Is that so?

Walking side by side with Tallulah, Bianca nodded her head in understanding.

Biancaye knew that Tallulah was not trained as a pure warrior like herself. Back in Destiny, she had learned more about political knowledge, which was taught by Otto himself.

At that time, she thought that Bishop Otto was planning to retire and was training a successor.

In the past, most of the operations I carried out in the snowy fields were guerrilla operations. Now, Sister Su'er allows me to attack large fortresses on the basis of integrated movements.

After arriving at Tallulah and exiting the building, the devastated training ground behind him was slowly recovering, and he walked towards the interior of Pharos Fortress.

This is a good training opportunity. After all, there is going to be a war over there.

It was not that Tallulah had never been exposed to war command in the past. She even went to study at Doujiu Baiduo.

However, their ridiculously advanced war model is too advanced, requires high productivity, and is too expensive. The integration movement does not have the conditions.

Now, for Tallulah, who was preparing to formally declare war on the decadent empire, a battle that could perfectly replicate the military conditions she possessed was a rare opportunity.

Although the opponent has not moved the city, and there may be a gap in military strength, they can definitely learn a lot, apply Zeng Jin's theory to practice, and accumulate data to provide a template for future operations.

We talk about the Middle Ages every day, but the methods of warfare in this other world are completely different from the ordinary medieval world.

The world on Tallulah's side has uneven military standards due to various reasons. As far as Ursus' military level is concerned, it is probably not much higher than that of the border area.

Indeed, those with a mission must continue to work hard and become stronger.

Bianca said in agreement, and then asked: Is there anything you need to give me?

Well, Sister Su'er said I would take you with me. There are some good opponents there.

Chapter 219 Fireproof Girl: I want the power of the Hundred Phases of the Furnace!

It's approaching dusk.

Why are we here?

When the fireproof woman led a group of people to the path on the side of the castle, looking at the scattered soldiers stationed below, Ashes asked.

Having been drained of all her value, Melina has been sent to Tallulah as a guide. Ashes thought they would just stay in the city and watch the show.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Melina left, the fireproof girl slipped out with the remaining people.

By the way, Ah Tie is guarding the house.

There's something of interest.

This is the edge of the castle. The fire prevention girl and her party are standing on a high place, looking through Stonewell's clouds and mist, overlooking the stretching plank road below.

There are some things that little girl Melina shouldn't know yet.

Let's go down.

After planning a route on the map and once again expressing resentment for the fact that even though she had become a god king, she still couldn't fly, the fireproof girl walked down with the ashes.

Explosive barrels are piled everywhere on the road, and immortals who are insulated from death are hidden in them.

The strong wind blows, accompanied by the scream of the storm eagle. Looking around, this kind of eagle can soar freely in the strong wind. Most of its legs have been modified, either with explosive barrels filled with kerosene, or with two handles. A sharp long knife.

I have to say that the Golden King is really cautious enough.

Walking between the plank roads, there were fallen corpses all around. Their heads were removed and separated from their bodies. This was a method that could delay the resurrection of these immortals to the greatest extent.

It's a pity that there are no little ghosts hiding on the wall. If I were to decorate it, I would add one here, cut off the road to this location, and then add a Mimic at that location. No living person can get there.

In the location of the secret room, the light and shadow were dim. Ashes put down the head of a dementia knight and commented like this.

The layout here can be added to the Lothrik Theme Park in the future. The old woman will definitely like it.

The fire prevention girl smiled. The city's defense configuration gave her a lot of inspiration.

Lothric Theme Park is a large-scale project conceived by a fire-prevention woman. It is still under construction and has not yet reached the testing stage.

It records multiple periods of history during the period when the flames were weak, and the beings who enter it can take on the identity of the person who passed through it, walk through the road of spreading fire, and confront the gods of that period, so that future generations can truly experience the heroes of spreading fire. s story.

Taking into account the current progress of Lothric's comprehensive level, in order to allow the beings who enter it to gain more gains, Fireproof Girl is still fine-tuning the difficulty and preparing to add some things.

