But is it necessary?

The purpose of the fire-prevention woman is only to destroy Greg for the sake of the Great Rune. Then a successor will naturally step forward. For these people under the golden rule, she seems to have no reason or obligation to spend time ruling them.

Just let Ember and the Faded One infiltrate the palace, kill Greak, and then leave with his Big Rune.

Fireproof girl.

For no reason, Melina, who was in a daze by the window, spoke up.

Chapter 215 Melina hopes that the fireproof girl can become the King of Elden

Do you still have an army?

Melina looked surprised. The person in front of her seemed to be quite different from the contenders in past history.

Of course.

So, is there still a force standing behind you?

To be precise, it's a world, my world.

That's really, really good.

Melina seemed to be relieved, and then asked tentatively: I wonder if you can allow me to go to your country to see it?

Of course, Lothric welcomes any visitors with good intentions, etc.-

The fireproof girl was a little confused at first as to why Melina would care about this, but then she realized what she was doing.

You seem to have misunderstood something, Melina.

The fireproof girl had a weird look on her face and waved her hand, interrupting Melina's unsaid words.

My purpose is just for the Great Rune. At best, it is just to repair the Elden Ring and return the borderland to its original order. I have no interest in becoming the king or god of the borderland.

She still has her own people to take care of, and her original intention of interfering in the affairs of the border area is also for her own world. Moreover, she has little demand for so-called land. Rodland itself is large enough, and as long as the First Fire drives away Chaos, it can carry the entire world. The ancient trees in Rhodeland will fill up a new piece of land.

There is no need for her to covet the land at the junction. It is just a transaction with Galede. After all, they are so devastated that they can’t get anything else out of them. Residents under the Golden Law or other laws have nothing to do with her. .

Strictly speaking, the fire girl didn't want to expend too much energy on the border area.

……is that so.

Is it really a wayward way of saying that you choose to collect big runes but are unwilling to let yourself become the King of Elden?

Melina opened her mouth, but in the end she did not choose to explain to the fire-proof woman the meaning of collecting all the fragments of the French ring, because this was not restrictive for a truly strong person.

Power is the reason for being a king, and the reason for being a king will also change with strong power.

Do you know how long it has been since the ring was broken?

After considering her words, Melina chose to change the direction and continued to persuade.

It must have been a long time, at least I think there are almost ruins along the way.

Regarding the history of the border area, the fireproof girl still knew something about it. It had been tens or even hundreds of years since the end of the Shattered War.

Yeah, it's been a long time, so long that the town has turned into ruins, moss has eaten away at the walls, and roots have broken through the stone bricks.

Having said this, she sighed and looked at the golden tree in the distance.

It's been so long that the powerful have become tired of living, and they pursue the dragon's flames in order to end their cursed eternal life.

The birth of new life under the blessing of gold has become increasingly difficult over time. Nowadays, more of the people wandering and passing through the streets of cities and towns are unintelligent squirrels and goats.

She reached out and touched the edge of the window. The area not illuminated by the light was still covered with thick dust. Melina turned her gaze toward the window.

Demented soldiers, short dwarfs, dignitaries and slaves were wandering on the dilapidated streets. The originally hierarchical golden people had reached a strange equality at this moment.

The war, a war that has lasted for decades, has devastated this land into chaos.

Melina's words made the fire-prevention woman's eyes sink deeply into the city of Stonewell, which was as disgraced as Lothrik back then.

The apocalyptic era is not far away from now, and it is still firmly engraved in the hearts of every Lothric resident, so they cherish their current life even more.

Of course, the junction is much better than Rodlan, where the fire was extinguished at first. At least the land has not become barren. The golden trees supporting the junction are still standing, emitting their own light and heat. Everything has not reached the most desperate state yet. when.

But this cannot cover up the horrific traces left by the war. The war has spawned countless tragedies, making people and people, life and life directly hate each other. The long-lasting ancient hatred makes the creatures here still remain even after entering the grave. They are fighting each other pointlessly.

What on earth are you trying to say? It is true that I sympathize with the plight of the residents of the border area. They are being dragged into one war after another by powerful demigods, but...

What does that have to do with me? When continuity is restored, this land that still retains vitality will naturally compete for her king again.

Even if the Dharma Ring is repaired, there will be more wars in the future. In the distant past, the Golden Tree defeated many extensions and won the crown of ruling the border area. Later, the Dharma Ring was broken, and the fragmented war lasted for decades. and the chaos caused by the large number of recalled faders.”

