into the wall, bringing out sparks and leaving long cutting marks. The blade collided with the enemy's weapon and smashed it onto the wall.


The Lothric knight, who stuck the blade of his halberd and crossed his sword, stood up like a normal person and wanted to fight back. The emblem on his chest lit up, and the golden light spread, and he teleported away with his disappointed eyes.


The storm surrounded his body, and the Homeless Knight ignored the blows from the hot weapons. Although he was wondering why these warriors who were no less than himself disappeared after a few attacks, this did not prevent him from fulfilling his duty to guard the passage.

It's really enviable.

Staring at the homeless knight who was blocking the way like a god of war, Tallulah did not hide the envy revealed in her eyes.

His whole body is covered with armor that can protect him from heavy crossbows without affecting his movements at all. His martial arts skills are strong enough to defeat a hundred, coupled with his inexhaustible physical strength and immortality.

A knight with this kind of combat power, let alone hand-to-hand combat in a small area, could chop melons and vegetables all the way into a World War II-level battlefield. Judging from the storm that has been lingering around him, Tallulah felt that if this man In their world, ordinary spell bombardment couldn't do anything to him.

The key is that there are several knights like this.

This decisive cluster of combat forces is the real storm. Regardless of whether it is steel or flesh and blood, everything will be crushed in front of it.

If only she could have it in her integrated movement.


Tallulah couldn't help but sigh when she thought of this. The integration movement she established was now about to confront the great power of Terra. Her concern was that there was no elite unit with decisive power in the team.

It is not that there are no strong people in the integration movement. For example, Tallulah herself is very strong, and there are more than one cadres in the team who can stand alone, but it is not enough.

The snowfield guerrillas deal with Ursus, and all they face are branches of individual army groups and scattered Ursus internal guards. If they are unlucky, they may encounter evil spirits coming from the north, but Tallulah and the others can personally to confront.

But when the battle officially begins, I'm afraid they won't be able to do anything at all.

Tallulah knew that in her world, although the military level was lagging behind.

But those old powerful countries all have a decisive force. They are powerful and limited in number, but the power they can exert on the battlefield is extraordinary.

Nowadays, her gradually mechanized troops can definitely gain a crushing advantage against the conventional troops of Ursus, but when facing the emperor's internal guards, they may still be cut into pieces.

And even if there is a frontal battlefield encounter, if there are no troops to fight against it, the opponent will not be able to stop it even if it launches operations behind enemy lines.

Tallulah herself can't give up command and go around putting out fires.

It will also be difficult to deal with the internal guards in the offensive battle.

Tallulah made a note in her notes. It's not that she didn't have a solution to this problem. The simplest one was to find mercenaries in the group.

Fireproof Girl, Otto, and the Big Evil, these group members with powerful individual combat units, always like to take over the employment business in the group. One wants soul, the other wants technology, and the other wants everything.

However, hiring is only a temporary measure. In the future, Tallulah will eventually have to find a way to create an army of her own.


After realizing that there was really no way to fight against the Homeless Knights with the intensity of her integrated movement, Tallulah took a look at the surge in battle damage ratio, and simply stopped her micro-management of the attacking troops in the city, preparing to personally deal with this troublesome enemy. .

She has never failed to strengthen herself, and not just any existence can stop it.


The crimson magic fire exploded, dissipating the storm, and adhered to the knight's armor. Under the amazing control, the armor was melted and turned into a soft fluid. Tallulah raised her leg and The Homeless Knight was kicked out.

keep going.

Seeing the homeless knight with only slight burns on his body being tied up and sent to the rear, Tallulah continued to lead the team forward.

Their team is responsible for the attack on the front passage of the town. The sentry towers and firepower points on the inside have been handed over to the airborne troops. They will cooperate with the main force on the outside to wipe out the main force gathered by Stonewell.

As for the owner of this castle, it was really difficult for the owner of the castle to face the demigods at the junction with the level of integrated movement, so the opponent was handed over to another high-level combat unit to deal with it.

The further forward, the more violent the storm surrounding Stonewell became.

Following her to the bridge leading to Stonewell, she found that the way was blocked by an uninvited guest.

Tallulah threw out a fireball tentatively, and the opponent responded with a dagger made of light.


The two forces clashed, and an explosion occurred, causing a large amount of smoke and dust.