Once it was built, I brought old Miyazaki over to test it.

Soldiers whose faces were covered and whose whole bodies were wrapped in crimson cloth were walking along the road. Ashes' eyes narrowed, and he felt a similar power from their bodies to the two homeless knights he had seen before.

These warriors are very powerful and are better than the enemies they meet outside.

Going all the way down the road, the fire prevention girl and her party finally came to a prominent platform and saw their goal.

One of the three mysterious beings beyond Greg has just been found through the detector.

Among the ruins where bricks and stones still remained, heavy footsteps could be heard. Iron boots stepped on the stone surface, grinding the raised fine gravel into sand.

Dark red axe-shaped armor, holding a sword and shield of the same color as the armor.

Fireproof Girl has seen introductions to this type of knights in ancient books. They were the Crucible Knights who followed the first King of Rodel to conquer the border area.

He also noticed the fire-proof woman who had her eyes on him. Without warning, he put the big shield on his chest and walked slowly towards the two of them.

Those heavy footsteps left deep footprints on the ground, hitting the rocks and reverberating with crisp sounds in the air, as if the knight in front of him and his inner body were also a lump of metal.

A very strong sense of oppression and a resolute momentum like a rock gave Ashes the illusion that he was facing the Black Knight.

Hui Jing glanced at the fireproof woman beside him.

This guy is not easy to mess with.

Either he couldn't beat him, or even a demigod would feel resentful in the face of the current ashes. What's more, he was just a lone knight. The main thing was to fight against such a being, and the explosion would be very loud.

Ashes worries whether this will affect Tallulah's siege operations.

Let's fight with free hands and feet.

After giving the ashes a row of blessings that could fill up the status bar, the fireproof girl looked at the tiny shadow floating in the sky.

The time has come.

As night approaches, the tide rises, and the eternal wind surrounding Stonewell becomes more intense. The rushing wind scrapes against the smooth rock walls, tearing away the traces left by the day.

The residents of Stonewell also gradually stopped their activities for the day.

The non-demented people protect the close friends with dementia and bring them into residences that are still taken care of. The uncared-for immortals still wander aimlessly in the streets, or find a wall to stay in a daze.

There was a huge rat that couldn't wait to squeeze through the sewer fence, carefully came to the pile of corpses, tore out a stump of a limb and crawled back into its den, leaving a dirty mark on the ground.

The sky became darker and darker, and as the yellowish color of the sky became darker and darker, the thick dark clouds faded away, and the eternal starry sky began to reveal a corner of the sky, and a subtle atmosphere gradually enveloped Stonewell Castle.

The air suddenly became dry.

call out!

The projectiles from the sky passed by, tearing apart the storm, washing away the strong smell of gunpowder smoke, flying towards the tower at the top, and penetrated the warrior's head.

The soldier paused, then lowered his head. Broken tissue mixed with blood poured out from the wounds opened by the projectiles.

The soldier seemed to be unable to feel the pain. He took a deep breath, and the air mixed with smoke and dust poured into the dry lungs. The chest expanded, and the skin like a black carapace broke open and fell along the gaps in the armor.

He put his mouth against the horn, pouring air mixed with the smell of decay into it, and part of it blended into the air along the leaky mouth.

Before the ensuing thunder gun completely destroyed his body, the soldier blew the horn.


The low horn blew through the biting wind, awakening this sleeping fortress.


The gears rotated, driving the iron gate up, and the heavily armed warriors gathered at their positions, maintaining a formation that had never changed for thousands of years.

On the city wall, heavy ballistae rotated everywhere, the gears smashed the dead vines, and the tips of the arrows with grease remaining ignited with flickering fire.


The furnace core in the belly of the demon statue lying on the ground was ignited again, and the misty golden glow spread along the ancient lines and connected with each other.

The light of torches, golems, and ballistae stretched out and turned into an array surrounding the royal court.

Warriors, slaves, monsters, raised their mottled weapons.

The fortress comes alive.

