Chapter 222 Swinging the sword at the golden tree

While Tallulah held back Malkit who was blocking the bridge, Lothric's knights also chose to board the overpass and launch an attack on the army inside the town behind.

The solid city wall is constantly covered with stones and dust, and large swaths of moss are scraped off.

Silt mixed with moss kept rolling out of the waterways leading to the sea. The tremors destroyed the delicate balance within the drainage system and unclogged the sewers that had been blocked for who knows how long.

Like a creature whose digestive system had been clogged for a long time, after struggling to squeeze out the sludge that had accumulated for a long time, a dark red liquid with a strong stench spurted out.

The flesh and blood were mixed with the remains of bones, and dirty hair was connected to the rusty railings. Then they fell into the sea together under the influence of gravity, and were finally swept into the ocean by the turbulent waves.

The bombardment of the golem and the heavy crossbow caused bursts of buzzing, and the thunder guns pouring down from the sky destroyed Stonewell's defense facilities. The knight responsible for the attack swung a hammer to knock open the blocking iron gate, and then was The flail that was pulling the storm flew away with one blow.

The whole city was shaking as they fought with each other.

Since the end of the Broken War, this silent land has not had a war of this magnitude for a long time.

Reinforcements are still falling from the sky, focusing on taking care of the exposed ballistae in Stonewell City, providing a relatively safe environment for the main attack below. There are also scattered knights falling, as high-level combat units against the powerful ones in Stonewell City. The Homeless Knights.

The two iron streams violently collided with each other in the city, then crowded each other and dispersed among various passages and passes.

The martial arts of the storm and the miracle of the sun reflected each other. Stonewell's warriors continued to fall, and Lothric's knights continued to disappear and leave in the golden light, and then returned to the battlefield after a short rest.

The alliance formed by these warriors inherited from the ancient Storm King and the Golden Tree Knights brought by Grek from Rodel is not weak.

Although their rigid souls make their actions seem dull and rigid, it also gives them a fearless fighting posture.

No matter how many warriors beside them fall, even if they fight until only one person is left, their morale will not collapse, making the advancement of the Lothric knights more difficult.

However, although our own offensive was contained to a certain extent, the Lothric knights who also fought in the apocalypse were not inferior.

Even though they had reservations due to the nature of the battle, as Tallulah became more and more able to control the battle situation, Lothrik's team moved firmly and slowly towards the location of the royal court in the inner city.

The overall situation has been decided.

In the middle of the bridge connecting the inner city and the outer wall of Stonewell, Tallulah put away the blade of her sword, and looked forward with eyes that had not yet turned away the fire, Malkit, who had been fighting against her for a long time.

The bridge has several cracks and is covered with traces of devastation. The weapons that stood on both sides of the bridge at the beginning and were left by the faded people who were executed to deter those with evil intentions have also been melted and destroyed, and they have been poured into the ground. Among the cracks big and small.

It's really not to be underestimated. He is worthy of the ancient dragon clan.

The body was a little illusory. Seeing that Tallulah had no intention of taking action again, Malkit was stunned for a moment, sighed at the power of the dragon, and put away her offensive stance.

He is not his true body, but just an external incarnation. Now that his power has been exhausted, his body is constantly emitting light powder, and it seems that he is about to dissipate.

Looking back at the iron gate of the inner city, there are already idle Lothric knights gathering the bodies of the resurrecting warriors.

Those sons of evil omen who were not blessed were given special care and were not killed. Now they were tied into knots and were squatting in the corner dejectedly.


Malkit breathed a sigh of relief, at least the other party didn't come here to kill everyone.

Distant time has passed, and a hundred years have passed since the Ancient Dragon War. Why are you doing this? Do you want to break the contract and restore the rule of the Dragon Clan?

I'm not the one leading this.

Tallulah has long been used to being regarded as a dragon by people from other worlds, and she can't cut off her dragon's horns and tail.


Malkit raised the corner of her eyes. Apart from the long-dead Golden Godwin, is there anyone else in this world who can command the dragon clan?