I am Malkit, the demon who guards Rodel.

The wind jacket swept away the dust, and the slightly old voice echoed in the wind. Tallulah looked around and saw a tall figure wearing a tattered brown robe.

Retreat, strange dragon, and don't covet the Ring of Elden.

He was holding a wooden sword in his hand. His body was tall and withered, with messy hair flying in the wind. His exposed face was mostly covered by twisted sharp horns, and a long twisted tail trailed behind him.

Son of Omen?

Tallulah narrowed her eyes slightly. She had seen this kind of face before, and she had also been exposed to a lot of information about the junction while studying with Lance Sanks.

When the Golden Law was first established, all living beings were divided into three, six, and nine levels, high and low. It is said that such beings with countless sharp corners and various biological characteristics are at the bottom of the discrimination chain in the border area.

Their presence represents a curse and impurity.

If discovered, they will be executed. Even the kindest parents can only throw it into the sewer full of guilt and let it die on its own.

It's interesting that a bad omen would choose to uphold the rule of the Golden King.

Tallulah had done a lot of research on the border area. She had heard about the deeds of the Son of Omen who stood in front of her. It was said that he had defeated the Broken Star General in the siege. Shine.

To be honest, Tallulah didn't understand this kind of people very well. To her, they looked like an infected person who took the initiative to protect those grandpas in the mines.

Of course, it may be that her own understanding of it is too one-sided, but this does not prevent Tallulah from trying to sway Malkit's will.

Language can also have powerful power. This is the most profound understanding brought by her growth experience.

Look behind you, the companions you are protecting. Are they accepting you when you are on the battlefield?

Behind Malkit, there should be soldiers who came to assist in the defense, but except for a few Sons of Omen who had their horns cut off, they were keeping a long distance from Malkit at this moment.

He is always mentally ill, but the discrimination engraved in his soul still remains.

As long as there is a being blessed by gold, there is no doubt that there is no deep aversion to bad omens.

Huh, what a childish trick.

Malkit shook his head, his eyes still remained calm.

He didn't care about this kind of discrimination. He chose to protect the Golden Law, not for glory, and he never thought about asking for rewards.

Just a simple attempt, it seems your will cannot be shaken.

Tallulah smiled.

However, I do have deep doubts about an unblessed son of ill omen choosing to guard the golden tree.

Order needs to be maintained. If we, the rebellious ministers and traitors like you, cause chaos, the golden order will completely collapse.

Malkit made no secret of his disgust towards these princes who supported their troops and respected themselves.

Oh, the so-called golden order is to divide all sentient beings into high and low classes, and then imprison them in a fixed framework?

You are discriminated against if you are short in stature, you are discriminated against if you have a deformed body, you are discriminated against if you come from a different background?

Those with short stature can only become evil soldiers whose status is second only to mixed-race slaves. Those with physical deformity are regarded as bad omens and are abandoned or executed. Without blessings, those who are regarded as faded have no right to survive under the Golden Law.

Tallulah did not agree with such an order. If she were in it, she would choose to resist, even if she was shattered to pieces.

Sharp teeth and sharp mouth.

Malkit didn't seem to care about Tallulah's frantic behavior of uncovering his scars, and looked at Tallulah's eyes that seemed to be burning all the time.

Then what can you bring, lead the troops, and add another fire to this land that is about to burn out?

Let her burn into a handful of ashes in the chaos?

No, we won't let her perish.

Tallulah has her own bottom line. If this war is for extinction, then she will not participate in it.

We will eliminate discrimination, we will abandon hatred, we will restore farmland to cultivation, prevent forests from rotting, and we will restore life to the lives of the borderlands.

Look at Stonewell City today, and then look at Galid, which was in dire straits not long ago, but is now full of vitality.

In her opinion, the current order in the Junction is completely incomparable to that of Lothric, the fire-prevention woman, so she chose to participate in it to bring a better future to the Junction.

Excellent order, why not choose to export it?

We will bring hope to this land!

Dark red veins spread across the ground, the blade of the sword ignited flames, the surge in temperature ignited the air, and the rising heat wave changed the direction of the storm.

Tallulah raised the blade and pointed it at Malkit.

What she had to do next was simple.

Now that she has explained her thoughts, if the other party still chooses to block it and still cannot agree, then she needs to show her power to achieve the future she said.

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