You are really intolerant of oil and salt!

Melina stared at the fireproof girl, and then she was stunned for a moment, only to see her smile. It was more like a predator subconsciously splitting his lips after discovering his prey.

Through the exquisite eye mask, Melina seemed to see a burning flame.

Tell me everything you know.

Chapter 217 Let’s go! Taking office at Stone City!

The most taboo thing in negotiation is to reveal too much redundant information, because that will inevitably allow the opponent to gain more bargaining chips, thereby turning yourself into a weak party in the negotiation.

Although the fireproof girl's own level is not very good, she still needs to see who her opponent is.

Generally speaking, a being with normal intelligence would not make such low-level idiotic mistakes in negotiations between the two camps.

'I'm an idiot. ’

Melina finally came to her senses and couldn't wait to find some demi-human staffs to hit her wooden fish on the head.

Why did she just say it all at once?

Why does she have to use examples to illustrate the seriousness of the problem?

Doesn't this just wipe her old bottom clean?

I...I don't know anything.

The fireproof woman's face was so close, her gentle breath hit her neck, and she felt the temperature that seemed to ignite her. Although Melina was timid, she still spoke forcefully.

Melina couldn't remember many things clearly, but she still knew that the thing above was untouchable.

Hahaha, as a deal, I am willing to be the King of Elden.

Seeing Melina's appearance, the fireproof girl wanted to laugh inexplicably.

Melina, this girl, can't be said to be stupid. It can only be said that she hasn't communicated with normal human beings for a long time, and she seems a little dull. Hahaha, no one can negotiate with people like this.


Melina suddenly no longer wants the fireproof girl to be the king of the border area, and she always feels that she is inviting the wolf into the house.

Let me think about it, there are ruins of that civilization under the junction, right? So I can investigate it myself.

The fireproof woman tapped her chin with her index finger.

Now the trading conditions have changed.

Tell me the clues related to the Supreme Will outside the ruins. In exchange, I am willing to become the King of Elden.

And I have to touch the Supreme Will anyway. Facing it will be a unified interface or a chaotic interface, it depends on how much you can provide me.

Chun Chun is making fun of the lives in the border area.

I always feel that if I continue like this, I will have to beg you to become the King of Elden.

Melina was stunned for a moment.

If I told you, would you be willing to bring order to the Junction?

Do you really know the clues beyond the ruins of civilization?


Melina bit it, and her heart was instantly filled with resentment towards the fireproof girl.

Too bad, really too bad, how could there be such a bully?

Then tell me everything you know.

Seeing that Xiaomu was about to smoke with anger, the fireproof girl stopped teasing her and took advantage of this moment to ask.

You send troops to Nimugefu first. After retaking Nimugefu, I will tell you what I know.

Melina has also learned how to be prostitute, she doesn’t want to be prostituted for free anymore!

A reasonable request.

Faced with Melina's answer, the fire-proof girl smiled nonchalantly. This was considered as training for Xiaomu's IQ, so that she would not suffer in this regard in the future.

I really can't understand why you are so persistent in the existence of those taboos.

Seeing that the fireproof girl agreed directly without showing any strange expression, Melina felt an inexplicable sense of aggrievedness welling up in her heart.

Because it means the world to me.

The fire prevention girl pulled down the map of the junction to a flat surface. Her reason was simple.

The First Fire brought everything that is now Lothrik. It is difficult for all fire beings to survive without the First Fire. Moreover, the development of Lothrik is also accompanied by a large consumption of the power of the First Fire.

Losric, the representative of the Fire Prevention Women's Office, has been committed to making the First Fire last forever, and also pays attention to the powerful existences in various worlds.

The more typical ones are Eamon from Renault's side, the God of the Void Realm from Baidu Soy Milk, etc...

The more powerful, long-lasting, and the deeper the connection with the world, the greater the possibility of helping the First Fire. Moreover, even if this type of existence has no additional effect in the end, its powerful soul is still the best. fuel.

There may be one on your face right now, and it's impossible not to pay attention to it.

I hope that supreme will can bring me other gains...but I have to get through this hurdle first.

The fireproof girl looked at the map where she and others were, and gradually the relaxed expression on her face faded.

Ashes, notify the Knights.


Ashes looked away from Melina, while sighing at the simplicity of the people in the border area, he took out the communication.

The team stationed at the junction will arrive soon, but facing Greg, the fireproof girl has other plans.

Golden King Greg, unlike many demigods who participated in the Shattered War, he was not born from the Eternal Queen Malika, but a descendant of her. The golden bloodline he lives in is also thinner, so the power he possesses is also The weakest of all the demigods.

These are Melina's exact words.

The older it is, the closer it is to the first generation, the stronger it is. This fireproof girl understands that it is a common problem in most magical worlds, the newer ones are not as good as the old ones.

For example, the fireproof girl herself, if she hadn't carried the first fire to increase her upper limit, she would have been average in the third generation of gods. As the eldest son of Gwen, Wuming could hang her up and whip her with one hand.

Because the opponent is really too weak, the fire-proof girl thinks that this matter is suitable for the little guys to practice, and they happen to have to fight a tough battle over there.


As the fire prevention girl gradually arranged everything, Melina grabbed the fire prevention girl's clothes and looked very uneasy about everything she planned to do.