Melina tells about the past that happened at the junction.

Except for the brief period when the ancient dragon and the golden tree ruled, this land has never been peaceful. The existence of heaven will not let this land be peaceful unless she welcomes a true master.

Heaven, I heard more than one person say that heaven exists.

The fireproof girl stood beside Melina and looked at the sky. Whether it was Lance Sanks or Latarn, until now Melina, they had kept secret about the existence of the sky.

That is the supreme will. He controls the flow of history in the border area. Perhaps your arrival is because of his guidance.

Speaking of this, Melina sighed. The supreme will is invisible and intangible, but unfortunately, all the creatures in the border area are affected by it. The stronger the strength, the stronger this feeling becomes.

That's the only thing that's impossible.

The fireproof girl shook her head. She knew her own affairs, and the chat group was not suitable for casual exposure.

If that's the case, that would be great.

The man above is not a peaceful guy. He seems to treat this land like a colosseum and play with it wantonly. However, there is nothing that can be done about him. Although Melina remains suspicious of this, she still follows the fire prevention woman. The words continued, after all, she was the one asking for help now.

I don't understand, as a creature from the border area, why do you think so highly of me, um - an outsider?

The fireproof girl spread her hands. She didn't understand why Melina was so insistent on letting her become the King of Elden. She just wanted to collect the Ring of Elden.

We've only known each other for less than two days.

To be fair, I hope from the bottom of my heart that you, who can recast the Ring of Elden, can become the king of the junction.

You have power that can compete with the Golden Law, or even surpass Him. You have an army, and you even have a country under your rule, and -

Melina looked at the fire girl.

Two days are enough for people to clearly see the characteristics of a person, not to mention that the fireproof woman does not hide it at all.

Chapter 216: Fireproof Girl: It’s very difficult for me to be the king without giving any benefits.

What kind of person is the Fireproof Girl?

Melina only followed the fire-prevention woman for less than two days, and she deeply felt that the existence of the fire-prevention woman was very different from those superior gods.

The personality of the Golden Lord can be glimpsed from Greg.

Greg claims to be a bloodline of the Golden Clan, believes that he is the representative of the Golden Clan's legitimacy, and believes that he will one day be able to return to the foot of the Golden Tree.

He fled all the way to Fengsha Castle, bound by the ancient contract, and put on the armor of the exiled soldiers for the soldiers of Fengsha Castle. He huddled in the palace and studied the evil ritual of limb grafting with his cronies, hoping to one day be able to board the Luosha Castle. The dream of King Del is stupid and absurd.

In you, I don't see the same contempt for life as many demigods.

What Melina said was not to deny the noble qualities of the demigods themselves, but their origins and their races destined that they born in this environment would not be like the fire-proof girls.

Humans plant trees, cut them down and use the wood to build houses. Human beings never think about what a tree is, they just chop it down when they need the wood.

Most of the protoss are like this. They regard the species in the border area as trees. In their view, life is a consumable to achieve their own goals. This is contempt.

But the Fire Guard Girl is different. This god is a bit weird. She cares about wood, which is similar to the fallen Kaliya Dynasty.

Let’s not say whether the wood will be cut down in the end, but with such a character, at least it can make the wood grow well.

I just thought you were complimenting me.

Regarding Melina's explanation, the fireproof girl was still a little self-conscious. To be honest, she was the outlier.

The gods and humans themselves are not the same species. The gods have a long lifespan and powerful power. How cruel and merciful the humans under the rule can resist. Life and death are all matters between the gods.

Most of the series of tragedies in Lothric stem from the farce between the Gods and other powerful races, and the worst ones are the people living at the bottom of each country.

The most typical example is the king of the dwarves. These unlucky guys have been kicked out of the upper echelon by Gwen from the beginning. If there were no fire prevention women, they might have to be harvested as pigs in the end, either thrown into the furnace by the fire transmission mechanism, or It is used as a paint to reshape the world in the painting.

Fireproof Girl has a certain tolerance for species with intelligent personalities. It is difficult to copy a personality like hers. After all, the races are different. Unless they grow up in overlapping environments, it will be difficult to understand each other.

As far as a god is concerned, the fireproof girl is willing to build a harmonious and beautiful big family of multiple races. What's so good about fighting and killing? It would be better to give full play to her own advantages, actively cooperate and work together, and be committed to building a better life together.

However, the fireproof girl will not be swayed by Melina's compliments. Although Melina is indeed a beautiful girl, she is also one herself.