I'm sorry I can't—

'Just tell him. ’

The voice from the fireproof woman sounded from the bottom of Tallulah's heart. She had been watching the battlefield just now.

‘Sister Su’er, have you been watching? ’

'yes. ’

The fireproof girl smiled and glanced at Ashes, who was still fighting back and forth with the Furnace Knight.

‘After all, you still have more to worry about than us. ’

‘Sister Su’er! ’

‘Okay, okay, let’s talk business first. ’

The fireproof girl was still smiling.

Just a reminder, the real owner came in in the morning.

Faced with the fireproof girl's stiff change of subject, Tallulah shrugged.

She was willing to have a chat with the bad omen in front of her. After all, she had been fighting for so long, and this Malkit was not a despicable person. Since the fire prevention girl agreed, that was even better.

In battles between strong men, one's own will is usually brought into one's own strength. The holy attributes displayed by Malkit are noble and majestic. Although the initial image is not very good because of his appearance, as long as he You can tell right after the fight that this is a good guy.

Is that so? That's it.

Malkit chewed on Tallulah's words, and then remembered the motorcade that entered the town in the morning.

As the one who controlled Rodel, he naturally knew that what the fire-prevention woman said was a lie, and he had felt the aura of strange laws in this woman who was the leader of the team.

However, because the other party acted politely and did not intend to cause trouble, Malkit pretended not to see it.

The possessors of the law are not surprising in Rodel. They are called gods. Malkit knows four of them. They have the qualifications to compete for the throne of God. Most of them are on the periphery of Elden's power competition for various reasons. .

Without the assistance of a person with royal status, it would be impossible for a god to replace the Golden Law.

I just didn't expect that this god-man actually had an established power.

It seems we have to be enemies.

If the people around him were like this ancient dragon, he might not be able to become the King of Elden.

After taking a deep look at Tallulah, he judged.

Malkit believes in the Golden Tree because the Golden Tree brings order. Even though he has never enjoyed the benefits of this order and had a miserable childhood, this does not prevent him from trying to save money to maintain this order. , to protect the lives of others.

Malkit knew that he was not destined to be the King of Elden, but he still decided to protect the royal city and the rule of the Golden Tree. He felt that he had the obligation and the ability to protect it, and he hoped to maintain order.

Maintaining the prosperity of the royal city is what he hopes.

Looking across the border, he could not see a better country than that under the rule of the Golden Tree. Rodel's prosperity before the ring was broken cannot be faked.

His current selfish intention is to change the discrimination against bad omens in the border area, and then wait for the return of the real King of Elden.

If you want to replace the Golden Law, then show a power that matches your ambition.

The object of allegiance determines each other's position. Since the unknown opponent is in the law and has already wielded his sword towards the golden tree, Malkit, who maintains the rule of the golden tree, stands on the opposite side.

That's natural. When the Lothrik Legion comes, don't be frightened.

Tallulah answered on behalf of the fire girl.

Everyone knows about this border area. The fireproof girl who has been here for a while knows that the senior management here will not play with you in vain. If you want to do anything, you must first have a big fist.

Power is the reason for being king. If you want others to recognize your law, you must first make them recognize your fist!

Hmph, Rodel blocked the ancient dragon and those rebellious officials and traitors. Naturally, he can also block you and others.

Malkit wielded the sword hard, but the wooden sword body did not pierce the ground as usual, but began to dissipate after cracks burst out.

Enjoy the fruits of victory that belong to you, but be careful, the biggest threat to this city is not the golden king.

Greg Ichiban, who secretly despised the battle and has yet to show up and doesn't know what he is doing, Malkit's body became thinner as the light powder spread.

Inform your god on my behalf that I will be waiting for your arrival at Rodel.

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Chapter 223 Fireproof Girl: Whose group of Paladins is kicked!

Falling leaves bring messages from afar.

The leaves of the trees that covered the sky fell, exuding soft golden light, flying up and down under the influence of the wind whirlpool that overlapped among the branches.