How confident do you think you are?

Don't know...but gotta try.

The fireproof girl has never seen what the so-called supreme will is like, but she finally has such a chance to reach the bottom of a superior existence, and she doesn't want to give up easily.

What if it fails?

There was worry in Melina's eyes. The reckoning of the Supreme Will was not something that only God could bear. In front of Him, gods and humans were like ants.

If it fails, ah, failure is not the result I want.

Thinking of this, the fireproof girl tapped her blindfold pretending to be distressed. Failure will always be accompanied by the price that will be paid for it.

You must be cautious in doing things. This is the purpose of the fire prevention woman. If you really want to have the idea of ​​​​the supreme will, you must think about it in the long term.

So the fire prevention girl naturally thought about how to run away after the car overturned. She knew Melina's worries. When the time came, it would be easy for her to run away, but it was not easy to run in this border area.

But don't worry, if it fails, I won't abandon the junction.

Chapter 218 Fireproof Girl: Xiao Ge, just prepare to be an experienced baby!


Melina made no attempt to conceal her suspicion of the Fireproof Woman.

of course it's true.

He rolled his eyes at Melina. Although it was impossible for Xiaomu to see it, the posture displayed by the fire-proof girl undoubtedly felt that the girl was doubting her character and also doubting her IQ.

You are indeed very powerful, probably no less powerful than the Eternal Queen, but -

Melina pursed her thin lips, and her tone was low when she saw the fireproof girl's vow.

Although in her eyes, the Fireproof Girl is indeed very powerful, with her own complete laws, the power of time is also very mysterious, and her combat effectiveness is also very strong.

But if that's all it takes, fighting against the Supreme Will is undoubtedly a foolish dream.

Although Melina has forgotten many memories, her intuition tells her that what the fireproof girl has shown now is not enough to overturn the Supreme Will.

I don't know why you are so confident and calm, but I hope you can try to explore and understand those deeply buried secrets. The more you understand, the more awed you will be. I hope you can make a decision by then.

Well, before that, I will fulfill my promise, rebuild the broken order in this border area, and put the suffering lives out of the sea of ​​misery.

Melina's response was a rather formal answer from the fire prevention girl.

No matter how arrogant she is, she will not go ahead without any understanding and coerce the people in the border area to gamble their lives with her.

Nowadays, the fire prevention girl just finds a supreme will and is interested in investigating. If she really can't beat her, why bother to fight her?

If you can communicate, just communicate. If you can't communicate and you can't win, just use the borderline to smooth it out.

She's not an idiot.

And she wasn't in a hurry.

I am not short of time. I have enough patience to explore the junction and achieve what I want. Whether it is ten years, a hundred years, or a thousand years, I can eventually wait until a seed germinates, blooms, and bears fruit.

In the final analysis, all that needs to be done now is to settle the border area, recast the magic circle, and then investigate the secrets buried under this land.

Melina was stunned for a moment, but she felt that the fire prevention girl was right. She was too anxious.

Then I will witness the glory or destruction of this land.

She should also find an opportunity to find the forbidden power in her memory.

Without great power, and the current junction, one can only hope that the fire-proof woman will not go too far.

Melina carefully glanced at the fireproof girl who was contacting her companions, and sighed at the fact that she had been teased along the way.

Although I don't really care about whether I am strong or not, in many cases, strong power is also necessary.


The golden giant tree stood tall on the earth, but its glow was replaced by a warmer light. The deep dark clouds in the sky faded away, revealing its original colors.

Hurry up, Xiaota.

Sprint, get close, then slash, dodge. While attacking, you must also pay attention to dodge, maintain balance, and remember to modify your attack trajectory at any time, otherwise your arm will be removed.

Outside the Faros Fortress is a huge square. A double dragon flag made of miracles stands in the center of the training ground surrounded by white marble. If you look closely, you will see that one flying dragon after another is living inside the huge cavity.

If you look more carefully, you can still see the Lothric knights in armor accompanying them.

This is the dragon training ground, and the dragon knights stationed here are one of Lothric's strongest military forces.

At this moment, they were accompanying their partners, enjoying a long-awaited rest. While wiping the dragon scales with blessed holy water, they focused their attention on the two people who were sparring in the center of the square.


As the lance thrust forward, Tallulah had no time to put away her sword to resist, and the arm that was hit immediately shattered into scattered Originium fragments.

This long-lasting battle also came to an end.

This performance was not perfect enough.

Raising her hand to catch the falling sword, Bianca stepped forward and pulled up Tallulah, who was slowly recovering.

Why don't you imitate instructor Fu Hua in speaking?

Picking up the arm that fell to the ground, Tallulah was speechless for a while. These words once awakened her tragic memory when she was taught by Fu Hua.

Because it is indeed not perfect, and a hearty battle should not end like this.

The spear was inserted into the ground casually, adding a deep scar to the already riddled one. Bianca didn't look very happy.

What's wrong with you? Why were you distracted just now?

Sister Su'er contacted me and said that there was a war that needed to be handed over to me.

Reaching out to take her weapon, Talulah replied: She encountered an existence that was judged as a hostile force here and needed to send troops to conquer it. This army needs a commander. Sister Su'er asked me if I felt... interest.

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