The junction was obviously a mess, and she just wanted to get some benefits from it, and didn't want to get stuck in it herself.

It is true that I sympathize with what happened in the border area. On this land, I seem to see the dying hometown of the past. But, Melina, there is still a country standing behind me.

The fire prevention girl curled her lips and looked at Xiaomu. What she wanted to express was very intuitive.

From a personal point of view, she sympathizes with the suffering of all sentient beings in the border area. If she has the ability, she will definitely be willing to help.

But at the same time, she is also the main god of Lothric and must be responsible for her people. The border is not as simple as it seems on the surface, and there are many people who have the ability to harm her.

Not long after the passage connecting the world was opened, the exploration team heading to the depths of the Dragon Tomb encountered an extremely difficult flame.

That kind of flame can suppress the immortality given to the people of Lothric by the fire-proof woman. Even the miracle of sunlight has a negligible effect. The trauma caused seems to be immersed in the body and carved into the bone marrow at the moment of contamination. Can rely on conventional medical treatment to recover.

Also in Galede, the team that went to rescue Millicent observed a bird made of a skeleton, surrounded by this cold spiritual fire. If it were not for the quick reaction of the accompanying priest when they first met, the soul would have been stolen away. The knight has been brought back from the kingdom of death. I am afraid that this will become Lothric's first casualty since he came into contact with the other world.

To sum up, the border area is still quite dangerous. If the cost exceeds the benefits, then the fire prevention woman does not intend to get into too deep.

Although the Fireproof Girl is quite interested in those powers, the main plot now is to piece together the Elden Ring, and the rest can be slowly explored using the teleportation channel as a starting point.

Lothric is now on the rise, and there is no need to take the risk of getting involved in a war that is very likely to cause casualties.

It's none of her business that the border has become like this. Thank God that she is willing to join the group of people at the border of Elden's Ring. As for ruling the border, to be honest, it is causing trouble for herself.

What's at the junction?

The order has collapsed, the forces of all parties are mixed, and there are only three fire-preventing women who are related to light and flames. The social structure itself is still in the Middle Ages, and there are no unique technologies. Except for the Elden Ring and the Golden Tree, the rest Not very attractive to fireproof girls.

What level is Lothric now?

The society is stable, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and there is no racial discrimination. The social model that combines miracles, magic, and technology is highly developed. The order maintained by the gods as a force is extremely stable. The productivity is theoretically unlimited with the blessing of time magic. Every life has its own You can receive the best education from the moment you are born and live the life you want.

Maintaining the world is what the fireproof girl, as the ruler, needs to worry about. The greatest reward that Rodlan's life can give her is to live well.

Although it has extended to a series of extreme personal worship, as a fire-proof girl from the God Clan, she does not have to worry about this. She can just let them worship her to their heart's content. She can go to the fire ceremony in person at the beginning of the year anyway.

As you said, the borderland does need a king, but what can you, or this land, give me to make me willing to become their king?

To put it arrogantly, the fireproof girl thinks that her country can make people beg to be her subjects.

Now that she has the necessary stronghold, she is in no mood to interfere in the battle for the throne in the border area.

The people support her, the knights praise her, and the priesthood serves her, so the firebender will not do anything that is not good for Lothric, otherwise it will be unfair to her people.

The flame was burning in the glazed chandelier, emitting a soft light. The fire prevention girl looked at Melina with interest.

There is another thing in the junction that has been attracting her soul, but she has no clue about it, so she threw it away. However, if there are clues to that existence, the fireproof woman can choose to let Losric pull the junction. .

After all, if we want to achieve that level, a stable rear is completely better than the current chaotic state.

The fireproof girl is looking forward to seeing if this mysterious girl can come up with something that attracts her.

...Are you interested in the Supreme Will?

Melina blinked.


The fireproof girl was noncommittal and wanted to see what else the girl was hiding.

That is an existence we cannot touch, Gwen'Thul.

Melina called out the fireproof girl's real name, her face serious.

He stands high above the stars, and the border is His chessboard. Even the gods are His chess pieces. The stars are extensions of His hands. The battle between the gods is just a drama. He even has the right to smash this chessboard.

There were ancient civilizations that chose to resist, but now, they are all buried deep underground.

Melina didn't want to cause more trouble. Although her memory was incomplete, her fear of the Supreme Will was deeply engraved in her instincts.

Oh, so He does exist?

Xiaomu is still too young, so he can say whatever he asks.

And has any civilization ever touched Him?

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