Drifting through the silent city, passing between buildings made of white marble, there are huddled dignitaries. Compared with their compatriots far away in Stonewall, they look more respectable when they pass by perfumers from time to time to help take care of the accumulation of leaves on their bodies. Quite a few.

The grand road between the Royal City Avenue that separates Rodel's upper and lower floors now seems quite crowded.

Countless exquisite carriages and goods were cleared on both sides of the road, stacked on top of each other, and valuable jewelry and moldy grain were wrapped together, lying haphazardly on the street, all indicating that the city had long lost the ability to digest these goods.

The mottled golden tree flags are hung on the city walls, and the knights in gorgeous armor are still performing their duties.

Starting from the majestic gate with arrows remaining, along the road paved with snow-white marble bricks, the most loyal guards of the golden tree stood like statues, letting the fallen leaves fall and stain the luxurious cloak behind them.

Quiet and solemn.

This is the ancient capital of Rodel, which stands under the golden tree.

In front of the platform where you can see the Ring of Elden, several noble seats stand. The luxurious throne guarded in the center is the throne that has attracted countless heroes and golden princes and symbolizes the throne of the King of Elden. .

In the past, the blessed golden heirs gathered here to obey the management of King Elden and perform the duties of their bodies.

But now, there is no one on the throne, only a son of evil omen wearing a simple gray robe is standing here quietly.

He closed his eyes slightly and faced the golden tree, standing on the ground like an old monk in meditation.

The wind blew up the tattered robe, and the fallen leaves finally fell, falling among the twisted branches of the Son of Omen.

Malkit opened her eyes.

Are you awake?

In the air behind him, a vague black figure suddenly appeared, and a deep female voice came out, which seemed a little distorted like her figure.


With a simple nod in response, Malkit said immediately: Ask Skaven to come see me.


The shadow immediately disappeared, and not long after, a tall knight wearing pure black armor set foot on the area that was once exclusive to the royal family.

The Night Cavalry is a personal soldier of Malkit.

Your Highness, are you looking for me?

The Night Cavalry subconsciously glanced at the throne. The crown was still the same, and there were still a lot of golden leaves. Then he was disappointed as expected, then took off his helmet and bowed to Malkit.

Your Highness, what a wonderful title. This title has been associated with the royal family since ancient times. It is hard to imagine that such a title would fall back on a son of evil omen who is considered taboo under the Golden Law.

And now, Rodel, the only one who is qualified to be called His Highness is the Blessing King Mengt, who maintained the order of the Golden Tree during the Broken War.

How is the investigation of the incident in northern Galeed going?

Noticing the sight of the Night Cavalry, Menggert couldn't help but frown, turned around, and covered the exquisite crown, completely exposing his ugly appearance to the light.

Except for a very few existences, no one knows that the evil omen ghost Malkit who shined in the defense of Rodel and the extremely mysterious blessing king Mengt are the same person.

It has been clearly described.

The Night Cavalry took out a scroll. They were not only the troops directly under Monguet, but also acted as Monguet's eyes and ears.

let me see.

After taking the scroll, Menggert spread it out.

The scroll is nothing more than about the recent anomalies in Galede and a brand new force that appeared there.

After all, the scarlet earth was once again covered by lush forests, and the beam of light that penetrated the sky and earth not long ago attracted the attention of many beings in Galid.

You can actually suppress Scarlet Corruption, and you can even get a place for the corrupt family members. Are you advocating tolerance? It's similar to Mikaila.

After understanding Galid's current appearance, Menggert murmured, then got rid of the inexplicable thoughts in his mind, shook his head, and continued.

Send the order, gather the Golden Army, and don't worry about the Gemir volcano.

The Night Cavalry looked puzzled.

Someone will help us deal with it. What we have to do next is to focus on dealing with their attack.

After a brief explanation, Menggert immediately asked: How are the soldiers outside?

The princes on all sides were very honest and did not take any action. Except for Galid, we lost a colleague, but his life should not be in danger.

The Night Cavalry reported truthfully.

Recall the Night Legion in the south, and remember to leave something for them.

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