A bit stuck

I've been coding for an hour and have coded a thousand words. I really can't write anymore. I'll finish the code tomorrow morning. I've been busy working on the proposal report for my graduation thesis recently, and I've been busy checking information from morning to night. I'm really tired. , and went to bed early.

Good night.


Chapter 220: Bringing the brilliance of the fire prevention girl to the borderland

I just said this piece of shit is not powerful enough.

In the distant sky, outside the natural barrier condensed by the storm, the knight said this to his companions and looked at the fire stick in his arms.

Tch, Old Antique, I'll give you a try on the power of the electromagnetic gun sooner or later.

The companion hummed, then put away the weapon with smoke still coming from the muzzle.

Weapons from the physics department are indeed inferior to those from the metaphysics department. At least the thunder gun will not lose most of its power due to kinetic energy decay when it flies that far.

I don't deny that that kind of weapon is powerful, but compared to us, it's still too useless. Instead of spending energy on these toys, it's better to delve more into miracles and strengthen our faith in His Majesty.

The slightly serious knight said this.

The development of science and technology has indeed brought a lot of convenience to Lothric's life and the sword wielding of military power, but it has limited improvement in the personal abilities of Lothric knights.

After all, this is Lothric, and faith can really be used to stop bullets.

The so-called power that can be achieved by firearms and cannons can be achieved by Lothric people just tearing a piece of cloth with the mark of the holy fire and then silently chanting the name of the Lord God with sincere faith. It takes countless explosives to achieve it. destructive power, or gain the ability to defend against such destructive power.

It's just a personal hobby, Finn, don't take it so seriously.

The knight who was controlling the flying dragon to prevent his partner from swooping down and raining down dragon flames as usual acted as the peacemaker.

Your Majesty, please let us expand our hobbies. It would be good if we have something we like. Not everyone likes to go to the sanctuary to study doctrines in their free time like you.

Maybe an old antique like me can't keep up with young people like you.

Finn was aware of the gap in thinking between himself and these young people.

Perhaps it was because they followed the fire-proof woman to conquer all directions, and spent more time with this main god who had integrated into the people of Lothric, and the influence they received was greater.

But he still retains more respect for the gods.

After the unification of Rodran, there was a huge demand for the priesthood, which required constant recruitment from civilians. Sages were scientific research talents, and no one would dislike having too many talents.

However, as the knights of Lothrik's force, there is no way or conditions to supplement.

After integrating the Silver Knights, Church Knights, Lothric Knights, Frank Undead Legion and other legions scattered around the world, Lothric's overall military strength has always been maintained at such an upper limit.

First, there is no need to supplement. Joining the Lothric army means dedicating oneself to this country in the future. Second, there is no ability to supplement. Today's conditions can no longer recruit people who have been on the battlefield for thousands of years in blood and fire. A warrior was forged.

If nothing else, the troops serving Lothric will be the same for a long time.

In the view of the fire-proof girl, these loyal and brave warriors are not cold machines. Each one is unique. She has always been inclined to let them learn more about art, theology, philosophy, science and other things to develop some hobbies. It would be easier to live a near-permanent military career.

Perhaps one day, when this country no longer needs to have an army, they can integrate into society again.

What did your Majesty give you?

His Majesty said that it would be fine to stick to the upper limit set.

The knight who was quarreling with Finn just now did not show his ink at this moment, and took out several emblems from the holy mark and asked his companions to wear them.

This is designed with reference to the endurance of Tallulah's army. It can limit our physical capabilities to that extent. If we suffer excessive damage, we will be teleported back and redeployed.

They knew that this battle was to gain experience for Tallulah. The man who liked playing with guns had even gone there to conduct cooperative missions and had a clear understanding of the combat effectiveness of Tallulah's army there.

If you can still maintain a good battle-loss ratio against an army like Stonewell, then you can easily get through it when you return to Tallulah.

Remember not to be too impulsive. If you can't beat me, you can't beat me. It's just training anyway, and the opponent's level is not bad either.

The knight reminded.

But there's no need to be timid.

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